FW: [Juglist] WUG 6/24- Portals and Portlets

2003-06-17 Thread Andrew C. Oliver

Andrew C. Oliver
Custom enhancements and Commercial Implementation for Jakarta POI

For Java and Excel, Got POI?

-- Forwarded Message
From: Don Brady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 00:25:54 -0400
Subject: [Juglist] WUG 6/24- Portals and Portlets

Everyone in the JUG is invited to attend the Websphere User Group
Tuesday.the 24th of June, for the talks and food and drinks, free of
charge.  No reservation is needed.

We're very pleased to have the JUG's Andrew Oliver covering Apache's
JetSpeed, along with Greg Ackerman talking on IBM's WebSphere Portal, whose
portlet implementation is in fact based on JetSpeed.

So we will have side-by-side discussion of commercial and open-source
implementation with some commonality.

It is at 6 p.m. in the IBM Building 500 Cafeteria (drive into IBM East off
S. Miami Blvd at Cornwallis and, at the gate,  tell the guard  on the
intercom where you are going.)

More directions are at http://www.rtpwug.org/meetings.html

See you there.


Juglist mailing list

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Re: JSP vs Velocity

2003-01-29 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
I have been using Jetspeed since November.  I had no prior Turbine 
knowledge and Velocity knowledge was limited to editing a couple 
templates during contribution to site documentation.

The best way to do it is to just do it, dive in, make it work.  As you 
do it write documentation.  Submit it as patches.  You'll find others 
will correct them and expand upon them.  In the end, the documentation 
is improved and the project improves.  Your understanding improves and 
your time investment is limited due to the contribution of others.

Or at least that usually works for me.  (BTW, thats kinda part of how I 
got that @apache.org address)


Lucky guy! Write a book about it and share your knowledge - struts books 
we have enough!
BTW, since your mail ends with apache.org - how much and how long are you 
involved in
jetspeed / turbine? I am since 4 days and don` t think jetspeed is one of 
"vanilla" frameworks to understand in a few days. 

"Andrew C. Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
29.01.2003 14:33
Please respond to "Jetspeed Users List"

To: Jetspeed Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Re: JSP vs Velocity

I found turbine pretty easy to deal with myself.



I think the popularity could be much better if the underlying turbine 


not be such a high learning curve. With turbine 3 it may be much better,
since then people can bet on horses, which they already know (especially
EJB). IMHO, What also could give jetspeed a real boost is if it would 


on struts(*) - but I guess that is impossible, since turbine has its own
mcv-model ...

(*) maybe struts does not have such a sophisticated mvc model as 


but it definitively has much more familiarity and pervasion (just look 


all these struts books and articles). for me it is a quasi-standard for
web-based mvc.


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Re: JSP vs Velocity

2003-01-29 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
I found turbine pretty easy to deal with myself.



I think the popularity could be much better if the underlying turbine would
not be such a high learning curve. With turbine 3 it may be much better,
since then people can bet on horses, which they already know (especially
EJB). IMHO, What also could give jetspeed a real boost is if it would rely
on struts(*) - but I guess that is impossible, since turbine has its own
mcv-model ...

(*) maybe struts does not have such a sophisticated mvc model as turbine,
but it definitively has much more familiarity and pervasion (just look at
all these struts books and articles). for me it is a quasi-standard for
web-based mvc.


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Re: JSP vs Velocity

2003-01-29 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
I suggest you will find that Velocity performs better in Jetspeed. 
Furthermore, you'll find that JSP's integration is largely a kludge.  I 
would suggest that JSP is not appropriate for outputting binary files.


Wei Guan wrote:
I like Velocity. However, there are lots of JSP tags, such as JSP output stream buffer cache tag I could use, I had hard time to find similiar Velocity library.

Which do you prefer? Any serious JetSpeed Velocity development and deployment?

How is the popularity of JetSpeed? 

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Re: AW: what is up with this source code!!!....

2002-11-25 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
Excellent.  I'll add this tonight.  Let move any further discussion to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] as this is generic and on the main site.

Werner Punz wrote:

Excellent document, may I add a short subsection on Netbeans Forte:

(I?ve always used IDEs but use extensively command line tools, I just
prefer IDEs over editors like emacs or vi).. I just copy the
text and alter where it is necessary:

Setting up Netbeans/Forte for Remote Debugging

So now you've got Tomcat remote debuggable right? Now you want to get
your favorite IDE Eclipse ready for action right? So lets not waste time
embelishing. Netbeans/Forte makes this really easy.

We're going to assume you have a project set up with all of the fixings
and have some idea of what you're doing in this respect. If not then
thats really outside the scope of this topic and more in the scope of
you needing to go to eclipse.org and read up on how to use your ide, and
maybe practice a little bit before you come back to this. We're also
going to assume you have some idea of what a debugger is and how to use
one. If not, then play around debugging a project locally first by going
here and following the instructions.

Make sure tomcat is started and that your app is deployed and the
sources, etc are all defined as resources in your app. If you have a
servlet or something, set a breakpoint where its sure to hit on the next
request. Go to Debug->Start Session->Attach. A dialog should pop up and
use following options:

Default Debugger:JPDA
Socket Attach
Host:the ip address of the host your Tomcat installation is running on
( if it is your machine)
Port:The port of your tomcat debugging interface, which should be 8000
if you?ve followed the instructions correctly

Then press ok and you should have a debugging connection very similar to
local debugging. (you can set breakpoints
inspect variables etc.)

Netbeans/Forte however has a second option, you can debug JSP files and
servlets locally. Nothing really exciting happens
there, an integrated Tomcat server is started and a remote connection is
opened. Note however that the integrated
Netbeans Tomcat usually is a few versions behind the current
Jakarta/Apache version.

-Ursprungliche Nachricht-
Von: Glen Carl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Montag, 25. November 2002 04:25
An: Jetspeed Users List
Betreff: Re: what is up with this source code!!!

Very cool!
I have forwarded this link to developers on our project as a reference.

Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

>>want to do work that someone else has successfully done already.  If
>>anyone out there is trying to solve this problem, please let me know.
>Due to this and other inquiries I've been inspired to start writing


>contributions and suggestions welcome.  I won't personally be covering

>IDEs other than eclipse since I don't use any of them anymore.

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Re: what is up with this source code!!!....

2002-11-24 Thread Andrew C. Oliver

want to do work that someone else has successfully done already.  If
anyone out there is trying to solve this problem, please let me know.

Due to this and other inquiries I've been inspired to start writing this:


contributions and suggestions welcome.  I won't personally be covering 
IDEs other than eclipse since I don't use any of them anymore.


James Moliere

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Re: what is up with this source code!!!....

2002-11-23 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
There are Ant plugins for most modern IDEs.

James Moliere wrote:

After learning Ant...
OK.  I have bought a book about ant and I'm learning it.  I still 
don't understand why I can't simply put the source in JBuilder and 
compile.  The debugging features of JBuilder is what makes this tool 
so great and without a clean compile, I can't get the tool to work 
properly -- at least I can't be sure the tool is working properly.  I 
can handle the deprecated files for backward compatibility but I can't 
understand the value of source code that's not compilable.

"CssPortletControl.java": Error #: 452 : no interface allowed here at 
line 32, column 40
"CssPortletControl.java": Error #: 454 : class 
nl.eid.jetspeed.portal.controls.CssPortletControl should be declared 
abstract; it does not define method setWidth(java.lang.String) in 
interface org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletControl at line 32, column 8

I would understand a few errors -- max of 15 since it's a nightly 
build.  But the volume of errors in this source is outrageous.

Is it unreasonable to expect open source to deliver source code that 
actually will compile in my favorite Java IDE?  Ant is just a build 
and deployment tool.  It doesn't really solve my problem of program 
development -- i.e. setting breakpoints and stepping through code.  
Companies like Microsoft use modern tools for their development 
projects.  I need this code to compile in JBuilder so I can learn and 
add/evolve the code that is there.

 I can't believe that there is an extremely high percentage of 
developers on this project that don't use modern tools such as 
NetBeans, JBuilder, or at least, VisualCafe.  I left vi/emacs/nedit 
almost 10 years ago -- I can't go back to those!  I don't mind taking 
on the task of separating sources that work and don't work but I 
certainly don't want to do work that someone else has successfully 
done already.  If anyone out there is trying to solve this problem, 
please let me know.

James Moliere

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Re: what is up with this source code!!!....

2002-11-23 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
I assure you it does compile.  Deprecation warning often are due to 
choices made for backward compatibility.  Meaning if I have a deprecated 
method that is dependent on a deprecated method in an underlying API, it 
will show as deprecated.  

I do not suggest that you load all the source into JBuilder and compile 
it there.  I no longer use JBuilder however IIRC you can set up source 
directories that are not compiled.  Then you can use remote debugging 
(http://bdn.borland.com/article/0,1410,27021,00.html) which can use the 
Jetpseed source for the reference.

From a career standpoint, I would invest the time to learn Ant.  One 
complaint often told about "IDE developers" is they often have a 
fundemental misunderstanding of the classpath and dependencies.  This 
often results in others having frustrating sessions understanding how to 
get their code to work in production.  You can find the ant homepage 
here: http://jakarta.apache.org/ant

Learning Ant will also allow you to utilize continuous integration 
concepts: http://jakarta.apache.org/gump/


James Moliere wrote:

I put the source code into JBuilder 7.0 Enterprise and got 100 errors 
(it stopped at 100 errors) and 89 deprecation warnings.  - see below

These errors are pretty disturbing.  I have been looking at the 
build.xml file and have not figured it out yet (I'm new to ant).

It is my goal to load the full source and servlets in JBuilder and 
debug the portal with break-points and stepping through code on areas 
that I'm not understanding or is not working.

Is there any help out there?


"CssPortletControl.java": Error #: 452 : no interface allowed here at 
line 32, column 40
"CssPortletControl.java": Error #: 454 : class 
nl.eid.jetspeed.portal.controls.CssPortletControl should be declared 
abstract; it does not define method setWidth(java.lang.String) in 
interface org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletControl at line 32, column 8
"CssPortletControl.java": Error #: 300 : constructor PortletControl() 
not found in interface org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletControl at 
line 38, column 2
"CssPortletControl.java": Warning #: 368 : method 
note(java.lang.String) in class org.apache.turbine.util.Log has been 
deprecated at line 95, column 8
"CssPortletControl.java": Error #: 300 : variable JetspeedResources 
not found in class nl.eid.jetspeed.portal.controls.CssPortletControl 
at line 91, column 42
"CssPortletControl.java": Error #: 300 : variable Util not found in 
class nl.eid.jetspeed.portal.controls.CssPortletControl at line 91, 
column 14
"CssPortletControl.java": Warning #: 368 : method 
note(java.lang.String) in class org.apache.turbine.util.Log has been 
deprecated at line 113, column 8
"CssPortletControl.java": Error #: 300 : variable JetspeedResources 
not found in class nl.eid.jetspeed.portal.controls.CssPortletControl 
at line 110, column 42
"CssPortletControl.java": Error #: 300 : variable Util not found in 
class nl.eid.jetspeed.portal.controls.CssPortletControl at line 110, 
column 14
"TestCapabilityMap.java": Warning #: 368 : method init() in class 
org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig has been deprecated at line 212, 
column 19
"TestJLoginUser.java": Warning #: 368 : class junit.ui.TestRunner in 
package junit.ui has been deprecated at line 90, column 18
"JetspeedSessionValidator.java": Warning #: 368 : class 
org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocaleDetector in package 
org.apache.turbine.services.localization has been deprecated at line 
58, column 49
"JetspeedSessionValidator.java": Warning #: 368 : class 
org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocaleDetector in package 
org.apache.turbine.services.localization has been deprecated at line 
150, column 25
"VelocityPortlet.java": Warning #: 368 : class 
org.apache.jetspeed.util.template.JetspeedTemplateLink in package 
org.apache.jetspeed.util.template has been deprecated at line 70, 
column 42
"VelocityPortlet.java": Warning #: 368 : class 
org.apache.jetspeed.util.template.JetspeedTemplateLink in package 
org.apache.jetspeed.util.template has been deprecated at line 174, 
column 30
"VelocityPortlet.java": Warning #: 368 : class 
org.apache.jetspeed.util.template.JetspeedTemplateLink in package 
org.apache.jetspeed.util.template has been deprecated at line 175, 
column 15
"SlideResource.java": Error #: 302 : cannot access class 
org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionDescriptor; java.io.IOException: 
class not found: class org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionDescriptor 
at line 57, column 33
"SlideResource.java": Error #: 300 : class NodeRevisionDescriptor not 
found in class org.apache.jetspeed.om.cms.slide.SlideResource at line 
71, column 12
"SlideResource.java": Error #: 300 : class NodeRevisionDescriptor not 
found in class org.apache.jetspeed.om.cms.slide.SlideResource at line 
80, column 28
"SlideResource.java": Error #: 300 : class NodeRevisionDescriptor not 