Re: [JDEV] Lack of Communication

2001-11-27 Thread David Sutton


  I personally think this is a great idea, and an almost vital part of
moving things forwards. Its bad enough as it is coming up with ideas and
then having to hunt over the web to find out if someone else is already
doing it. Of course, this is dependant on people keeping the data up to
date and using it, but I would definatly use it and urge anyone else to
do the same. I await the docs eagerly :)

David Sutton

On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 16:55, Thomas Muldowney wrote:
 Hey all, I've been busy working on some of my ideas, but I've suddenly
 realized one of the major problems we have.  We lack a solid
 commuication link between users and developers.  Just based on my posts
 to the list and my jog I've gotten a few emails and msgs discussing some
 ideas, and that's absolutely wonderful, because it really was partially
 the goal.  Now where are those recorded?  Well my personal notes, but
 that only helps me.  Yes, we have this mailing list, but personally I
 really really really dislike mailing lists =)  Plus, it doesn't bridge
 in some of the conversations that are starting to pick up on msg boards
 on the website, as well as lacking an easy interface (damn me for not
 keeping the NNTP interface up).  So do I have a proposed solution?  Why
 yes, yes I do!  It's an old idea that we like to call JabberForge (yes,
 it is ripped from SourceForge).  The idea is an integration of all the
 tools developers need, plus an interface to allow users to come and
 interact with the project.  To take it a step further the whole system
 would highly integrate with Jabber (duh!).  I'm working on a doc
 outlining the system now, and construction will begin soon, so I'm
 looking for input and ideas for the system asap.  Just post any thoughts
 as a reply here and I'll get them on the list for eventual inclusion.

jdev mailing list

[JDEV] RE:JabberForge

2001-11-27 Thread Wayne Sheppard

That's a fantastic idea!! A single place to get visibility into what's
happening and an easy place to get items of interest, that's great.


Wayne Sheppard

jdev mailing list

[JDEV] RE: lack of communication

2001-11-27 Thread Gregor J. Rothfuss

hi list,

 We lack 
 a solid commuication link between users and developers. Now 
 where are those recorded?  Well my personal notes, but that 
 only helps me.  Yes, we have this mailing list, but 
 personally I really really really dislike mailing lists =)  

as a lurker on jabber activities, i can attest to that.
its hard for me to keep track of all the different initiatives
that are going on in the jabber world. plus, mailing lists
dont scale, posts are quickly forgotten once they leave your inbox,

 Plus, it doesn't bridge in some of the conversations that are 
 starting to pick up on msg boards on the website, as well as 
 lacking an easy interface (damn me for not keeping the NNTP 
 interface up).  So do I have a proposed solution?  Why yes, 
 yes I do!  It's an old idea that we like to call JabberForge 
 (yes, it is ripped from SourceForge).  The idea is an 
 integration of all the tools developers need, plus an 
 interface to allow users to come and interact with the 
 project.  To take it a step further the whole system would 
 highly integrate with Jabber (duh!).  

a weblog with newsfeeds and jabber integration would be a valuable
start. you already have some of the infrastructure in place,
so its rather more an issue of integration than of wheel reinventing.

i am strongly interested in using weblog technology to facilitate
collaboration. i work in this field in fact, both by learning
from the great knowledge management weblogs mailing list at

and by contributing to a php based weblog system, postnuke

we are facing some of the same problems within our project:

- scalability (currently 86 developers and growing rapidly)
- scope (we have about 5 major project related websites)
- user-developer gap (bug reports linger in a msg board etc)

at one time, we had more traffic on our mailing list than
linux-kernel, which told us that we have a slight problem ;)
this has led to initiatives to develop solutions along the
lines you mention, temas.

on the roadmap for our cms / weblog is xmlrpc integration.
this enables very cool stuff like the jabber-weblog integration
you did with jogger. i would be very interested to search
for common solutions / implementations.

granted i have a bias towards using our stuff with your stuff,
but on the other hand i believe this is a major win-win.
and, more importantly, any cooperation should be based on
open interfaces so that other apps (cms etc) can plug in.

hope this helps, and i look forward to your comments.

gregor j. rothfuss

project admin
PostNuke Content Management System 

Gregor J. Rothfuss | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 

jdev mailing list

[JDEV] Marvin 0.0.5 Released!

2001-11-27 Thread Thomas Parslow (PatRat)

Marvin 0.0.5 has just been released!

Marvin is a Jabber client written in the Euphoria programing language
(for more information on Euphoria take a look at It is fully skinable so that it's look
and feel can be customized (much like Winamp except the skin format is
a lot more flexible).

For more information see:

Changes for 0.0.5:
* Message History
* XML Debug Window (left alt-keypad minus)
* Gateway setup
* Auto away
* Lots more small additions and bug squishings

Feedback would be much appreciated :)

Thomas Parslow (PatRat) ICQ #:26359483
Rat Software
Please leave quoted text in place when replying

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