Re: Updating Config File Provider Plugin to v2.15.1 fails if the congiuration files are created with a old version (post with a workaround)

2017-01-08 Thread domi
a new version of the config-file-provider (2.15.3) fixing this issue is 
released, but unfortunate the update center seems not yet to have picked up 
the new version :(

On Thursday, January 5, 2017 at 3:20:53 PM UTC+1, Sigbjørn Tvedt wrote:
> Hi.
> We tried to upgrade our jenkins instance with the newest versions 
> of Config File Provider Plugin (2.15.1) and Managed Scripts (1.3) last 
> week. The installation completed without errors, but unfortunately the 
> files where inaccessible for the jobs after restarting.  The 'Managed 
> files' entry in the configuration menu where also missing. 
> According to the logs, this is due to a providerId field that is missing.
> Jan 05, 2017 2:49:25 PM 
> hudson.ExtensionFinder$GuiceFinder$FaultTolerantScope$1 error
> WARNING: Failed to instantiate 
> Key[type=org.jenkinsci.plugins.configfiles.ConfigFilesManagement, 
> annotation=[none]]; skipping this component
> Guice provision errors:
> 1) Error injecting constructor, java.lang.IllegalStateException
>   at 
> org.jenkinsci.plugins.configfiles.ConfigFilesManagement.(
> 1 error
> at 
> at$1$1.get(
> at 
> hudson.ExtensionFinder$GuiceFinder$FaultTolerantScope$1.get(
> ..
> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException
> at 
> org.jenkinsci.plugins.configfiles.GlobalConfigFiles.get(
> at 
> org.jenkinsci.plugins.configfiles.ConfigFilesManagement.(
> at 
> org.jenkinsci.plugins.configfiles.ConfigFilesManagement$$FastClassByGuice$$9a9224f5.newInstance()
> It seems like the upgrade did not handle the fact that several of the 
> scripts are quite old, and therefore are missing the providerId tag.
> A workaround for this is to revert to the old version of the plugin and 
> then open and save each file from the gui before uppgrading the plugin once 
> more.  (or edit the xml by hand)
> (Tested using jenkins 2.19.3)
> Regards 
> Sigbjørn Tvedt

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Re: Jenkins svn ssh / host key verification problems

2013-01-04 Thread domi
We had lots of issues when using the cli subversion client for release builds, 
therefore we moved to the svnjava provider and have no issues anymore:

On 04.01.2013, at 15:19, Bjørn Water wrote:

 So i am trying to use the M2-release plugin to release my project and push it 
 to my nexus.
 I can do svn checkout and i can even tag my build and see it in my repo 
 but when i try to do mvn release:prepare after a succesfull build i get an 
 [INFO] Unable to commit files
 Provider message:
 The svn command failed.
 Command output:
 Host key verification failed.
 svn: Commit failed (details follow):
 svn: To better debug SSH connection problems, remove the -q option from 'ssh' 
 in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion configuration file.
 svn: Network connection closed unexpectedly
 [INFO] Trace
 org.apache.maven.BuildFailureException: Unable to commit files
 Provider message:
 The svn command failed.
 Command output:
 Host key verification failed.
 svn: Commit failed (details follow):
 svn: To better debug SSH connection problems, remove the -q option from 'ssh' 
 in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion configuration file.
 svn: Network connection closed unexpectedly
   at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
   at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
   at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
   at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launchEnhanced(
   at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(
   at hudson.maven.agent.Main.launch(
   at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
   at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
   at hudson.remoting.Request$
   at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
 Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException: Unable to commit 
 Provider message:
 The svn command failed.
 Command output:
 Host key verification failed.
 svn: Commit failed (details follow):
 svn: To better debug SSH connection problems, remove the -q option from 'ssh' 
 in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion configuration file.
 svn: Network connection closed unexpectedly
   ... 28 more
 Caused by: org.apache.maven.shared.release.scm.ReleaseScmCommandException: 
 Unable to commit files
 Provider message:
 The svn command failed

Re: Need help for dropdownDescriptorSelector

2013-01-02 Thread domi

On 02.01.2013, at 09:39, Adil Shabbir wrote:

 Hi! All,
 Wish you all a very Happy new Year-2013
 Can any one point out the sample code(jelly and java) how to use 
 'dropdownDescriptorSelector' in Jenkins plugin.

Re: EnvInject plugin not passing environment variable to post build action

2013-01-01 Thread domi
The idea of the envinject plugin is really nice, but It sounds more and more 
like not a good idea to use it - it seems very unstable and soon it will have 
more releases then jenkins core… :(

On 01.01.2013, at 01:32, wrote:

 Correction from my original post: The first part of the stack trace returned 
 in the console is:
 if (SERVER==null){return null;} 
 if (qa.equals(SERVER)){ def map = [MYSERVER: dsiqa2-fed17] ; return map }
 if (newprod1.equals(SERVER)){ def map = [MYSERVER: newprod1] ; return map 
 if (newprod2.equals(SERVER)){ def map = [MYSERVER: newprod2] ; return map 
 if (SERVER==null){return null;} 
 if (qa.equals(SERVER)){ def map = [THISSERVER: dsidev] ; return map }
 if (qap9.equals(SERVER)){ def map = [THISYSERVER: dsiqa2-fed17] ; return 
 map }
 if (newprod1.equals(SERVER)){ def map = [THISSERVER: newprod1] ; return 
 map }
 if (newprod2.equals(SERVER)){ def map = [THISSERVER: newprod2] ; return 
 map }
 which was taken from a previous build attempt. I apologize for the error.
 On Monday, December 31, 2012 4:22:52 PM UTC-8, wrote:
 I configured my Jenkins (v:1.492) maven job for parameterized builds and to 
 use the following evaluated groovy script:
 if (SERVER==null){return null;} 
 if (qa.equals(SERVER)){ def map = [MYSERVER: dsiqa2-fed17] ; return map }
 if (newprod1.equals(SERVER)){ def map = [MYSERVER: newprod1] ; return map 
 if (newprod2.equals(SERVER)){ def map = [MYSERVER: newprod2] ; return map 
 where SERVER is a choice parameter in the build that is set by the user.
 In a Deploy war/ear to container post-build action, the server URL is 
 http://$MYSERVER:8080, but $MYSERVER never gets set when I do the main build, 
 which is just a maven install from an SVN repository. is there some 
 configuration setting I need to use to get this to work? In my Prepare 
 environment for the run configuration, I've checked both the keep 
 environment and build variable boxes, and that is all.
 Here is the console stack trace. The first part shows the groovy script has 
 [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
 [EnvInject] - Preparing an environment for the build.
 [EnvInject] - Keeping Jenkins system variables.
 [EnvInject] - Keeping Jenkins build variables.
 [EnvInject] - Adding build parameters as variables.
 [EnvInject] - Evaluation the following Groovy script content: 
 if (SERVER==null){return null;} 
 if (qa.equals(SERVER)){ def map = [THISSERVER: dsidev] ; return map }
 if (qap9.equals(SERVER)){ def map = [THISYSERVER: dsiqa2-fed17] ; return 
 map }
 if (newprod1.equals(SERVER)){ def map = [THISSERVER: newprod1] ; return 
 map }
 if (newprod2.equals(SERVER)){ def map = [THISSERVER: newprod2] ; return 
 map }
 [EnvInject] - Injecting contributions.
 ERROR: Publisher hudson.plugins.deploy.DeployPublisher aborted due to 
 org.codehaus.cargo.container.ContainerException: Failed to redeploy 
 [/source/jenkins/jobs/ACSR.WEB Build and Deploy/workspace/target/acsr.web.war]
   at hudson.FilePath.act(
   at hudson.FilePath.act(
   at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$3.perform(
   at hudson.model.Run.execute(
   at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
 Caused by: $MYSERVER

Re: Job stuck in Build Queue until I change # of executors to 0 and then 2

2012-12-23 Thread domi
I have seen this only when an init.groovy at startup sets the number of 
executors on the master to e.g. 2
In this scenario it looks like the number of executors have been set in an 
invalid way (e.g. wrong method in groovy)

On 22.12.2012, at 19:19, Ido Ran wrote:

 I basically describe the whole problem in the subject but I'll do it again in 
 I have a problem with Jenkins (1.480.1) which runs on Windows 7, single node 
 as Windows Service.
 Jobs are stucked in Build Queue and never start to work.
 The only way to fix it is by going to system configuration and change # of 
 executors to 0 and apply and then change it again to 2 and save.
 This happen when I restart Jenkins. After I do the change to 0 and 2 
 everything start to work normally but it is still a problem.
 Any ideas?
 Thank you,

Re: git-plugin: Exclude build when changes occur in gh-pages branch on github

2012-12-22 Thread domi
Just define the branch in the Git section of your Job's configuration:
Git  Branches to build  Branch Specifier (blank for default):  e.g. 

On 16.12.2012, at 21:40, Mirko Friedenhagen wrote:

 I publish my Maven site using the gh-pages branch on github. However,
 whenever I push the site Jenkins will start a build of the gh-pages
 branch which will fail, as this of course does not contain a valid
 Maven project. In the configuration of the git-plugin I do not see
 immediately how to exclude a specific branch.
 Regards Mirko

Re: dos2unix in Jenkins

2012-12-22 Thread domi
you could use ANT with the fixCRLF task:

fixcrlf srcdir=${src} includes=**/*.sh
 eol=lf eof=remove /

On 20.12.2012, at 20:34, El alaoui Mohamed Reda wrote:

 No response ? 344.gif344.gif344.gif344.gif
 2012/12/19 El alaoui Mohamed Reda
 i have a Jenkins installed in Windows and i have a project where i have a lot 
 of script file .sh i 
 so must do dos2unix in commande Ligne for all the file to convert for windows 
 forme to unix forme
 i ask you if i can have a plugin or a windows script to convert all file in 
 the Build Time
 Mohamed Reda, El alaoui

Re: Are user-specific default views possible?

2012-12-22 Thread domi
although a user can have his own views, none of these private views can be the 
default view for him

On 22.12.2012, at 01:08, Jeff wrote:

 I just enabled security so users could define custom views.  It is not 
 obvious however, if each user can set a default view to one of their own 
 custom views.
 Is this possible and if so, where/how?
 Jeff Vincent
 See my LinkedIn profile at:
 I ♥ DropBox !! 

Re: A quick question about security features and email notifications

2012-12-21 Thread domi
No, nothing like this currently exists…

On 19.12.2012, at 19:36, Andrew Bayless wrote:

 On Monday, December 17, 2012 9:44:55 AM UTC-8, Andrew Bayless wrote:
 I had a quick question, Is it possible to configure Jenkins to send email 
 notifications to Administrators and/or users if any system-wide 
 configurations or job configuration settings are changed by someone other 
 than the administrator or creator/owner of a job ? 

Re: Account creation error

2012-12-21 Thread domi
looks like your not using the required Java Version

On 20.12.2012, at 11:08, Suri wrote:

 When i am creating new account in jenkins i am getting below error. please 
 can anyone help me.
 Jenkins version is 1.480.1
 Status Code: 500
 Exception: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: 
 (org/mindrot/jbcrypt/BCrypt) bad major version at offset=6
 javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: 
 (org/mindrot/jbcrypt/BCrypt) bad major version at offset=6
   at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(
   at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(
   at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$4.doDispatch(
   at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(
   at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(
   at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(
   at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.service(

Re: Master - Slave | Does not want master to sftp slave.jar

2012-12-21 Thread domi
How is the connection to the slave established?
SSH? You should probably switch to a JNLP Slave.

On 20.12.2012, at 16:43, ilikeflex wrote:

 Just to add: I have script on slave which will all the stuff i want. So i am 
 calling the script on slave but i do not want master to copy slave.jar on 
 On Thursday, December 20, 2012 10:11:01 AM UTC-5, ilikeflex wrote:
 I want to configure remote slave. I cannot do sftp to the slave. I have the 
 slave.jar at /opt/webapp/jenkins-slave on slave box.
 Now when i launch slave from my remote(master) it always try to copy 
 slave.jar on slave.
 I want Jenkins to stop copying slave.jar as i have manually put this file.
 12/20/12 09:59:04] [SSH] Checking java version of 
 [12/20/12 09:59:04] [SSH] /opt/webapp/jdk1.6.0_35//bin/java -version returned 
 [12/20/12 09:59:04] [SSH] Starting sftp client.
 hudson.util.IOException2: Could not copy slave.jar to slave
   at hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher.launch(
   at hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer$
   at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
 Caused by: Remote file system root /tmp/ 
 is a file not a directory or a symlink.
 Any pointers are highly appreciated.

Re: Any way to determine trigger source, whether manual build or scm change?

2012-12-21 Thread domi
The 'envinject plugin' publishes the causes of the build as environment 
BUILD_CAUSE: contains all causes coma separated

In addition, each cause is exposed as a single envvariable too:


On 20.12.2012, at 17:51, Lars Nordin wrote:

 Is there any way to determine trigger source, whether manual build or scm 
 I have a job that takes a parameter when manually triggered but when 
 triggered from a git commit I plan to set that parameter from info gathered 
 from GIT. I guess one way would be to change the default parameter to a 
 “null” value then I would know that the build was triggered by SCM change – 
 are there any other ways?

Re: Archived Artifacts

2012-12-18 Thread domi
In the advanced section of your maven build, you can Disable automatic 
artifact archiving 
With the Create Job Advanced Plugin you can disable this setting per default 
for new jobs:

On 18.12.2012, at 16:26, Kanstantsin Shautsou wrote:

 You use maven style project, it saves build artifacts. If you have problems 
 with space, decrease history.
 On 10.12.2012, at 20:41, Nicky Ramone wrote:
 I noticed that despite my configuration is defined so that no artifacts are 
 archived, the artifacts are stored in the disk anyway for all builds.
 Is this due to fingerprinting? is there any way to avoid this?

Re: Maven version and upgrade - quick question

2012-12-15 Thread domi
hmm, I don't know of an option (Bundled) in jenkins - I think this is available 
in Hudson…

On 14.12.2012, at 20:57, Z W wrote:

 Hi All
 Under Build section of a job,  Invoke Maven 3 - Maven 3, there is drop
 down value named (Bundled).
 How can we find out what version of Maven Jenkins is using ?
 When we want to use a newer Maven, how do we config under Manage
 Jenkins such that the slaves would pick up the newer
 Maven version ?

Re: graphviz installation issue - quick question

2012-12-10 Thread domi
The newest version of the Dependency Graph View Plugin does also work without 
graphviz - OK, I agree the JavaScript rendering of the graph is not yet 100% as 
good as with graphviz, but I think its already good enough to get started.
btw. If you don't have graphviz installed on the server, you can disable that 
view in the global config and you will only see the JavaScript version.
regards Domi

On 10.12.2012, at 02:02, Z W wrote:

 We are having trouble installing graphviz on Oracle Enterprise Linux
 6. We like to use the Dependency Graph View plugin.
 Does anyone have notes on how to install graphviz on this linux platform?
 We went to graphviz site but couldn't get to their mailing list to ask for 
 Any help is appreciated.

Re: Sandboxing builds to their workspace

2012-11-29 Thread domi
use a slave (even if on the same server as the master) and connect with a user 
which has only permissions for the directories you want him to.

On 29.11.2012, at 10:37, Bjarke Freund-Hansen wrote:

 Is there some way to sandbox builds to their workspace, such that a build 
 cannot modify or access any files outside of it's workspace?
 Perhaps using chroot or apparmor?
 Best Regards
 /Bjarke Freund-Hansen

Re: Error while using conditional build step plugin

2012-11-19 Thread domi
OK, I checked the code, and the issue really is that you did not define any 
I agree, this is a bug, but a conditional build step without any step, does not 
make sense either - so just remove the conditional step or add a step into it.

On 20.11.2012, at 03:40, alok kumar wrote:

 I am using the latest version of the plugin i.e. 1.2.1
 I havent yet conigured any steps as this error occurs soon after I try to 
 start jenkins after adding this plugin.
 This occurs every time and as soon as I remove this plugin from the plugins 
 folder and restart jenkins, everything gets back to normal.
 Waiting for a your reply.
 On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 3:16 AM, domi wrote:
 can you give me some more context information about it?
 - which version of the conditional-buildstep plugin are you running?
 - what kind of steps did you configure?
 - when does does the error occur? every time?
 On 19.11.2012, at 14:32, alok kumar wrote:
 I am facing the following problem while trying to use conditional build step 
 As a result of this, Jenkins fails to start.
 If I remove this plugin from the plugins folder and restart Jenkins, it 
 starts without any issues.
 I already have the dependent plugins i.e. run condition and token macro 
 This is blocking our release and hence any help would be greatly appreciated.
 Can you please tell me if there is some problem with this plugin?
 SEVERE: Failed Finalizing set up
 at hudson.model.Project.buildDependencyGraph(
 at jenkins.model.Jenkins.rebuildDependencyGraph(
 at jenkins.model.Jenkins$
 at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.runTask(
 at jenkins.model.Jenkins$6.runTask(
 at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$
 at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$
 Nov 19, 2012 3:55:13 PM hudson.WebAppMain$2 run
 SEVERE: Failed to initialize Jenkins
 org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.ReactorException: java.lang.NullPointerException
 at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.execute(
 at jenkins.model.Jenkins.executeReactor(
 at jenkins.model.Jenkins.init(
 at hudson.model.Hudson.init(
 at hudson.model.Hudson.init(
 at hudson.WebAppMain$
 Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
 at hudson.model.Project.buildDependencyGraph(
 at jenkins.model.Jenkins.rebuildDependencyGraph(
 at jenkins.model.Jenkins$
 at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.runTask(
 at jenkins.model.Jenkins$6.runTask(
 at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$
 at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$
 Thanks  Regards,
 Alok Kumar

Re: Automatic diagram

2012-11-16 Thread domi
Hi Stefan,

Thanks for taking picking up the idea of using JavaScript instead of 

Some feedback:

I just send you two pull requests...

  this one is not a big thing, just makes my life a bit easier in eclipse :)

  this one would actually allow me to use the plugin in my environment, because 
it allows to disable the rendering with graphviz at all. I need this, because I 
will never be able to install graphviz in our setup. So I'm really hopping you 
can do a release with this functionality soon. :)

If there are circular job dependencies, then all the jobs are displayed at the 
same position (like a stack)

Although the current JavaScript implementation is not yet perfect, a new 
release would already help me a lot!


On 13.11.2012, at 16:08, Stefan Wolf wrote:

 Hi all,
 I just released a new version of the
 It includes an experimental visualisation via jsPlumb based on domis work. 
 Please give me feedback how to improve the javascript visualisation and the 
 plugin in general. Feature and Pull requests are welcome.
 Best regards,
 On Wednesday, September 5, 2012 4:14:20 AM UTC-3, kikou wrote:
 Hi all
 Is there any plugin which draw automatically a diagram showing the job 
 sequence ?
 So that it is more easy to show to some people the 
 i dont like the format of pipeline view and it is more to show the result of 
 last builds than the sequence.

Re: disable email notifications

2012-11-08 Thread domi
This would be a once script for:
Interested in adding, just send a pull request?

On 08.11.2012, at 16:02, Xavier Nodet wrote:

 I used the script below to replace the standard mail notifier with email-ext.
 It should be relatively easy to update it to only do the first part (remove 
 mail notifications).
 But I don't know how exactly you would enable it back when you're done 
 setting up everything.
 import hudson.model.*
 import hudson.maven.*
 import hudson.tasks.*
 import hudson.plugins.emailext.*
 import hudson.plugins.emailext.plugins.trigger.*
 for (item in Hudson.instance.items) {
   //if ( != Debug env) {
   //  continue
   println(\njob: $
   recipients = \$DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS
   for (publisher in item.publishersList) {
 // Search for default Mailer Publisher (doesn't exist for Maven projects)
 if(publisher instanceof Mailer) {
   // save recipients
   recipients = publisher.recipients
   // remove publisher
 } else
 // Or for Extended Email Publisher
 if (publisher instanceof ExtendedEmailPublisher) {
   // save recipients (if it already exist it overrides others values)
   recipients = publisher.recipientList
   // remove it
   // If we found recipients list to send mail
   if (recipients != null) {
 println (CURRENT RECIPIENT : +recipients)
 // We create a new Extended Email Publisher
 def eep = new ExtendedEmailPublisher();
 eep.recipientList = recipients
 eep.defaultSubject = \$DEFAULT_SUBJECT
 eep.defaultContent = \$DEFAULT_CONTENT
 // With some triggers
 eep.configuredTriggers.add(new FailureTrigger(
   email : new EmailType(
 sendToRecipientList : true,
 sendToDevelopers : false,
 includeCulprits : false,
 body : ExtendedEmailPublisher.PROJECT_DEFAULT_BODY_TEXT,
 subject : ExtendedEmailPublisher.PROJECT_DEFAULT_SUBJECT_TEXT )))
 eep.configuredTriggers.add(new FixedTrigger(
   email : new EmailType(
 sendToRecipientList : true,
 sendToDevelopers : false,
 includeCulprits : false,
 body : ExtendedEmailPublisher.PROJECT_DEFAULT_BODY_TEXT,
 subject : ExtendedEmailPublisher.PROJECT_DEFAULT_SUBJECT_TEXT )))
 eep.configuredTriggers.add(new StillFailingTrigger(
   email : new EmailType(
 sendToRecipientList : true,
 sendToDevelopers : false,
 includeCulprits : false,
 body : ExtendedEmailPublisher.PROJECT_DEFAULT_BODY_TEXT,
 subject : ExtendedEmailPublisher.PROJECT_DEFAULT_SUBJECT_TEXT )))
 eep.configuredTriggers.add(new AbortedTrigger(
   email : new EmailType(
 sendToRecipientList : true,
 sendToDevelopers : false,
 includeCulprits : false,
 body : ExtendedEmailPublisher.PROJECT_DEFAULT_BODY_TEXT,
 subject : ExtendedEmailPublisher.PROJECT_DEFAULT_SUBJECT_TEXT )))
   // And we add/replace it in the project
   } else {
 println (NO RECIPIENT)
 On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Patrick Byrne wrote:
  I see that I could remove the 'Send email notification' for each job, 
 but I am setting up a large number of existing jobs on a new server, and I 
 want to globally disable all email notifications while I set up the 
 environment correctly such that large numbers of jobs do not fail and spam 
 many users with bogus error messages.
 From: Patrick Byrne [] 
 Sent: 08 November 2012 14:44
 To: ''
 Subject: disable email notifications
 How can I suppress sending of email notifications in Jenkins, please?
 Committers to a job are being automatically notified when a job fails, I want 
 to turn it off for now and I cannot see a configuration option for it.
 Xavier Nodet

Re: Cannot display dependency graph

2012-10-05 Thread domi
Does the user Jenkins runs with see 'dot' on the PATH? ('dot' is the CLI tool 
installed by graphviz)
If not, configure it in the global config of your jenkins installation.

On 06.10.2012, at 00:16, hezjing wrote:

 I have installed Jenkins 1.484 and Dependency Graph Viewer Plugin 0.4 on 
 CentOS 5.8.
 I have also successfully installed Graphviz using the command like 'yum 
 install graphviz-gd'.
 Unfortunately the graph is not showing when clicked on the 'Dependency Graph'.
 There is no error in /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log.
 Do you know what could be the problem?

Re: Automatic diagram

2012-09-28 Thread domi
I actually already starter this on your plugin, here is the branch using -
Unfortunately I did not finish it yet… the current implementation works so far, 
but has an issue if there are cyclic dependencies between jobs.
If you like it, feel free or/and let me know :)...
regards Domi

On 28.09.2012, at 19:25, Stefan Wolf wrote:

 since I am the maintainer and creater of the plugin, I would not say that it 
 is not maintained anymore. I hopefully will find some time soon to 
 restructure the code in a way to make it better extensible. I also was 
 looking for a possibility to layout the graph without resorting to graphviz, 
 but I was not able to find a solution in java or javascript. If you know a 
 good library which provides a similar functionality as graphviz, then please 
 tell me.
 On Wednesday, September 26, 2012 9:16:27 AM UTC-3, kikou wrote:
 sorry for this late answer
 I didnt pay attention but indeed it is working
 Nevertheless i found pity that we need another graphical lib, i am sure that 
 a plugin could be done with java tools only or html object, i really prefer a 
 plugin which not needs external binaries.
 Le mercredi 5 septembre 2012 15:23:40 UTC+2, Mark Waite a écrit :
 We use that plugin very frequently and it works great for us.  Why do you say 
 what a pity that this plugin is not maintained?  We've not found any cases 
 where it had bugs or issues that blocked our work, and I don't recall any 
 recent complaints from other users either.
 Can you describe further why you think it might need an update?
 Mark Waite
 From: kikou
 Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2012 5:20 AM
 Subject: Re: Automatic diagram
 Hi Gergo
 Thank you. The plugin you gave is exaclty what i am looking for.
 I maybe do a missunderstanding but it is the dependancy indeed i'd like to 
 have in a graph showing the sequence of projects (not build number), in other 
 words  seeing upstream and downstream projects in one graph.
 what a pitty that this plugin is not maintained. Yes maybe i could update it 
 but not now.
 Thank you a lot Gergo
 Le mercredi 5 septembre 2012 12:15:51 UTC+2, Gergo a écrit :
 You mention job sequence but if you mean build sequence - I don't think 
 it's predictable/static as it depends on dynamic factors (e.g availability of 
 slaves, build duration changes affect allocation).
 Not exactly sure about your requirements, but I'm using Dependency Graph 
 View: , 
 this seems to be how far you can get solely looking at the jobs.
 On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 8:14 AM, kikou  wrote:
 Hi all
 Is there any plugin which draw automatically a diagram showing the job 
 sequence ?
 So that it is more easy to show to some people the 
 i dont like the format of pipeline view and it is more to show the result of 
 last builds than the sequence.

Re: NodeLabel plugin breaks Windows batch command build steps

2012-09-27 Thread domi
Hi Glenn,
I'm happy to look at it in more details - although its gonna be hard without 
windows :), but could you please open an issue at 
Maybe someone on the list (with windows) does have an idea what could be wrong…?
regards Domi

On 25.09.2012, at 19:23, Glenn Coombs wrote:

 I just downloaded version 1.2.1 of the Node and Label parameter plugin and it 
 seems to be breaking build steps which use the Windows batch command.  I am 
 running version 1.480 of Jenkins.  I created a new free-style job with a Node 
 parameter specified.  I then added a single build step of type Execute 
 Windows batch command with the command as just ver. When it runs I get 
 this output:
 Started by user anonymous
 [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
 Building remotely on WINDOWS_SERVER in workspace 
 [update-scripts-all-slaves] $ cmd /c call 
 The parameter is incorrect
 FATAL: command execution failed Cannot run program cmd (in directory 
 C:\jenkins\workspace\update-scripts-all-slaves): CreateProcess error=87, 
 The parameter is incorrect
   at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(Unknown Source)
   at hudson.Proc$LocalProc.init(
   at hudson.Proc$LocalProc.init(
   at hudson.Launcher$LocalLauncher.launch(
   at hudson.Launcher$ProcStarter.start(
   at hudson.Launcher$
   at hudson.Launcher$
   at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
   at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
   at hudson.remoting.Request$
   at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
   at hudson.remoting.Engine$1$
   at Source)
 Caused by: CreateProcess error=87, The parameter is 
   at java.lang.ProcessImpl.create(Native Method)
   at java.lang.ProcessImpl.init(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(Unknown Source)
   ... 17 more
 Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure
 Notifying upstream projects of job completion
 Finished: FAILURE
 If I change the parameter from type Node to Label instead then it works fine:
 Started by user anonymous
 [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
 Building remotely on WINDOWS_SERVER in workspace 
 [update-scripts-all-slaves] $ cmd /c call 
 Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
 C:\jenkins\workspace\update-scripts-all-slavesexit 0 
 Notifying upstream projects of job completion
 Finished: SUCCESS
 It also works fine with the Node parameter when running on linux slaves with 
 a build step of type Execute shell command so it appears to only be Windows 
 batch file execution that is affected.
 Any ideas on how to fix this problem ?

Re: way to determine if plugin is being used

2012-09-26 Thread domi
extending your [Not wearing CloudBees hat time]…. any hint on how this was 
implemented? :)

On 26.09.2012, at 10:18, Stephen Connolly 

 I do hate to put this hat on excessively on this list
 [CloudBees hat]
 We have an Enterprise plugin that provides that feature:
 It is currently available as a beta release, but will be in the 12.11 release
 [/CloudBees hat]
 [Not wearing CloudBees hat at all and I never said this]
 If you just have a one time need, you could try the plugin with the 
 evaluation license... but then once the evaluation license expires you will 
 never be able to get an evaluation license on that Jenkins instance again :-(
 [/Not wearing CloudBees hat at all and I never said this]
 On 24 September 2012 19:47, grayaii wrote:
 Is there a way to figure out if a plugin is being used? (either groovy
 script, CLI, api/xml, etc)
 We have a bunch of plugins installed, but I don't think we are not using
 half of them and I would like to uninstall them.
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Jenkins users mailing list archive at

Re: way to determine if plugin is being used

2012-09-25 Thread domi
This is one of the suggested topics I've added to the list for JUC:

On 24.09.2012, at 20:47, grayaii wrote:

 Is there a way to figure out if a plugin is being used? (either groovy
 script, CLI, api/xml, etc)
 We have a bunch of plugins installed, but I don't think we are not using
 half of them and I would like to uninstall them.
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Jenkins users mailing list archive at

Re: [ANN] Project meeting at Jenkins User Conference -- call for agenda

2012-09-23 Thread domi

Do you want the suggestions entered right in the wiki or as response to this 

On 22.09.2012, at 20:13, Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:

 As you may or may not know, the Jenkins project has a bi-weekly IRC meeting 
 where we discuss and decide on things necessary to keep the project running.
 Next Sunday, we'll bring this project meeting live to Jenkins User Conference 
 San Francisco.
 Since this is an unique opportunity to engage people who don't normally come 
 to these meetings, I'd like to encourage everyone to propose agenda items and 
 post it to [1], or by just replying to this e-mail if you are lazy :-).
 The Wiki page lists all the past meetings, so you can get a sense of what it 
 is like. But this time, we hope to have a good number of users to the 
 meeting, not just project insiders. So if you have things you'd like to get 
 users feedback on, or if you like project insiders to update you on things, 
 please don't hesitate to add them.
 I still need to work on the logistics, but the plan is to do a cross-over 
 with IRC --- I'd like to show the IRC client projected in the room, so that 
 people in the room can see the conversation in IRC, and I'd like either 
 real-time transcribing of voice conversations to IRC and/or live broadcasting 
 of the room.
 Kohsuke Kawaguchi | CloudBees, Inc. |
 Try Nectar, our professional version of Jenkins

Re: deinstall OSX package

2012-09-12 Thread domi
Sorry, I was referring to the Mac OS X Jenkins package…

On 12.09.2012, at 19:40, Gábor Garami wrote:

 There is a lot of if you installed stuff from pkg/mpkg. But it is definitelly 
 not an osx support channel. However if you issue google search with 'osx pkg 
 uninstall' keywords you may find answer quickly.
 Garami Gábor
 Skype: hron84
 Tel: +36 20 235 9621
 Sent from my T-Mobile G2
 Ezt a levelet telefonról adták fel, ékezethibákat tartalmazhat.
 2012.09.11. 20:58, domi ezt írta:
 Is there any deinstaller for the OSX package available?

Re: mark build as unstable if it takes too long

2012-09-11 Thread domi
maybe this helps:

On 11.09.2012, at 03:48, Darren Rowley wrote:

 Is there any way to mark a build as unstable if it takes too long? I'm aware 
 of the build timeout plugin but that appears to actually abort the build. I 
 don't want the build to be aborted I just want the job to become unstable. 
 I guess I could do this we a groovy post build action but just wondering if I 
 am missing a built in setting or plugin.
 thanks in advance,

deinstall OSX package

2012-09-11 Thread domi
Is there any deinstaller for the OSX package available?

Re: JNLP Slave Behavior upon Server Bounce

2012-09-06 Thread domi
That I'm not 100% sure, but I think the jobs do get killed - even though the 
saves are not dead.

On 06.09.2012, at 14:59, Mandeville, Rob wrote:

 Just to be sure: they don’t abort their jobs in this case?
 [] On Behalf Of domi
 Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2012 8:58 AM
 Subject: Re: JNLP Slave Behavior upon Server Bounce
 Hi Rob,
 yes they are, the slaves automatically reconnect to there master as soon as 
 its available again.
 On 06.09.2012, at 13:10, Mandeville, Rob wrote:
 I’m running a fairly extensive Jenkins installation with about 120-140 slave 
 nodes, almost entirely on Linux (as is the server).  The server has been 
 hanging and taking up 100% CPU on its server from time to time, so I’ve had 
 to bounce the server.  With 12-hour test cycles, this can be…disruptive.  I 
 am trying to diagnose that problem, but while I’m doing that, I’m also trying 
 to figure out a way to be able to bounce the server and keep the jobs running.
 Currently, all slaves have a launch method of “Launch slave via execution of 
 command on the Master”, and said commands are SSH jobs.  So, when I kill the 
 Jenkins server, its 120+ SSH jobs die because they’re subordinate processes, 
 killing the slaves and any jobs running on them.  I know that you can launch 
 JNLP slaves so that they aren’t subordinate jobs, and won’t get automatically 
 killed by Linux when you kill the server. 
 So my question is: If I have a JNLP slave running a job and its Jenkins 
 server dies, will it re-establish the connection and continue the job it was 
 running when the server comes back up?
 Thanks in advance,
 The information in this message is for the intended recipient(s) only and may 
 be the proprietary and/or confidential property of Litle  Co., LLC, and thus 
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 communication in error, please notify Litle  Co. immediately by replying to 
 this message and then promptly deleting it and your reply permanently from 
 your computer.

[VOTE] Bump Jenkins to Java 6

2012-09-05 Thread domi
Hi all,

just after todays meeting on the IRC chat, we startet a discussion about 
upgrading Jenkins to Java 6.
As Java 5 has reached EOL since quite a while, some core developers have asked 
whether it would be 
OK to bump Jenkins' runtime dependency from Java5 to Java6.
The core is already build on Java6, but until now still backward compatible 
with Java5.
Therefore we would like to know from you (Users) whether you have an issue with 
this upgrade.
This would mean, that in the future you will have to have Java6 installed to 
run Jenkins (for Master and Slave).

Here are the current usage numbers (installations we know of):
Java 1.5: 655
Java 1.6: 29164
Java 1.7: 2919

So please give us some feedback/votes on this.

Re: Is it any good to use Jenkins as a web based UI for running operational scripts?

2012-08-31 Thread domi
Jenkins does support this too:

On 30.08.2012, at 16:36, Paul Weiss wrote:

 Rundeck looks interesting. It supports a use case that Jenkins doesn't, 
 namely, running a job on _every_ slave. I would love to use this to, say, 
 cleanup old workspace directories for Jenkins jobs that have been deleted.
 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:32 PM, R. Tyler Croy wrote:
 On Tue, 28 Aug 2012, Manglu wrote:
  I encountered an operations team which had built a number of jobs in
  Jenkins and all it does was kickstart scripts in the OS.
  This sounded a bit strange to me as they are effectively using Jenkins as a
  glorified UI for these tasks.
 I've used this plenty of times, having Jenkins operate as a centralized
 cron-like work-queue system for the production site was quite useful.
 Another tool that might fit the bill, or augment the functionality of Jenkins
 is Rundeck
 - R. Tyler Croy

Re: Security Realm by Custom Script Plugin: Group Command Script

2012-08-18 Thread domi
you could use role strategy plugin to administrate the group/role assignments 
or just enter some group names where you usually add  single users in the 
security config.
regards Domi

On 17.08.2012, at 23:01, Bowling, Brad wrote:

 In your example below, do you need to create the admin and  superuser 
 groups within Jenkins assigning various privileges to each?
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Bowling, Brad
 Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 1:22 PM
 Subject: RE: Security Realm by Custom Script Plugin: Group Command Script
 Thanks Domi.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of domi
 Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 1:13 PM
 Subject: Re: Security Realm by Custom Script Plugin: Group Command Script
 I also updated the documentation:
 On 15.08.2012, at 19:05, domi wrote:
 Hi Brad,
 you'r right with the purpose of the group command script, thats exactly what 
 it is for.
 The script can be any kind of shell script and should return 0 for any 
 successful execution.
 a simple script would be like this:
 if [ $U == domi ]; then
 echo admin,superuser
 On 14.08.2012, at 18:47, Bowling, Brad 
 I am a system admin setting up Jenkins 1.477.  I have Security Realm by 
 custom script plugin installed so I can customize my user authentication.  
 My question concerns the Group Command script.  I am thinking that this 
 functionality provides a custom way to determine the group that a certain 
 user belongs to (I could be wrong).  I am wanting assign privileges based 
 on the group that the custom script determines they are in, i.e. admin, 
 user or Anonymous (guest).  Am I getting the purpose of the custom group 
 command script?  Would anyone happen to have such a script that they have 
 successfully implemented.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Security Realm by Custom Script Plugin: Group Command Script

2012-08-15 Thread domi
Hi Brad,
you'r right with the purpose of the group command script, thats exactly what it 
is for.
The script can be any kind of shell script and should return 0 for any 
successful execution.
a simple script would be like this:

if [ $U == domi ]; then
 echo admin,superuser


On 14.08.2012, at 18:47, Bowling, Brad wrote:

 I am a system admin setting up Jenkins 1.477.  I have Security Realm by 
 custom script plugin installed so I can customize my user authentication.  
 My question concerns the Group Command script.  I am thinking that this 
 functionality provides a custom way to determine the group that a certain 
 user belongs to (I could be wrong).  I am wanting assign privileges based on 
 the group that the custom script determines they are in, i.e. admin, user or 
 Anonymous (guest).  Am I getting the purpose of the custom group command 
 script?  Would anyone happen to have such a script that they have 
 successfully implemented.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.
 This message w/attachments (message) is intended solely for the use of the 
 intended recipient(s) and may contain information that is privileged, 
 confidential or proprietary. If you are not an intended recipient, please 
 notify the sender, and then please delete and destroy all copies and 
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 important disclosures and disclaimers, which you should read. This message is 
 subject to terms available at the following link: By messaging with Sender you 
 consent to the foregoing.

Re: Security Realm by Custom Script Plugin: Group Command Script

2012-08-15 Thread domi
I also updated the documentation:

On 15.08.2012, at 19:05, domi wrote:

 Hi Brad,
 you'r right with the purpose of the group command script, thats exactly what 
 it is for.
 The script can be any kind of shell script and should return 0 for any 
 successful execution.
 a simple script would be like this:
 if [ $U == domi ]; then
 echo admin,superuser
 On 14.08.2012, at 18:47, Bowling, Brad 
 I am a system admin setting up Jenkins 1.477.  I have Security Realm by 
 custom script plugin installed so I can customize my user authentication.  
 My question concerns the Group Command script.  I am thinking that this 
 functionality provides a custom way to determine the group that a certain 
 user belongs to (I could be wrong).  I am wanting assign privileges based on 
 the group that the custom script determines they are in, i.e. admin, user or 
 Anonymous (guest).  Am I getting the purpose of the custom group command 
 script?  Would anyone happen to have such a script that they have 
 successfully implemented.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.
 This message w/attachments (message) is intended solely for the use of the 
 intended recipient(s) and may contain information that is privileged, 
 confidential or proprietary. If you are not an intended recipient, please 
 notify the sender, and then please delete and destroy all copies and 
 attachments, and be advised that any review or dissemination of, or the 
 taking of any action in reliance on, the information contained in or 
 attached to this message is prohibited. 
 Unless specifically indicated, this message is not an offer to sell or a 
 solicitation of any investment products or other financial product or 
 service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or an official 
 statement of Sender. Subject to applicable law, Sender may intercept, 
 monitor, review and retain e-communications (EC) traveling through its 
 networks/systems and may produce any such EC to regulators, law enforcement, 
 in litigation and as required by law. 
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 EC, and EC may be archived, supervised and produced in countries other than 
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 Federal Government Agency. Attachments that are part of this EC may have 
 additional important disclosures and disclaimers, which you should read. 
 This message is subject to terms available at the following link: By messaging with Sender you 
 consent to the foregoing.

Re: Open github ticket on failure?

2012-08-11 Thread domi
there is a repo where we collect scripts like this:

On 08.08.2012, at 02:06, Andrew Melo wrote:

 I actually wrote a python script that pings Jenkins and github. Is there a 
 contrib directory that'd be useful for?
 Andrew Melo
 Sent from my secret fortress.
 On Aug 7, 2012, at 18:58, Christopher Orr wrote:
 On 06/05/2012 05:56 PM, Andrew Melo wrote:
 Is there a way to have jenkins open a github ticket if a commit fails?
 Or would I need to have a custom post-build step for that?
 You'd have to write your own script to do that, but you could trigger it 
 with the Post build task plugin:

Re: Changing the value for a Maving setting

2012-08-11 Thread domi
The envinject plugin[1]  allows you to use a script to setup your env.
and there is also the the environment script plugin [2] which allows you to do 
the same (why there are two plugins for the same? I have no idea...)

On 09.08.2012, at 20:25, SamL wrote:

 Hello Folks.
 I am setting some Maven jobs in Jenkins that need to have a value changed 
 each time it runs.
 So it would look like the following:
 So one of the setting for Goal and options looks like the following:
 The REV_NUM has to be calculated by the job at build time
 Is there a way for me to set the REV_NUM value  each time a build  runs?
 Running Jenkins: 1.476
 On Linux Ubuntu
 Exporting it as env variable does not work.
 Thank you in advance for the help.

Re: Permalink to last Maven release builds usable in downstream build?

2012-07-30 Thread domi
Hi Radim,
please fill an issue for this.
regards Domi

On 30.07.2012, at 13:54, Radim Kubacki wrote:

 I wanted to create a pipeline with a
 1. Maven build that builds project including few of its subprojects
 and configured settings for Maven release build
 2. manually executed downstream build to take deployed artifact(s)
 from latest Maven release build and push it to our testing enviroment
 (install RPM or deploy web application).
 I can do (2.) as a promotion but I do not like it. (I'd like to run
 some integration tests when the build is is deployed. Also there can
 be more staging levels so deployment pipeline looks like a better
 solution than a set of promotions.)
 I am almost there with the help of Maven Deployment Linker plugin
 ( but
 I can only choose to select last {|stable|successfull|failed} build as
 a source of my artifacts in this downstream build. Why isn't release
 build here when Maven plugin creates a permalink for lastRelease job?
 Configuring it to lastStable build is not an option: there can be some
 manual test between build and deployment build and even without the
 release build initiates new non-release build called from an SCM
 trigger when version update is pushed as a result of maven release.
 So is there a way how to access last release build data from some
 downstream build? If there is not how difficult it would be to add it?

Re: Jenkins Jobs Fail with Sonar Plugin enabled on Slave Nodes

2012-07-15 Thread domi
have you tried to execute the same command on the command line? 
- login to the slave (e.g. ssh) as the same user as the Jenkins slave is 
running with
- change to the same directory 
- execute the mvn command

some ideas:
- was the same workspace used by a different Jenkins before?
- did you change the user the slave is running with


On 15.07.2012, at 03:46, krishna kurnala wrote:

 Hello all
 Has anyone faced the same issue before? Can you please guide me.
 I am encountering below exception when I try to run a build on one of our 
 Jenkins Slaves, the same Job succeeds if i tie  it to our Jenkins Master or 
 If I execute the Mvn sonar Command(in Bold below) from the cehcked-out 
 workspace on slave node or I add a goal mvn sonar:sonar along with mvn clean 
 deploy in my build steps.
 [Services-Address] $ mvn -f 
 /home/jenkinspan/workspace/Services-Address/pom.xml -e -B sonar:sonar 
 FATAL: command execution failed Cannot run program mvn (in directory 
 error=13, Permission denied
   at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
   at hudson.Proc$LocalProc.init(
   at hudson.Proc$LocalProc.init(
   at hudson.Launcher$LocalLauncher.launch(
   at hudson.Launcher$ProcStarter.start(
   at hudson.Launcher$
   at hudson.Launcher$
   at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
   at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
   at hudson.remoting.Request$
   at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
 Caused by: error=13, Permission 
   at java.lang.UNIXProcess.init(
   at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(
   at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
   ... 15 more
 Sonar analysis completed: FAILURE
 Build step 'Sonar' changed build result to FAILURE
 Build step 'Sonar' marked build as failure
 Email was triggered for: Failure
 From the Look of it, I did verify that, the Maven PATH's are correct on both 
 Slave and Master.
 I added the command echo $PATH before the build commences.
 [Services-Client-Sonar] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
 + echo 

Re: Jenkins AnsiColor Plugin 0.3.0 Released

2012-06-24 Thread domi
did you open an issue in JIRA?

On 22.06.2012, at 06:22, Bikash B wrote:

 I hope following gets fixed sooner
 On Wednesday, June 6, 2012 8:55:44 AM UTC+5:45, Daniel Doubrovkine wrote:
 Jenkins AnsiColor 0.3.0, eliminating boring output since its very first 
 release is out with some awesome contributions, including support for 
 (custom) color maps!
 Update your Jenkins!
 dB. | Moscow - Geneva - Seattle - New York - @dblockdotorg

Re: Managed Script Plugin help

2012-05-25 Thread domi
You can use the managed-script plugin to copy a groovy script into your 
workspace and then just use the groovy plugin to call it.

On 22.05.2012, at 18:08, vprasad79 wrote:

 Please can anyone confirm if managed groovy files works in managed Script 
 if works, can you provide procedure to use them.
 I use plugins:
 Managed script plugin: 1.0
 Config File provider: 2.2.1

Re: Maven configuration not populating files from Config File Provider Plugin

2012-05-25 Thread domi
please open an issue for this with all the details:
component: config-file-provider

On 23.05.2012, at 17:35, Brian Repko wrote:

 Have installed the Config File Provider Plugin and created a user 
 settings.xml file in there.  When I go back to my existing Maven jobs - or 
 create a new one - the drop down for Maven Settings Config is empty.  Is 
 there some configuration of the Maven plugin to grab those alternative 
 settings.xml files or do I need to publish the file somehow that I might 
 not have access to?

Re: Prefix help with plugin name?

2012-05-25 Thread domi
since version 1.453, Jenkins adds the plugin name into the help of each setting.
…so just klick the help icon on the left of a field and you'll know...

On 23.05.2012, at 16:58, Kalpesh wrote:

 I have been trying some plugins and I suddenly see 30 new options in
 config page
 no idea about which options shows up for which plugin
 Has no one faced this? I think it would be a good idea to either
 prefix options/checkboxes or at least the help messages, with prefix
 of the plugin/component name
 e.g. [email-ext]

Re: Execute job on all the nodes with a certain label

2012-05-14 Thread domi
Have a look at this plugin:
I think this should do what you want…
regards Domi

On 14.05.2012, at 16:48, Costin Caraivan wrote:

 I'm trying to use Jenkins as a remote execution tool. In case you're 
 wondering why I'm using Jenkins and not some other tool, it's because I 
 haven't found a tool for remote execution that provides:
 - multiple options for connecting to a machine
 - a web interface
 - easy configuration (very important from an administrative point of view)
 - no client/slave/agent install on the machines (you just need Java and 
 you're all set from Jenkins' point of view)
 - dozens of notification systems
 - tons of useful plugins
 Anyway, back on track. I want to execute a command on all the nodes with a 
 certain label. Is this possible? I'm not sure it is, but I'm missing 
 I don't want to configure the matrix jobs to use individual labels since I'll 
 have dozens of jobs, and lots of duplicated configuration. Plus the list will 
 have to be updated periodically.
 Any pointers will be greatly appreciated :) 
 Costin Caraivan

Re: Hello Jenkins, how to update plugins

2012-05-13 Thread domi
Hi Syed,
you where looking at the right place to get all the info you usually need…
For this specific plugin, there has not been any changes since the sources 
where moved from SVN to Git - therefore the pom was not changed and the link to 
the sources is still pointing to the old SVN repo.
But you can find the sources on github now:
To get familiar with git, you should have a start here:
regards Domi

On 13.05.2012, at 17:29, Syed Mahdi wrote:

 Hello Jenkins Users,
 I am new to  Jenkins and I am loving it already. Congrats to Jenkins
 on becoming a totally separate project from Hudson. I hope the Name
 jenkins makes it mark as it did with Hudson.
 I have a question, There is an already developed pluigin
 This is only supporting the websphere without security and that too
 only version 6.1 . If i want to upgrade/ update this plugin, where do
 i find the source code. there must be a Git hub for source code right.
 (never used GIT before).
 Thanks in advance.
 Syed Mahdi.

Re: clean up maven repo in Jenkins slave

2012-04-17 Thread domi
if you talk about jenkins home, there are two homes you have to think about:
- JENKINS_HOME, this is where the config of Jenkins will be, have a look here: 
- Home of the user Jenkins is running with: this depends on the system Jenkins 
os running on: Windows / *nix - don't know how to change it on Windows, on *nix 
its in the /etc/passwd. But before you do that, you should get familiar with 
what you are doing.
At the end its probably more a question of why you want to change the home 
directory… If you just want to change it to have the maven repo at a different 
location, then you should rather just change that location in your settings.xml 

About deleting and sharing the local repo: you have to be aware, that the local 
maven repo is not multi thread aware - e.g. if two builds download the same 
artifact at the same time you might get into trouble. This is also the reason, 
why Jenkins allows to configure the local repo for each 
build/executor/workspace (have a look at the Jenkins' global 'Maven Project 
So my advice is: get enough space to allow all this repos to exist.
regards Domi

On 16.04.2012, at 19:30, JasonX wrote:

 Hi Domi,
 this is a great help. I have more questions.
 where can I check/change the home directory of my user jenkins running
 with? Is that a good idea if i put maven repos in a share drive and
 mount it on both maven and jenkins slave servers so that only one
 location should be cleared up once too many dependencies are there and
 maven does not need to copy files to jenkins slave when build job
 On Apr 14, 3:02 am, domi wrote:
 It's not jenkins who copies the dependencies to this location, its maven.
 There are multiple reasons which could cause this:
 - you have configured /opt to be the home directory of your user you running 
 jenkins with.
 - this location is configured in your settings.xml
 If you delete all these, maven will just download them the next time again 
 (and slow down the build). If you have multiple maven jobs running at the 
 same time, you should also not delete the directory/repository while a build 
 is running, this would just remove the needed libraries and the build will 
 I recommend you use the 'Config File Provide Plugin' [1] - this will allow 
 you to configure your settings.xml at a central place and select one within 
 your job configuration from a drop down menu.
 regards Domi
 On 13.04.2012, at 20:43, JasonX wrote:
 I saw maven repo is copied to /opt/.m2 directory on Jenkins slave from
 maven server and it fills up Jenkins slave disk. I wanna clean it up.
 How  can I do it? can I remove all of the repos from Jenkins slave
 after each build? is that necessary to keep all dependencies on
 Jenkins slave but they are already existing in maven server.

Re: To Mac users: Change default user in Jenkins installer?

2012-04-08 Thread domi
+1 for drop of the deamon, but I would prefer I could choose the name of the 
The reason is, that at some companies your' not free to choose the users you 
want to have created on your system.

On 07.04.2012, at 23:50, Sami Tikka wrote:

 If you are not using the Jenkins Mac installer, this message is of
 little interest to you. Feel free to move along.
 Some background:
 The original Jenkins Mac installer set up Jenkins running as user
 daemon. This was easy because the user daemon already exists on
 all Macs. In other ways this turned out to be a bad move because the
 daemon user has a home directory that it does not own, which makes it
 difficult to do some things like set up ssh for Jenkins.
 Version 1.449 of the Mac installer for Jenkins introduced a new
 installer customization: the possibility to choose to create a new
 user called jenkins and set up Jenkins running under that account.
 The home directory for that user was /Users/Shared/Jenkins, and it was
 writable for the user. /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home, which is used for
 JENKINS_HOME, was chowned from user daemon to user jenkins.
 This was an optional installation customization and the default
 installation still sets up Jenkins running as user daemon.  I did
 not dare change the default in case it would break something.
 The Question:
 We are now planning to make some changes to the Mac installer and
 while at it, I'm considering should we change the default user from
 daemon to jenkins.
 As far as I know, it is safe to create the new jenkins user and chown
 all files to the new user. I do not know why it should not be the
 default and why the choice of running Jenkins as user daemon could
 not be dropped altogether.
 What does the Jenkins Mac user community think? Do you have something
 in your Jenkins setup that depends on being run as user daemon? What
 would break if Jenkins runs as user jenkins? Please stop me now
 before it is too late :)
 -- Sami

Re: Multi-configuration project with condition

2012-04-07 Thread domi
have a look at this plugin:

On 06.04.2012, at 09:15, Ferenc Kovacs wrote:

 Afair there is an advanced option/plugin wich allows you to set up conditions 
 for selecting which configuration builds should be executed or skipped. Afair 
 that condition input allows you to use variables, so maybe you can also acces 
 your parameterized build parameters.
 Sorry for the format and that I dont have definite answer, but I'm replying 
 via my phone. ;)
 2012.04.05. 15:07, nns ezt írta:
 Hi all!
 I'd like to know - if there's a chance to run multi-configuration project
 with conditional ?
 I mean if I use 2 configurations (lables for slaves), and basically my
 project is running on two different slaves.
 But I'd like to add e.g. a parameter, and run only one configuration
 depending on it's value.
 Lets say I have a Configuration Matrix project with label expression:
 label1 and label2.
 And input parameter as $build_on_label1 set to [true|false].
 And I want to build only 'label2' configuration if $build_on_label1 is set
 to 'false'.
 Is it possible?
 Thank you in advance.
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Jenkins users mailing list archive at

Re: Import people from file

2012-03-27 Thread domi
a simple groovy script should do...

On 27.03.2012, at 16:04, Breno C. Costa wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 I would like to import people list (name and email) from a file,
 because I have many people in my project's svn, and I need to send
 post build email to him.
 Best regards,
 Breno C. Costa

Re: Switch JDK between build steps

2012-03-27 Thread domi
you could use this plugin:
to reuse the JDK definitions (JAVA_HOME) for your scripts - this way you at 
least don't have to hard code JAVA_HOME…

On 27.03.2012, at 16:25, Andreas wrote:

 my current favorite solution is to define a special ant and maven version as 
 Jenkins tools. Lets say ant-sonar and maven-sonar. Once installed I add to 
 the ant / mvn script of these tool installations:
 ## Special code to get a fix 1.6 jdk to run sonar 2.14
 export JAVA_HOME
 echo \*\*\* Using hardcoded JAVA_HOME in \`basename $0`\ pointing to 
 \$JAVA_HOME\. 2
 It is still kind of a hack but it limits the effort that has to go in the 
 reconfiguration of each job.
 Kind Regards, Andreas.
 Am Montag, 26. März 2012 11:54:15 UTC+2 schrieb Andreas:
 I face the issue that I have to use different JDKs for different build steps. 
 Namely I need to invoke the compile step in ant with a 1.5 JDK and run the 
 sonar ant target with a 1.6 JDK. There is no easy way to split this job, so a 
 multi job setup is no solution here. Also I do not want to fork into a 
 different JDK in ant manually - actually only Jenkins knows where the JDK is 
 installed on the build node. 
 I face a similar requirement for maven goals. 
 I'm thinking about extending the ANT plugin to allow JDK selection in the 
 advanced options and the set JAVA_HOME accordingly. 
 Is there an easy, already existing solution? Any ideas are welcome.
 Kind Regards, Andreas.
 Am Montag, 26. März 2012 11:54:15 UTC+2 schrieb Andreas:
 I face the issue that I have to use different JDKs for different build steps. 
 Namely I need to invoke the compile step in ant with a 1.5 JDK and run the 
 sonar ant target with a 1.6 JDK. There is no easy way to split this job, so a 
 multi job setup is no solution here. Also I do not want to fork into a 
 different JDK in ant manually - actually only Jenkins knows where the JDK is 
 installed on the build node. 
 I face a similar requirement for maven goals. 
 I'm thinking about extending the ANT plugin to allow JDK selection in the 
 advanced options and the set JAVA_HOME accordingly. 
 Is there an easy, already existing solution? Any ideas are welcome.
 Kind Regards, Andreas.
 Am Montag, 26. März 2012 11:54:15 UTC+2 schrieb Andreas:
 I face the issue that I have to use different JDKs for different build steps. 
 Namely I need to invoke the compile step in ant with a 1.5 JDK and run the 
 sonar ant target with a 1.6 JDK. There is no easy way to split this job, so a 
 multi job setup is no solution here. Also I do not want to fork into a 
 different JDK in ant manually - actually only Jenkins knows where the JDK is 
 installed on the build node. 
 I face a similar requirement for maven goals. 
 I'm thinking about extending the ANT plugin to allow JDK selection in the 
 advanced options and the set JAVA_HOME accordingly. 
 Is there an easy, already existing solution? Any ideas are welcome.
 Kind Regards, Andreas.
 Am Montag, 26. März 2012 11:54:15 UTC+2 schrieb Andreas:
 I face the issue that I have to use different JDKs for different build steps. 
 Namely I need to invoke the compile step in ant with a 1.5 JDK and run the 
 sonar ant target with a 1.6 JDK. There is no easy way to split this job, so a 
 multi job setup is no solution here. Also I do not want to fork into a 
 different JDK in ant manually - actually only Jenkins knows where the JDK is 
 installed on the build node. 
 I face a similar requirement for maven goals. 
 I'm thinking about extending the ANT plugin to allow JDK selection in the 
 advanced options and the set JAVA_HOME accordingly. 
 Is there an easy, already existing solution? Any ideas are welcome.
 Kind Regards, Andreas.
 Am Montag, 26. März 2012 11:54:15 UTC+2 schrieb Andreas:
 I face the issue that I have to use different JDKs for different build steps. 
 Namely I need to invoke the compile step in ant with a 1.5 JDK and run the 
 sonar ant target with a 1.6 JDK. There is no easy way to split this job, so a 
 multi job setup is no solution here. Also I do not want to fork into a 
 different JDK in ant manually - actually only Jenkins knows where the JDK is 
 installed on the build node. 
 I face a similar requirement for maven goals. 
 I'm thinking about extending the ANT plugin to allow JDK selection in the 
 advanced options and the set JAVA_HOME accordingly. 
 Is there an easy, already existing solution? Any ideas are welcome.
 Kind Regards, Andreas.

Re: Switch JDK between build steps

2012-03-26 Thread domi
Maybe this plugin helps, it lets you expose the different JDK HOMEs as 
environment variables:

On 26.03.2012, at 15:55, Andreas wrote:

 thanks for the feedback and the idea. Unfortunately I think, this will not 
 work in my setup. I've several builds running in parallel, also I want to 
 have the JDKs auto installed by Jenkins.
 Kind Regards, Andreas.
 Am Montag, 26. März 2012 13:15:33 UTC+2 schrieb Didier Durand:
 To my knowledge Jenkins launches a separate jvm for each step you configure 
 in the Build section of your job configuration
 So, I would try to alternate your build steps under Ant with shell build 
 steps and use these shell steps to switch the jvm/jre as you want  (via for 
 example. the linux alternatives command)
 Le lundi 26 mars 2012 11:54:15 UTC+2, Andreas a écrit :
 I face the issue that I have to use different JDKs for different build steps. 
 Namely I need to invoke the compile step in ant with a 1.5 JDK and run the 
 sonar ant target with a 1.6 JDK. There is no easy way to split this job, so a 
 multi job setup is no solution here. Also I do not want to fork into a 
 different JDK in ant manually - actually only Jenkins knows where the JDK is 
 installed on the build node. 
 I face a similar requirement for maven goals. 
 I'm thinking about extending the ANT plugin to allow JDK selection in the 
 advanced options and the set JAVA_HOME accordingly. 
 Is there an easy, already existing solution? Any ideas are welcome.
 Kind Regards, Andreas.

Re: Scriptler Question

2012-03-26 Thread domi
Since version 2.2 Scriptler also has a builder:
With this one its possible to add Scriptler build steps to any job (if you'r 
given the right permissions…).
I think the only thing missing is probably a direct variable exposing the build 
into a variable - I can add that feature if you need it, please open a feature 
request so we can track it.

On 26.03.2012, at 20:14, James Carr wrote:

 Is there an easy way to setup scriptler so that it can modify files in
 the the project workspace?
 I kept trying System.getenv('WORKSPACE') but to no avail.

Re: Change path of .m2 directory if using maven-plugin

2012-03-20 Thread domi
add -Duser.home=/oath/toNewDir to the options

On 20.03.2012, at 13:53, Michael Wieland wrote:

 thanks for your reply but that didn't solved the problem. :(
 This option only changes the location of the local repository. The path to 
 the .m2 directory does not change by using this option.
 A build fails with this error message:
 ERROR: Failed to create /not/existing/user/dir/.m2
 I've looked at the source code of the maven-plugin and saw the path is hard 
 coded to the property user.home. Is there any way to set the user.home 
 property in a Maven job?
 On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 1:35:58 PM UTC+1, Richard Mortimer wrote:
 You question is best addressed to
 jenkinsci-issues@ is used for automated JIRA messages.
 That said I've answered your question below etc. and posted to -users 
 for others to comment as appropriate.
 On 20/03/2012 11:39, Programie wrote:
  I'm using Jenkins with the Maven plugin. Jenkins is running in a Tomcat
  Tomcat is running using the wwwjenkins user. However the home directory of
  this user does not exist. The administrators of the server said me, they set
  it to an invalid directory to have an unique directory for each application.
  That may makes sense because multiple applications can run in the same user
  The problem: Maven tries to create the .m2 directory in the not existing
  home directory of the wwwjenkins user. How can I change the path used by
  Maven for the .m2 directory? I want to move it to JENKINS_HOME.
 If you navigate to the Manage Jenkins page you can set the location of 
 the .m2 directory in the Maven Project Configuration section.
 You can set it to be Local to executor or Local to workspace. I 
 suspect that you want Local to workspace.

Re: Jenkins the OS X app now works on Lion

2012-03-13 Thread domi
why not add this one to the list of native installers/packages?

On 10.03.2012, at 18:39, Sami Tikka wrote:

 I'm glad to announce my alternative OS X installer for Jenkins is now
 compatible with OS X 10.8 Lion.
 But why another Jenkins installer for OS X? Two reasons:
 1) predates the official Jenkins installer by a few
 months. (First commit was on 2011-02-08 using the Fossil SCM.) I have
 always used myself at home. I have not made much noise
 about it because I believed everyone was happy with the official
 2) Lately I have become aware that some people have trouble with
 Jenkins on Mac. If you use the official Jenkins Mac OS X installer
 which sets up Jenkins as a background daemon, you might have problems
 with automating code signing or running a Mac application that needs
 access to the GUI session to display windows.
 These problems are caused by Jenkins running as a dedicated user and
 as a launch daemon (= a background service) with no access to another
 user's keychain or GUI session. Launch daemons are designed to handle
 specific system level maintenance tasks and they are cut off from
 anything a user might want to do, like display a window or move the
 mouse. is an alternative way to run Jenkins on the Mac. runs Jenkins as the user who launched it, right there in
 the user's GUI session context. has no windows, only a Dock icon and a menu to quit
 Jenkins. It is easy to to play with Jenkins, starting and stopping it
 at will.
 Earlier versions of did not work on Lion but I only found
 out after I did a clean re-install of my Mac. (Hey Apple, thanks!)
 If you want to check it out,
 source is at,
 ready-to-run downloads are at
 -- Sami

Re: GitHub as scm

2012-03-04 Thread domi
Did you try to clone the repo as root too?
If Jenkins is running as root, then root needs permission to clone.

On 04.03.2012, at 18:32, Douglas Ferguson wrote:

 I'm getting errors trying to use git (github) as my scm.
 It blows up with a 401 when trying to clone the repo. I've verified
 that my ssh keys are setup properly, I can ssh to github.
 I've tried all sorts of variations of the url, etc.
 Any tips?
 Couple of things that are noteworthy
 1) Jenkins is running as root
 2) It is a private repository

Re: How Access a Class from Groovy

2012-03-02 Thread domi
Thats correct.

On 03.03.2012, at 06:30, Frank Merrow wrote:

 So helpful . . . sort of . . .
 So at first I could not find what you suggest . . . but after nosing around,
 I did find that if as an execution step of a job I use Groovy, I can in fact
 adjust the class path there for that job step.
 Useful for the future, thank you.
 However, I'm running under scriptler and wanted to add something to the
 class path for a particular script.
 I'm guessing that means I need to adjust Jenkin's class path BEFORE I start
 Jenkins . . . that in the case of scriptler (and the Script Console) this
 isn't something dynamic that can be added to  without restarting Jenkins.
 Is that correct?
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Vojtech Juranek
 Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 4:49 AM
 Subject: Re: How Access a Class from Groovy
 What exactly are you trying to achieve? And where do you run groovy script
 using your Test class?
 In general, compiles Test class need to be in groovy class path.
 Usually it's -cp option when running from command line, in Jenkins Groovy
 plugin there's special column in Advanced options to set up class path
 So I am new to Java, Groovy and Jenkins . . .
 I have a simple test class working:
 class Test {
  public String MyString() { return This is my String; }
 I can compile it and call it from Java . . .
 class HelloWorldApp {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(Hello World!); // Display the string.
Test t = new Test();
 The question is, how do I do that from Groovy and Jenkins?
 Is there a magic directory this has to be put into or a way to change 
 CLASSPATH (I've seen postings implying CLASSPATH isn't honored by
 I get that I need to import it . . . but where do I need to put it or 
 how do I configure Groovy so it knows where I put it?

Re: conditional plugin and missing data

2012-02-06 Thread domi
please see here:
thanks Domi

On 06.02.2012, at 07:48, Matt Fair wrote:

 I've only tried it for the S3 artifact plugin and Environment
 Injector Plugin, the injector plugin worked just fine.  I have not
 tried any other plugins.
 Where should I open an issue?
 On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 11:28 PM, domi wrote:
 Hi Matt,
 could you open an issue for this?
 did you have issues like this with any other plugin then the S3 artifact 
 regards Domi
 On 04.02.2012, at 07:07, Matt Fair wrote:
 Simple work around I found was to just set an environment of the
 bucket name and then use S3 plugin as normal with the environment
 On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Matt Fair wrote:
 I'm using the conditional buildstep plugin to check what build type I
 have and in conjunction with the S3 artifact upload plugin upload to a
 different bucket.  The S3 artifact plugin by itself works fine to a
 single bucket, however when I try to do it via the conditional plugin
 it doesn't save any of the Files to upload information (i.e. source
 and destination bucket) for the S3 artifact plugin.  If I add it in,
 save it, and then go back into configuration it is empty.
 Any thoughts?  I tried with conditional step (single) and (multi-step)
 with the same results.  I have Jenkins 1.450 and the most up-to-date
 plugins on Linux.