All, Here's my first (and hopefully not last) humble contribution to the Jess community. Many folks use UtraEdit for random text processing (those not using Emacs anyway). UltraEdit uses a "wordfile", sort of a homegrown style sheet which tells it how highlight various text file types. Until now, I've been using its CLIPS layout to display Jess files.
I lifted the Jess functions from and wrote Jess its own wordfile. My version is very JBuilder-ish in its color-coding since that's my Java IDE. Feel free to modify it as needed. To use it, simply cut and paste everything between the lines into your UltraEdit wordfile.txt file (see bottom of email). It should be available for download at the UltraEdit site soon. Cheers, Jason Morris --- Jason Morris Morris Technical Solutions [EMAIL PROTECTED] fax/phone: 503.692.1088 ------------------------------- BEGIN Jess Wordfile ----------------------------------------- /L1"JESS6.1" Line Comment = ; File Extensions = CLP /Delimiters = [EMAIL PROTECTED]&*()+=|\/{}[]:;"'<> , .? /C1"Math Functions" * ** + - / < <= <> = > >= abs div e eq eq* exp float integer log log10 long max min mod neq pi random round sqrt /C2"Keywords" and bit-and bit-not bit-or bag bind clear-storage fetch gensym* jess-version-number jess-version-string not or set-factory setgen store system time /C3"I/O Functions" close format get-multithreaded-io list-deftemplates open printout ppdeffacts ppdeffunction ppdefglobal ppdefquery ppdefrule ppdeftemplate read readline rules set-multithreaded-io socket show-deffacts show-deftemplates /C4"Control" apply call-on-engine foreach if progn return while /C5"Debug" list-function$ matches show-jess-listeners unwatch view watch /C6"Rete" agenda assert assert-string batch bload bsave build clear clear-focus-stack count-query-results defadvice defrule do-backward-chaining dependencies dependents duplicate engine eval exit focus fact-id fact-slot-value facts get-current-module get-focus get-focus-stack get-reset-globals get-salience-evaluation get-strategy halt list-focus-stack load-facts modify pop-focus reset run run-until-halt run-query retract retract-string set-current-module set-node-index-hash set-reset-globals set-salience-evaluation set-strategy save-facts undefadvice undefrule /C7"Java Functions" call context defclass definstance get get-member import instanceof load-function load-package new set set-member synchronized throw try undefinstance update /C8"Value Functions" asc complement$ create$ delete$ explode$ evenp external-addressp floatp first$ integerp implode$ insert$ intersection$ lexemep longp length$ lowcase multifieldp member$ numberp nth$ oddp replace$ rest$ stringp subsetp symbolp subseq$ str-cat str-compare str-index str-length sub-string sym-cat upcase union$ ------------------------------- END Jess Wordfile ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send the words 'unsubscribe jess-users [EMAIL PROTECTED]' in the BODY of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], NOT to the list (use your own address!) List problems? Notify [EMAIL PROTECTED] --------------------------------------------------------------------