I've recently made patches in a few projects so they output logfiles in
JSON CEE format.  Structured logging like this makes it slightly easier
to load into databases.  At the same time, I had a close look at the
timestamp conventions to make sure that the log entries from different
processes will appear in the correct order when merged into a single

I've been able to load them into OpenSearch and view them in the
OpenSearch Dashboard.

To load the logs, I tried three approaches:
- rsyslog: this appears troublesome, it tries to escape the JSON twice,
- curl: POST a log file, this is quite trivial and it works,
- logstash: file input to elasticsearch output,

Is anybody interested in trying this with any XMPP software or tools
that we share between different RTC ecosystems?



reSIProcate (repro SIP proxy, reTurn TURN server, ...)
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