Re: _showtitlebar little bug in 1.3a3-dev

2002-02-13 Thread Paul Spencer


Aurélien Pernoud wrote:

> I've searched the bugzilla database and the mailing-list archive but didn't
> see anything about this...
> I'm using the "_showtitlebar" parameter, it works fine, except in this case
> :
> - Create a new pane
> - Add a portlet with the showtitlebar=false parameter
> - Choose the "Tab Pane" layout
> (this may seem weird but can be useful to mix portlets and pane)
> - Click "Apply"
> You can see that the title is here, but so are the controls !

Good direction! I as able to recreate the problem.  Yes this seems 
weird, and I agree you should be able to have a portlet next to a tabbed 
pane.  That is not what is being configured here.  The steps configure a 
portlet where their should be a pane.  The "TabControl" should NOT 
contain a portlet.

Below is the PSML generated by the customizer.";>
 Default Jetspeed page

Please enter this in bugzilla

> So now if you maximize this portlet you won't be able to get back by an
> "usual" way (you can get back by clicking customize html...), because the
> controls aren't displayed anymore.
> While I'm posting I'm also warning you of "minor" bugs I've found :
> - You have issues if you name a portlet with a number and try to customize
> this portlet... It customizes the pane that is identified by this number.
> (Although I saw you're implementing a "&container=" that may not be
> finished... and is different between the pane and the portlet)

Looks like a bug, please enter in bugzilla

> - You can't have two panes with the same name except if they're in separates
> pane.
> (I mean for example if you create a user with only two panes, use tab pane
> layout, create a second pane named "Home" too, and apply it, you'll see the
> issue)

Looks like a bug, please enter in bugzilla

> Hope I was right posting here instead of dev... ?

Yes, this is the correct place.

> Aurélien.
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Re: How do you change email template (VM)?

2002-02-13 Thread Paul Spencer

$ refers to the to a localized property xyz.  The properties can 
be found in the JetspeedLocalization_{language}.properties files.  These 
files are located in 
  The file contains the default value 
for each property.

I Jetspeed restart is required after changing the file(s).

Paul Spencer

Ed Park wrote:

> Yes, I've located new-user-confirmation.vm in that
> folder but am wondering where this template obtains
> it's data from.
> For example, where is the key
> $l10n.SENDCONFIRMATIONEMAIL_BODY1 located and how can
> I change it's content?
> Thanks.
> --- Paul Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>The email template are located in 
>>Paul Spencer
>>Ed Park wrote:
>>>Just wondering, where are the files located that
>>>change how the email templates look for new users?
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Editing default page for new users

2002-02-13 Thread Ed Park

Hi all,
I've modified the default user page
(WEB-INF/psml/user/turbine/html/default.psml) to have
two entries that point to two JSP pages.  Problem is,
when I create a new user and get displayed the home
page for the first time, none of my content gets
displayed.  The content displays properly however if I
manually add the portlets from the customizer.
What's the problem?  Using 1.3a2.


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RE: Turbine & JetSpeed

2002-02-13 Thread Duke Fong


I am also looking for the same thing, please let me know if you do find
something of this nature.  Thanks!


-Original Message-
From: Rajan Gupta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 2:56 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Turbine & JetSpeed

Is there a document/faq or any other link where I can understand the
feature sets being used from Turbine in JetSpeed

Thanks in advance

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Re: How do you change email template (VM)?

2002-02-13 Thread Ed Park

Yes, I've located new-user-confirmation.vm in that
folder but am wondering where this template obtains
it's data from.

For example, where is the key
$l10n.SENDCONFIRMATIONEMAIL_BODY1 located and how can
I change it's content?


--- Paul Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ed,
> The email template are located in 
> /WEB-INF/templates/vm/emails.
> Paul Spencer
> Ed Park wrote:
> > Just wondering, where are the files located that
> > change how the email templates look for new users?
> > 
> > __
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> > 
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> > 
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Can title bars not be shown in 1.3a2?

2002-02-13 Thread Ed Park

Can you specify whether the close button in the title
bar for portlets are shown in release 1.3a2?

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Turbine & JetSpeed

2002-02-13 Thread Rajan Gupta

Is there a document/faq or any other link where I can understand the
feature sets being used from Turbine in JetSpeed

Thanks in advance

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Re: How do you change email template (VM)?

2002-02-13 Thread Paul Spencer

The email template are located in 

Paul Spencer

Ed Park wrote:

> Just wondering, where are the files located that
> change how the email templates look for new users?
> __
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How do you change email template (VM)?

2002-02-13 Thread Ed Park

Just wondering, where are the files located that
change how the email templates look for new users?

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Re: PLEASE HELP: Question about jetspeed/index.jsp

2002-02-13 Thread Paul Spencer

 instruct the JSP engine, tomcat for 
example, to forward the request to portal.  In the case of jetspeed, 
this would be /jetspeed/portal

Please verify your JSP engine is working.

Paul Spencer

Irene Huang wrote:

> Can someone please explain how this line work in \index.jsp?
> This should forward user to the default homepage of jetspeed, but it only
> showed the souce code in my browser.
> Is there anotherway I can access the default page or how should I check my
> configuration?
> Thank you for the help!
> Irene
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PLEASE HELP: Question about jetspeed/index.jsp

2002-02-13 Thread Irene Huang

Can someone please explain how this line work in \index.jsp?

This should forward user to the default homepage of jetspeed, but it only
showed the souce code in my browser.
Is there anotherway I can access the default page or how should I check my

Thank you for the help!


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a #jetspeed IRC channel on

2002-02-13 Thread Michael Mealling

In case anyone cares: I created a #jetspeed channel on the
IRC network as a place for users to share and help each other setup and
customize Jetspeed.

See for more information or just point
your IRC client at


Michael Mealling|  Vote Libertarian!   | urn:pin:1

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_showtitlebar little bug in 1.3a3-dev

2002-02-13 Thread Aurélien Pernoud

I've searched the bugzilla database and the mailing-list archive but didn't
see anything about this...

I'm using the "_showtitlebar" parameter, it works fine, except in this case

- Create a new pane
- Add a portlet with the showtitlebar=false parameter
- Choose the "Tab Pane" layout
(this may seem weird but can be useful to mix portlets and pane)
- Click "Apply"

You can see that the title is here, but so are the controls !

So now if you maximize this portlet you won't be able to get back by an
"usual" way (you can get back by clicking customize html...), because the
controls aren't displayed anymore.

While I'm posting I'm also warning you of "minor" bugs I've found :

- You have issues if you name a portlet with a number and try to customize
this portlet... It customizes the pane that is identified by this number.
(Although I saw you're implementing a "&container=" that may not be
finished... and is different between the pane and the portlet)

- You can't have two panes with the same name except if they're in separates
(I mean for example if you create a user with only two panes, use tab pane
layout, create a second pane named "Home" too, and apply it, you'll see the

Hope I was right posting here instead of dev... ?


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Exception handling !

2002-02-13 Thread Anandkumar Ayyachamy

Hello All,
   May i know how can we handle the exception in Jetspeed.Like when i run my portlet i 
donot want my screen to be filled with horrible exception.Instead i would i like it to 
disply few lines, which may be my own context and pump the error into log file.If 
anyone have got and idea or have come across this type please let me know...
Looking forward an answer !!!

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