Re: How to fail a Maven build if unit tests fail?

2012-10-09 Thread Thomas Sundberg
On 9 October 2012 23:14, Dave  wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed the latest version of Jenkins on CentOS.  For all my Maven
> projects, I want the build to indicate failure if a single test fails.  So I
> tried editing the global MAVEN_OPTS by navigating to the configuration page
> ...
> Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System
> and under the "Maven Project Configuration" section I've set the "Global
> MAVEN_OPTS" to "-Djava.awt.headless=true -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false".
> I set the second option because I want to globally indicate that all
> projects should indicate failure if a single JUnit test fails.  However,
> after restarting Jenkins, in my multi-module project, this is not happening.
> That is, there are test failures yet the project is indicating success.
> Is there another global way I can tell Jenkins to fail a Maven project if
> there are test failures?

Setting the  MAVEN_OPTS to


is the way I have used successfully.

Can you get a smaller Maven project to fail? A single module, one test
case that just does fail()?
Maybe set it to the individual project and see what happens?
Could you remove the headless setting to see if there is any change?


Thomas Sundberg
M. Sc. in Computer Science

Mobile: +46 70 767 33 15
Twitter: @thomassundberg

Better software through faster feedback

Re: Coverity plugin: exception when adding 'Coverity' post-build action

2012-10-09 Thread khushbu sharma
M also Facing the same problem. i am working on jenkin 1.483 version with 
coverity plugin 1.1.3

[Coverity] No snapshot ID found in build log
Build step 'Coverity' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Coverity' marked build as failure
Notifying upstream projects of job completion

Error is coming.
Please help.

On Friday, 11 May 2012 22:45:04 UTC+5:30, Viktor Tarasov wrote:
> Hi, 
> I installed Coverity plugin 1.1.2 into Jenkins v1.463 and 
> normally configured an Integrity Manager Instance. 
> But receive an exception when trying to add  'coverity' post-build 
> action to free-style job. 
> On the webUI 'coverity' action appears without any parameters. 
> There are the extracts from jenkins logs: 
> 11-May-2012 18:48:00 hudson.widgets.RenderOnDemandClosure$1 
> generateResponse 
> WARNING: Failed to evaluate the template closure 
> org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyTagException: file:/var/lib/jenkins/ 
> plugins/coverity/WEB-INF/classes/jenkins/plugins/coverity/ 
> CoverityPublisher/config.jelly:133:75:  No page found 
> 'defectFilters.jelly' for class hudson.model.FreeStyleProject 
> at org.kohsuke.stapler.jelly.IncludeTag.doTag( 
> at 
> at org.kohsuke.stapler.jelly.ReallyStaticTagLibrary 
> $ 
> at org.kohsuke.stapler.jelly.ReallyStaticTagLibrary 
> $ 
> at 
> at org.kohsuke.stapler.jelly.ReallyStaticTagLibrary 
> $ 
> at 
> 11-May-2012 18:48:00 winstone.Logger logInternal 
> WARNING: Untrapped Error in Servlet 
> hudson.util.IOException2: Failed to evaluate the template closure 
> at hudson.widgets.RenderOnDemandClosure 
> $1.generateResponse( 
> at org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponseRenderer 
> $Default.handleHttpResponse( 
> at org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponseRenderer 
> $Default.generateResponse( 
> ... 
> Caused by: org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyTagException: file:/var/lib/ 
> jenkins/plugins/coverity/WEB-INF/classes/jenkins/plugins/coverity/ 
> CoverityPublisher/config.jelly:133:75:  No page found 
> 'defectFilters.jelly' for class hudson.model.FreeStyleProject 
> at org.kohsuke.stapler.jelly.IncludeTag.doTag( 
> at 
> at org.kohsuke.stapler.jelly.ReallyStaticTagLibrary 
> $ 
> at org.kohsuke.stapler.jelly.ReallyStaticTagLibrary 
> $ 
> Would be much grateful for the help. 
> (Should I put here full logs, jenkins and job config, 
> systeminfo, ... ? ) 
> Kind regards, 
> Viktor.

Re: Nullpointer in log rotator

2012-10-09 Thread Loren Keagle
Just upgraded to 1.485, and I'm seeing the same issue, but a slightly 
different stack trace:

Oct 09, 2012 5:59:39 PM hudson.model.Executor run
SEVERE: Executor threw an exception
at hudson.tasks.LogRotator.perform(
at hudson.model.Job.logRotate(
at hudson.model.Run.execute(
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(

Oct 09, 2012 5:59:38 PM hudson.model.Run execute
INFO: common-cndomain-3.13.5 #1235 main build action completed: FAILURE

Oct 09, 2012 5:58:43 PM hudson.model.Executor run
SEVERE: Executor threw an exception
at hudson.tasks.LogRotator.perform(
at hudson.model.Job.logRotate(
at hudson.model.Run.execute(
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(

Oct 09, 2012 5:58:43 PM hudson.model.Run execute
INFO: fax-trunk6 #87 main build action completed: SUCCESS

Oct 09, 2012 5:58:14 PM hudson.model.Executor run
SEVERE: Executor threw an exception
at hudson.tasks.LogRotator.perform(
at hudson.model.Job.logRotate(
at hudson.model.Run.execute(
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(


I see the same output on just about every single one of our builds.  I also 
see other exceptions in the log, but I don't know if they're related:

Oct 09, 2012 5:50:55 PM hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger$Runner run
INFO: SCM changes detected in nexus-3.13.3. Triggering  #936

Oct 09, 2012 5:50:55 PM hudson.model.RunMap retrieve
WARNING: could not load E:\Jenkins\jobs\nexus-3.13.3\builds\934
hudson.util.IOException2: Invalid directory name 
at hudson.model.Run.parseTimestampFromBuildDir(
at hudson.model.Run.(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild.(
at hudson.model.Build.(
at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor52.newInstance(Unknown 
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown 
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at hudson.model.AbstractProject.loadBuild(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject$1.create(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject$1.create(
at hudson.model.RunMap.retrieve(
at hudson.model.RunMap.retrieve(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject.getLastBuild(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject.poll(
at hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger$Runner.runPolling(
at hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger$
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
Caused by: java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "934"
at java.text.DateFormat.parse(Unknown Source)
at hudson.model.Run.parseTimestampFromBuildDir(
... 29 more

I see that in addition to the timestamped folders in the /builds directory, 
there are also links with the revision number.  i.e.:

14 <-link
15 <-link
2012-10-09_16-25-28 <- dir
2012-10-09_16-44-19 <- dir

parseTimestampFromBuildDir seems to be trying to read the li

How to fail a Maven build if unit tests fail?

2012-10-09 Thread Dave


I just installed the latest version of Jenkins on CentOS.  For all my Maven 
projects, I want the build to indicate failure if a single test fails.  So 
I tried editing the global MAVEN_OPTS by navigating to the configuration 
page ...

Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System

and under the "Maven Project Configuration" section I've set the "Global 
MAVEN_OPTS" to "-Djava.awt.headless=true 
-Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false".  I set the second option because I want 
to globally indicate that all projects should indicate failure if a single 
JUnit test fails.  However, after restarting Jenkins, in my multi-module 
project, this is not happening.  That is, there are test failures yet the 
project is indicating success.

Is there another global way I can tell Jenkins to fail a Maven project if 
there are test failures?

Thanks, - Dave

Oracle SOA OSB Validates WSDL - Jenkins Doesn't

2012-10-09 Thread johnaparker
We've been doing Oracle SOA Orchestration and OSB Proxy deployments for a 
while without issue. 

Because Proxies are actually developed on our dev server, they're not 
deployed until ready for our test environment. Today when we attempted to 
deploy a package that had validated and run fine on our dev platform to our 
test environment we got numerous WSDL (see WSDL at bottom) and dependent 
file complaints similar to the following.

This particular WSDL is different than I've dealt with in the past and I'm 
not sure if I need to do anything special in Jenkins to provide for 
multiple validation options?


Thanks in advance!




[Critical] Resources with validation errors

 [wlst]1 - WSDL 
financial/WorkdayFileHandler/proxy/retrieveWorkdayLabor_file CannotCommit

 [wlst]+ CannotCommit The document is not a 
definitions@ document element mismatch got 
wsdlEntry@ Text Location: Line = 2 
Column = 1 Start Char = -1 End Char = -1

 [wlst]2 - WSDL financial/WorkdayFileHandler/adapters/writeWorkdayLabor 

 [wlst]+ CannotCommit The document is not a 
definitions@ document element mismatch got 
wsdlEntry@ Text Location: Line = 2 
Column = 1 Start Char = -1 End Char = -1

 [wlst]3 - JCA 
financial/LaborLevel/Workday/adapters/PsLaborLevelDeleteAll_db CannotCommit

 [wlst]+ CannotCommit Element 
jcaEntry@ is not a valid 
document or a valid substitution. null

 [wlst]4 - JCA 
financial/WorkdayFileHandler/adapters/retrieveWorkdayLabor_file CannotCommit

 [wlst]+ CannotCommit Element 
jcaEntry@ is not a valid 
document or a valid substitution. null



The WSDL itself is:";>";>

Blogged: How to Run RSpec Test Suites in Parallel with JenkinsCI Build Flow

2012-10-09 Thread Daniel Doubrovkine

Your suggestions on how we can improve this much welcome!


dB. | Moscow - Geneva - Seattle - New York  -

GUI Tests with Xvfb plugin questions

2012-10-09 Thread Marcelo Ruiz
Hi All!
I am using Jenkins to run GUI Tests in a Java SE project with the Xvfb 
I would like to know how to set Xvfb window manager in the options line. 
I've seen examples here and there but all of them are made through the 
terminal (in several lines).
Also, is there any way to run all of those visual tests in parallel 
creating a new Xvfb screen for each of them?
Sorry if these questions are trivial, I am really new to CI!

Re: Nullpointer in log rotator

2012-10-09 Thread Larry Shatzer, Jr.
I forgot to mention, this was during a m2-release build.

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Larry Shatzer, Jr. wrote:

> I saw a few of these during startup, and now when a job ran, I saw this:
> (Using latest jenkins 1.485)
> 12:40:04 Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data
> 12:40:04 ERROR: Processing failed due to a bug in the code. Please report
> this to
> 12:40:04 java.lang.NullPointerException
> 12:40:04 at hudson.tasks.LogRotator.perform(
> 12:40:04 at hudson.model.Job.logRotate(
> 12:40:04 at hudson.model.Run.execute(
> 12:40:04 at hudson.maven.MavenBuild.access$600(
> 12:40:04 at hudson.maven.MavenBuild$ProxyImpl2.close(
> 12:40:04 at
> hudson.maven.AbstractMavenBuilder.end(
> 12:40:04 at
> hudson.maven.MavenModuleSetBuild$MavenModuleSetBuildExecution.doRun(
> 12:40:04 at
> hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
> 12:40:04 at hudson.model.Run.execute(
> 12:40:04 at
> 12:40:04 at
> hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
> 12:40:04 at
> 12:40:04 project=hudson.maven.MavenModuleSet@7aa9ec03
> []
> 12:40:04 
> project.getModules()=[hudson.maven.MavenModule@394ed452[][][relativePath:client],
> hudson.maven.MavenModule@4d1aaeee[][][relativePath:interfaces],
> hudson.maven.MavenModule@66d7ba5b[][][relativePath:services],
> hudson.maven.MavenModule@21d8ee20
> [][][relativePath:]]
> 12:40:04 project.getRootModule()=hudson.maven.MavenModule@21d8ee20
> [][][relativePath:]
> 12:40:04 FATAL: null
> 12:40:04 java.lang.NullPointerException
> 12:40:04 at hudson.tasks.LogRotator.perform(
> 12:40:04 at hudson.model.Job.logRotate(
> 12:40:04 at hudson.model.Run.execute(
> 12:40:04 at hudson.maven.MavenBuild.access$600(
> 12:40:04 at hudson.maven.MavenBuild$ProxyImpl2.close(
> 12:40:04 at
> hudson.maven.AbstractMavenBuilder.end(
> 12:40:04 at
> hudson.maven.MavenModuleSetBuild$MavenModuleSetBuildExecution.doRun(
> 12:40:04 at
> hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
> 12:40:04 at hudson.model.Run.execute(
> 12:40:04 at
> 12:40:04 at
> hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
> 12:40:04 at

Nullpointer in log rotator

2012-10-09 Thread Larry Shatzer, Jr.
I saw a few of these during startup, and now when a job ran, I saw this:
(Using latest jenkins 1.485)

12:40:04 Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data
12:40:04 ERROR: Processing failed due to a bug in the code. Please report
this to
12:40:04 java.lang.NullPointerException
12:40:04 at hudson.tasks.LogRotator.perform(
12:40:04 at hudson.model.Job.logRotate(
12:40:04 at hudson.model.Run.execute(
12:40:04 at hudson.maven.MavenBuild.access$600(
12:40:04 at hudson.maven.MavenBuild$ProxyImpl2.close(
12:40:04 at
12:40:04 at
12:40:04 at
12:40:04 at hudson.model.Run.execute(
12:40:04 at
12:40:04 at
12:40:04 at
12:40:04 project=hudson.maven.MavenModuleSet@7aa9ec03
12:40:04 project.getRootModule()=hudson.maven.MavenModule@21d8ee20
12:40:04 FATAL: null
12:40:04 java.lang.NullPointerException
12:40:04 at hudson.tasks.LogRotator.perform(
12:40:04 at hudson.model.Job.logRotate(
12:40:04 at hudson.model.Run.execute(
12:40:04 at hudson.maven.MavenBuild.access$600(
12:40:04 at hudson.maven.MavenBuild$ProxyImpl2.close(
12:40:04 at
12:40:04 at
12:40:04 at
12:40:04 at hudson.model.Run.execute(
12:40:04 at
12:40:04 at
12:40:04 at

Re: How to handle project dependencies?

2012-10-09 Thread Deeps
I'm a beginner so just putting my opinion out there. You could use a single 
job if all the code repository is the same. This way you won't have to move 
artifacts around much.


Whichever projects are directly interdependent (those that require the 
other's binarys) - combine them in one job, keep the rest in separate jobs 
and use something like buildresulttrigger plugin or x-trigger plugin to 
set appropriate dependencies.

On Monday, 8 October 2012 12:03:32 UTC+5:30, Kenneth wrote:
> I'm trying to setup jenkins to monitor a solution with C++ and C# in 
> multiple solutions, but in one repository.
> (VS 2005 and .NET 2.0)
> How should I configure jenkins to build and test it?
> my suggested alternatives are:
> a) one job for each solution? - rather large jobs
> b) one job for each project? - many jobs. How do I handle the project 
> interdependencies?
> I've been looking at this for quite a while...
> I prefer b, but have been stuck on msbuild v.2.n and cannot figure out how 
> to handle references between projects..
> (There must be someone outthere that know how to build 2 c# projects with 
> jenkins, one that uses the other)
> thanks.

How to build, Mutually dependent commits from different Git repositories on Jenkins

2012-10-09 Thread Albin Joy
Dear All,

I am facing one problem,
I have two git repositories which are dependent each other. I have done two
git commits on those repositories and the commits are mutually dependent.
When I do repo upload for the two git commits, it creates, two changes in
gerrit and scheduled two builds in Jenkins.
Those two builds got failed since it is mutually dependent. I don't know
how to make those builds to success in this case.

This is a common scenario. I hope there will be some solution for this.
Those who are familiar with this, please give me a solution. that will be
helpful for me...
Thanks &Regards
Albin Joy

misleading/wrong python info on "api" pages

2012-10-09 Thread Noam Tamim
On these pages:

The instructions for using Python say:

> Access the same data as Python for Python clients. This can be parsed into 
> Python object as eval(urllib.urlopen("...").read()) and the resulting 
> object tree is identical to that of JSON. However, when you do this, beware 
> of the security implication. If you are connecting to a non-trusted 
> Jenkins, the server can send you malicious Python programs. 
> In Python 2.6 or later you can safely parse this output using 
> ast.literal_eval(urllib.urlopen("...").read())
Actually, in Python 2.6 or later, the best way for reading these responses 
is to use the regular JSON API, and use the (new in 2.6) json module to 
read them:
Not only does this make more sense -- it's also faster (in my test with the 
above URL, about 5 times faster).

So -- the Python-specific API is only for those who use Python <2.6 and 
don't care about security (if they do care, there are 3rd party JSON 


RE: Performance problems on Jenkins master(very long minor gc with stop-the-world)

2012-10-09 Thread Mandeville, Rob
You can attack this one of two ways: either playing with how Java does GC, and 
how much G you have to C.  I’ll let someone smarter than I guide you on how to 
keep GC from stopping the world, but I think that the basic problem is that 
you’ve got a 100 GB heap.

How many old job runs are you keeping?  Jenkins keeps data (modulo build logs 
and artifacts) on every run it remembers, and it keeps it in memory.  In our 
shop, we only keep build results on Jenkins for a week or so, and part of the 
build process is to persist the results to an RDBMS for long-term history.  If 
your builds aren’t set to “Discard Old Builds”, that’s your problem.  With an 
installation that size, you can’t afford to keep records going back forever in 
Jenkins itself.

If the problem is too many old builds, you’ll need to set your jobs to discard 
old builds, and then probably reboot it (it won’t immediately “forget” old 
runs).  Somebody around here should remember some Groovy magic that will allow 
you to “forget” old builds after you set the discard rule and without rebooting 
the server.

If your system is so complex that you need a 100 GB heap and you need better 
control over the JVM, remember (if you’re not doing it already) that you can 
run Jenkins as its own server, so you’re not beholden to Tomcat, JBoss, or 
whatever app server you’re running.  If it matters, my installation has 100+ 
nodes, 200+ jobs, and 1000-2000 build runs recorded at any given time, and we 
run in 4 GB running it as its own server with no problem.


[] On Behalf Of icarusnine
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 5:53 AM
Subject: Performance problems on Jenkins master(very long minor gc with 


We have a very large Jenkins set up that includes on master node with 100+ 
slaves and 1000+ jobs.
We have reasons for keeping just a single master node so it isn't possible 
split our Hudson master.

Now, we are experiencing performance problems(minor gc happens frequently and 
it is performed over 1~2 minutes and it made stop-the-world.)
However, full gc is performed within 20~30 seconds.
Our heap size is over 100G so it is hard to generate and analysis heap dump.

Does anyone have any experience with very large Hudson installations like this?
Is there any advice for tuning or recommendations for this issue?

Also, please do let me know if there is any other data that I can provide that 
would help with analysis.
Thanks for any help you can provide.

Jenkins info

Core ver : 1.424.6
WAS : weblogic 10.3.2
JAVA : jdk1.6.0.34
-Xms180g -Xmx180g -XX:NewSize=140g -XX:MaxNewSize=140g -XX:PermSize=1024m 
-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -verbosegc 
-Xloggc:app_gc.log -XX:+PrintGCDetails
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Djava.awt.headless=true

Server spec

CPU : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 2.90GHz * 4 (32 core)
RAM : 256GB

Gc log

60286.042: [GC [PSYoungGen: 8655292K->8714K(40587584K)] 
25909185K->17262608K(208359744K), 0.0248360 secs] [Times: user=0.38 sys=0.01, 
real=0.03 secs]
60286.067: [Full GC (System) [PSYoungGen: 8714K->0K(40587584K)] [ParOldGen: 
17253893K->17228395K(167772160K)] 17262608K->17228395K(208359744K) [PSPermGen: 
194622K->194622K(2097152K)], 1.8638320 secs] [Times: user=33.26 sys=0.23, 
real=1.86 secs]
60748.860: [GC [PSYoungGen: 39173056K->532623K(40528512K)] 
56401451K->17761019K(208300672K), 0.0837520 secs] [Times: user=1.19 sys=0.00, 
real=0.08 secs]
61243.483: [GC [PSYoungGen: 39705679K->29759K(40658432K)] 
56934075K->17272524K(208430592K), 0.0558890 secs] [Times: user=0.49 sys=0.00, 
real=0.05 secs]
61805.663: [GC [PSYoungGen: 39346943K->28331K(40601792K)] 
56589708K->17275705K(208373952K), 0.0544110 secs] [Times: user=0.49 sys=0.01, 
real=0.06 secs]
62383.664: [GC [PSYoungGen: 39345515K->33640K(40776640K)] 
56592889K->17284373K(208548800K), 0.0592330 secs] [Times: user=0.49 sys=0.00, 
real=0.06 secs]
85842.953: [GC [PSYoungGen: 38973565K->1818337K(40038592K)] 
80709421K->44276973K(207810752K), 22.0442750 secs] [Times: user=2.44 
sys=503.41, real=22.04 secs]
85976.095: [GC [PSYoungGen: 40038561K->1904445K(37126592K)] 
82497204K->46320890K(204898752K), 49.0663710 secs] [Times: user=2.88 
sys=1117.05, real=49.06 secs]
86147.499: [GC [PSYoungGen: 37126456K->1721075K(38582592K)] 
81542901K->48037517K(206354752K), 39.6267960 secs] [Times: user=2.81 
sys=904.88, real=39.62 secs]
86265.898: [GC [PSYoungGen: 36943219K->1147657K(38796608K)] 

Re: jenkins command line - Failed to authenticate with your SSH keys

2012-10-09 Thread sandy
Thank you so much. It's working fine now.

I was actually adding the path of the public key in the user's 
configuration and not the contents of the public key. 

On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 3:54:55 PM UTC+5:30, mpapo - Michaël Pailloncy 
> From what I understood, CLI authenticates the user according to the public 
> key stored in users Jenkins configuration.
> So for this to work, we need the public key corresponding to the private 
> key that you specify in the command line is specified in the configuration 
> of the corresponding user.
> In your case, you have to add the public key corresponding to 
> /home/jenkins/.ssh/ 
> in the configuration of sandy user in Jenkins.
> CLI will match the private key specified in the command line with the 
> public key specified in the user configuration, and autentificates you as 
> sandy.
> Michaël
> 2012/10/9 sandy >
>> I do not have the user 'buildfarm' on Linux, where my jenkins is running. 
>> It is user 'sandy'. It seems I'm doing something funny here. Let me give 
>> you the details:
>> Linux:
>> 1. jenkins running with user 'jenkins'.
>> 2. In people list, I have added a user 'sandy'. (this is not the system 
>> user)
>> Mac OS X:
>> ---
>> 1. this is the slave node.
>> 2. user 'buildfarm' is the system user.
>> 3. there is no user called 'sandy', or 'jenkins' here.
>> The jenkins user on the master can login to slave node using buildfarm 
>> user, passwordless.
>> On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 3:20:48 PM UTC+5:30, mpapo - Michaël 
>> Pailloncy wrote:
>>> go http://jenkins-url:8080/user/b**uildfarm/configure and add the 
>>> public key to 'SSH Public Keys'
>>> 2012/10/9 Michaël Pailloncy 
  Do you have added the public key to the config of the user buildfarm ?


 2012/10/9 sandy 

 Is it mandatory to have the 'jenkins' user on slave as well? I have it 
> only on Master. 
> But the question is why is it working through UI and not from the 
> command line? Is there anyone who can help please?
> Thanks.
> On Monday, October 8, 2012 6:25:10 PM UTC+5:30, sandy wrote:
>> Is there any difference in the authentication for UI and Command line?
>> I'm using Jenkins version 1.483.
>> On Monday, October 8, 2012 3:16:43 PM UTC+5:30, sandy wrote:
>>> I have setup Jenkins master on Linux. The service is owned by user 
>>> 'jenkins'. I added one slave node (Mac OS X) and assigned a job to it. 
>>> The 
>>> build on this slave node is run by user 'buildfarm'. I have established 
>>> passwordless ssh between master and slave for user 'jenkins', which now 
>>> can 
>>> ssh to slave using 'buildfarm' user without giving password. When I 
>>> execute 
>>> build through UI, the build is properly done.
>>> Now, I was trying to build using command line on the master. and I 
>>> see the following error:
>>> $ id
>>> uid=1006(jenkins) gid=1006(jenkins) groups=1006(jenkins)
>>> $ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ help
>>> Failed to authenticate with your SSH keys.
>>> $ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ -i 
>>> /home/jenkins/.ssh/id_dsa help
>>> Authentication failed. No private key accepted.


Logger for Dependency Graph Viewer Plugin

2012-10-09 Thread Hez

May I know what is the logger for Dependency Graph Viewer Plugin?

Unfortunately the log is empty after I have added a logger 
'hudson.plugins.depgraph_view' with log level of 'all'.
I'm expecting at least some logs that tells the plugin has been executed 
when I clicked on the 'Dependency Graph' link.

Re: jenkins command line - Failed to authenticate with your SSH keys

2012-10-09 Thread Michaël Pailloncy
>From what I understood, CLI authenticates the user according to the public
key stored in users Jenkins configuration.
So for this to work, we need the public key corresponding to the private
key that you specify in the command line is specified in the configuration
of the corresponding user.

In your case, you have to add the public key corresponding to
in the configuration of sandy user in Jenkins.
CLI will match the private key specified in the command line with the
public key specified in the user configuration, and autentificates you as


2012/10/9 sandy 

> I do not have the user 'buildfarm' on Linux, where my jenkins is running.
> It is user 'sandy'. It seems I'm doing something funny here. Let me give
> you the details:
> Linux:
> 1. jenkins running with user 'jenkins'.
> 2. In people list, I have added a user 'sandy'. (this is not the system
> user)
> Mac OS X:
> ---
> 1. this is the slave node.
> 2. user 'buildfarm' is the system user.
> 3. there is no user called 'sandy', or 'jenkins' here.
> The jenkins user on the master can login to slave node using buildfarm
> user, passwordless.
> On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 3:20:48 PM UTC+5:30, mpapo - Michaël Pailloncy
> wrote:
>> go http://jenkins-url:8080/user/b**uildfarm/configure and add the public
>> key to 'SSH Public Keys'
>> 2012/10/9 Michaël Pailloncy 
>>> Do you have added the public key to the config of the user buildfarm ?
>>> Michaël
>>> 2012/10/9 sandy 
>>> Is it mandatory to have the 'jenkins' user on slave as well? I have it
 only on Master.

 But the question is why is it working through UI and not from the
 command line? Is there anyone who can help please?


 On Monday, October 8, 2012 6:25:10 PM UTC+5:30, sandy wrote:
> Is there any difference in the authentication for UI and Command line?
> I'm using Jenkins version 1.483.
> On Monday, October 8, 2012 3:16:43 PM UTC+5:30, sandy wrote:
>> I have setup Jenkins master on Linux. The service is owned by user
>> 'jenkins'. I added one slave node (Mac OS X) and assigned a job to it. 
>> The
>> build on this slave node is run by user 'buildfarm'. I have established
>> passwordless ssh between master and slave for user 'jenkins', which now 
>> can
>> ssh to slave using 'buildfarm' user without giving password. When I 
>> execute
>> build through UI, the build is properly done.
>> Now, I was trying to build using command line on the master. and I
>> see the following error:
>> $ id
>> uid=1006(jenkins) gid=1006(jenkins) groups=1006(jenkins)
>> $ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ help
>> Failed to authenticate with your SSH keys.
>> $ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ -i
>> /home/jenkins/.ssh/id_dsa help
>> Authentication failed. No private key accepted.

Re: jenkins command line - Failed to authenticate with your SSH keys

2012-10-09 Thread sandy
I do not have the user 'buildfarm' on Linux, where my jenkins is running. 
It is user 'sandy'. It seems I'm doing something funny here. Let me give 
you the details:


1. jenkins running with user 'jenkins'.
2. In people list, I have added a user 'sandy'. (this is not the system 

Mac OS X:
1. this is the slave node.
2. user 'buildfarm' is the system user.
3. there is no user called 'sandy', or 'jenkins' here.

The jenkins user on the master can login to slave node using buildfarm 
user, passwordless.

On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 3:20:48 PM UTC+5:30, mpapo - Michaël Pailloncy 
> go http://jenkins-url:8080/user/buildfarm/configure and add the public 
> key to 'SSH Public Keys'
> 2012/10/9 Michaël Pailloncy >
>> Do you have added the public key to the config of the user buildfarm ?
>> Michaël
>> 2012/10/9 sandy >
>>> Is it mandatory to have the 'jenkins' user on slave as well? I have it 
>>> only on Master. 
>>> But the question is why is it working through UI and not from the 
>>> command line? Is there anyone who can help please?
>>> Thanks.
>>> On Monday, October 8, 2012 6:25:10 PM UTC+5:30, sandy wrote:

 Is there any difference in the authentication for UI and Command line?

 I'm using Jenkins version 1.483.

 On Monday, October 8, 2012 3:16:43 PM UTC+5:30, sandy wrote:
> I have setup Jenkins master on Linux. The service is owned by user 
> 'jenkins'. I added one slave node (Mac OS X) and assigned a job to it. 
> The 
> build on this slave node is run by user 'buildfarm'. I have established 
> passwordless ssh between master and slave for user 'jenkins', which now 
> can 
> ssh to slave using 'buildfarm' user without giving password. When I 
> execute 
> build through UI, the build is properly done.
> Now, I was trying to build using command line on the master. and I see 
> the following error:
> $ id
> uid=1006(jenkins) gid=1006(jenkins) groups=1006(jenkins)
> $ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ help
> Failed to authenticate with your SSH keys.
> $ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ -i 
> /home/jenkins/.ssh/id_dsa help
> Authentication failed. No private key accepted.

Performance problems on Jenkins master(very long minor gc with stop-the-world)

2012-10-09 Thread icarusnine


We have a very large Jenkins set up that includes on master node with 100+ 
slaves and 1000+ jobs.
We have reasons for keeping just a single master node so it isn't possible 
split our Hudson master.

Now, we are experiencing performance problems(minor gc happens frequently 
and it is performed over 1~2 minutes and it made stop-the-world.)
However, full gc is performed within 20~30 seconds.
Our heap size is over 100G so it is hard to generate and analysis heap dump.

Does anyone have any experience with very large Hudson installations like 
Is there any advice for tuning or recommendations for this issue?

Also, please do let me know if there is any other data that I can provide 
that would help with analysis. 
Thanks for any help you can provide. 

Jenkins info

Core ver : 1.424.6
WAS : weblogic 10.3.2
JAVA : jdk1.6.0.34
-Xms180g -Xmx180g -XX:NewSize=140g -XX:MaxNewSize=140g -XX:PermSize=1024m 
-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -verbosegc 
-Xloggc:app_gc.log -XX:+PrintGCDetails 
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Djava.awt.headless=true

Server spec

CPU : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 2.90GHz * 4 (32 core)
RAM : 256GB

Gc log

60286.042: [GC [PSYoungGen: 8655292K->8714K(40587584K)] 
25909185K->17262608K(208359744K), 0.0248360 secs] [Times: user=0.38 
sys=0.01, real=0.03 secs] 
60286.067: [Full GC (System) [PSYoungGen: 8714K->0K(40587584K)] [ParOldGen: 
17253893K->17228395K(167772160K)] 17262608K->17228395K(208359744K) 
[PSPermGen: 194622K->194622K(2097152K)], 1.8638320 secs] [Times: user=33.26 
sys=0.23, real=1.86 secs] 
60748.860: [GC [PSYoungGen: 39173056K->532623K(40528512K)] 
56401451K->17761019K(208300672K), 0.0837520 secs] [Times: user=1.19 
sys=0.00, real=0.08 secs] 
61243.483: [GC [PSYoungGen: 39705679K->29759K(40658432K)] 
56934075K->17272524K(208430592K), 0.0558890 secs] [Times: user=0.49 
sys=0.00, real=0.05 secs] 
61805.663: [GC [PSYoungGen: 39346943K->28331K(40601792K)] 
56589708K->17275705K(208373952K), 0.0544110 secs] [Times: user=0.49 
sys=0.01, real=0.06 secs] 
62383.664: [GC [PSYoungGen: 39345515K->33640K(40776640K)] 
56592889K->17284373K(208548800K), 0.0592330 secs] [Times: user=0.49 
sys=0.00, real=0.06 secs] 
85842.953: [GC [PSYoungGen: 38973565K->1818337K(40038592K)] 
80709421K->44276973K(207810752K), 22.0442750 secs] [Times: user=2.44 
sys=503.41, real=22.04 secs] 
85976.095: [GC [PSYoungGen: 40038561K->1904445K(37126592K)] 
82497204K->46320890K(204898752K), 49.0663710 secs] [Times: user=2.88 
sys=1117.05, real=49.06 secs] 
86147.499: [GC [PSYoungGen: 37126456K->1721075K(38582592K)] 
81542901K->48037517K(206354752K), 39.6267960 secs] [Times: user=2.81 
sys=904.88, real=39.62 secs] 
86265.898: [GC [PSYoungGen: 36943219K->1147657K(38796608K)] 
83259661K->49166685K(206568768K), 43.2677960 secs] [Times: user=6.13 
sys=985.33, real=43.26 secs] 
86435.957: [GC [PSYoungGen: 36592456K->748179K(38591488K)] 
84611484K->49915859K(206363648K), 34.1037910 secs] [Times: user=2.48 
sys=780.02, real=34.10 secs] 
86560.263: [GC [PSYoungGen: 36192756K->448475K(38982464K)] 
85360436K->50343633K(206754624K), 27.3025220 secs] [Times: user=1.64 
sys=623.52, real=27.29 secs] 
86594.685: [GC [PSYoungGen: 36402298K->106372K(38914816K)] 
86297455K->50438940K(206686976K), 15.7548480 secs] [Times: user=1.88 
sys=359.23, real=15.76 secs] 

Re: jenkins command line - Failed to authenticate with your SSH keys

2012-10-09 Thread Michaël Pailloncy
go http://jenkins-url:8080/user/buildfarm/configure and add the public key
to 'SSH Public Keys'

2012/10/9 Michaël Pailloncy 

> Do you have added the public key to the config of the user buildfarm ?
> Michaël
> 2012/10/9 sandy 
>> Is it mandatory to have the 'jenkins' user on slave as well? I have it
>> only on Master.
>> But the question is why is it working through UI and not from the command
>> line? Is there anyone who can help please?
>> Thanks.
>> On Monday, October 8, 2012 6:25:10 PM UTC+5:30, sandy wrote:
>>> Is there any difference in the authentication for UI and Command line?
>>> I'm using Jenkins version 1.483.
>>> On Monday, October 8, 2012 3:16:43 PM UTC+5:30, sandy wrote:

 I have setup Jenkins master on Linux. The service is owned by user
 'jenkins'. I added one slave node (Mac OS X) and assigned a job to it. The
 build on this slave node is run by user 'buildfarm'. I have established
 passwordless ssh between master and slave for user 'jenkins', which now can
 ssh to slave using 'buildfarm' user without giving password. When I execute
 build through UI, the build is properly done.

 Now, I was trying to build using command line on the master. and I see
 the following error:

 $ id
 uid=1006(jenkins) gid=1006(jenkins) groups=1006(jenkins)

 $ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ help
 Failed to authenticate with your SSH keys.

 $ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ -i
 /home/jenkins/.ssh/id_dsa help
 Authentication failed. No private key accepted.


Re: jenkins command line - Failed to authenticate with your SSH keys

2012-10-09 Thread Michaël Pailloncy
Do you have added the public key to the config of the user buildfarm ?


2012/10/9 sandy 

> Is it mandatory to have the 'jenkins' user on slave as well? I have it
> only on Master.
> But the question is why is it working through UI and not from the command
> line? Is there anyone who can help please?
> Thanks.
> On Monday, October 8, 2012 6:25:10 PM UTC+5:30, sandy wrote:
>> Is there any difference in the authentication for UI and Command line?
>> I'm using Jenkins version 1.483.
>> On Monday, October 8, 2012 3:16:43 PM UTC+5:30, sandy wrote:
>>> I have setup Jenkins master on Linux. The service is owned by user
>>> 'jenkins'. I added one slave node (Mac OS X) and assigned a job to it. The
>>> build on this slave node is run by user 'buildfarm'. I have established
>>> passwordless ssh between master and slave for user 'jenkins', which now can
>>> ssh to slave using 'buildfarm' user without giving password. When I execute
>>> build through UI, the build is properly done.
>>> Now, I was trying to build using command line on the master. and I see
>>> the following error:
>>> $ id
>>> uid=1006(jenkins) gid=1006(jenkins) groups=1006(jenkins)
>>> $ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ help
>>> Failed to authenticate with your SSH keys.
>>> $ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ -i
>>> /home/jenkins/.ssh/id_dsa help
>>> Authentication failed. No private key accepted.

Re: jenkins command line - Failed to authenticate with your SSH keys

2012-10-09 Thread sandy
Is it mandatory to have the 'jenkins' user on slave as well? I have it only 
on Master. 

But the question is why is it working through UI and not from the command 
line? Is there anyone who can help please?


On Monday, October 8, 2012 6:25:10 PM UTC+5:30, sandy wrote:
> Is there any difference in the authentication for UI and Command line?
> I'm using Jenkins version 1.483.
> On Monday, October 8, 2012 3:16:43 PM UTC+5:30, sandy wrote:
>> I have setup Jenkins master on Linux. The service is owned by user 
>> 'jenkins'. I added one slave node (Mac OS X) and assigned a job to it. The 
>> build on this slave node is run by user 'buildfarm'. I have established 
>> passwordless ssh between master and slave for user 'jenkins', which now can 
>> ssh to slave using 'buildfarm' user without giving password. When I execute 
>> build through UI, the build is properly done.
>> Now, I was trying to build using command line on the master. and I see 
>> the following error:
>> $ id
>> uid=1006(jenkins) gid=1006(jenkins) groups=1006(jenkins)
>> $ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ help
>> Failed to authenticate with your SSH keys.
>> $ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ -i 
>> /home/jenkins/.ssh/id_dsa help
>> Authentication failed. No private key accepted.