JNM * Don't Ever Give Up

2007-01-08 Terurut Topik pttwr
From: suyento [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't Ever Give Up
by Rick Warren

Jesus told them a story showing that it was necessary for them to pray 
consistently and never quit. He said, There was once a judge in some city who 
never gave God a thought and cared nothing for people. A widow in that city 
kept after him: 'My rights are being violated. Protect me!' 
He never gave her the time of day. But after this went on and on he said to 
himself, 'I care nothing what God thinks, even less what people think. But 
because this widow won't quit badgering me, I'd better do something and see 
that she gets justice - otherwise I'm going to end up beaten black and blue by 
her pounding.' 
Any time there is a delay, you can be sure that two things are going on - your 
faith is being tested by God and contested by Satan - Rick Warren
Then the Master said, Do you hear what that judge, corrupt as he is, is 
saying? So what makes you think God won't step in and work justice for his 
chosen people, who continue to cry out for help? Won't he stick up for them? I 
assure you, he will. He will not drag his feet. But how much of that kind of 
persistent faith will the Son of Man find on the earth when he returns? (Luke 
18:1-8 MSG) 
We don't know what caused her distress, but this widow needed justice and she 
went looking for it - with no weapon but persistence. Going to the judge's 
home, she knocked on the unsympathetic man's door repeatedly until he finally 
gave her what she was seeking.  
Is God telling us he'll only answer our prayers if we wear him down? No!
He's reminding us that if a heartless judge can be reached, we can certainly 
count on our Father - who loves us - to help us.
People ask, Why aren't my prayers answered sooner? Why keep trying?  
Sometimes, we ask for a small blessing and get no answer - but find out later 
that God denied us because he wanted to give us something bigger.
I read about a missionary who prayed for eight years for one conversion. None 
occurred but he kept on praying. One day the whole tribe made their decision 
together and 12,000 were baptized.  
Any time there is a delay, you can be sure that two things are going on - your 
faith is being tested by God and contested by Satan. Satan wants to discourage 
you, but God is testing your faith because he knows that faith is a muscle. 
Waiting develops the muscle.  
I read about another missionary named Reese House. While in England, God called 
him to go to Africa, but he first had to find money for train tickets to London 
and then money for passage to Africa.
But one day God asked, What would you do if you had the money? Reese said, 
I'd go to London and then get on a ship to Africa. 
God asked, Am I the source of all your needs? 
Then go.  
So Reese and his wife announced to their church, We're heading to Africa. 
They only had enough money to get about 50 miles down the road, but they bought 
train tickets anyway and went as far as they could. Fifty miles later, they 
found themselves sitting in the train station, feeling foolish. 
But God spoke again to Reese. If you had the money, what would you do?  
I'd buy a ticket.  
God said, Get in line. He got in line behind about 18 people and stood there 
as the line kept getting smaller. Reese had no money and he kept thinking, 
Boy, am I going to look dumb when I get up to that ticket desk!  
When there were only two people ahead of him, Reese said, Lord!  I look stupid 
And just then, the man in front of Reese turned around and said, I've changed 
my mind. I'm not going.  Here!  You can have my money.  
Would it surprise you to hear that it was enough money to get Reese to Africa?
God's timing is perfect. It always is and it always will be! So next time you 
feel discouraged about a prayer request, don't give up - look up! 
This article is adapted from Rick Warren's sermon series, Encouraging Words 
from God's Word.
Taken from www.pastors.com 
Dapatkan khotbah berseri [Kaset/ CD/ VCD] Bpk Ev. Drs Yuda D. Mailool dengan 
topik :
1. Pencobaan2 biasa
2. Kok jatuh sih ?
3. Hukum taurat
4. Pengenalan akan Tuhan
5. Pembongkaran
6. Yesus itu aneh 
7. Ujian sebelum berkat
8. Pengakuan dosa
9. Paket seminar akhir zaman.
10. Hati2 orang Kristen menderita seri 1  2
11. Yesus dan pelacur
12. Pujian yang berkenan seri 1  2
12. Talenta

Pemesanan dapat dilakukan di : Ruang Media Yehuda Gospel Ministry [Bpk Ucok : 
9304 6598/ 0812 820 8780],
Kelapa Gading Trade Center [KTC], Lt 2 blok B.
Matahari Dept Store/ Hypermart,
Jl Boulevard barat raya,
Kelapa Gading Permai, Jakarta utara.

Harga : 
- Kaset:  Rp 15,000.-/ buah.
- CD [Audio] :  Rp 10,000.-/ buah
- VCD [2CD] :  Rp 30,000.- [ Isi 2 keping CD.]
- VCD [1CD] :  Rp 20,000.- [ Isi 1 keping CD.]
- VCD akhir zaman Rp 300,000.- [ Isi 13 CD + Diktat ]

JNM * Gods Work Ministry E-Mail

2007-01-08 Terurut Topik pttwr
From: Dwayne Savaya [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gods Work Ministry Inspirational and Encouragement E-Mail

Dear Friend,

The greatest gift that we can offer of ourselves is the gift of our love.
The love that God had shown towards humanity is an example of how we should
show our love.  The Lord without favoritism loves all equally and answers
the hearts cry of all those who call upon His name in truth.  The Bible 
declares in Romans 12:9-10 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that
which is evil; cleave to that which is good.  Be kindly affectioned one 
to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another.  Be
encouraged to love your neighbor as yourself and let your light shine
before all men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father
in heaven. (John 15:12-13) (Colossians 3:23-25) (Matthew 5:14-16)

I hope this message encourages your heart to never give up on loving others
because through love all other obstacles will be conquered.


Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the 
way, she did what she could to help her 3-year-old son, Michael, prepare 
for a new sibling. They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl,
and day after day, night after night, Michael sings to his sister in Mommy's 

The pregnancy progresses normally for Karen, an active member of the 
Panther Creek United Methodist Church in Morristown, Tennessee. Then the 
labor pains come. Every five minutes. Every minute. But complications 
arise during delivery. Hours of labor. Would a C-section be required? 
Finally, Michael's little sister is born. But she is in serious condition.
With siren howling in the night, the ambulance rushes the infant to the 
neonatal intensive care unit at St. Mary's Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee.

The days inch by. The little girl gets worse. The pediatric specialist 
tells the parents, There is very little hope. Be prepared for the worst.
Karen and her husband contact a local cemetery about a burial plot. They have 
fixed up a special room in their home for the new baby, now they plan a funeral.

Michael, keeps begging his parents to let him see his sister, I want to 
sing to her, he says. Week two in intensive care. It looks as if a 
funeral will come before the week is over. Michael keeps nagging about 
singing to his sister, but kids are never allowed in Intensive Care. But 
Karen makes up her mind. She will take Michael whether they like it or 
not. If he doesn't see his sister now, he may never see her alive.

She dresses him in an oversized scrub suit and marches him into ICU. He 
looks like a walking laundry basket, but the head nurse recognizes him as a 
child and bellows, Get that kid out of here now! No children are allowed in 
the ICU.

The mother rises up strong in Karen, and the usually mild-mannered lady 
glares steel-eyed into the head nurse's face, her lips a firm line. He is
not leaving until he sings to his sister! Karen tows Michael to his 
sister's bedside. He gazes at the tiny infant losing the battle to live. And he 
begins to sing. In the pure hearted voice of a 3-year-old, Michael sings:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are 
gray. Instantly the baby girl responds. The pulse rate becomes calm and 
steady. Keep on singing, Michael. You never know, dear, how much I love 
you, Please don't take my sunshine away---

The ragged, strained breathing becomes as smooth as a kitten's purr. Keep
on singing, Michael. The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed
I held you in my arms... Michael's little sister relaxes as rest, healing 
rest, seems to sweep over her. Tears conquer the face of the bossy head nurse. 
Karen glows.

The girl is well enough to go home! Woman's Day magazine called it The 
miracle of a brother's song. The medical staff just called it a miracle.
Karen called it a miracle of God's love. A few weeks later, Michael's 
little sister was baptized at the Panther Creek Church.

For with God nothing shall be impossible - Luke 1:37

Author Unknown

Read and meditate on these scriptures:

Romans 12:15-18 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that
weep. Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but 
condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. 
Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of
all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all 

Psalm 23:1-4 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to
lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He 
restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His 
name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort 

Colossians 3:23-25 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord,
and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the 


2007-01-08 Terurut Topik pttwr
From: dianabrsihotang [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Kamu dapat menjadi populer dan mendapat teman dengan mudahnya. Kamu tidak
perlu untuk menjadi pandai. Kamu tidak perlu berwajah tampan dan cantik. Namun 
jika kamu adalah seorang Kristen, kamu harus menjadi seorang yang populer untuk 
alasan yang benar.

Mengapa Beberapa Orang Populer?
Kamu hanya perlu berpikir tentang mengapa beberapa orang yang kamu kenal begitu 
populer, dan kamu akan melakukan apa yang membuat mereka bisa begitu.
Mungkin karena mereka selalu tampak ceria. Atau mungkin mereka selalu tampak
tahu bagaimana mengatakan sesuatu tanpa menyerang orang lain. Mungkin mereka
bisa membuat orang merasa baik ketika mereka berada di sekeliling orang-orang. 
Kualitas ini hampir bisa menjamin kamu akan menjadi populer.

Orang-orang tidak suka berada di sekeliling seseorang yang selalu mengatakan
komplain, bersedih, mengeluarkan kritik dan negatif, atau berada di sekeliling 
orang yang kelihatannya tidak bisa mengendalikan dirinya sendiri.

Josh menyadari hal ini ketika dia masih remaja. Josh bertumbuh di rumah dengan 
seorang ibu yang suka berteriak dan dua orang kakak perempuan yang selalu 
bertengkar. Adalah normal bagi mereka untuk mengeluarkan komplain tentang 
kekurangan uang, mengkritik ayah Josh yang minggat dari rumah dan meninggalkan 
ibu mereka, pembicaraan tentang bunuh diri, dan untuk selalu mengatakan pada 
orang-orang tentang betapa buruknya situasi ini.

Namun Josh mulai berpikir. Dia bertanya dalam hatinya mengapa dia tidak menjadi 
populer di sekolah, meski anak lain yang nasibnya tidak lebih baik daripadanya 
selalu tampak bias memiliki teman. Josh lalu mencoba menganalisa mengapai Mike 
bisa menjadi seorang siswa yang paling populer di sekolah. Padahal Mike bukan 
siswa cemerlang, bahkan Josh berpikir dia selalu bisa lebih baik dari Mike. 
Namun Mike selalu tampak gembira - bahkan ketika segala sesuatu berjalan tidak 
baik. Dan Mike adalah seorang yang jujur dan bersedia bicara dengan siapapun 
tentang apapun. Josh menyadari bahwa Mike tidak mencoba untuk mengesankan orang 
dengan kemampuan yang tidak ia miliki, dan dia selalu kelihatan dapat 
mengendalikan dirinya.

Analisa ini menjadi suatu keajaiban bagi Josh. Dia memutuskan untuk mencoba
apa yang Mike lakukan. Segera Josh menyadari bahwa dunia menjadi tempat yang
lebih baik daripada yang ia pikirkan. Berperilaku lebih bahagia segera membuat 
dia merasa lebih gembira, dan segala masalah kelihatannya tidak lagi membuat 
dia menjadi orang sengsara yang menderita.

Setelah beberapa saat dia menemukan bahwa orang-orang lebih memperhatikan
dirinya dan juga pendapatnya. Seorang gadis yang ia sukai, Stephanie sebelumnya 
mengabaikan dirinya. Namun mendadak ia mengundang Josh untuk datang di acara 
reuni yang ia organisir bagi teman-temannya dari seluruh dunia yang pernah 
tinggal dengan keluarganya.

 Keluarga Josh juga memperhatikan perbedaan pada dirinya. Ketika mereka tidak 
dapat menarik Josh dalam perdebatan seperti biasa, mereka memilih meninggalkan 
dia sendirian atau berhenti berdebat. Tanpa keberadaan Josh dalam perdebatan 
keluarga, frekuensi keributan dalam keluarga akhirnya berkurang jauh.

Perubahan sikap Josh punya dampak bagus bagi dirinya karena dia kini menjadi 
seorang pria dewasa yang populer. Dia punya dampak yang baik pada orang lain. 
Itu karena orang-orang suka berada di sekeliling seorang yang gembira dan 
berpikir positif. Pemimpin biasanya dipilih karena mereka positif tentang 
kemampuan untuk membuat sesuatu menjadi lebih baik. Dan pemimpin yang populer 
adalah mereka yang jujur, adil, bahagia dengan keyakinannya, dan tidak mudah 
goyah dari melakukan apa yang benar. Karakteristik ini tampaknya yang membuat 
seseorang menjadi populer.

Alkitab mengatakan pada kita mengapa beberapa orang terkenal menjadi seorang 
yang populer. Gideon menaikkan popularitasnya diantara orang Israel setelah dia 
mengalahkan beberapa raja Midian (Hakim-hakim 8:20-21). Orang Israel kemudian 
meminta Gideon untuk memerintah atas mereka. Gideon menolak dan jawab Gideon 
kepada mereka: Aku tidak akan memerintah kamu dan juga anakku tidak akan 
memerintah kamu tetapi TUHAN yang memerintah kamu. Gideon menjadi populer 
karena tindak kepahlawanannya, namun dia tidak mengambil keuntungan yang 
merupakan bagian Tuhan.

Salomo terlalu populer - diantara raja-raja dan orang pada umumnya - karena 
hikmat bijaksananya (1 Raja-raja 4:34). Sedang Absalom populer karena 
penampilannya yang tampan dan gagah (2 Samuel 15:25).

Ada sejumlah cara untuk menjadi populer, namun Yesus mengingatkan 
murid-muridNya untuk tidak mencoba tampil populer sementara hati mereka tidak 
benar di hadapan Tuhan (Matius 6:3-6). Dia mengingatkan mereka bahwa Tuhan 
melihat segala hal yang mereka lakukan dalam keadaan tersembunyi dan akan 
mengupahi mereka ketika melakukan sesuatu untuk alasan yang benar.

Jika kamu ingin 

JNM * Doa.........

2007-01-08 Terurut Topik pttwr
From: Royanto Bonsajang 


  Ya Tuhan... 

  Ketika Engkau datang menghampiriku dalam situasiku yang gelap, dengan 
lembut Engkau bertanya : Apa yang kau kehendaki supaya Aku perbuat bagimu anak 
  Berilah aku hikmat untuk menjawab pertanyaan Mu itu, sehingga tidak 
kuminta jalan keluar yang mudah, melainkan dengan iman aku akan menjawab.
  Tuhan, supaya aku dapat melihat serta mendapat anugerah hidup baru 
dengan mengikut Mu, Di mana aku dengan percaya dan tanpa takut meletakkan 
tangan-tanganku dalam tangan Mu.

  TUHAN menetapkan langkah-langkah  orang yang hidupnya berkenan 
kepada-Nya, apabila aku jatuh, tidaklah sampai tergeletak, sebab tangan TUHAN 
menopang tanganku. Dengan kepak Mu Engkau akan menudungi aku, di bawah sayap Mu 
aku akan berlindung, kesetiaan Mu ialah perisai bagi hidupku.

  Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus kupanjatkan doa ini.



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