
My Jenkins installation is running on a dated Ubuntu server. The version of 
Java installed via apt is 1.6.0_10.  This version runs Jenkins.

The Jenkins installation has Oracle's JDK 1.6.0_34 setup in its configuration. 
Our job configuration uses this JDK for its JAVA_HOME.  I noticed another 
environment variable, PATH+JDK pointing to $JAVA_HOME/bin.

Here's the kicker. 1.6.0_10 suffers from a bug with generics. It was fixed 
before _34 was released, yet this Jenkins job is failing as a result of it.

I had expected $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac would be the compiler used by Ant for the 
job, however it appears that I'm incorrect. Instead, it looks like 
/usr/bin/java is being called instead.

How can I get Jenkins to use $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac, from within Jenkins?


   T. Anthony Rabaa (طلال رابعة) 

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