JNM <*> daily devotional

2006-02-08 Terurut Topik pttwr


daily devotional





  1:21Thou shalt call his name Jesus. 

  When a person is dear, everything 
  connected with him becomes dear for his sake. Thus, so 
  precious is the person of the Lord Jesus in the estimation of 
  all true believers, that everything about Him they consider to 
  be inestimable beyond all price. "All Thy garments smell of 
  myrrh, and aloes, and cassia," said David, as if the very 
  vestments of the Saviour were so sweetened by His person that 
  he could not but love them. Certain it is, that there is not a 
  spot where that hallowed foot hath trodden-there is not a word 
  which those blessed lips have uttered-nor a thought which His 
  loving Word has revealed-which is not to us precious beyond 
  all price. And this is true of the names of Christ-they are 
  all sweet in the believer's ear. Whether He be called the 
  Husband of the Church, her Bridegroom, her Friend; whether He 
  be styled the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world-the 
  King, the Prophet, or the Priest-every title of our 
  Master-Shiloh, Emmanuel, Wonderful, t he Mighty 
  Counsellor-every name is like the honeycomb dropping with 
  honey, and luscious are the drops that distil from it. But if 
  there be one name sweeter than another in the believer's ear, 
  it is the name of Jesus. Jesus! it is the name which moves the 
  harps of heaven to melody. Jesus! the life of all our joys. If 
  there be one name more charming, more precious than another, 
  it is this name. It is woven into the very warp and woof of 
  our psalmody. Many of our hymns begin with it, and scarcely 
  any, that are good for anything, end without it. It is the sum 
  total of all delights. It is the music with which the bells of 
  heaven ring; a song in a word; an ocean for comprehension, 
  although a drop for brevity; a matchless oratorio in two 
  syllables; a gathering up of the hallelujahs of eternity in 
  five letters. "Jesus, I love Thy charming name, 'Tis 
  music to mine ear." 







  1:21He shall save His people from their sins. 

  Many persons, if they are asked what 
  they understand by salvation, will reply, "Being saved from 
  hell and taken to heaven." This is one result of salvation, 
  but it is not one tithe of what is contained in that boon. It 
  is true our Lord Jesus Christ does redeem all His people from 
  the wrath to come; He saves them from the fearful condemnation 
  which their sins had brought upon them; but His triumph is far 
  more complete than this. He saves His people "from their 
  sins." Oh! sweet deliverance from our worst foes. Where Christ 
  works a saving work, He casts Satan from his throne, and will 
  not let him be master any longer. No man is a true Christian 
  if sin reigns in his mortal body. Sin will be in us-it will 
  never be utterly expelled till the spirit enters glory; but it 
  will never have dominion. There will be a striving for 
  dominion-a lusting against the new law and the new spirit 
  which God has implanted-but sin will never get the upper hand 
  so as to be absolute mona rch of our nature. Christ will be 
  Master of the heart, and sin must be mortified. The Lion of 
  the tribe of Judah shall prevail, and the dragon shall be cast 
  out. Professor! is sin subdued in you? If your life is unholy 
  your heart is unchanged, and if your heart is unchanged you 
  are an unsaved person. If the Saviour has not sanctified you, 
  renewed you, given you a hatred of sin and a love of holiness, 
  He has done nothing in you of a saving character. The grace 
  which does not make a

JNM <*> Gods Work Ministry E-Mail

2006-02-08 Terurut Topik pttwr

From: "Dwayne Savaya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Gods Work Ministry Inspirational and Encouragement E-MailDear 
Friend,I hope you are doing well and are in the best of health.  I 
am doing welland am thankful for the goodness and graciousness of our 
wonderful Lord. Wecan depend on God when everything else fails because He 
has promised thatHe would never leave us nor forsake us.  No matter the 
trials or hardshipsthat come before us, the Lord is our faithful Father and 
He is our strongtower of protection and sustenance. Take comfort and know 
that God is stillon His throne and in His sight All Is Well. I hope this 
message on standingfirm in the difficult times of life encourages your heart 
to continue on because the Lord will never leave your side. (Hebrews 13:5) 
(Psalm 61:1-4)It is easy to feel like giving up when the obstacles of 
life seem so great,but it is in this time of trial that we must dig our 
heels in and stand firm knowing that things will get better sooner than 
later.  Many times when we face difficult situations, a sense of 
fearful anxiety grabs a hold of our heart making us question how we will get 
over that problem.  In thistime of spiritual warfare, we are to 
remember Whose we are and take hold ofthe promises that are found in the 
Word of God. (Ephesians 6:13-14)When I go through difficult situations 
that tempt my peace and my calmness,I quote many scriptures such as 2 
Timothy 1:7 which declares "For God hathnot given us the spirit of fear; but 
of power, and of love, and of a soundmind."  Psalm 46:1 "God is our 
refuge and strength, a very present help introuble."  2 Samuel 22:33-34 
"God is my strength and power: and He makethmy way perfect." Psalm 28:7 "The 
LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped: 
therefore my heart greatly rejoicethand with my song will I praise Him." 
The promises of the Lord are Yes and Amen and nothing by any means can 
harm God's elect people.  In the beginning He was, and is still and 
will continue to be for all time.  The Lord is our solution because in 
Him is fulfilled the answer to our hearts cry.  When situations come 
nigh unto youtrying to steal your peace and make you question your purpose 
or destiny,you need only to think of the greatness of God and realize that 
He createsnothing without a purpose and plan in mind.  You are here for 
a specific reason and until that purpose has been fulfilled, you are not 
done yet.Even though there is a spiritual battle constantly going on and 
the enemytries his best to take our peace and calmness and replace it with 
his fearand worry, we are promised the Victory through Christ the 
Lord.  We need only to stand firm in resistance knowing that our God is 
Mighty and at themention of His name all demons must bow. (2 Corinthians 
1:20) (Philippians 2:9-11)Rejoice in God's goodness and confess with 
your mouth that your heart istrusting in Him.  God's peace that 
surpasses all understanding will guardyour heart and mind through Christ 
Jesus our Lord.  Trust Him all the daysof your life and know that 
weeping may endure for a night, but Joy cometh in the morning. (Psalm 
28:6-8) (Philippians 4:7) (Psalm 30:5)Read and meditate on these 
scriptures:Psalm 18:1-3 "I will love Thee, O LORD, my 
strength.  The LORD is my rock,and my fortress, and my deliverer; my 
God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my 
salvation, and my high tower.  I willcall upon the LORD, who is worthy 
to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies."John 14:27 Jesus 
declares "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world 
giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be 
afraid."Deuteronomy 30:19 "I call heaven and earth to record this day 
against you,that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: 
thereforechoose life, that both thou and thy seed may 
live."Philippians 4:4-7 "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, 
Rejoice. Letyour moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at 
hand.  Be careful fornothing; but in every thing by prayer and 
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto 
God.  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep 
your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."All of these scriptures can 
be found in the King James Version Bible.Today's Selected Poem:  
THROUGH THE STORMSClick here to read --- http://www.Godswork.org/enpoem9.htmToday's Selected Testimony:  THE WORD OF MY TESTIMONYClick here 
to read --- http://www.Godswork.org/testimony57.htmIn Christ's Service,Dwayne SavayaGods Work 
MinistryPlease feel free to visit the Website to read more Encouraging 
andInspirational stories, poems and testimonies.  Our E-mail Archives 
areavailable as well to read the messages that have been sent in the 
past.You can now hear our stories and poems by ordering Voice 
Messages.  Each volume contains 15 messages that can be heard and 