JNM <*> Give me oil (Sing Hossana)

2007-02-01 Thread pttwr
From: albert 

 Give me oil (Sing Hossana)

Mt 5:14  Kamu adalah terang dunia. Kota yang terletak di atas gunung tidak 
mungkin tersembunyi.   

B'rilah minyak dilampuku 

midi : albert (2003) 

Brilah minyak dilampuku 'gar menyala
Brilah minyak dilampuku 
Brilah minyak dilampuku agar nyala
Jaga aku sampai aku dapat

Hosanna Dia, Hossana Dia
Hosanna Dia,  Raja di Raja.
Hosanna Dia, Hossana Dia
Hosanna Dia , Rajaku .

2. brilah  suka dihatiku  'gar menyanyi  
brilah  suka dihatiku  
brilah  suka dihatiku  'gar menyanyi
 Jaga aku sampai aku dapat

3. brilah  kasih dihatiku , melayani 
. brilah  kasih dihatiku 
brilah  kasih dihatiku , melayani 
Jaga aku sampai aku dapat
4. Brilah damai dihatiku , gar bersandar
Brilah damai dihatiku, 
4. Brilah damai dihatiku , gar bersandar
Jaga aku sampai aku dapat

1Give me oil in my lamp to keep me burning
give me oil in my lamp I pray 
Give me oil in my lamp to keep me burning
keep me seeking till the break of the day 

Sing Hosa-nna , sing Hossana.
Sing Hossana to the King of Kings
Sing Hossana , sing hosanna.
Sing Hossana to the King 

2 Give me joy in my heart to keep me singing.
Give me joy in my heart , I pray  
Give me joy in my heart to keep me singing.
keep me seeking till the break of the day 
3. give me love in my heart to keep me serving
Give me love  in my heart , I pray  
give me love in my heart to keep me serving
keep me seeking till the break of the day 
4.. give me peace  in my heart to keep me resting
give me peace  in my heart , I pray 
give me peace  in my heart to keep me resting
keep me seeking till the break of the day 



Description: MIDI audio

Description: audio/mid

JNM <*> e-JEMMi - Edisi 10-05#2007 -- Bhutan

2007-02-01 Thread pttwr


   Jika Anda banyak membaca dan terlibat dalam pelayanan misi, tentunya
   Anda sudah sering mendengar istilah "Jendela 10/40". Bhutan
   merupakan salah satu negara yang terdapat di wilayah "Jendela 10/40
   tersebut. Negara ini juga dikenal sebagai Negeri Naga Halilintar. Di
   negara ini pun, banyak pelayan Tuhan dibutuhkan untuk melayani
   kebutuhan akan Injil. Namun, mengapa hanya ada sedikit pekerja yang
   melayani di wilayah-wilayah yang terabaikan itu?

   Dalam Lukas 10:2, Yesus berkata, "Tuaian memang banyak tetapi
   pekerja sedikit. Mintalah kepada Tuan yang empunya tuaian, supaya Ia
   mengirimkan pekerja-pekerja untuk tuaian itu." Apakah saat ini Anda
   sudah menjadi pendoa atau orang yang akan diutus oleh Allah pergi ke
   ladang misi? Ingatlah, ladang sudah menanti.

   Redaksi e-JEMMi,


   Bhutan adalah negara kecil yang sangat indah dan strategis letaknya.
   Negara ini berbatasan dengan India di sebelah selatan dan Cina di
   sebelah utara. Pemandangan alamnya beragam, mulai dari dataran,
   dataran berpasir dan hutan lembah, sampai ke Pegunungan Himalaya
   yang curam dan berbatu. Masyarakat Bhutan menyebut negara mereka
   dengan sebutan "Druk-yal", yang berarti 'tanah naga guntur'.

   Masyarakat Bhutan terbagi menjadi tiga, yaitu Bhotia Tibet, Sharchop
   atau Bhotia Timur, dan masyarakat Nepal. Ada juga bermacam kelompok
   suku lainnya. Bhotia, yang meliputi orang-orang Bhutan, umumnya
   berkumpul di Bhutan sebelah barat dan tengah. Mereka adalah
   komunitas suku terbesar. Kebanyakan dari pemimpin sosial dan politik
   di negeri itu datang dari kelompok ini. Pada abad ke-8, banyak kaum
   elit yang berimigrasi ke Bhutan dari Tibet. Masyarakat Bhotia Tengah
   umumnya berbadan tinggi dan atletis. Seperti nenek moyangnya yang
   adalah orang Mongolia, masyarakat Bhotia memiliki mata yang kecil
   dan panjang, serta tulang punggung yang lebar. Mereka dikenal
   sebagai orang yang mandiri dan bersemangat.

   Masyarakat Bhotia Tengah umumnya adalah petani. Mereka harus bekerja
   sepanjang hari di sawah agar bisa mencukupi kebutuhan keluarganya.
   Sebagian hasil panen dijual di pasar untuk membeli barang-barang
   lainnya yang mereka butuhkan. Pola makan masyarakat Bhotia terdiri
   dari nasi, kentang, dan sayuran. Daging hanya dikonsumsi dalam porsi
   kecil dan mereka mendapatkan susu dari ternak yak.

   Petani Bhotia Tengah umumnya tinggal di perkampungan kecil atau di
   rumah terpisah. Di kota yang lebih besar, rumah dibangun secara
   berkelompok dan banyak yang dicat dengan desain yang menarik.
   Biasanya, rumah dibangun dari kayu dengan dinding berlumpur yang
   tebal untuk menjauhkan hawa dingin. Kebanyakan rumah memiliki dua
   lantai, namun ada pula yang memiliki empat lantai. Jika keluarga
   tersebut memiliki binatang, ternak mereka ditempatkan di lantai
   dasar. Atapnya dibuat dari kayu yang dikaitkan dengan batu-batu yang berat.

   Pernikahan Bhotia Tengah bersifat monogami. Wanitanya menikah
   kira-kira pada usia 16 tahun, sedangkan pria pada usia 21. Upacara
   pernikahan yang formal tidak diadakan. Pengantin baru bisa tinggal
   bersama keluarga mempelai pria, keluarga mempelai wanita, atau
   tinggal di rumahnya sendiri, tergantung siapa yang lebih membutuhkan
   tenaga untuk bekerja di sawah. Tipe keluarga luas sangat penting
   dalam budaya Bhotia Tengah. Kakek dan neneklah yang sering kali
   merawat anggota keluarganya yang lebih muda.

   Wanita Bhotia Tengah memakai kain tenunan tipis yang indah dengan
   desain yang berwarna-warni dan rumit. Sehelai kain panjang, disebut
   "kira", dililitkan di tubuh dan pada bagian bahu disematkan sepasang
   bros perak. Dan biasanya, di luar "kira" akan dipakai jaket kecil.
   Kaum pria memakai jubah kotak-kotak, yang disebut "gos". Sewaktu
   siang hari, "gos" dikencangkan memakai sabuk sampai mencapai lutut.
   Malam hari ketika tidur, "gos" dilonggarkan. Masyarakat Bhotia
   jarang memakai topi. Ketika memasuki kuil, pria dan wanita memakai
   syal sebagai tanda hormat. Warna syal itu tergantung dari derajat seseorang.

   Sekte "Red Hat" yang beranggotakan orang Tibet yang beragama Budha
   adalah agama yang paling dominan di Bhotia Tengah. Meskipun hampir
   semua orang beragama Budha, masih ada beberapa orang yang
   mempraktikkan perdukunan Tibet. Dukun-dukun tersebut memercayai
   adanya alam dewa, roh jahat, dan roh leluhur yang tak kasat mata.

   Sebagian besar keluarga yang beragama Budha memiliki kuil pemujaan
   di dalam rumah mereka. Keluarga yang miskin mungkin hanya memiliki
   gambar atau lukisan Budha kecil. Walaupun demikian, keluarga yang
   kaya bisa memakai seluruh ruangan sebagai kuil, memperlengkapinya den

JNM <*> You rise me up . new .

2007-02-01 Thread pttwr
From: albert 

 But thou, O LORD, be merciful unto me, and raise me up, that I may requite 
them.Ps 41:10  


Midi : new Januari 2007  by A l b e r t . 






u raise me up.mid
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u raise me up.mid
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JNM <*> Mari barang siapa mau .

2007-02-01 Thread pttwr
From: albert 

Manusia diberi kehendak bebas . Manusia boleh memilih mau atau tidak mau . Lagu 
ini mengundang  barang siapa yang mau   mendapat kehidupan kekal yang 
dijanjikan oleh Kristus penebus kita. Maukah anda semua ?  

Mari barang siapa mau  Baptis no . 137 

Text : Phillip P. Bliss.
Musik : PP. Bliss.
4/4 C
midi :  Albert Santosa. 2002

Roh Allah dan Pengantin Perempuan berkata, "Marilah!" Setiap orang yang 
mendengar ini harus juga berkata, "Marilah!" Siapa yang haus, hendaklah ia 
datang! Dan siapa yang menginginkan, hendaklah ia mengambil air yang memberi 
kehidupan itu dengan cuma-cuma. Wahyu : 22 : 17

1. Barang siapa mendengar serukanlah .
Brita keslamatan yang penuh berkah .
Kabarkan kepada tiap manusia
Mari barangsiapa mau .

Barang siapa mau , Barang siapa mau
Breitakanlah dibenua dan pulau !
Allah Bapa menanti kan engkau .
Barangsiapa mau : " hidup selamanya "

2. barangsiapa mau , datanglah , hai lekas !
Pintu tlah terbuka janganlah cemas
Hanya Tuhan Yesus jalan pelepas
Mari barangsiapa mau .


3. Barangsiapa mau , pastilah janji- Nya.
Barangsiapa mau tak-kan binasalah .
Barangsiapa mau : " hidup selamanya "
Mari barangsiapa mau .


"Whosoever heareth," shout, shout the sound!
Spread the blessed tidings all the world around;
Spread the joyful news wherever man is found;
"Whosoever will may come."

"Whosoever will, whosoever will,"
Send the proclamation over vale and hill;
'Tis a loving Father, calls the wanderer home:
"Whosoever will, may come."

Whosoever cometh need not delay,
Now the door is open, enter while you may;
Jesus is the true, the only Living Way;
"Whosoever will may come

"Whosoever will," the promise secure,
"Whosoever will," forever must endure;
"Whosoever will," 'tis life forevermore:
"Whosoever will may come."

Whoseecerwill me!.mid
Description: audio/mid

Whoseecerwill me!.mid
Description: audio/mid

JNM <*> Gods Work Ministry E-Mail

2007-02-01 Thread pttwr
From: "Dwayne Savaya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gods Work Ministry Inspirational and Encouragement E-Mail

Dear Friend,

The Lord has created each of us with different dreams and desires that are
meant to come to pass.  God in His infinite wisdom has uniquely created 
mankind giving all different abilities and gifts that are meant to be used
to fulfil God's plan for their life.  We must remember this when looking at
how others are living their life.  We shouldn't be envious of what they've
been given or look down upon them because we think they are insufficient.
The Bible declares in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think
toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you
an expected end."  We are to treat all people with love and respect and be 
encouraging letting them know that we love them and that God has great 
plans for their life. (Isaiah 43:19-20) (Psalm 40:1-5) (Luke 6:27-38)

I hope this message ministers to your heart to never be judgmental towards
others, but rather allow God's love to permeate from within your being 
where others will be positively influenced.


It's All In How You Look At It.

For years they exchanged common pleasantries as they passed each other by.
The frazzled looking mother of eight sat on her front porch, keeping a 
watchful eye on the youngest of her growing brood.

The career woman was usually pressed for time, rushing by on her way to 
catch a train that would take her to her 9 to 5 job in the business world.
The two women barely shared more than a smile and a quick hello, but each
had specific thoughts on each other's lifestyle.

The childless career woman felt a little sorry for her neighbor. "What a 
handful, for a mother to have more children than there is time to take care
of them," thought the world wise woman. "No time for anything but cooking, 
cleaning and raising a family - with nothing to show for it but paychecks 
that never stretch far enough, tuition bills that have no end in sight, and
a distressed house decorated in greasy handprints smudged on walls. And, 
let's not forget the washers and dryers whose cycles run 24/7! Where is the
joy in several hungry mouths to feed, while trying to keep up with several 
different personalities in need?"

To Ms. Professional, this mom was a living example of the old woman who 
lived in a shoe; which made her all the more thankful she had her self-imposed 
life of luxury. With freedom to spend her time the way she wanted, with no 
dependents to tie her down, her neat and tidy home stayed just that--neat and 

Dinners in front of the TV or at her favorite restaurant were just what 
her pampered lifestyle offered. Her phone calls never had to be cut short
because a hormonal teen-ager suddenly had to make a crisis call to her 
girlfriend who lived right across the street. She'd wave a quick hello to
the ever expectant mother and knew he had chosen the perfect life.

Now, Mrs. Mom had her own thoughts. She'd watch as Ms. 9 to 5 hurried on 
her way, and she, too, felt a pang of pity. "How lonely it must be, she 
thought, to have no ties to the heart strings of little ones. How deafening the 
silence must be without the noise of little voices to keep the music of life 
flowing along."

"With no babies to snuggle close to your heart, with no children to cuddle and 
save from monsters under the bed, with no chocolate kisses from toddlers who 
squeeze your neck tight and proudly proclaim: 'I love you THIS much!!' while 
stretching out two stubby little hands filled with dandelions--with no 
teen-agers to bring you to the brink of insanity, only to renew your faith in 
family as you help them overcome an obstacle and they say: 'Thanks mom, I'm 
glad I listened.'"

A mother looks back at all these treasured memories and wonders how life 
could ever be fulfilling without them. Mother Hen watches as the diva of 
downtown employment is out of sight. She hopes that one day the solitary 
lady will find more than business suits, a quiet house and a round trip 
train ticket to fill the void of an empty life.

Years passed by, the mother's children grew up and the working woman 
retired. The two bumped into each other one day by chance. They began a 
conversation that would end up surprising both of them.

The woman, who long ago chose a career over children, admitted to the now-
gray-haired grandma that she always took pity on her, what with all those
kids to care for, it sure had to be a chaotic life.

The grandmother of 22 gave the woman a sly smile, and with a twinkle in her 
eye, replied, "Why, what a strange coincidence, for it was I who always felt 
sorry for you."

The moral of this story? The path to greener pastures can often be found in
your own backyard when you live your life on your own terms and treasure 
the benefits of your heart's desires.

By Kathy Whirity

Read and meditate on these scriptures:

Psalm 1:1-3 "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of t

JNM <*> Jesus = Shiloh; The Father =... ; Kasih tulus dan.. & Rancangan Yesus...

2007-02-01 Thread pttwr
From: Andre Widodo 


Jesus = Shiloh.

Kejadian 49:10 "Tongkat kerajaan tidak akan beranjak dari Yehuda ataupun 
lambang pemerintahan dari antara kakinya, sampai dia datang yang berhak 
atasnya, maka kepadanya akan takluk bangsa-bangsa."

Genesis 49:10 King James Version.
"The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, 
until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be."

Genesis 49:10 New American Standard Bible.
"The scepter shall not depart from Judah,  Nor the ruler's staff from between 
his feet,
Until Shiloh comes, And to him shall be the obedience of the peoples."

Jesus is Shiloh. Shiloh means peacemaker. Yesus adalah Pembawa Damai. Yesus 
dapat memberikan kedamaian yang kekal kepada kita semua. Dalam Perjanjian Lama 
Yesus disebut Shiloh, istilah Shiloh telah ditulis lebih dari 1800 tahun 
sebelum kelahiranNya ke dunia. Nama ini memberikan refleksi akan kedatangan Nya 
ke dunia untuk membawa damai antara Bapa di Sorga dengan semua manusia berdosa. 
KematianNya di kayu salib adalah pendamaian bagi kita sehingga kita menjadi 
layak kepada Bapa di Sorga.

Efesus 2:14 "Karena Dialah damai sejahtera kita, yang telah mempersatukan kedua 
pihak dan yang telah merubuhkan tembok pemisah, yaitu perseteruan,"

Ephesians 2:14 New American Standard Bible.
"For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the 
barrier of the dividing wall,"

Yesus adalah Shiloh, Yesus adalah Pembawa Damai. Ia membawa damai bagi setiap 
hati yang bermasalah.

Yohanes 16:33 "Semuanya itu Kukatakan kepadamu, supaya kamu beroleh damai 
sejahtera dalam Aku. Dalam dunia kamu menderita penganiayaan, tetapi kuatkanlah 
hatimu, Aku telah mengalahkan dunia."

Shiloh akan memberikan kedamaian ketika anda mengijinkan Dia mengontrol hati 
Yesus adalah Shiloh, Yesus adalah Raja Damai bagi pekerjaan kita, Ia adalah 
Raja Damai bagi rumah kita, Ia adalah Raja Damai bagi bangsa kita, Ia adalah 
Raja Damai bagi dunia ini. 
Suatu saat nanti akan tiba dimana Yesus akan memerintah dalam Kerajaan 1000 
tahun sebagai Raja Damai. Damai di bumi seperti damai di Sorga. 

Yesus adalah Shiloh, Dia akan membawa kedamaian kepada setiap hati kita, ketika 
kita mengundang Dia untuk memerintah atas hidup kita. Kemudian kita yang telah 
mendapatkan damai di dalam Kristus harus membagikan damai Kristus itu kepada 
sekeliling kita, kepada lingkungan kita dan kepada dunia ini. Dunia membutuhkan 
damai, dunia membutuhkan Shiloh. Hanya Yesuslah jawabannya.

Pray : Jesus is Shiloh, come rule in my life, and then influence my job, my 
home and my friends.Amen.
Key thought : Jesus can give you peace.

Andre Widodo
according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus ; Philippians 4:19 KJV )

From: Andre Widodo 


The Father = The Father of mercies.

2 Corinthians 1:3 King James Version.
"Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of 
mercies, and the God of all comfort;"

The Father of mercies, Bapa yang penuh dengan belas kasihan. Ketika kita 
memanggil Tuhan kita sebagai ''Bapa'', hal ini menunjukkan suatu hubungan 
interaksi antara kita sebagai ciptaanNya dengan Dia sebagai Pencipta kita. 
Dengan memanggil kata ''Bapa'', hal ini melayakkan kita datang ke dalam 
hadiratNya sebagai anak-anakNya.

Hal ini dimulai melalui hubungan antara Yesus dan Bapa di Sorga, yang 
mencerminkan hubungan yang saling mengasihi dalam kekekalan. Yesus mati untuk 
dosa-dosa kita sehingga Bapa di Sorga dapat mengampuni segala pelanggaran kita 
dan menerima kita dalam hadiratNya di Sorga.

Tanpa darah Yesus, mustahil dapat datang kepada Bapa di Sorga. Tanpa darah 
Yesus, mustahil ada pengampunan. Tanpa darah Yesus, maka tempatnya adalah dalam 
penghukuman yang kekal di neraka.

Ketika seseorang menerima Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Juruselamat, maka orang 
tersebut akan dilahirkan kembali dalam keluarga Tuhan. Sekarang anda dapat 
menikmati hubungan yang intim dalam keluarga Tuhan, yaitu hubungan Bapa dan 
Anak. Sejak menerima Yesus, maka anda adalah menjadi keluarga anak-anak Tuhan.

John 1:12 New American Standard Bible.
"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of 
God, even to those who believe in His name,"

Ketika anda memanggilNya sebagai Bapa, maka anda akan memasuki pengalaman 
rohani yang membawa anda sebagai anakNya dan Ia sebagai Bapa. Sebagai Bapa di 
Sorga, Ia adalah Bapa yang penuh belas pengasihan. Sekarang Ia tidak melihat 
anda sebagai alien atau seorang pendosa, melainkan sebagai anakNya dalam belas 

Saat kita menerima Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Juruselamat, maka Ia menjadi Bapa 
kita, Ia mengasihi kita, Ia melindungi kita dan Ia senantiasa menuntun kita. 
Mengapa? Karena Yesus adalah Bapa yang penuh belas pengasihan. He is the Father 
of mercies. Will you enjoy the Father today?

Pray :
Father, thank You for allowing me to have an intimate relationship with You. 

JNM <*> His heavenly kingdom; Are they Israelites? King's Dream & Deliver me from..

2007-02-01 Thread pttwr
From: Suzianty Herawati 

"His heavenly kingdom."   --2 Timothy 4:18

   Yonder city of the great King is a place of active service. 
Ransomed spirits serve Him day and night in His temple. They never cease to 
fulfil the good pleasure of their King. They always "rest," so far as ease and 
freedom from care is concerned; and never "rest," in the sense of indolence or 
inactivity. Jerusalem the golden is the place of communion with all the people 
of God. We shall sit with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in eternal fellowship. We 
shall hold high converse with the noble host of the elect, all reigning wi th 
Him who by His love and His potent arm has brought them safely home. We shall 
not sing solos, but in chorus shall we praise our King.
Heaven is a place of victory realized. Whenever, Christian, thou hast achieved 
a victory over thy lusts--whenever after hard struggling, thou hast laid a 
temptation dead at thy feet--thou hast in that hour a foretaste of the joy that 
awaits thee when
the Lord shall shortly tread Satan under thy feet, and thou shalt find thyself 
more than conqueror through Him who hath loved thee. Paradise is a place of 
security. When you enjoy the full assurance of faith, you have the pledge of 
that glorious security which shall be yours when you are a perfect citizen of 
the heavenly Jerusalem. O my sweet home, Jerusalem, thou happy harbour of my 
soul! Thanks, even now, to Him whose love hath taught me to long for Thee; but 
louder thanks in
eternity, when I shall possess thee.

 "My soul has tasted of the grapes,
 And now it longs to go
 Where my dear Lord His vineyard keeps
 And all the clusters grow.

 "Upon the true and living vine,
 My famish'd soul would feast,
 And banquet on the fruit divine,
 An everlasting guest."

CH Spurgeon

From: Suzianty Herawati 

"Are they Israelites? so am I." --2 Corinthians 11:22

   We have here A PERSONAL CLAIM, and one that needs proof.  
The apostle knew that His claim was indisputable, but there are many persons 
who have no right to the title who yet claim to belong to the Israel of God. If 
we are with confidence declaring, "So am I also an Israelite," let us only say 
it after having searched our heart as in the presence of God. But if we can 
give proof that we are following Jesus, if we can from the heart say, "I trust 
Him wholly, trust Him only, trust Him simply, trust Him now, and trust Him 
ever," then the position which the saints of God hold belongs to us--all their 
enjoyments are our possessions; we may be the very least in Israel, "less than 
the least of all saints," yet since the mercies of God belong to the saints AS 
SAINTS, and not as advanced saints, or well-taught saints, we may put in our 
plea, and say, "Are they Israelites? so am I; therefore the promises are mine, 
grace is mine, glory will be mine." The claim, rightfully made, is one which 
will yield untold comfort. When God's people are rejoicing that they are His, 
what a happiness if they can say, "So AM I!"
When they speak of being pardoned, and justified, and accepted in the Beloved, 
how joyful to respond, "Through the grace of God, SO AM I." But this claim not 
only has its enjoyments and privileges, but also its conditions and duties.  We 
must share with God's people in cloud as well as in sunshine.  When we hear 
them spoken of with contempt and ridicule for being Christians, we must come 
boldly forward and say, "So am I." When we see them working for Christ, giving 
their time, their talent, their whole heart to Jesus, we must be able to say, 
"So do I." O let us prove our gratitude by our devotion, and live as those who, 
having claimed a privilege, are willing to take the responsibility connected 
with it.

CH Spurgeon
From: Leonardo KT 

King's Dream
The Good Society and the Moral Law
January 15, 2007 
By: C. Colson

More than forty years ago, on August 28, 1963, a quarter million people 
gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial. They marched here for the cause of 
civil rights. And that day they heard Martin Luther King Jr. deliver his famous 
"I Have a Dream" speech, a speech in which he challen ged America to fulfill 
her promise.
"I have a dream," he said, "that one day this nation will rise up and live out 
the true meaning of its creed. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all 
men are created equal."
While we know of the speech, most people are unaware that King also penned one 
of the most eloquent defenses of the moral law: the law that formed the basis 
for his speech, for the civil rights movement, and for all of law, for that 
In the spring of 1963, King was arrested for leading a series of massive 
non-violent protests against the segregated lunch counters and discriminatory 
hiring practices rampant in Birmingham, Alabama. While in jail, King