> Can you give a specific example where INNER JOIN would give the wrong answer?
There are likely many examples over the 8 years that this query generation 
mechanism has been in place; all defaults have been set based on what was 
needed to get a reliable mechanism for the vast majority of queries (and to 
cater for JDOQL and JPQL). I don't have time to go back through old history and 
work out some. 

What you can do is get the latest SNAPSHOT of "datanucleus-rdbms" and specify 
the persistence property "datanucleus.query.jdoql.navigationJoinTypeForFilter" 
as INNERJOIN (rather than the current default of working it out based on the 
NULLability of the field). This only applies to the FILTER of the query, so the 
SELECT clause will use the current default still. You can then run the TCK like 
that and see the effect.

One I did see was a failure on org.apache.jdo.tck.query.jdoql.IfElseInFilter 
testPositive (which passes with current default join type strategy). This query 
has JDOQL of the form
SELECT FROM org.apache.jdo.tck.pc.company.Employee WHERE (IF (this.manager == 
null) this.mentor.department.deptid ELSE this.manager.department.deptid) == 
this.department.deptid ORDER BY this.personid

so likely the "IF THEN ELSE" expression in that example causing the difference.

Anyone who wants to pursue this can look at the following classes

The JDOQL query itself, look for method "compileQueryFull"

which then uses QueryToSQLMapper to convert the JDOQL compilation into an SQL 

And then kindly provide a Pull Request on GitHub that works for all situations.

DataNucleus (Web: http://www.datanucleus.org   Twitter: @datanucleus)

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