Customizing Jenkins on start up - Initialization Scripts

2016-05-01 Thread RM

I am looking for options to customize Jenkins after start up. For e.g. set 
up tools such as Java, Git, Maven, etc.

While i do see the option of writing groovy scripts and placing them at 
$JENKINS_HOME/HOOK.groovy.d, I would prefer to read the tool locations (in 
my groovy file) from a YAML configuration and load them dynamically..

Is there a way i can read environment variables in these init scripts? Or 
through YAML Beans?

Any pointers will be much appreciated. I am planning to use the Jenkins 
docke images


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Job Orchestration: Interdependent maven projects

2015-08-17 Thread RM

I have a set of interdependent maven projects and release jobs for each of 
them. I'd like to call them in a sequence and have the pom dependency 
sections updated intermittently.

To illustrate, lets assume i have three projects A  B  C (A depends on B 
depends on C)

I'd like to do the following:

   1. Trigger Job for Release 'A'
   2. Update 'B' POM for 'A' dependency
   3. Trigger Job for Release 'B'
   4. Update 'C' POM for 'B' dependency
   5. Trigger Job for Release 'C'

I want to be able to represent this into a single flow/orchestration. I 
would like to use the existing release jobs and the maven versions plugin 
to update pom dependency sections.

I looked @ Build Flow Plugin but it doesn't seem to give me the option of 
executing a shell script so i can perform steps 2 and 4

Here is what i cannot do (due to our limitations)

   - Implement A,B,C as maven modules instead of maven projects
   - Refactor the existing release jobs and make a single workflow style 
   job to release A,B and C.I would really like to use my existing jobs. I 
   just want to tie them in a workflow i described earlier

I am wondering how others have accomplished this because i don't think my 
problem is that unique. Any pointers would help


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Credentials Plugin - REST API

2015-03-13 Thread RM

Does the Credentials Plugin provide a REST API? I intend to create 
credentials using the interface.

Can any one provide a reference?


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Re: Workflow Plugin - Performing a Release

2015-02-27 Thread RM
Thank you for helping out.

Yes, i can ask the release plugin to ignore untracked files but i was just 
wondering what was going on. 

It does make sense to generate these control files outside the workspace

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Workflow Plugin - Performing a Release

2015-02-23 Thread RM

I recently started toying with the workflow plugin to script a build 
release. When i try to run the script, the release fails because the 
release plugin complains of untracked files. I have the same set of plugins 
running and working fine in a tradiitional job set up.

My set up
Jenkins Version:1.596
Workflow Plugins : 1.2
OS : Linux 2.6
Build Tool:Apache Maven 3.x
SCM : Git
Release Plugin:JGitFlow (from Atlassian)

My script reads 

node {

git branch: 'develop', url:'  '

sh 'mvn clean install'

sh 'mvn --batch-mode  jgitflow:release-start 
 jgitflow:release-finish -Prelease'

When i run this script(which is extremely simple),the release fails 
reporting the presence of untracked files.To debug this, I added a few git 
status commands intermittently and i can see the following files



When i run 'git status' on my workspace using the shell command line, it says i 
have no untracked changes.

Any pointers?

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