Re: Cluster not found: amazon-ecs-plugin bug or misconfiguration?

2018-09-07 Thread Ian Price
Actually run *$(**aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region ) *and you won't have to cut and paste the reply

On Thursday, 6 September 2018 20:04:09 UTC+1, Ian Price wrote:
> Check that you have logged in to ECR.  From the AWS console go to the* 
> ECS* service and click on *Repositories*. Click on an individual repo and 
> click on *View Push Commands* 
> The command you want is *aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region 
> *
> Run the docker command it provides: *docker login -u AWS -p 
> .x*
> If you get *Login Succeeded* then the rest should work
> On Tuesday, 26 September 2017 13:10:34 UTC+1, Constantin Caraivan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to set up the amazon-ecs-plugin to connect to a ECS cluster. 
>> However, after configuring both the cluster itself and the plugin, both 
>> apparently correctly, I'm getting an error I don't really understand:
>> INFO: Started provisioning ECS Slave docker from aws-ecs with 1 
>> executors. Remaining excess workload: 0
>> Sep 26, 2017 12:32:48 PM hudson.slaves.NodeProvisioner$2 run
>> WARNING: Unexpected exception encountered while provisioning agent ECS 
>> Slave docker
>> Cluster not 
>> found. (Service: AmazonECS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: 
>> ClusterNotFoundException; Request ID: f7bc84e2-a2a5-11e7-801f-1bbc4489a697)
>> The error makes no sense as the plugin does autodetect the cluster and 
>> fills it in the dropdown in the Manage Jenkins interface (so there's no 
>> manual input error possible...).
>> Does anyone have any idea what I should check/debug/investigate?
>> I can provide more info about the setup, just tell me what would help.
>> I was thinking about a workaround of using a "regular" Docker plugin, but 
>> I'm not super confident about it after seeing this:
>> Is anyone using one of the Docker plugins for agents in production, and 
>> if so, are you happy with it/them? When I say production, I mean something 
>> preferably with tens if not hundreds of jobs configured :)
>> Kind regards,
>> _
>> Costin Caraivan

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Re: Cluster not found: amazon-ecs-plugin bug or misconfiguration?

2018-09-06 Thread Ian Price
Check that you have logged in to ECR.  From the AWS console go to the* ECS* 
service and click on *Repositories*. Click on an individual repo and click 
on *View Push Commands* 

The command you want is *aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region 

Run the docker command it provides: *docker login -u AWS -p .x*

If you get *Login Succeeded* then the rest should work

On Tuesday, 26 September 2017 13:10:34 UTC+1, Constantin Caraivan wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to set up the amazon-ecs-plugin to connect to a ECS cluster. 
> However, after configuring both the cluster itself and the plugin, both 
> apparently correctly, I'm getting an error I don't really understand:
> INFO: Started provisioning ECS Slave docker from aws-ecs with 1 executors. 
> Remaining excess workload: 0
> Sep 26, 2017 12:32:48 PM hudson.slaves.NodeProvisioner$2 run
> WARNING: Unexpected exception encountered while provisioning agent ECS 
> Slave docker
> Cluster not 
> found. (Service: AmazonECS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: 
> ClusterNotFoundException; Request ID: f7bc84e2-a2a5-11e7-801f-1bbc4489a697)
> The error makes no sense as the plugin does autodetect the cluster and 
> fills it in the dropdown in the Manage Jenkins interface (so there's no 
> manual input error possible...).
> Does anyone have any idea what I should check/debug/investigate?
> I can provide more info about the setup, just tell me what would help.
> I was thinking about a workaround of using a "regular" Docker plugin, but 
> I'm not super confident about it after seeing this:
> Is anyone using one of the Docker plugins for agents in production, and if 
> so, are you happy with it/them? When I say production, I mean something 
> preferably with tens if not hundreds of jobs configured :)
> Kind regards,
> _
> Costin Caraivan

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