A similar thing I've found useful is to make an iframe resize to the contents,
so that you don't need scrollbars. I used a plain HTML portlet rather than an
IFramePortlet and put the following in the HTML source.

It only works if Tomcat/servlet engine is accessed using the same port as static
HTML content, or possibly over SSL, otherwise the JavaScript doesn't have
privileges to execute.



<!-- Javascript from
<script language="JavaScript">
function iFrameHeight() {
if(document.getElementById && !(document.all)) {
theFrame = document.getElementById('iframename');
h = theFrame.contentDocument.body.scrollHeight;
w = theFrame.contentDocument.body.scrollWidth;
theFrame.style.height = h;
theFrame.style.width = w;

}else if(document.all) {
h = window.frames.iframename.document.body.scrollHeight;
w = window.frames.iframename.document.body.scrollWidth;
document.all.iframename.style.height = h;
document.all.iframename.style.width = w;
<IFRAME onLoad="iFrameHeight()" frameborder=0  height="1500px" width="100%"
SRC="http://mysite.com"; NAME="iframename" ID="iframename"></IFRAME>

Quoting Marina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Great, it worked!
Thanks, David :)

--- David Sean Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Marina wrote:
> Hello!
> I tried using IFramePortlet to display a content
> another URL inside it, and I noticed that the
> of the IFramePortlet window is not scrollable.
> Any idea how I could make it scrollable?
Try adding this Preference to your portlet.xml and


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