Re: conversion of turbine app to portlet?

2002-01-30 Thread Paul Spencer

Please define "cookie support".

Paul Spencer

Phillip Rhodes wrote:

> A lot of work would have to be to get WebPagePortlet to work well.  
> Namely adding cookie support.
> Although I could do this, I wonder if this is the best approach for 
> integrating java servlet based applications into portal...
> Is there anyone working on WebPagePortlet to make it be able to do the 
> cookies?
> At 04:39 PM 1/30/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>> Try the "WebPagePortlet" -- see the example in the portlet registry
>> "demo-portlets", and the portlet named: "JavaWeb"
>> For the simplest solution, I recommend running it in another webapp, 
>> since
>> you will most likely have conflicting versions of turbine or velocity 
>> jars.
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From: Phillip Rhodes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> > Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 2:40 PM
>> > Subject: conversion of turbine app to portlet?
>> >
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I wrote a application in Turbine using the TDK (2.1)  with JSP's
>> >
>> > Can someone point me how I may create a portlet for this?  In the
>> > AbstractPortlet, I have to implement the getContent (RunData runData)
>> > method.  Should I write a reverse http listener here that talks
>> > to the web
>> > front end of my application, or is there something lower that I 
>> should be
>> > communicating with?
>> >
>> > I am a little confused.  Would you recommend that this application 
>> reside
>> > in the same JVM as the portal, or should be in a different tomcat
>> > instance,
>> > or maybe even a different web application (in the servlet container)
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Phillip
>> >
>> >
>> > _
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>> >
>> >
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RE: conversion of turbine app to portlet?

2002-01-30 Thread Phillip Rhodes

A lot of work would have to be to get WebPagePortlet to work well.  Namely 
adding cookie support.

Although I could do this, I wonder if this is the best approach for 
integrating java servlet based applications into portal...

Is there anyone working on WebPagePortlet to make it be able to do the cookies?

At 04:39 PM 1/30/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>Try the "WebPagePortlet" -- see the example in the portlet registry
>"demo-portlets", and the portlet named: "JavaWeb"
>For the simplest solution, I recommend running it in another webapp, since
>you will most likely have conflicting versions of turbine or velocity jars.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Phillip Rhodes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 2:40 PM
> > Subject: conversion of turbine app to portlet?
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I wrote a application in Turbine using the TDK (2.1)  with JSP's
> >
> > Can someone point me how I may create a portlet for this?  In the
> > AbstractPortlet, I have to implement the getContent (RunData runData)
> > method.  Should I write a reverse http listener here that talks
> > to the web
> > front end of my application, or is there something lower that I should be
> > communicating with?
> >
> > I am a little confused.  Would you recommend that this application reside
> > in the same JVM as the portal, or should be in a different tomcat
> > instance,
> > or maybe even a different web application (in the servlet container)
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Phillip
> >
> >
> > _
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Get your free address at
> >
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > 
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> > 
> >
> >
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Re: Question about portlet caching policy

2002-01-30 Thread Paul Spencer

I am working on changes to the cache subsystem.  These changes will 
allow portlets to refresh their content.  In addition their will be some 
configuration parameters.  Please stay tuned.

Paul Spencer

Yellow Man wrote:

> I have a question about refreshing the portlets cache.
> The refresh interval is defined in
> by "refresh.portlet.default". This interval applies to
> all portlets. If you want to tune the refresh interval
> for individual portlet, you have to write your own
> portlet class with customized isCacheable() and
> expire() methods. Am I right? 
> If my understanding is right, wouldn't it be easy to
> tune the caching policy for individual portlet if we
> add a new tag in  in the registry for
> defining the caching policy?
> Thanks!
> -- YM
> __
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Question about portlet caching policy

2002-01-30 Thread Yellow Man

I have a question about refreshing the portlets cache.
The refresh interval is defined in
by "refresh.portlet.default". This interval applies to
all portlets. If you want to tune the refresh interval
for individual portlet, you have to write your own
portlet class with customized isCacheable() and
expire() methods. Am I right? 

If my understanding is right, wouldn't it be easy to
tune the caching policy for individual portlet if we
add a new tag in  in the registry for
defining the caching policy?


-- YM

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RE: conversion of turbine app to portlet?

2002-01-30 Thread David Sean Taylor

Try the "WebPagePortlet" -- see the example in the portlet registry
"demo-portlets", and the portlet named: "JavaWeb"

For the simplest solution, I recommend running it in another webapp, since
you will most likely have conflicting versions of turbine or velocity jars.

> -Original Message-
> From: Phillip Rhodes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 2:40 PM
> Subject: conversion of turbine app to portlet?
> Hi,
> I wrote a application in Turbine using the TDK (2.1)  with JSP's
> Can someone point me how I may create a portlet for this?  In the
> AbstractPortlet, I have to implement the getContent (RunData runData)
> method.  Should I write a reverse http listener here that talks
> to the web
> front end of my application, or is there something lower that I should be
> communicating with?
> I am a little confused.  Would you recommend that this application reside
> in the same JVM as the portal, or should be in a different tomcat
> instance,
> or maybe even a different web application (in the servlet container)
> Thanks,
> Phillip
> _
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get your free address at
> --
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Re:WebPagePortlet problems - Solved

2002-01-30 Thread Brendan O'Bra

It's luck only that I finally figured  this out...

This was an AWT problem (?!), and had nothing to do with org.apache.*

I'm running debian potato 2.2.  As this is a production system., X is not
installed.  I had to intall xlib6g, and now everything is fixed!

Thanks for all the effort everyone!
- Original Message -
From: "Nutter, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Jetspeed Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 6:37 AM
Subject: RE: WebPagePortlet problems

> (*points to Brendan*)  Him, not me... :)
> Let's see if some judicious clipping makes the thread easier to follow:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Paul Spencer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 9:23 AM
> > To: Jetspeed Users List
> > Subject: Re: WebPagePortlet problems
> >
> >
> > Mark,
> > This sounds strange ;)
> >
> > Do the portlets defined in demo-portlets.xreg work?
> >If not which ones DO NOT work?
> >What is in jetspeed.log?
> >
> > What is the OS?
> >
> > Paul Spencer
> [ clip clip ]
> > >On Monday 28 January 2002 01:14 pm, Brendan O'Bra wrote:
> > >
> > >>Hi List,
> > >>I'm running 1.3a2 on Tomcat 4.0 on a Debian box with
> > >>Blackdown jdk 1.3.0-02 (although I've tried this with 1.3.0 also).
> > >>For all of my WebPagePortlets, I get the following error:
> > >>org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineException: Error
> > >>rendering Velocity template: /controls/html/jetspeed.vm: Invocation of
> > >>method 'getContent'
> > >>in class org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.WebPagePortlet threw
> > >>exception class java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
> >
> > >>I wrapped line (approx)181 in
> > >>PortletConfig config  = this.getPortletConfig();
> > >>with try/catch and  the exception went away (it didn't
> > >>render of course,
> > >>just muted the exception), so I presume that this is the
> > >>line that is causing problems.
> > >>
> > >>I'm pretty sure that this is a classloader problem.
> > >>
> > >>I've tried unsetting CLASSPATH before starting Tomcat.  The WinXP
> > >>box that I'm doing the
> > >>development on is working without any problems - it's
> > >>just the linux box that is doing this.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>TIA,
> > >>
> > >>
> > Brendan O'Bra
> >
> This e-mail and any attachments are confidential. If you are not the
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conversion of turbine app to portlet?

2002-01-30 Thread Phillip Rhodes


I wrote a application in Turbine using the TDK (2.1)  with JSP's

Can someone point me how I may create a portlet for this?  In the 
AbstractPortlet, I have to implement the getContent (RunData runData) 
method.  Should I write a reverse http listener here that talks to the web 
front end of my application, or is there something lower that I should be 
communicating with?

I am a little confused.  Would you recommend that this application reside 
in the same JVM as the portal, or should be in a different tomcat instance, 
or maybe even a different web application (in the servlet container)


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Re: new photos from my party!

2002-01-30 Thread Santiago Gala

Frans Thamura wrote:

>I receive this email from all of my list..
>is there a spammer filter in
It was no spammer who sent it, but someone subscribed to the list which 
got infected.

I don't think there is an antivirus mail filter in There 
used to be a no attachment policy, but it has changed.

Unless you have a badly designed and/or badly configured mail client, no 
email message can make you harm if you stick to a single rule:

- never open an executable attachment (not even apparently coming a from 
trusted persons). This includes disabling javascript or other client 
side scripting languages in HTML mail.

Unfortunately, Outlook is very badly engineered and also very badly 
configured by default, so I think this statement does not include it.

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Re: Who generated a portal page? Please, help!

2002-01-30 Thread Santiago Gala

Santiago Gala wrote:

> Sergei O. Naumov wrote:
>> On Wed, 23 Jan 2002 19:07:23 +0100
>> Santiago Gala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 This is precisely what I want but... I edited 
 and it affected only the page that gets displayed BEFORE a user 
 logs in.
 After a user logs in it still shows a page without my changes. So, 
 I wondered
 if this gets generated from an another template which I could not 

>>> Which version are you running? With current CVS (or a recent build) it
>> 1.3a2.
>>> looks impossible. So maybe we have a new bug. Also, check if you 
>>> restarted. It could be some funny caching issue with the session.
>> The funny thing is that it started working. Probably it really was a 
>> caching
>> problem. The whole reason I need it is to add a  tag to force a 
>> browser
>> Mozilla or IE to switch encoding to UTF-8. For some reason, adding it 
>> to does
>> not make it switch - I always have to do it manually. Is there any 
>> other way
>> I can do it?
> I noticed that it got broken some time between 1.3a1 and 1.3a2. It 
> used to be set according to a JR.p parameter, with UTF-8 as default. 
> This is no longer true. I will try to restore the functionality. Las 
> time I looked at it, I thought that we should add an element to the 
> media registry to hold the content encoding for a media type. WAP, for 
> instance, will typically be UTF-8, as it is XML. For HTML I would 
> recommend UTF-8 when there is a possibility of having content in 
> several langauges at the same time in the portal. But there is people 
> who insist in having it in iso-8859-1.
> This would simplify the coding, since Content-Encoding should be set 
> around the beginning of doBuild() in, 
> and (maybe),
> making the call as
> ...
>data.setContentType( cm.getPreferredType().toString() );

Commenting on myself ;), I found that it was set in the Layout and the 
TemplateLocator, about six times per page, when it should be put in the 
Page just once. I don't have it clean yet, but I'm getting closer.

> Could you try to test if it works this way and report here? A patch if 
> you don't find problems would be great ;). Initially you could just 
> use a constant for testing. If everything works we can make it 
> pluggable through the media registry and CapabilityMap classes.
> It could give problems, though I think it should work. There are 
> tricky issues depending on when the Writer on the Response get asked 
> from the servlet engine and on how we initialize Velocity or jsp 
> templates.
>> Sergei
>> -- 
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JSP Taglib for turbine/jetspeed

2002-01-30 Thread Byron Miller

Is there any such beast already done?

anyone have a good layer to share? i've checked out some of the apache taglibs but it 
appears that project has been stale since late last year.


Re: Who generated a portal page? Please, help!

2002-01-30 Thread Paul Spencer


Sergei O. Naumov wrote:
 > On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:43:31 -0500 Paul Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > wrote:
 >> Sergei,
 >> See the JR.p parameter http.lifetime on controlling the cache.  I
 >> have  found the some proxy server do not use META tags, thus we
 >> set the cache  control in the header.  Bellow is from JR.p
 > Hmm. I wonder how http.lifetime != 0 forces a browser to switch
 > encodings?

I do not know :(

 > I just set it to 60 seconds and it still asks me to reload the page.
 >  :-((

Their are cache settings on the browser.  These settings may be causing
a reload on refresh when the page is < 60 seconds old.

 > On the other hand I have this in the HTML code:  http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

The setting in the HTML header should take precedence over META tags.

 > Sergei
 > -- To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 >  For
 > additional commands, e-mail:

Paul Spencer

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Re: Who generated a portal page? Please, help!

2002-01-30 Thread Sergei O. Naumov

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:43:31 -0500
Paul Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sergei,
> See the JR.p parameter http.lifetime on controlling the cache.  I have 
> found the some proxy server do not use META tags, thus we set the cache 
> control in the header.  Bellow is from JR.p

Hmm. I wonder how http.lifetime != 0 forces a browser to switch encodings?
I just set it to 60 seconds and it still asks me to reload the page. :-((
On the other hand I have this in the HTML code:


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Fw: New E-mail Worm Is No Party, Virus-Fighters Say

2002-01-30 Thread Jacky ESAYAG

-- Forwarded by Jacky ESAYAG/ENNOV on 30/01/2002 09:56

"Dr Sylvia Windholz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 30/01/2002 00:14:01

To:"Jacky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Ruth"
   "Helena Esayag" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Fw: New E-mail Worm Is No Party, Virus-Fighters Say

- Original Message -
From: Avraham Anidjar
To: Aaron Elbaz
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 11:22 AM
Subject: New E-mail Worm Is No Party, Virus-Fighters Say

   New E-mail Worm Is No Party, Virus-Fighters Say
   Anti-virus companies say a new e-mail worm they have   
   named "Myparty" won't be much fun for PC users who launch  
   the malicious code after clicking on what they think is a  
   link to a page on the Yahoo Web site.  
   Researchers at Moscow-based Kaspersky Labs said today  
   that the code behind the Myparty worm, written for the 
   Windows operating system, isn't particularly unusual,  
   including its ability to open a backdoor in some versions  
   of Windows that could then be exploited by hackers.


   However, Kaspersky spokesman Denis Zenkin said, the virus author's decision to name 
his executable file like a Web URL - ""   
   - appears to be fooling many Internet users who are finding the file linked to 
e-mail messages.
   "The rest of the program is a classic Internet worm that is not differentiated from 
hundreds of similarly created Internet worms," Zenkin said in  
   a prepared statement. "This occurrence once again confirms that not everything 
beginning with 'www' and ending in '.com' is a Web site."   
   Symantec Corp.'s Security Response team has already given Myparty a severity rating 
of 3 on a scale of 1 to 5, largely because of the potential
   for the worm to spread rapidly. 
   Cupertino, Calif.-based Symantec said Myparty arrives attached to an e-mail that 
will have the subject: "new photos from my party!"
   The text of the message reads: "Hello! My party ... it was absolutely amazing! I 
have attached my web page with new photos! If you can please  
   make color prints of my photos. Thanks!"
   Kaspersky Labs said that, at first glance, the e-mail's link to the 
"" file might look like a Web-site URL, even to users 
   who know better than to click on executable attachments.
   Kaspersky reported that Myparty appears to be programmed to spread only between the 
dates of Jan. 25-2

IllegalAccessException & PortletException: questions

2002-01-30 Thread Michel Bergijk

Hi all,

Being new in portals, I do not know what to do with the Exceptions
IllegalAccessException & PortletException.

I have looked in the JavaDocs what these exceptions mean, but can not get
any information how to solve this problem. 
PortletException: Occurs when anything unexpected happens when processing a
IllegalAccessException: Thrown if an application attempts to access or
modify a field, or to call a method that it does not have access to. 

What did I do?
Created a Portlet, with (an excerpt from my) code:
public ConcreteElement getContent (RunData runData)
user = new User();
openWriter(); // Michel: My own brand of logger, it did not
writer.println ("CompanyList.ConcreteElement: creating
order = new Order(writer);
StringElement quote = new StringElement();
return (new StringElement (getCompanyList () ) );

I compiled this porlet, and copied the resulting class files to 

Next I added the following lines to portlets.xreg and local-portlets.xreg:

Company list
Gets the company list from SAP IDES


This method worked for the normal HelloWorld and HelloUser portlets.

My questions:
1 Does anyone know what I need to do to get information about these
2 What did I do wrong, given my code snippets?

With regards,

Michel Bergijk
ABAP/4 Engineer
CMG Oost-Nederland B.V.
Division Trade, Transport & Industry
Meander 901
6825 MH Arnhem
PO Box 7015
6801 HA Arnhem
The Netherlands
Mobile  +31 (0)6 53 20 4657
Fax:+31 (0)26 376 5310

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