JNM * Gods Work Ministry E-Mail

2004-12-20 Terurut Topik pttwr

From: Dwayne Savaya [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gods Work Ministry Inspirational and Encouragement E-Mail

Dear Friend,

The Goodness of Almighty God is shown towards all humanity as He waits 
patiently for all persons to recognize they have fallen short of God's Glory 
and in need of His forgiveness and redemption.  Deep in our hearts we know that 
we have broken God's Commandments.  In our lifetime, we have all lied, stolen, 
blasphemed the name of God, committed adultery in our 
hearts and that is only Four of the Ten Commandments that God has given to 
mankind.  The Bible says the person who breaks one of these laws is guilty of 
breaking them all.  We are guilty of sin, but the good news is the Blood of 
Jesus Christ that was shed on the Cross of Calvary to redeem mankind will 
cleanse us from our unrighteousness and make us clean before God the Father.  
Jesus died for you when I and all we have to do to receive Eternal
Life is repent of our sins and trust in and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and 
Savior.  God has made Salvation simple so let us trust and rest in His finished 
work. (Exodus 20:1-17) (Matthew 5:27-28) (2 Peter 3:9) (James 2:10-12)

I hope today's message ministers to your heart to accept the free gift of 
Salvation for yourself and know that it is God's good pleasure to give you the 
Kingdom. (Luke 12:31-32)


The old monk sat by the side of the road. With his eyes closed, his legs 
crossed and his hands folded in his lap, he sat. In deep meditation, he sat.

Suddenly his peace was interrupted by the harsh and demanding voice of a 
samurai warrior. Old man! Teach me about heaven and hell!

At first, as though he had not heard, there was no perceptible response from 
the monk. But gradually he began to open his eyes, the faintest hint of a smile 
playing around the corners of his mouth as the samurai stood there, waiting 
impatiently, growing more and more agitated with each passing second.

You wish to know the secrets of heaven and hell? replied the monk at last. 
You who are so unkempt. You whose hands and feet are covered with dirt. You 
whose hair is uncombed, whose breath is foul, whose sword is all rusty and 
neglected. You who are ugly and whose mother dresses you funny. You would ask 
me of heaven and hell?

The samurai uttered a vile curse. He drew his sword and raised it high above 
his head. His face turned to crimson and the veins on his neck stood out in 
bold relief as he prepared to sever the monk's head from its shoulders.

That is hell, said the old monk gently, just as the sword began its descent.

In that fraction of a second, the samurai was overcome with amazement, awe, 
compassion and love for this gentle being who had dared to risk his very life 
to give him such a teaching. He stopped his sword in mid-flight and his eyes 
filled with grateful tears.

And that, said the monk, is heaven.
By John W. Groff

We are to recognize that we have sinned against a Holy God and in need of 
redemption.  The Bible says that when sin is finished, it brings forth death.  
Without God's forgiveness, we are all guilty of breaking the laws of God and we 
will receive righteous judgment.  The good news is God is willing to forgive 
and cleanse us from all our unrighteousness.  The Bible declares in Isaiah 1:18 
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as 
scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they 
shall be as wool.  Without God's forgiveness, there is no redemption and if 
there is no redemption then there is no salvation. (Psalm 51:1-4) (James 
1:13-17) (Acts 2:38)

I encourage you to acknowledge your sin and trust in the finished work of the 
Lord Jesus Christ.  The Lord has done all the work for mankind to be saved from 
their sins.  He died on the Cross taking the sins of humanity upon Himself so 
that we might be forgiven of our iniquities.  The Bible declares in Romans 6:23 
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of 
God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.  We deserve death and hell, 
but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.  Salvation is a gift 
that is offered to all mankind, but you must receive it for  yourself. (1 John 
1:8-10) (John 19:30) (Ephesians 2:8-10) (Acts 4:12)

Read and meditate on these scriptures:

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count 
slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, 
but that all should come to repentance.

Romans 10:9-10 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and 
shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt 
be saved.  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the 
mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Romans 5:8-10 But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were 
yet sinners, Christ died for us.  Much more then, being now justified by His 
blood, we 

JNM * Will you get the mark ?; Christmas without Christ Can you kill ?

2004-12-20 Terurut Topik pttwr

From: Bayo Afolaranmi 

Dear Beloved,

'Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those 
who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.'
As I listened, he said to the others, 'Follow him through the city and kill, 
without showing pity or compassion' (Ezekiel 9:4-5, NIV).
The people of Israel were rebellious, even after God did the unimaginable thing 
to them - sending them to exile. They rejected their God who chose them out of 
all the nations to be priestly nation for Him. They disobeyed Him in all the 
laws and commandments He gave them. They forsook the covenant they made with 
Him and followed the gods of other nations. Therefore, God decided to punish 
all these rebellious people by killing them. However, before He did this, He 
commanded that a man should put a mark on the forehead of every one that was 
still faithful to Him. As this man was marking them, He commanded other men to 
destroy all others that did not have the mark.
This reminds me of the blood on the doorpost of the houses of the Israelites in 
Egypt when the destroying angel was killing the first-born children of the 
Egyptians. It also reminds me of the precious blood of Jesus Christ, our 
Passover Lamb, which is on every Christian. Nevertheless, those are not my 
emphasis here. 
In a world that is full of all atrocities in the name of civilization or 
globalization, can you be distinguished as somebody who grieves about these 
atrocities? Or are you one of those that are encouraging them? 
It is a pity that the bug of this so-called civilization has bitten most of the 
Christians, even, ministers of God! The world has crept into the church, and 
the church is becoming worldlier every day.
If God visit churches today, will He mark you out as He marked Lot out in 
Sodom? Peter recorded about Lot as a righteous man, who was distressed by the 
filthy lives of lawless men (for that righteous man, living among them day 
after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and 
heard) (2 Peter 2:7-8, NIV). Will you get the mark?

In His service,
Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).
From: Bayo Afolaranmi 

Dear Beloved,


She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because 
he will save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21, NIV).
I was coming home from my working place that day when I saw a place full of 
celebration. A brewery company is organizing a Christmas show. Beer and all 
sorts of alcoholic drinks were free for every one that attended the show. The 
place was full of young men and women and even some elderly ones that came to 
enjoy the show. There was no place for Christ - the reason for Christmas - in 
the show for it was organized to promote the products of the brewery company.
As I was passing by the place, I was thinking within me of all the funs that 
normally accompany the Christmas season. Why are we doing all these funs? Are 
they purposely for Jesus Christ? Have we not turned the season to a season to 
gratify our selfish desires? It is good that a period of the year is set aside 
to celebrate His birth. Do we really focus on Jesus Christ who is the reason 
for Christmas?
Do not celebrate this Christmas without Jesus Christ. He has come to save us. 
Paul said, [Jesus Christ] who gave himself for us to redeem us from all 
wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to 
do what is good (Titus 2:14, NIV). Have you been saved by Him? As you 
celebrate this Christmas, think of how you will lead others to the saving 
knowledge of Jesus Christ so that they also will not be celebrating Christmas 
without Christ.
In His service,
Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).
From: Bayo Afolaranmi 

Dear Beloved,

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and 
whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: But I say unto you, 
That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of 
the judgment. (Matthew 5:21-22a, KJV).
Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has 
eternal life in him (1 John 3:15, NIV).
We were having our supper that evening when my four-year-old son asked his 
mother: Mummy, can you kill? His mother quickly answered, No, I cannot kill, 
but I can bless people. I tried to help my son by modifying the question, 
Killing what? My son clarified himself by saying that he meant killing 
animals. My dear wife still corroborated her earlier answer that she cannot 
kill even a small rat!
As I was reflecting on the dialogue, I realized that many people might not be 
able to kill even a small rat like my wife. However, such people have killed, 
and are still killing, many people by their hatred thoughts and actions. 
The Bible says, Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer. (1 

JNM * Siapa yang membuat agama The original Our Father

2004-12-20 Terurut Topik pttwr

From: redemptus be hariana 

Temin-temin milis,
nimbrung dikit.ya

Apa itu agama?
Secara harafiah, kata agama berasal dari bahasa Sansekerta dan berdasar 
analisis linguistik, ada dua jenis penjelasan:

Menurut Kitab Samdarigama:
agama berasal dari suku kata a-gam-a; a sebagai awalan berarti tidak, gam 
berarti pergi atau berjalan, sedang a sebagai akhiran  menunjukkan sifat. 
Sehingga secara etimologis, agama menunjuk pada arti keadaan tidak pergi, 
tetap dan kekal Dengan demikian, agama dipahami sebagai pedoman menuju 

Menurut Kitab Sunarigama:
Kata agama terdiri dari suku kata a-ga-ma; a berarti hampa atau kosong, ga 
berarti tempat dan ma berarti terang, matahari. Walaupun paduan kata ini 
tidak jelas memberi arti, namun kemudian ditafsirkan sebagai pengajaran yang 
menguraikan tata cara yang semuanya penuh misteri karena Tuhan dianggap 
bersifat rahasia.

Kemudian ensiklopedi Indonesia memberi enam buah pengertian dariu kata agama 
a. hubungan manusia dengan kekuasaan di luar dirinya dan diluar pengalamannya
b. kelompok kepercayaan yang berdasar pada wahyu Tuhan
c. kebiasaan-kebiasaan, tradisi berdasarkan ajaran kitab suci.
d. kepercayaan dan kesadaran manusia akan adanya Tuhan YME
e. hukum dan juga jalan
f. (menurut penafsiran umat Islam) agama adalah apa yang disyari'atkan Allah 
dengan perantaraan nabi-nabiNya.

Sementara dalam Gereja (Barat), agama dinamai Religio, Religione, Religion, 
Goddienst; definisinya antara lain  aga,a adalah suatu keutamaan yang 
membimbing manusia untuk mengunjukkan hormat bakti yang sepatutnya kepada-Nya.

Secara umum, agama dimengerti sebagai hubungan antara manusia dengan suatu 
kekuasaan luar atau relasi manusia dengan sesuatu yang di luar pengalamannya.  
Kekuasaan itu bersifat suci dan menumbuhkan rasa takluk dalam diri manusia dan 
malah menarik manusia kepadanya. Dan dalamhidup manusia, sang kuasa itu menjadi 
tumpuan dan harapan, bukit batu, pokok kepercayaan, dan karenanya patut 
dihormati dan dicintai. Secara umum pula terdapat 4 ciri agama, yakni:
a. manusia percaya kepada Yang Mahakuasa (iman)
b. ada upacara suci (ritus) dengan terjalinnya hubungan Yang Ilahi 
c. ada ajaran tentang Yang Ilahi itu (doktrin)
d. ada sikap hidup dari para penganutnya (moral)

Orang-orang atau manusia yag sepaham kemudian menjalin relasi dengan Sang 
Mahakuasa, Yang Ilahi dengan membentuk persekutuan atau kelompok dengan segala 
tatacara dan aturannya agar jalinan relasi dengan yang di luar diri itu tetap 
terjamin dan teratur.

Dalam perkembangannya, manusia membeda-bedakakan agama atas; agama pewahyuan, 
agama alamiah, dan agama yang dihasilakan oleh pemikiran manusia.

Agama pewahyuan, adalah relasi dengan Yang Mahakuasa yang terjalin, karena ada 
wahyu dari Yang Kuasa tadi (Yahudi, Kristen, Islam)
Agama alamiah muncul karena dalam benda-benda alam dirasakan suatu kekuatan 
dahsyat (agama-agama purba, agama rakyat/tradisional)
Agama hasil pemeikiran manusia aalah agama yang timbul karena kesadaran budi 
akan adanya kuasa istimewa yang melingkuni manusia, yang bisa memberi jawaban 
atas pertanyaan dan permasalahan manusia. (Sidharta Gautama)

Kalau mas Handoko, mempertanyakan siapa yang membuat agama? kemudian dijawab 
adalah Tuhan. Mungkin pertanyaan lanjutannya adalah Siapakah Tuhan itu? 
manusiakah, mamonkah, bendakah? dan seterusnya

Bagaimana dengan Agama Kristen.
Dari catatan-catatan sewaktu mengikuti Kursus Katekis Paroki yang saya temukan, 
dikatakan sebagai berikut :
bahwa Agama Kristen adalah agama pewahyuan, karena umat Kristen (termasuk saya 
dan semoga teman-temin milis pun) percaya bahwa Allah membuka komunikasi dengan 
umat manusia lewat kata dan perbuatanNya yang memuncak dalam diri Yesus 
Kristus, Putra-Nya. Kata dan perbuatan Allah ini dalam sejarah penyelamatan 
tertuang dalam Kitab Suci Orang Kristen.

Trusapa kekhasannya Agama Kristen?
Karl Rahner, mencoba mendata kekhasan itu sebagai berikut: 
a. Agama Kristen memandang dirinya sebagai agam universal, diperuntukkan bagi 
segenap umat manusia. Maka dapat dimengerti bahwa termasuk misi Orang Kristen 
adalah membawa berita keselamatan kepada seluruh lapisan masyarakat di seantero 
jagat raya ini hingga akhir zaman (bdk. Mat. 28:16-20) Agama Kristen berpegang 
teguh bahwa dalam dirinya terjalin relasi yang benar antara Allah (sang 
Mahakuasa dan Kudus) dengan manusia, sebab relasi itu dibangun oleh Allah 
b. Agama Kristen adalah agama historis yang diwahyukan. Ini berarti hal-hal 
nyata yang disajikan dan kebenaran yang diwartakannya berada di dunia ini, 
terjadi dalam kurun waktu dan tempat yang secara konkret berkembang (merekah) 
dalam diri Yesus Kristus.
c. Agama Kristen adalah agama dogmatis sebab memiliki ajaran kepercayaan yang 
dibakukan dalam bahasa manusia. Kebenaran-kebenaran yangtelah dirumuskan tidak 
berubah aatau lekang dalam perubahan-peubahan sejarah tetapi pengungkapannya 
bisa smakin diperjelas sesuai dengan kondisi dn