RE: migration hudson 2.2.0 to jenkins

2013-01-02 Thread Lars Nordin
Search the mailing list archives for posts from folks that have done this same 

The pattern has been – depending on how old of a version of hudson – to upgrade 
to the last version of hudson before the fork (you may need an interim upgrade 
if your version of Hudson is really old) and then upgrade to latest LTS. This 
is more effort but more likely to work and give you a working system as you 

Any way to determine trigger source, whether manual build or scm change?

2012-12-20 Thread Lars Nordin
Is there any way to determine trigger source, whether manual build or scm 

I have a job that takes a parameter when manually triggered but when triggered 
from a git commit I plan to set that parameter from info gathered from GIT. I 
guess one way would be to change the default parameter to a "null" value then I 
would know that the build was triggered by SCM change - are there any other 

FYI: Jenkins Security Advisory 2012-11-20

2012-11-21 Thread Lars Nordin
I got e-mail of this via cloudbees but wanted to make sure that list members 
were also aware (I didn't see one):

Excerpt from security announcement link above:
CloudBees rates these vulnerabilities as high, when combined, as they allow 
malicious users to gain unauthorized access to the information and impersonate 
the administrator of the system. On the other hands, this attack can be only 
mounted passively, and the attacker needs to know the URL of your Jenkins 
*Main line users should upgrade to Jenkins 1.491
*LTS users should upgrade to 1.480.1

Request to Cloudbees: please send a notification of this out on the Jenkins 
user list too

RE: Shelve Project - Waiting for next available executor

2012-11-14 Thread Lars Nordin
Presuming that you have the Jenkins server / master configured not to build 
software (no executors), you must have at least one build slave set to:
Utilize this slave as much as possible
or the system will not shelve jobs (at least on Jenkins  v1.466.2)

[] On Behalf Of Vanetta Floyd
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 8:46 AM
Subject: RE: Shelve Project - Waiting for next available executor

Thank you.  Yes, we have a Linux, 2 Winodows, and 2 Mac, build servers.
The jobs I'm trying to shelve have all run successfully.  They just will not 
recognize the build servers.
On Nov 14, 2012 5:29 AM, "Lars Nordin">> wrote:
Even though the shelve project action is a virtual job and runs on the Jenkins 
host (somewhat similar to the parent of a matrix/multi-config job), you still 
have to have at least one build slave that will run any job so that the shelve 
job can run on it.

 On Behalf Of VFloyd
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:48 PM
Subject: Shelve Project - Waiting for next available executor

Hi All,
I have just installed the Shelve Project Plugin.  Whenever I try to shelve a 
project it just sits in the "Build Queue" with the msg "Waiting for next 
available executor".  There is nothing running on any of the build servers.
Outside of clicking into the project and choosing "Shelve Project" from the 
left hand menu and then clicking on the "Shelve Project" button after that, 
what do I need to do to get this to work?

Any info is appreciated.

RE: Shelve Project - Waiting for next available executor

2012-11-14 Thread Lars Nordin
Even though the shelve project action is a virtual job and runs on the Jenkins 
host (somewhat similar to the parent of a matrix/multi-config job), you still 
have to have at least one build slave that will run any job so that the shelve 
job can run on it.

[] On Behalf Of VFloyd
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:48 PM
Subject: Shelve Project - Waiting for next available executor

Hi All,
I have just installed the Shelve Project Plugin.  Whenever I try to shelve a 
project it just sits in the "Build Queue" with the msg "Waiting for next 
available executor".  There is nothing running on any of the build servers.
Outside of clicking into the project and choosing "Shelve Project" from the 
left hand menu and then clicking on the "Shelve Project" button after that, 
what do I need to do to get this to work?

Any info is appreciated.

RE: How can I exit the recipient list?

2012-10-18 Thread Lars Nordin
-Original Message-
From: Johannes Wienke

On 17.10.2012 18:08 schrieb Town Ice:
> So much mails, I don't want to be disturbed any more.

[Lars Nordin]
To Original Poster: how did you subscribe?

Is it possible to add a signature to every message received over the 
mailinglist with a link to the groups page + unsubscribe hint? This question 
pops up over and over again.

[Lars Nordin]
May be I am too much of an old UNIX grouch, but the instructions are already in 
the e-mail headers:


(I know, I know, who looks at e-mail headers these days ...)

RE: Hudson to Jenkins migration

2012-10-01 Thread Lars Nordin
Another path would be to update your old Hudson server to a v1.39 (if you can) 
since that is more compatible with Jenkins or even to install Hudson v1.39 on 
your new box, migrate the jobs and then upgrade that new box to Jenkins.

RE: Moving Jenkins to a new server?

2012-09-28 Thread Lars Nordin
Are you upgrading versions at the same time? Is the new server on the same IP 

I'm just finishing a migration but I installed a newer version and then 
migrated corresponding build slaves and jobs while over time to ensure that 
they all still worked.

As far as the configuration, yes, it is just a matter of copying the Jenkins 
directory - if I remember correctly.

I ran into problems transitioning from a fairly old version of Jenkins to the 
latest LTS release because of the transition from the obsolete Setenv plug-in 
to the Envinject plug-in. The environment variables configured in setenv 
configuration were lost once I edited the job on the new system, so I had to 
re-configure those jobs to add the environment variables in the new format.

Another issue I had was with firewall rules because the new Jenkins server was 
not in the same IP network.

Was the old server upgraded from Hudson and are you installing Jenkins on the 
new server and then copying the data?
You might want to check for path issues in the configuration file and change 
/var/lib/hudson to /var/lib/jenkins

RE: Will reducing the Max # of builds to keep automatically delete old builds?

2012-09-14 Thread Lars Nordin
-Original Message-
From: Ed Young

Scott, kicking off the build seems to have  deleted the old builds, although 
I'm not seeing the diskspace usage go down the way I'm hoping. I have a lot of 
builds to reconfigure and kick off though so this make some time.
-Original Message-

You might want to install the disk usage plug-in and it help you find what jobs 
and builds are consuming the most disk space.

RE: Automatic diagram

2012-09-05 Thread Lars Nordin
Here is a link to the plug-in for the Jenkins site and not the older Hudson 
site but it looks like it has been a while since the plug-in has been last 

[] On Behalf Of kikou

what a pity that this plugin is not maintained. Yes maybe i could update it but 
not now.

Le mercredi 5 septembre 2012 12:15:51 UTC+2, Gergo a écrit :
Not exactly sure about your requirements, but I'm using Dependency Graph View: , this 
seems to be how far you can get solely looking at the jobs.

RE: How to build a project for multiple mobile devices in a single job

2012-08-29 Thread Lars Nordin
Have you looked into Matrix (also called multi-configuration) builds?

RE: Doxygen publish fails because of java exception

2012-08-23 Thread Lars Nordin
More info. Here is what the build slave log has for that job:

Aug 23, 2012 12:38:49 PM hudson.plugins.doxygen.DoxygenDirectoryParser getDoxyge
INFO: Created filepath with the following 
Failed to load native POSIX impl; falling back on Java impl. Stacktrace follows.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library '': com.sun.jna.;)J
at com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary.loadLibrary(
at com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary.getInstance(
at com.sun.jna.Library$Handler.(
at com.sun.jna.Native.loadLibrary(
at org.jruby.ext.posix.POSIXFactory.loadLibC(
at org.jruby.ext.posix.POSIXFactory.loadLinuxPOSIX(
at org.jruby.ext.posix.POSIXFactory.getPOSIX(
at hudson.os.PosixAPI.(
at hudson.Util.resolveSymlink(
at hudson.Util.resolveSymlink(
at hudson.util.DirScanner$Glob.scan(
at hudson.FilePath.writeToTar(
at hudson.FilePath.access$1000(
at hudson.FilePath$36.invoke(
at hudson.FilePath$36.invoke(
at hudson.FilePath$
at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
at hudson.remoting.Request$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
Aug 23, 2012 1:29:03 PM hudson.plugins.doxygen.DoxygenDirectoryParser 
INFO: Using the Doxyfile information.
Aug 23, 2012 1:29:03 PM hudson.plugins.doxygen.DoxygenDirectoryParser 
INFO: The Doxyfile path is 'file:/home/builduser/workspace/job/build/Doxyfile'.

This build job with the failing Doxygen call works fine on the old Jenkins 
server but fails on the new server even with the job actually running on a 
build slave.

Doxygen publish fails because of java exception

2012-08-22 Thread Lars Nordin
I'm seeing an exception during the Doxygen publish step but it is not clear to 
me what is failing.
I tried adding a generic logger to try to capture more data about what error 
could be occurring but with no luck. 

Publishing Doxygen HTML results.
The determined Doxygen directory is 
FATAL: error
hudson.util.IOException2: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
at hudson.FilePath.copyRecursiveTo(
at hudson.FilePath.copyRecursiveTo(
at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$2.perform(
at hudson.model.Build$RunnerImpl.post2(
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: 
at hudson.remoting.Channel$4.adapt(
at hudson.remoting.Channel$4.adapt(
at hudson.remoting.FutureAdapter.get(
at hudson.FilePath.copyRecursiveTo(
... 12 more
Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
at hudson.os.PosixAPI$1.getCurrentWorkingDirectory(
at org.jruby.ext.posix.util.ExecIt.runAndWait(
at org.jruby.ext.posix.JavaLibCHelper.readlink(
at org.jruby.ext.posix.JavaPOSIX.readlink(
at hudson.Util.resolveSymlink(
at hudson.Util.resolveSymlink(
at hudson.util.DirScanner$Glob.scan(
at hudson.FilePath.writeToTar(
at hudson.FilePath.access$1000(
at hudson.FilePath$36.invoke(
at hudson.FilePath$36.invoke(
at hudson.FilePath$
at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
at hudson.remoting.Request$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
Build step 'Publish Doxygen' changed build result to FAILURE

RE: Job Import Plugin query doesn't return a list

2012-08-22 Thread Lars Nordin
-Original Message-
From: Jesse Farinacci

Do a manual test to see that you can fetch the XML that the plugin will 
attempt. So, whatever you put in for your remote URL, you should append 
/api/xml and see what the result is. Also make sure that you are not logged in 
to the remote system.

Thanks for help.

I browsed the URL of job and I am able to get an XML document but it is not 
complete - the build steps are not populated. I presume that this is because I 
am not logged into the old Jenkins server.

RE: change password LDAP-user in Jenkins

2012-08-21 Thread Lars Nordin
How did you setup Jira? Do you use Crowd?
You can setup Jira to users to only use LDAP for users and passwords (no 
internal Jira accounts), 
 to create Jira accounts seeded from LDAP and use LDAP for passwords, or only 
internal Jira accounts (no LDAP).
Adding Crowd SSO to the mix, means that you can synchronize accounts between 
Jira and LDAP.

Jenkins either uses LDAP or uses internal accounts but it does not provide any 
functionality to update LDAP - like updating passwords. As Qazwart stated, you 
have to use another LDAP tool to achieve this - once the password is changed in 
LDAP all systems using LDAP will see the new password. If Jira provides this 
for then have your users change their LDAP password using Jira.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dalen, van William
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 4:38 AM
Subject: RE: change password LDAP-user in Jenkins


I,m sorry, but i already did establish this among for JIRA. A user can change 
his own password in JIRA and through OpenDJ (with a PostgreSQL database) the 
new password immediately is affected for other applications. So, after that 
when the user wants to log on in Jenkins the new credentials are affected.
So, my question remains, if i use OpenDJ with LDAP where is item in 
Jenkins>people>configure that a user can change its password?

Regards, Willem

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: [] 
Namens Qazwart
Verzonden: maandag 20 augustus 2012 14:32
Onderwerp: Re: change password LDAP-user in Jenkins

When you use LDAP, it is assumed that the user would change there password with 
the LDAP provider service. For example, you can use Windows Active Directory as 
an LDAP service. In this case the user would change their password through 

LDAP services have differing passwords setup and requirements. It's impossible 
for third party services to be able to handle that. 

There are many services where I can "sign on" with my Twitter or Facebook 
account, but none where I can change my password. 

David Weintraub

On Aug 20, 2012, at 6:59 AM, Willem  wrote:

> Hi,
> When Jenkins uses its own database, then a user can change his own password. 
> But in my configuration Jenkins uses a LDAP (OpenDS) database. Unfortunately 
> there isn't a field to change his/her own password (see screenshot of 
> configure a user).
> What must i do to make this item viewed?
> Regards, Willem

Job Import Plugin query doesn't return a list

2012-08-17 Thread Lars Nordin
I go to the job-import page, put in the URL of my current Jenkins server and 
hit query and no list is produced.
The curious thing is that in the upper right, the "New Job" icon text is 
changed to "New null".
I've tried different URLs ( like https://server and 
https://server/view/something ) but all produce the same result.

The current server is behind a remote lighthttpd proxy on port 443; similarly 
the new server is behind an Apache reverse proxy at 443.

The new server is Jenkins ver. 1.466.1 on Java 1.6.0_24 on Ubuntu 12.04 (using 
Jenkins deb).
The current server is Jenkins ver. 1.406 on Java 1.6.0_0 on CentOS 5.5 (with 
Jenkins installed upgraded from Hudson 1.363-1.1 rpm) 

Problem with lighttpd reverse proxy and Jenkins

2012-07-19 Thread Lars Nordin
I realize that this is better directed to a lighttpd forum but just a quick 
shout-out if someone else has set this up before.

I'm moving to an upgraded version of Jenkins and have some sort of mistake with 
my lighttpd reverse proxy that handles https and proxies it to Jenkins on 
non-ssl localhost:8080. If anyone has configuration tips that would be great.

RE: Monitor and Notify Disk Usage

2012-07-12 Thread Lars Nordin
I'll defer to other about alerts on disk usage (I don't know) but the disk 
usage plugin helps to show which are the worst offenders.

RE: Start one job after another

2012-06-29 Thread Lars Nordin
You can’t just chain the jobs?

[] On Behalf Of Torsten Zander
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 5:28 AM
Subject: Start one job after another


I want to configure a job to start several jobs after one another. I only found 
ways to start several jobs them at once not.
Does anyone know a solution for that


RE: Running a single test multiple times, compiling report with rebot and spitting it out with Jenkins

2012-05-29 Thread Lars Nordin
This is actually a better question poised to the Robot Framework mailing list - 
anyway. Change the rebot call to generate an output.xml (I think it used to do 
this by default) – something like “-o output.xml”. Then make sure that under 
Advance section in the RF plug-in setup specify the matching file (e.g. 
output.xml) for “output xml name”

[] On Behalf Of kevin chong
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 10:39 AM
Subject: Running a single test multiple times, compiling report with rebot and 
spitting it out with Jenkins


I was wondering if anyone would be able to assist me on fixing a particular 
problem I'm currently experiencing with Jenkins. I will start off with what I'm 
doing and go from there to hopefully better explain things.

I run through a loop 100 times, which runs a single test. I configure so the 
output is set to 1.xml, 2.xml, 3.xml and so forth. I then use rebot *.xml to 
compile them into one report.

However, when I do these steps using Jenkins, Jenkins seems to only show the 
first set of outputs instead of the 100 tests that I have run. So for example, 
it only shows on the front page that 2/2 tests Passed when the report.html 
shows 200 (which is what I want)

Would you be able to help me? this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot.


possible to control build slave using remote API?

2012-02-27 Thread Lars Nordin
I'm wondering if it possible to control a build slave using remote API?
I'm wanting to check if a node is busy, mark it temporarily off line, upgrade 
the system and then mark it back online.

RE: selenium-grid issues?

2012-02-08 Thread Lars Nordin
I've setup a small number of systems to run Selenium servers headless and 
didn't had much problems.
This was some time ago using selenium 1.0b and Xvfb and not via Jenkins.

Can you split the problem, into what is going with Jenkins and what is going on 
with Selenium?

Is there some sort of log from the Selenium scripting as to what is going on?
To understand what is going on with the browser, configure Xvfb to use a 
framebuffer ("-fbdir file") and then use xwd to see snapshots of what the 
browser is doing. It could be that the browser is taking too long to start, go 
to a certain page, SSL cert issue, etc.

For the Jenkins, side what the build job running selenium say (i.e. Console 
Output from the build)? 

Another option is to dedicate a VM to run the browser and selenium server and 
leave it at that - then you can watch what is going on.