Re: Graffito - Jetspeed CMS framework

2005-03-17 Thread LOMBART Christophe
Fabrice Dewasmes wrote:

> I've tried to use it. In fact the maven scripts don't work 'out of the box' 
>for hsql. There are a few bugs. Here are those that I remember :

Until now, the complete Graffito team is using MySql. We have to make more 
tests with other DB. We are still under dev :-)
That's the same for Fusion. We have to review maven goals to support HSQL & 
fusions. Another issues to check for the fusion integration is the security. 
Jetspeed 2 & Graffito are using JAAS which is not the case for Jetspeed 1. 

> - empty password for  DB is not valid

What do you mean ? 

> - torque SQL scripts generation doesn't generate a good script for creation 
>of content table because of the BLOB field (the field has no type) -- should 
>have been set to OBJECT type ?

If I'm remember correctly, it should be OBJECT.  Same issue here, That's 
strange ! Torque doesn't support blob for HSQL ?

> - SQL scripts are maybe not generated at the right place (src/sql/... vs 
> >target/src/sql/...)

Scripts in src/sql are not generated scripts. They are usefull scripts like 
inserting rows, delete DB, ...
All torque scripts are in target/src/sql.

> - J2 deploy doesn't deploy assembly at the right place (WEB-INF/assembly 
>instead of WEB-INF/conf/assembly)

WEB-INF/assembly is mandatory for Jetspeed 2. We have to write a fusion deploy 
goals in order to deploy in WEB-INF/conf/assembly.

> At the end, everything deploys well within JS1+Fusion. BUT I don't 
> >understand how to use the portlet. When in view mode, the portlet tells me 
> >that i'm connected to [server]jetspeed but that there is no content and I 
> >should use edit mode. But in edit mode the portlet appears empty and no log 
> >in the console What did I miss ?
You should see in the edit mode buttons "Add Document" "Add folder".
That's strange that you don't see them.

I'm going to add all theses issues in Graffito Jira.

Please, can you use the Graffito dev mailing list to send all bugs, issues & 
comments on Graffito ?


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RE: Graffito - Jetspeed CMS framework

2005-03-15 Thread LOMBART Christophe

Of course, we want to support JSR 170. Oliver Kieesler is working on a cms 
object mapping for a JSR repository. Now, I'm going to work with him and check 
how we can integrate his work into Graffito. 

If you join the Graffito dev mailing you will see a JCR proposal for Graffito   
ASAP. You are welcome to join the team and exchange with us some idea and 


-Original Message-
From:   Marky Goldstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tue 3/15/2005 4:30 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject:Re: Graffito - Jetspeed CMS framework
propably you should also have a look into

They have integrated the JackRabbit adapter
into their CMS efforts.

Maybe the two efforts could be joined.

I myself can help, but more on a project management
level such as organization, documentation, etc.


Raphaƫl Luta wrote:

> Marky Goldstein wrote:
>> Great. Please also support JSR 170 (Content Repository Standard).
>> We are interested to join the effort.
> Given the very reduced number of active developpers on Graffito
> right now, the best way to see this happening quickly is to join
> the graffito-dev list, and start to work with us on
> supporting JCR (probably through a JackRabbit adapter)
> The more and the sooner interested parties can collaborate on
> getting this done, the better the end product will be.
> Christophe has done a great job so far on UI/portlet components
> and slide support but we definitely need help to accelerate the 
> development.

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[Jetspeed 2] Process Action

2004-12-30 Thread LOMBART Christophe
I'm using the GenericVelocityPortlet and I want to change the velocity template 
in the processAction method. Since the processAction in the 
GenericServletPortlet is not complete (see @task in the code), I'm just 
wondering what should be the best way to select another template when 
processing some actions.

This problem should be the same for other portlet types (jsp, jsf, ...).

Kind Regards, 

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Re: Jetspeed Content management - JCMS

2004-10-29 Thread LOMBART Christophe
David Sean Taylor wrote:

> I've started on converting a J1 portlet that can navigate of a JCMS-1 >hierarchy. 
> The portlet is velocity-based, it will need the base Velocity bridge >in place first.

Ok -  What kind of convertion are you doing. If I remember the portlet, it was great. 
Are you migrate it in order to support the new JCMS 2 API ?

What about the JSF support in J2 ? 
When I'm trying to expend the JSF tree view demo, it doesn't work. I didn't see the 
children element on third level.


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Re: Jetspeed Content management - JCMS

2004-10-29 Thread LOMBART Christophe
David Le Strat wrote:

>I believe, that it would make great sense to have a
>workflow service in J2 as well.  We may want to have
>some cross-over here.

Agree ! My point of view is to integrate existing open source workflow project instead 
of build a new one for Jetspeed. 

>I would definitely would love to help.

I will be very happy to see you in the JCMS team !

I will start this kind of discussion on the JackRabbit mailing list in order to see if 
a JCR expert want to join JCMS. 


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Jetspeed Content management - JCMS

2004-10-28 Thread LOMBART Christophe
Hi All, 

As you certainly know, we are building the CMS solution for Jetspeed 2 (JCMS). This 
project should availabe in Incubator ASAP. In this context, I want to start a 
discusion thread on this topic. My goal is to check with committers & the  Jetspeed 
users if JCMS fits your needs. So, this mail will resume the main JCMS features and 
explain a little bit the service architecture. 

Free freel to ask all questions or suggestions you want.  JCMS will certainly offers 
an great perspective to your Jetspeed application. So, you are welcome to contribute.

Kind regards,

JCMS Overview and features :

See on

JCMS Service Architecture : 

* The JCMS components can be running on a Spring engine or any other kind of IOC 
container. So, it is quite easy to integrate JCMS into Jetspeed 2.
* JCMS is divided into different layers : 
+ JCMS Services: There is one service per CMS activities : Structure/model, 
versionning, searching/indexing, security, workflow, 
+ The Persistence Service : All JCMS services delegates requests like create 
document, get folder children,...  to the persistence service. Depending on the 
requests info, the persistence store try to find the correct JCMS store & dispatch the 
request to this one (see below).
+ The JCMS Stores :  A JCMS store is a plugin used to by the persistence store 
in order to used the correct API with the desired content server. For example, we can 
imagine to have a webdav store plugged into JCMS and another one which is used to 
access to a propriatary content server. Currently there is a simple OJB store. a 
Webdav store is under construction. Later, we will be build a JCR store.

* The security service is completly based on J2 security services. You will find in 
the JCMS project a small document which explain in more details the security 
implementation (fine grained access control, ...). 

Notes : 

* It is important to note that the JCR integration will be done across a new kind of 
store. Another solution is to replace the persistence service by a complete JCR 
In short term, we choice the first solution because JCR implementations are quite new 
and we want to support a large kind of content store API. Providing our own 
persistence service is a garantee to support a more important number of content store 
type (webdav, commercial product API, ...). Maybe later, this part of the design will 
be changed. 

* Gouping together different kind of store is a great challenge. We are looking for 
guys who can help with the JCR integration. 

JCMS Status :
Cerainly, the first question is : what about the developement status ? Hum ! it is a 
good question, we NEED committers. Again,  you are welcome to contribute.
The most important services are almost done. We have to fix some bugs and makes more 
unit tests.
What is currently missing : 
* Services : workflow + Event handler
* Portlets : Plan to start some admin portlet and simple content editor ASAP. A 
Jetspeed demo application will be provided. We want also to build some specific 
portlets application like JcmsNews, JcmsForum, ...
* Stores : Webdav & JCR implementation have to be developed. The default OJB 
implementation is done.

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RE: Jetspeed 2 - Sample files for Windows, Tomcat 4.1

2004-06-18 Thread LOMBART Christophe

It seems the paramater "org.apache.jetspeed.portal.dir" is not mentionned into the 
getting-started.html which is used in the J2 plugin.
I just added this parameter  which point to the TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jetspeed. Now, 
everything is ok when I deploy jetspeed application into Tomcat.

I'm not sure if other parameters are still used.


-Original Message-
From:   Ate Douma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Fri 6/18/2004 1:21 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject:Re: Jetspeed 2 - Sample files for Windows, Tomcat 4.1
I've updated the logic for the J2 maven-plugin installation.
Now, if the plugin hasn't been installed yet (or an older version)
it will be installed instead of deployed.
Checkout the new maven-plugin/maven.xml deploy-plugin goal.

Note: their are a few new, yet undocumented, properties you have to
provide in your ${USER_HOME}/ to get portlets
in the current version of J2 properly deployed.
You can read about it here:

I will see if I can properly update/fix today the
definitions and the instructions in

Ate Douma wrote:
> David Sean Taylor wrote:
>> On Jun 17, 2004, at 4:33 PM, Bob Fleischman wrote:
>>> I am trying to build Jetspeed 2 from source using the steps in
>>> on a Window 
>>> XP PC.
>>> However it seems that the instructions differ slightly from the current
>>> files. For example, they point at apache/tomcat5 in the 
>>> files; the paths are in 'Linux Speak' ${USER_HOME}/, 
>>> which
>>> turns out to be the file in the Jetspeed2 home dir; the
>>> instructions say that catalina.home should point to $(CATALINA_HOME}/ 
>>> and in
>>> the existing properties file it points to tomcat/Jetspeed; and 
>>> finally, the
>>> files has references to Oracle. I found that I had to
>>> remove those to get the project to build.
>>> When I try to deploy I am being stopped with
>>> File.. C:\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-jetspeed-2\maven.xml
>>> Element... maven:reactor
>>> Line.. 485
>>> Column 40
>>> Unable to obtain goal [fullDeploy] --
>>> C:\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-jetspeed-2\portal\maven.xml:250:41:
>>>  No goal [jetspeed2:deploy]
>>> Total time: 33 seconds
>>> Finished at: Thu Jun 17 19:32:25 EDT 2004
>>> I would be glad to write the Windows version if I could get 
>>> everything to
>>> work.
>> The document is not specific to any operating system
>> You can always specify forward slashes in your paths in property 
>> files, and they will be interpreted correctly
>> Make sure to edit your in your home directory
>> These props will override the settings in the J2 project
>> On Windows that can be found somewhere like c:\Documents and Settings\bob
>> The error you are getting means that the plugin didn't get installed
>> That was fixed recently. I built J2 yesterday on a clean system (empty 
>> local repo) and I didn't get that error
> I did a new build on a clean system yesterday and I can confirm this error.
> To solve this go to the J2/maven-plugin directory after the allBuild and 
> issue:
>   maven plugin:install
> Then navigate back to J2/ and run fullDeploy.
> The plugin:install only has to be done once and it installs the plugin 
> in the
> $MAVEN_HOME/plugins folder. It has *nothing* to do with the local 
> repository.
> I'll see if I can get this be done automatically after allBuild (but 
> only when
> needed). It has been discussed last week but not fixed by anyone yet.
> Regards,
> Ate
>> -
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RE: Doubts on Jetspeed

2004-06-18 Thread LOMBART Christophe

> If Jetspeed provides sigle signon feature or planning to provide?

Don't know - Maybe someone else can gives more info on this topic ?

> If Content Management feature is provided or planning to provide?
> If provided, to what extent?

It is under construction. 

> Will it allow admin to publish the content that can be made available
>to all the users  without any user intervention?

We need a "customizable" publication workflow in order to support this scenario and 
many others depending on the user needs. We plan to do.


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RE: Difference between opencms and Jetspeed

2004-05-05 Thread LOMBART Christophe

What about the issues like authentication, managing CMS permissions via some portlets  


-Original Message-
From:   Santhosh Nair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wed 5/5/2004 2:06 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List; "Sezmillenium"
Subject:Re: Difference between opencms and Jetspeed

Integration with Jetspeed and OpenCMS is not difficult - we did and this is using Jetspeed 1.4 integrated with

You can prepare the content - using OpenCMS.  The authoring can use OpenCMS
templates.  The published the contents can be brought into portlets.

Santhosh Nair
The Open Source System Integrators
Phone: +65-65883343
Fax: +65-65883001

- Original Message - 
From: "Sezmillenium" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Jetspeed Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 11:33 PM
Subject: RE: Difference between opencms and Jetspeed

> Hi again!
> I found the Apache Project Slide. Is Slide a solid product?
> -Mensaje original-
> De: Sezmillenium [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Enviado el: martes, 04 de mayo de 2004 16:44
> Asunto: Difference between opencms and Jetspeed
> Hi people!
> I am working in a project with jetspeed. Now, I want implement a document
> container. Jetspeed don't have this feature. I am looking a document
> container and i found opencms.
> What difference are between this two Technologies??
> Somebody work with this? Integration is easy??
> Thanks
> -
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RE: jetspeed1.5 in weblogic

2004-04-29 Thread LOMBART Christophe
unwar the jetspeed application.
It is a Turbine limitation.

I'm wondering if it is possible to replace the getRealPath calls.
If I remember getRealPath is centralised in a Turbine service.

I'm also interested if someone have solved this issue.


-Original Message-
From:   Nick Faiz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Thu 4/29/2004 8:37 AM
To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
Subject:RE: jetspeed1.5 in weblogic
Sorry, no.

I ran into the problem, while using Weblogic 7.2, a few months ago and did
not solve it. Nor did the solution someone suggested to me solve it. 

-Original Message-
From: Henry S. Isidro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 29 April 2004 4:44 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: jetspeed1.5 in weblogic

Okay this is a very old issue but I can't find any concrete solutions to 
this problem. I need to deploy jetspeed as a WAR archive in Weblogic. So 
far, I've found out that the problem originates from the getRealPath 
call used in Turbine (from the various posts in the mailing lists). 
Anyway, has anyone figured out how to fix the problem?

Thanks and regards,

Henry S. Isidro

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