RE: Advice requested: bash vs python scripts in Jenkins

2012-11-23 Thread David Aldrich
Hi Mark and Clem

Thanks very much for your replies.  They were both very helpful.

Best regards


Re: Advice requested: bash vs python scripts in Jenkins

2012-11-23 Thread Mark Waite
Yes, that technique will work, and switching to Python then opens you to the 
opportunity to write your tests in C or in Python using the Python ctypes 
library, and would allow you to use either "py.test" or "nose" to automatically 
discover, execute, and parallelize your tests.

Using that technique would also let you easily write the success / failure 
status of your tests in JUnit output format so that you could have "success", 
"unstable", and "failed" states for your builds, where "success" means 
everything compiled and all tests passed, "unstable" means everything compiled 
and some tests failed, and "failed" means that compilation failed.

There is a "testing in python" mailing list which can help with questions about 
py.test and nose.

Mark Waite

> From: David Aldrich 
>To: ""  
>Sent: Friday, November 23, 2012 4:47 AM
>Subject: Advice requested: bash vs python scripts in Jenkins
>We use Jenkins to run regression tests on our C++ console application.  Each 
>test consists of a bash script that typically runs the application with 
>defined test parameters and then compares the output files with reference 
>files using 'diff'.
>I am now thinking of moving from bash scripts to Python.  My expectation is 
>that Python will be much easier to code.
>To use Python, would I still use an "Execute shell" build step and specify the 
>/path/to/ -i 
>When using a bash script, I know that the test will fail if any script command 
>fails.  In an equivalent Python program should I just ensure that my Python 
>program returns an error code if any test step fails?
>Best regards

RE: Advice requested: bash vs python scripts in Jenkins

2012-11-23 Thread David Aldrich
Thanks Clem,

Best regards


Re: Advice requested: bash vs python scripts in Jenkins

2012-11-23 Thread clem
Just to make sure that there is no misunderstanding there are no # at my 
python line :)


Re: Advice requested: bash vs python scripts in Jenkins

2012-11-23 Thread clem

yes you are correct.
Im running my python scripts like this : #python "location/" 
parameter paramerter# in a "Execute Window Batch command"

You can catch error messages in your python script with : sys.exit('Your 
Error Code');
For example :
if re.match(---)
do this
   sys.exit('Not matching parameter x.')

So in case of an Script failure, it will stop and this "Error Code" will 
published at the Jenkins console
and stop the build.
