Re: Gerrit Trigger Plugin - Build is blocked constantly

2018-02-20 Thread Robert Sandell
Seems to me like you have set "Other jobs on which this job depends"  on
job #2 to something that doesn't exist?


2018-02-16 14:40 GMT+01:00 Morch, Holger <>:

> Dear Jenkins Users,
> dear Mr. Sandell and Mr. Westling,
> We are using the Gerrit Trigger Plugin to run automated verify jobs.
> Currently I’m facing the issue that builds of one job are staying in
> pending state and waiting forever.
> The message says “Waiting for all projects to finish gerrit-triggering to
> make sure no dependencies need to build first.”
> In our setup we have two jobs listening to “Patchset Created” of the same
> Gerrit project. The first (#1) for everything on master, the second (#2)
> has additionally a filter for two paths. This way the second should only
> run if files in this folders are touched since job #2 checks only that
> stuff. The #1 does a simple syntax check on everything. This part of the
> configuration seems to work, as I see builds as expected.
> While #1 is working as expected, but #2 stays in pending state with
> message “Waiting for all projects to finish gerrit-triggering to make
> sure no dependencies need to build first.” Nothing happens later on. I
> tried to delete the builds manually, but with the next trigger it’s the
> same. How can I figure out what exactly is blocking this builds and how to
> release this block?
> Kind regards,
> Holger Morch
> <>
> Checkout Map Creator <>
> [image: Macintosh
> HD:Users:jerchow:Downloads:Asset_Package_01_160721:HERE_Logo_2016:sRGB:PDF:HERE_Logo_2016_POS_sRGB.pdf]
> *Holger Morch*
> *Lead Software Engineer*
> Place of Business: HERE Germany GmbH & Co. KG, Am Kronberger Hang 8,
> 65824 Schwalbach, Germany
> <,+65824+Schwalbach,+Germany=gmail=g>
> - Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, HRA 43654;
> USt-ID-No.: DE 259 126 202; Managing Directors: Michael Bültmann, Robertus
> A.J. Houben
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> this e-mail. Thank you.

*Robert Sandell*
Software Engineer
CloudBees, Inc.
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Twitter: robert_sandell

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Re: Multiline regex not working in Build Failure Analyzer Plugin

2017-08-04 Thread Robert Sandell
Both Shiran's and Eric's patterns work for me, but Shiran's is a bit more 
accurate in finding the offending start line when navigating the found 
indication from the build page


On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 9:08:26 AM UTC+2, Shiran wrote:
> Eric thank you for your help.
> Yet, this is still not working for me.
> Could you give me an example of a Jenkins log of yours and a multiline in 
> BFA that actually work? (maybe you could attach a screen shot of the BFA 
> page in Jenkins.)
> Thanks! :)
> On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 4:38:24 PM UTC+3, Eric Pyle wrote:
>> I think the pattern has to match full lines, so you would need:
>> ".*Segmentation fault.*busy: Error! failed to run driver tests"
>> in the multiline regex definition box in BFA. No need to put .* in 
>> parentheses.
>> Eric
>> On 7/19/2017 2:48 AM, Shiran wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> I've been struggling for days in making the multiline build log 
>> indication work.
>> I couldn’t find any example in the net, I had it working in a Groovy 
>> console but not in Jenkins.
>> *This is the Jenkins log.  I want to detect the yellow part – if I find 
>> these two yellow strings are the indication of the failure:*
>> *22:14:36* 2017-07-10 22:14:36   Test INFO:  busy: -E- T:78008253
>> *22:14:36* 2017-07-10 22:14:36   Test INFO:  busy: Segmentation fault
>> *22:14:36* 2017-07-10 22:14:36   Test INFO:  busy: Error! failed to 
>> run driver tests
>> *22:14:36* 2017-07-10 22:14:36   Test INFO:  busy: 
>> /opt/cve_driver_test
>> *22:14:36* 2017-07-10 22:14:36   Test INFO:  busy: Return1Code
>> I tried to find this pattern in a groovy console and succeeded:
>> def pattern = "(?s)Segmentation fault(.*)busy: Error! failed to run 
>> driver tests"
>> def example1 = text.find(pattern)  //=> found!
>> *How do I make it work Jenkins?*
>> *Thanks!*
>> -- 
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>> -- 
>> Eric Pyle
>> Siemens PLM Software
>> Lebanon, NH
>> +1 603-277-3060eric...@siemens.com

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Re: Extended E-mail Notification (Email-ext) Default Pre-Send Script and Script Security...

2017-05-24 Thread Robert Sandell
Your script doesn't seem to need a classpath entry, and the classpath entry 
seems to be an empty string, or just white space?


On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 10:14:57 PM UTC+2, Matt Childress wrote:
> This is driving me nuts.   Jenkins has been running just fine until during 
> one of the updates in the past month or so something went south.  We're now 
> getting no e-mail and the following error in the Job logs:
> Executing pre-send script
> Pre-send script tried to access secured objects: classpath entry file:/ 
> (7a4a36093f15af3f79ad37dbe1308c5da1d8bace) not yet approved for use
> ERROR: Could not send email as a part of the post-build publishers.
> org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.scripts.UnapprovedClasspathException: 
> classpath entry file:/ (7a4a36093f15af3f79ad37dbe1308c5da1d8bace) not yet 
> approved for use
> I've gone into the Manage Jenkins->In Process Script Security and nothing 
> is pending approval.   
> I've taken the "7aa3609" string (which I'm guessing is a hash) and tried 
> putting it directly into the approvedClasspathEntries in scriptApproval.xml
> There is no "groovy sandbox" checkbox near the script as mentioned in 
> similar problems I've seen described on the 'net.
> I've started to play with Permissive Script Security Plugin, but would 
> like to avoid that (and the instructions didn't make a lot of sense yet on 
> MacOS).
> The script is below.  Is there an easy fix for this?!?
> Thanks much!
> M@
> Pre-send script:
> // Load up the first 1000 lines of the log file into a variable
> def log = build.getLog(1000)
> // Let's setup a boolean of the result of searching for the string that 
> appears
> // in the log file when a job successfully completes but no work occurred.
> def NothingDone = (log ==~/.*Nothing downloaded, packaged or imported.*/)
> assert NothingDone instanceof Boolean
> logger.println("** NothingDone is " + NothingDone)
> def Error = (log ==~/.*Error.*/)
> assert Error instanceof Boolean
> logger.println("** Error is " + Error)
> def error = (log ==~/.*error.*/)
> assert error instanceof Boolean
> logger.println("** error is " + error)
> // New items were imported into the munki repo
> def NewItemsImported = (log ==~/.*new items were imported into Munki.*/)
> assert NewItemsImported instanceof Boolean
> logger.println("** NewItemsImported is " + NewItemsImported)
> // New items were downloaded to the AutoPkg Cache directory
> def NewItemsDownloaded = (log ==~/.*new items were downloaded.*/)
> assert NewItemsDownloaded instanceof Boolean
> logger.println("** NewItemsDownloaded is " + NewItemsDownloaded)
> /* The below code is for AutoPkg FAQ #1:
>  *
>  * Every time I run a recipe it downloads something even if it didn't 
> change. Why?
>  *
>  *
>  * the IS_TROUBLEMAKER is a per-job environmental variable set using the 
>  * Jenkins EnvInject Plugin -- 
>  *
>  * below is the elvis/ternary operator that does the following:
>  * if IS_TROUBLEMAKER is set from the Jenkins job configuration, take that 
> value
>  * (it should be true).  If it's not set/doesn't exist, set it to false
>  * because we have a lot of existing jobs and only set the IS_TROUBLEMAKER 
> on jobs that
>  * ARE troublemakers!
>  */
> try { 
>// if IS_TROUBLMAKER is set by EnvInject plugin, set known_troublemaker 
> to that value
>// (as it could've been a troublemaker in the past, and set to false 
> when it was
>// fixed
>known_troublemaker = $IS_TROUBLEMAKER 
> } catch (MissingPropertyExceptionmpe) { 
>// if we get an error, then it's because $IS_TROUBLEMAKER doesn't 
> exist, so we
>// should set it to false
>known_troublemaker = false
>logger.println("** IS_TROUBLEMAKER try failed, caught 
> MissingPropertyExceptionmpe and set known_troublemaker to " + 
> known_troublemaker)
> } 
> logger.println("** known_troublemaker is " + known_troublemaker)
> /* And now let's test against that boolean and kill the e-mail 
> (cancelEmail = true) if it found the
>  * -Nothing downloaded, packaged or imported- string  AND it hasn't found 
> a string with Error or error
>  */
> if (NothingDone && !Error && !error) {
> // AutoPkg neither downloaded to the AutoPkg Cache nor imported anything 
> to the munki repo, 
> // so no e-mail this is the case 99% of the time
> logger.println("=== e-mail cancelled: Job completed without errors but 
> nothing was done (nothing downloaded or imported)")
> cancel=true
> } else if (NewItemsImported) {
> // New items were imported into the Munki Repo, send the email.
> logger.println("=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* New Item in Munki Repo, E-mail 
> Sent  =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*")
> cancel=false
> } else if (NewItemsDownloaded && known_troublemaker) {
> // logger.println("** AutoPkg downloaded, but not imported to Munki as " + 
> $JOB_NAME + " is 

Re: Load properties from a properties file and make it available anywhere in the pipeline

2017-05-03 Thread Robert Sandell
I've gotten similar requests before to have some type of similar
behavior/mode as readTrusted, so maybe it gets implemented sometime in the


On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 2:38 PM, ishan jain <> wrote:

> Thanks a lot Robert, that solved my problem. You are right, i should not
> whitelist those methods just load properties fille. Your plugin seems to be
> great, i will invest some time in learning other methods as well.
> Also, do you think i can load the properties outside of a stage somehow ?
> I hate to have a separate stage for such preparation stuff.
> On Wednesday, 3 May 2017 12:24:02 UTC+2, Robert Sandell wrote:
>> The File constructor is blacklisted so that users don't try to do the
>> mistake that you are doing.
>> The pipeline code is running on the master (only the steps themselves are
>> actually running on the agent), so when you create a new file pointing it
>> to $workspace it is most likely not there on the master unless you are
>> actually running on the master agent.
>> For these more advanced scenarios I created the Pipeline Utility Steps
>> plugin
>> <>
>> that has among others a readProperties
>> <>
>> step.
>> /B
>> On Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at 5:57:32 PM UTC+2, ishan jain wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> My requirement is simple, i just want to externalize some 'values' to
>>> make my Jenkinsfile more re usable and for this i need to* load the
>>> properties from a file which is going to be right next to Jenkinsfile, and
>>> make sure that these properties are available anywhere in the code*. I
>>> am still new to groovy and Jenkins code but never thought such a simple
>>> thing would be so difficult. I enabled some methods in script security
>>> plugin but the following code always pose error or print null. I have tried
>>> multiple combinations and the below code is just one of them
>>> properties = null
>>> @NonCPS
>>> def loadProperties() {
>>> checkout scm
>>> File propertiesFile = new File('${workspace}/')
>>> propertiesFile.withInputStream {
>>> properties.load(propertiesFile)
>>> }
>>> }
>>> pipeline {
>>> agent none
>>> stages {
>>> stage ('prepare') {
>>> agent any
>>> steps {
>>> script {
>>> loadProperties()
>>> echo "${properties['repo']}"
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> stage('Build') {
>>> agent any
>>> steps {
>>> sh 'echo ${properties.repo}'
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> --
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Robert Sandell
*Software Engineer*
*CloudBees Inc.*

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Re: Load properties from a properties file and make it available anywhere in the pipeline

2017-05-03 Thread Robert Sandell
The File constructor is blacklisted so that users don't try to do the 
mistake that you are doing.
The pipeline code is running on the master (only the steps themselves are 
actually running on the agent), so when you create a new file pointing it 
to $workspace it is most likely not there on the master unless you are 
actually running on the master agent.
For these more advanced scenarios I created the Pipeline Utility Steps 
that has among others a readProperties 



On Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at 5:57:32 PM UTC+2, ishan jain wrote:
> Hi all,
> My requirement is simple, i just want to externalize some 'values' to make 
> my Jenkinsfile more re usable and for this i need to* load the properties 
> from a file which is going to be right next to Jenkinsfile, and make sure 
> that these properties are available anywhere in the code*. I am still new 
> to groovy and Jenkins code but never thought such a simple thing would be 
> so difficult. I enabled some methods in script security plugin but the 
> following code always pose error or print null. I have tried multiple 
> combinations and the below code is just one of them
> properties = null
> @NonCPS
> def loadProperties() {
> checkout scm
> File propertiesFile = new File('${workspace}/')
> propertiesFile.withInputStream {
> properties.load(propertiesFile)
> }
> }
> pipeline {
> agent none
> stages {
> stage ('prepare') {
> agent any
> steps {
> script {
> loadProperties()
> echo "${properties['repo']}"
> }
> }
> }
> stage('Build') {
> agent any
> steps {
> sh 'echo ${properties.repo}'
> }
> }
> }
> }

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Re: jenkins on windows7. how to fix “couldn't find any revision to build?”

2016-03-31 Thread Robert Sandell
This question belongs on the users list, so It's in the cc.

It's a bit hard to know what could be configured wrong without more info
(and I'm not a windows user, so I don't know of any particulars on that OS)

Have you configured Gerrit Trigger as the build chooser for the git
checkout? i.e. Additional Behaviours -> Strategy for choosing what to build
-> Gerrit Trigger

After that configuring the branch is only nessesary to make the git plugin
happy with something and can be used for for example merging to that branch
before building.

Have you set the ref spec to $GERRIT_REFSPEC, it shouldn't be needed on
newer versions of the plugin but just in case to make sure that you get the
refs you should.

If you are using a replication server setup for Gerrit it might be that the
ref hasn't been replicated yet to the slave that Jenkins is using when the
build starts. You then either need to set the quiet period a bit higher or
configure the job to wait for replication.


On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 3:36 PM, Mark Waite <>

> You can configure a slave on Windows that connects to the Jenkins server
> on Ubuntu.  It works quite well.
> I would guess that GERRIT_BRANCH probably evaluated to that SHA1 (b8494...)
> Mark Waite
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 7:33 AM Heidi Tseng <> wrote:
>> thanks so much for answering, Mark.
>> In my case, actally I don't know what  
>> b8494ff5d3176890e85f4450de84e7031b909130
>> is...
>> In the job config, I just put $GERRIT_BRANCH in "Branches to build"...
>> And I also want to ask that can I use jenkins server which is installed
>> on ubuntu and run jobs on the other computer(win7) ?
>> because my project can only run on windows.
>> thank you!!
>> --
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> --
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Robert Sandell
*Software Engineer*
*CloudBees Inc.*

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Re: Gerrit Trigger and email notification

2015-01-19 Thread Robert Sandell
Are you using the Gerrit Trigger Build Chooser? It should only select the 
patch set that triggered the build to be in the change list.


On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 5:21:14 AM UTC+1, 李大明 wrote:

 I set up a Jenkins server and use gerrit trigger, I want to configure 
 Jenkins to send notification mail when build fail.

 Problems are

 1. Jenkins list commits that are merged in to target branch, not the 
 commit in patchset. That causes some confusion

 2. Jenkins knowns only user name from gerrit, but no email address, so I 

 Failed to send e-mail to  because no e-mail address is known, and no 
 default e-mail domain is configured

 Does LDAP Email Plugin solve this issue?

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Re: Gerrit trigger result for each job - NOT joint result

2015-01-08 Thread Robert Sandell
I answered your question on the dev list [1]  but I should have answered it 
here first.!topic/jenkinsci-dev/KjsYLD8dzxE


On Sunday, January 4, 2015 3:50:44 PM UTC+1, Alex wrote:


 The Gerrit Trigger plugin allows you to create multiple jobs with the same 
 and it will automatically join the results together before publishing 
 results into Gerrit.
 How I can cancel the automatic join of the results so I will have result 
 per job for the same trigger ?


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Re: Git plugin 2.0 with Gerrit Trigger plugin

2014-02-12 Thread Robert Sandell
I have it working on both of my test servers, but haven't upgraded in the 
production environment yet.
The only previous known issues I've heard of is a nullpointer exception 
when the changelog was calculated, but that was fixed in 2.11 of the 


Den onsdagen den 12:e februari 2014 kl. 02:10:45 UTC+1 skrev Curtis Kline:

 Is anyone using the 2.0 Git plugin and the Gerrit Trigger plugin together 
 successfully? I know there was a thread back around 10/29/2013 about this, 
 but there didn't seem to be a clear answer as to whether these two plugins 
 would now co-exist. 

 I tried a quick trial on my test instance and the Gerrit Trigger did not 
 seem to be working when I had the Git Plugin 2.0 installed.


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