Hi all,

As part of the Pipeline Editor working with any Git server (thats right -
you'll be able to use the Editor without Github!) I am trying to massively
simplify the way that users setup Pipelines connected to Git repositories.

I've put together a short page here:

The high level summary is:

   - When people upload their SSH private key to Jenkins for git operations
   that key is also commonly used for other purposes e.g. logging into other
   - If Jenkins is compromised then an attacker could use that key to gain
   access to non-git systems (e.g. your production server)

We want to resolve this by:

   - Not presenting UI in Blue Ocean to add new credentials for SSH when
   creating or editing Pipelines
   - Generate a public/private ssh key pair that is associated with the
   logged in user and have that user authorise the public key with their Git
   server (only once per Git server)

While this is a different way of working, this has advantages:

   - You never upload private keys via Blue Ocean. If Jenkins is
   compromised, no secrets are disclosed except for the public/private key we
   generate for you
      - Attacker cannot use the Jenkins users public/private key to login
      to other systems
   - Pipeline and creation user experience is vastly simplified
      - There is less UI to achieve a connection to your Git repository

What I want to find out is if this would impact you so negatively you could
not use Pipeline creation and Editing with Blue Ocean and if those exist
what the use cases are specifically.

Looking forward to hearing from you!
James Dumay,
Director of Product Management.
CloudBees, Inc.
Skype: jdumaycb Twitter: i386

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