
I have seen this from time to time. Unfortunately, I have not figured out
what causes it. I suspect that it occurs because of permissions problems, (I
run on Linux), or due to some problem with repeated allBuild invocations
with out an allClean. Of course, it is just as likely that it has nothing to
do with either!

I have had success with doing the following to get things running again:

- stop tomcat.
- remove J2 jars from shared/lib.
- remove all J2 webapps, (including portletapps), ant their context xml from
- repeat full maven build sequence: allClean, allBuild, quickStart.
- redeploy your portletapps, pages, decorators, templates, etc.
- restart tomcat.

Heavy handed, but it has worked for me when all else fails.

If this still does not correct the problem, make sure that your layout
decorators are named correctly in your pages. As usual, check jetspeed.log.

Good Luck!


-----Original Message-----
From: nafise hassani
To: jetspeed
Sent: 11/13/04 6:00 AM
Subject: jetspeed 2 successfully deployed but (please read this)

finally I deploy jetspeed 2 in to tomcat 5.0.28 and for a while I work
with it 
but I don't know why suddenly it destroyed 
I shoul say that I can see other applications that deployed with tomcat
but when I want to go to jetspeed homepage I face with an empty white
I stop and start tomcat service more and more but there is no

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