Re: Jenkins on SQLite

2022-04-03 Thread mike cirioli
This is very cool!

On Sun, Apr 3, 2022, 2:21 PM Alexander Brandes  wrote:

> That sounds impressive! Your prototype implementation looks much
> promising, thanks for dropping the link here!
> ~ Alex
> On Sunday, 3 April 2022 at 18:23:37 UTC+2 wrote:
>> I have never used H2, but I have a strong preference for SQLite. It
>> has been deployed more widely than all other database engines combined
>> and is probably one of the top five most deployed software programs of
>> all time, competing only with zlib, libpng, and libjpeg. It is very
>> high quality code and its tests have 100% branch coverage. These are
>> not small achievements. They mean it when they write: "Small. Fast.
>> Reliable. Choose any three."
>> Obviously plugins would need to be prepared in advance for such a
>> migration. With the ugly schema from my experiment, not too many
>> preparations are needed. But I suspect that adopting a nice schema
>> backed by an ORM like Hibernate would likely require many changes to
>> the serializable objects. It would be interesting to play around with
>> this, but definitely more than a day's worth of hacking.
>> I haven't thought about build logs too much, but I could see some
>> value to storing them in an SQLite database, if not as the primary
>> storage than at least in a secondary cache for full-text search.
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Re: Extension: Difference between Singleton and Describable/Descriptor pattern

2020-07-24 Thread mike cirioli
Thanks for the description Jesse, thats probably the clearest I have seen it 
explained so far :)


“What makes us unhappy is to want. Yet if we would learn to cut our wants to 
nothing, the smallest thing we’d get would be a true gift.” 
― Carlos Castaneda, Separate Reality: Conversations With Don Juan

> On Jul 24, 2020, at 8:19 AM, Jesse Glick  wrote:
> An `ExtensionPoint` is implemented by classes marked `@Extension`,
> which are singletons contributed by plugins, sometimes known as a
> service registry pattern. This is the fundamental mechanism by which
> Jenkins plugins add functionality. An admin does not configure the
> _set_ of extensions, though a particular extension may have
> configurable properties (typically as a `GlobalConfguration`).
> Extensions need not have any presence in the UI whatsoever. They are
> found via `ExtensionList`.
> A `Descriptor` is a special kind of extension which registers an
> implementation class of associated `Describable`, sometimes also
> serving as a factory. `Describable` instances are defined by an admin
> or other user via the GUI or configuration-as-code, use
> `@DataBoundConstructor` & `@DataBoundSetter`, are intended to be
> persisted using XStream, and are typically values of a property or
> elements of a list defined in turn by something else—a job property, a
> build step, a piece of global configuration, some other `Describable`,
> etc.
> I am not sure exactly which documentation you are referring to but
> perhaps it needs to be patched.
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Re: Proposal: Release Jenkins weekly on Tuesday

2020-05-18 Thread mike cirioli
I don’t have a large stake in the outcome of this decision, but it sounds like 
a pretty reasonable request to me.

-mike cirioli

> On May 18, 2020, at 1:30 PM, Mark Waite  wrote:
> The Jenkins core release automation process has released Jenkins weekly 
> versions since 2.232.  Thanks to Olivier Vernin for his work on the project!
> The most recent few weeks have run a weekly build on Monday.  The build 
> typically runs during the European working day Monday, with options to spill 
> into the U.S. working day.
> I propose that we move the weekly build to Tuesday so that I don't need to 
> prepare the weekly changelog on Sunday night.  That will allow us to continue 
> running the build during the European working day and will allow the 
> changelog to be prepared on Monday instead of Sunday.
> If Tuesday is unacceptable for some reason, I'm open to consider Wednesday as 
> release day rather than Tuesday.
> Mark Waite
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Re: Jenkins architecture

2020-02-28 Thread mike cirioli
I would even go a step further regarding plugins, the @Extension mechanism 
(on which plugins are based) is used internally quite a bit as well.

> Would you say that an external interface used by Jenkins is a link to a 
> source control management system (eg. GitHub) ?
> Another main principle in Jenkins architecture is the plugins system. Most 
> of the features are implemented by plugins, including those that interact 
> with external interfaces. For example, the interaction with maven, node, 
> git or mercurial is implemented by plugins.
> -- 
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Re: LTS baseline selection

2020-02-24 Thread mike cirioli
I am relatively new to the process of selecting a baseline candidate, but i 
would like to voice support for the v2.222 weekly.  I understand that the 
timing is quite close to the LTS selection date, but so far in my testing I 
have not encountered any issues.  Although a number of the new major 
features are currently considered "experimental", they are disabled by 
default (opt-in) and their availability in an LTS release could really 
improve the amount of feedback between now and the next LTS.

I will continue to test and validate the 2.222 weekly release this week, 
and will share any issues that I find.

my $.02


On Monday, February 24, 2020 at 4:37:49 PM UTC-5, ogondza wrote:
> The last release of 2.204 LTS line is scheduled for this Wednesday, and 
> so is the start of new LTS cycle. Let's voice the baseline candidates 
> and our concerns in advance to speed up the discussion in governance 
> meeting. 
> -- 
> oliver 

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