JESS: [EXTERNAL] nested foreach to return from the inner loop

2013-05-23 Thread Przemyslaw Woznowski
Hi Jess users,

I have the following function:

(deffunction similarity-score (?base ?other)
(bind ?score 0)
(bind ?totalDistance 0)
(bind ?counter 0)
(foreach ?x ?base
(bind ?counter (+ ?counter 1))
(printout t "counter is:" ?counter)
(bind ?partialDistance 0)
(printout t "partialDist is:" ?partialDistance)
(foreach ?y ?other
(bind ?partialDistance (+ ?partialDistance 1))
(printout t "foreach partialDist is:" ?partialDistance)
(if (eq ?x ?y) then
(bind ?score (+ ?score 1))
(printout t "score is:" ?score)
(bind ?totalDistance (/ ?counter ?partialDistance))
(return (- (/ ?score (length$ ?base)) (* (- 1 (/ (length$ ?base)
?totalDistance)) 0.1) ))

As you can see, the above function has a nested foreach loop, which upon
finding equal values in both list should skip to the next iteration of the
outer loop. In java, instead of (return) one would normally put a break
statement. As far as the documentation of the (foreach) construct reads, it
says: "The return function can be used to break the iteration". However,
what I am finding is that the (return) function terminates the outer loop
too - unless I seriously messed up the code - but this is the result of my
observation of the (printout t) function. Moreover, when I remove the
(return) function, the function iterates over the outer and inner loops
just fine.

Any advice on how can I break the inner's loop iteration? I know I can use
a variable to flag that the match has been found and add it to the if
statement, but I am hoping that there is an equivalent of break in Jess.


Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] nested foreach to return from the inner loop

2013-05-23 Thread Jason Morris
Did you try the

Arguments:NoneReturns:N/ADescription: Immediately exit any enclosing loop
or control scope. Can be used inside of
while , and
foreach loops,
as well as within the body of a
the right hand side of a
defrule . If
called anywhere else, will throw an exception.

*Jason C. Morris*
President, Principal Consultant
Morris Technical Solutions LLC
President, Rules Fest Association
Chairman, IntelliFest 2012: International Conference on Reasoning

phone: +01.517.376.8314
skype: jcmorris-mts
Invent * Innovate * Implement at IntelliFest!

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Przemyslaw Woznowski <> wrote:

> Hi Jess users,
> I have the following function:
> (deffunction similarity-score (?base ?other)
> (bind ?score 0)
> (bind ?totalDistance 0)
> (bind ?counter 0)
> (foreach ?x ?base
> (bind ?counter (+ ?counter 1))
> (printout t "counter is:" ?counter)
> (bind ?partialDistance 0)
> (printout t "partialDist is:" ?partialDistance)
> (foreach ?y ?other
> (bind ?partialDistance (+ ?partialDistance 1))
> (printout t "foreach partialDist is:" ?partialDistance)
> (if (eq ?x ?y) then
> (bind ?score (+ ?score 1))
> (printout t "score is:" ?score)
> (return)
> )
> )
> (bind ?totalDistance (/ ?counter ?partialDistance))
> )
> (return (- (/ ?score (length$ ?base)) (* (- 1 (/ (length$ ?base)
> ?totalDistance)) 0.1) ))
> )
> As you can see, the above function has a nested foreach loop, which upon
> finding equal values in both list should skip to the next iteration of the
> outer loop. In java, instead of (return) one would normally put a break
> statement. As far as the documentation of the (foreach) construct reads, it
> says: "The return function can be used to break the iteration". However,
> what I am finding is that the (return) function terminates the outer loop
> too - unless I seriously messed up the code - but this is the result of my
> observation of the (printout t) function. Moreover, when I remove the
> (return) function, the function iterates over the outer and inner loops
> just fine.
> Any advice on how can I break the inner's loop iteration? I know I can use
> a variable to flag that the match has been found and add it to the if
> statement, but I am hoping that there is an equivalent of break in Jess.
> Cheers,
> Pete