JESS: October Technical Rules Fest

2008-09-13 Thread James C. Owen


Monthly reminder about the October Technical Rules Fest.  Check out
the site, check out the speakers, check out the agenda, check out the
talks...  First Class all the way with some of the most interesting
speakers in the rulebase space.  Note that this is NOT like the
Business Rules Forum - that's the following week in Orlando.  Nope,
ours is more of geek thing where you can meet with the inventors of
various rulebase systems as well some of the upper ranking geeks.

I'll send only one more email about this before it begins on October
22nd.  But, mainly, this is a conference where you can have FUN and
LEARN at the same time.  We're expecting a huge student turnout (they
will get their notices on Monday or Tuesday of next week) and we have
a limited number of seats.  So, if you want to be sure that you have a
seat, register now.

James Owen
Senior Consultant / Architect
KnowledgeBased Systems Corporation
Co-founder and Director October Rules Fest -THE RuleBased Systems
Conference Oct 22-24 Dallas, TX

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III

JESS: October Technical Rules Fest

2008-05-21 Thread James C. Owen

Greetings Jess Users and Abusers:

This is kind of early, but you are anywhere near the Dallas / Fort
Worth area in mid-to-late October 2008, you might want to attend the
October Technical Rules Fest that will be held somewhere in the
DFW area - don't have a home for it yet but we're really looking since
we have a GREAT slate of speakers.  Check out

for details.  By early June we'll have a page to register and some
more information.  BUT, for now, just the lineup of speakers who have
actually committed to speaking is (not to brag) quite
impressive.  :-)   You can still join the group so that you are kept
up to date on the emails but check back in by mid-June at any rate.
See you there?

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself
David Herbert Lawrence.
(Also in the Movie, G I Jane)

Re: JESS: October Technical Rules Fest

2008-05-21 Thread Jason Morris
Hi James,

* Where are you advertising this and how many people have confirmed
their attendance?
* What is the projected or target attendance?
* Will there be a registration fee?


Jason Morris
Morris Technical Solutions LLC
(517) 304-5883

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