RE: Jetspeed and JBoss 3.2.3

2004-02-06 Thread Richard Berger
Sorry, I should have been more specific
Try this URL:
Then look for attachment 9236 (the one that says "May not work with
Jetspeed") - that is the one I downloaded and then rebuilt Jetspeed.

Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Marty Phee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 8:58 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Jetspeed and JBoss 3.2.3

That's the problem.  Where do I find the attachment?  Anyone have it?

On Friday 06 February 2004 10:45 am, Richard Berger wrote:
> Yes, there is a message that has a new file that 
> fixed the problem for me on Jboss 3.2.3.  Check out:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg10348.
> ht ml - remember to use the latest version of the file that was posted

> - e.g. track down the attachment, do not use the code in the posting.
> Enjoy,
> RB
> Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes
> Richard Berger
> Action Technologies, Inc.
> VP, Product Management
> 510.748.1017 (Office)
> 510.769.0596 (Fax)
> NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not 
> necessarily those of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its

> affiliates. -Original Message-
> From: Marty Phee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 8:44 AM
> To: Jetspeed Users List
> Subject: Re: Jetspeed and JBoss 3.2.3
> Should be JBoss 3.2.3 and I've got it to the point where I'm now
> getting:
>  DEBUG CastorRegistryService - RegistryService: Waiting for init of 
> Registry...
> Anyone have the fix for that?
> On Friday 06 February 2004 09:36 am, Marty Phee wrote:
> > I'm trying to get the two of them to work.  I've followed a couple 
> > directions with mixed results.  My lastest attemp is putting a 
> > jboss-app.xml file in the META-INF directory.  Almost works but I 
> > get the following error.
> >
> > INFO  [STDOUT] JDOM Exception: org.jdom.JDOMException: Could not 
> > load default SAX parser: org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser: SAX2 
> > driver class org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser does not implement 
> > XMLReader
> >
> > ERROR [STDERR] org.jdom.JDOMException: Could not load default SAX
> parser:
> > org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser: SAX2 driver class 
> > org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser does not implement XMLReader
> >
> > I'm using Jetspeed 1.4.
> >
> > Seems a little wierd.  I found one message in the archives about 
> > changing Caster, but it referes to an attached file and not the
> >
> > Does anyone have the changes needed to CasterRegistry?
> >
> > Message:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg10921.
> > html
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Marty
> >
> > 
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> -
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RE: Jetspeed and JBoss 3.2.3

2004-02-06 Thread Richard Berger
Yes, there is a message that has a new file that
fixed the problem for me on Jboss 3.2.3.  Check out:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
ml - remember to use the latest version of the file that was posted -
e.g. track down the attachment, do not use the code in the posting.


Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Marty Phee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 8:44 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Jetspeed and JBoss 3.2.3

Should be JBoss 3.2.3 and I've got it to the point where I'm now

 DEBUG CastorRegistryService - RegistryService: Waiting for init of

Anyone have the fix for that?

On Friday 06 February 2004 09:36 am, Marty Phee wrote:
> I'm trying to get the two of them to work.  I've followed a couple 
> directions with mixed results.  My lastest attemp is putting a 
> jboss-app.xml file in the META-INF directory.  Almost works but I get 
> the following error.
> INFO  [STDOUT] JDOM Exception: org.jdom.JDOMException: Could not load 
> default SAX parser: org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser: SAX2 driver 
> class org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser does not implement XMLReader
> ERROR [STDERR] org.jdom.JDOMException: Could not load default SAX
> org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser: SAX2 driver class 
> org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser does not implement XMLReader
> I'm using Jetspeed 1.4.
> Seems a little wierd.  I found one message in the archives about 
> changing Caster, but it referes to an attached file and not the post.

> Does anyone have the changes needed to CasterRegistry?
> Message:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg10921.
> html
> Thanks,
> Marty
> -
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RE: ToDo list portlet

2004-02-05 Thread Richard Berger
H I thought that I had posted my findings on this earlier, but I
can't seem to find that anywhere.  I was able to get the todolist
portlet working, but only when I inserted those tables in the default
database.  Did you put your tables into the "default" database, or did
you choose a different database?

Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 6:52 AM
Subject: ToDo list portlet

I am attempting to configure Cone's To Do List portlet with jetspeed and

I created the todolist database with all the 4 tables (PORTAL_TODOLIST,
following the suggestion make by  karthikeyan
([EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg10965.h
in a precedent post.

I build the todolist portlet without having problems and i copied the 2
dir "img" and "WEB-INF" in the jetspeed-dir under tomkat webapps.

I select the portlet in the customizer but when i try to click the
"insert item" link nothing appens.

Here i post part of my jetspeed.log file


   [Thread-21] ERROR GenericMVCPortlet - GenericMVCPortlet - error
executing action
java.lang.NullPointerException: Connection object was null. This could
be due to a misconfiguration of the DataSourceFactory. Check the logs
and to better determine the cause.
at org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.doSelect(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor282.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(


Could someone help me??

Attivazione GRATIS, contributo adesione GRATIS, modem GRATIS, 50 ore di

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RE: Getting userid and password

2004-01-30 Thread Richard Berger
Peter - 

You have probably already figured this out but something like the IframePortlet is 
what you want.  You can just plug in the URL of your jsp page and it will show up in 
the portal.


Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Richard Berger 
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 8:49 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: RE: Getting userid and password

I believe you were thinking that the JSP portlet is something where you can just plug 
in the name of a JSP page and you are ready to go (kinda like the RSS portlet).  
However, I don't think it works like that.  Reading from the tutorial - "there are two 
required parameters, the template and the action".  The template is your JSP and the 
action is the code that is used to gather the information that the page will use.  I 
am guessing that you JSP doesn't require any "pre-processing", so you thought you 
could use the "standard" action - but as I said earlier, I don't think it works like 
that.  Going through the tutorial will give you the understanding you need to build 
your own portlet (it is not hard).  The tutorial is available at: (although the site seems 
to be down at this moment - usually it is fine).

Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management
510.748.1017 (Office)
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Peter Andersén [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 5:37 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Getting userid and password

I tougth that jsp portlet was a portlet to execute JSP script do i need to produce my 
own portlet ??

Peter A

- Original Message -
From: "Richard Berger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 7:29 PM
Subject: RE: Getting userid and password

Probably not the best person to try and answer this, but I will give it a shot
Assuming that your portlet is a JSP portlet (the answer is similar if it is a Velocity 
portlet), one of the parameters you specify for that portlet is the name of the Action 
- which will be the class that will be called to handle the display of the portlet 
("YourPortletAction" in the example below).  That is where the code would go.

I would suggest reviewing the tutorial and focusing on the chapter on the JSP Portlet 
(or Velocity Portlet) - that will give you the required background.

Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes

Richard Berger
Action Technologies, Inc.
VP, Product Management
510.748.1017 (Office)
510.769.0596 (Fax)

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates.
-Original Message-
From: Peter Andersén [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 6:15 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Getting userid and password

Could you just clarify some stuff since im very new to jetspeed.
What do you mean by actionclass it is in my bean or ??


- Original Message -
From: "Bela Kovac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: Getting userid and password

Am 22.01.2004 um 21:51 schrieb Peter Andersén:

> Is there a method in the jsp page to get username and password on the 
> user logged in or ?

There is a way to get L and P from the user logged in (in a JSP

The action class should look something like this:

package yourClassesInHere.modules.actions.portlets;

import org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets.JspPortletAction;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portal.Portlet;
import org.apache.jetspeed.util.PortletSessionState;
import org.apache.turbine.util.RunData;

public class YourPortletAction extends JspPortletAction {
 protected void buildNormalContext(Portlet portlet, RunData rundata) {
 String uid= (String) rundata.getUser().getUserName();
 String passwd = (String) rundata.getUser().getPassword();
 rundata.getRequest().setAttribute("passwd", passwd);
 rundata.getRequest().setAttribute("uid", uid);

RE: RegistryService: Failed to retrieve null from Portlet

2004-01-30 Thread Richard Berger
So the key clue appears to be that the action code is not being
executed.  Are you sure that the action class is located in the correct
package - e.g. org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets?  I don't
know the answer, but I think tracking down why the action isn't running
will be the key.

Good luck!

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Michael Burschik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 12:15 AM
To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
Subject: AW: RegistryService: Failed to retrieve null from Portlet

Stuart Belden suggested that my portlet entry might be missing
, but unfortunately, adding this did not help.

Richard Berger suggested a problem in my Action class, but the code is
never executed. Although it is brimming with logging commands, nothing
ever shows up in the log. Just for a lark, I actually deleted the class
file, but the behaviour remained the same. Apparently, the action is
never taken because something fails beforehand. Unfortunately, I cannot
figure out what. And this is all the more surprising since all this
stuff works without complaining when I use Jetspeed 1.4-b4.


Michael Burschik

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RE: RegistryService: Failed to retrieve null from Portlet

2004-01-29 Thread Richard Berger
Tried to post before, but had problems.  IIRC from looking at your
information, it seemed like the problem might actually be in your Action
class - that it was having a problem which was then preventing the
template from being loaded.  Have you traced through your action code to
make sure that it executes (and completes) successfully?

Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Michael Burschik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 4:58 AM
Subject: RegistryService: Failed to retrieve null from Portlet

Dear list members,

I have been trying to move my test site from Jetspeed 1.4-b4 to 1.4, but
I am unable to do so. The portlets contained in the jetspeed.war seem to
work, but none of my own portlets do. I get nothing except hundreds of
"RegistryService: Failed to retrieve null from Portlet" messages in my
log files. Some kind soul suggested that my registry files might be
mixed up, but I fail to see where I made a mistake.

I have narrowed my local-portlets.xreg down to:


and my default.psml down to:




Are these files incorrect?


Michael Burschik

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RE: Need Help for use event action with JspPortletAction

2004-01-29 Thread Richard Berger
One other thought (possibly misguided), but it occurred to me that
perhaps your action class is not in the right location.  I recall
reading that all action class is placed in the module path,
conventionally under the portlets directory - and the examples I have
seen all look like portlets.Discipline action.  

Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Benoit Tramblay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 6:26 AM
Subject: Need Help for use event action with JspPortletAction

My event action doesn't work in my portlet, I don't know why:
Xreg File :

 Affiche la liste des disciplines


Action Class :
public class DisciplineAction extends JspPortletAction implements
IAttributeRequest, IAttributeSession, IWebAction {


* Static initialization of the logger for this class */ 

private static final JetspeedLogger logger =

// Gestion de la cache
protected CacheManager cache;

* Build the normal state content for this portlet.
* @param portlet The jsp-based portlet that is being built.
* @param rundata The turbine rundata context for this request.

protected void buildNormalContext(Portlet portlet, RunData rundata) {
try {
catch(Exception e) {
rundata.setMessage("Error : " + e);

public void doList(RunData rundata, Portlet portlet) throws
SigalAppException {"Enter dans doList");
List parameters = transformToBeanList(getAllDiscipline(rundata,portlet),
transformer); Collections.sort(parameters);
parameters);"Enter dans doList");


public void doGetBean(RunData rundata, Portlet portlet) throws Exception

System.out.println("Enter dans doGetBean"); int parameterId =
transformer.transformToBean(getDiscipline(rundata, portlet,

String editTemplate =

setTemplate(rundata, editTemplate, true);

System.out.println("Sortie dans doGetBean");





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RE: Getting userid and password

2004-01-28 Thread Richard Berger
I believe you were thinking that the JSP portlet is something where you can just plug 
in the name of a JSP page and you are ready to go (kinda like the RSS portlet).  
However, I don't think it works like that.  Reading from the tutorial - "there are two 
required parameters, the template and the action".  The template is your JSP and the 
action is the code that is used to gather the information that the page will use.  I 
am guessing that you JSP doesn't require any "pre-processing", so you thought you 
could use the "standard" action - but as I said earlier, I don't think it works like 
that.  Going through the tutorial will give you the understanding you need to build 
your own portlet (it is not hard).  The tutorial is available at: (although the site seems 
to be down at this moment - usually it is fine).

Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Peter Andersén [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 5:37 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Getting userid and password

I tougth that jsp portlet was a portlet to execute JSP script do i need to produce my 
own portlet ??

Peter A

- Original Message -
From: "Richard Berger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 7:29 PM
Subject: RE: Getting userid and password

Probably not the best person to try and answer this, but I will give it a
Assuming that your portlet is a JSP portlet (the answer is similar if it is
a Velocity portlet), one of the parameters you specify for that portlet is
the name of the Action - which will be the class that will be called to
handle the display of the portlet ("YourPortletAction" in the example
below).  That is where the code would go.

I would suggest reviewing the tutorial and focusing on the chapter on the
JSP Portlet (or Velocity Portlet) - that will give you the required

Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes

Richard Berger
Action Technologies, Inc.
VP, Product Management
510.748.1017 (Office)
510.769.0596 (Fax)

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not
necessarily those of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its
-Original Message-
From: Peter Andersén [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 6:15 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Getting userid and password

Could you just clarify some stuff since im very new to jetspeed.
What do you mean by actionclass it is in my bean or ??


- Original Message -
From: "Bela Kovac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: Getting userid and password

Am 22.01.2004 um 21:51 schrieb Peter Andersén:

> Is there a method in the jsp page to get username and password on the
> user logged in or ?

There is a way to get L and P from the user logged in (in a JSP

The action class should look something like this:

package yourClassesInHere.modules.actions.portlets;

import org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets.JspPortletAction;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portal.Portlet;
import org.apache.jetspeed.util.PortletSessionState;
import org.apache.turbine.util.RunData;

public class YourPortletAction extends JspPortletAction {
 protected void buildNormalContext(Portlet portlet, RunData rundata)
 String uid= (String) rundata.getUser().getUserName();
 String passwd = (String) rundata.getUser().getPassword();
 rundata.getRequest().setAttribute("passwd", passwd);
 rundata.getRequest().setAttribute("uid", uid);

while in the corresponding .jsp there should be some lines like:

String sUid= (String) request.getAttribute("uid");
String sPasswd = (String) request.getAttribute("passwd");

UID: <%= sUid %>
PassWD: <%= sPasswd %>

Hope this helps.


"Der Blitzableiter auf einem Kirchturm ist das denkbar stärkste
Misstrauensvotum gegen den lieben Gott."
   -- Karl Kraus

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RE: Getting userid and password

2004-01-27 Thread Richard Berger
Probably not the best person to try and answer this, but I will give it a shot
Assuming that your portlet is a JSP portlet (the answer is similar if it is a Velocity 
portlet), one of the parameters you specify for that portlet is the name of the Action 
- which will be the class that will be called to handle the display of the portlet 
("YourPortletAction" in the example below).  That is where the code would go.  

I would suggest reviewing the tutorial and focusing on the chapter on the JSP Portlet 
(or Velocity Portlet) - that will give you the required background.

Good luck,


Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Peter Andersén [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 6:15 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Getting userid and password

Could you just clarify some stuff since im very new to jetspeed.
What do you mean by actionclass it is in my bean or ??


- Original Message -
From: "Bela Kovac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: Getting userid and password

Am 22.01.2004 um 21:51 schrieb Peter Andersén:

> Is there a method in the jsp page to get username and password on the
> user logged in or ?

There is a way to get L and P from the user logged in (in a JSP

The action class should look something like this:

package yourClassesInHere.modules.actions.portlets;

import org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets.JspPortletAction;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portal.Portlet;
import org.apache.jetspeed.util.PortletSessionState;
import org.apache.turbine.util.RunData;

public class YourPortletAction extends JspPortletAction {
 protected void buildNormalContext(Portlet portlet, RunData rundata)
 String uid= (String) rundata.getUser().getUserName();
 String passwd = (String) rundata.getUser().getPassword();
 rundata.getRequest().setAttribute("passwd", passwd);
 rundata.getRequest().setAttribute("uid", uid);

while in the corresponding .jsp there should be some lines like:

String sUid= (String) request.getAttribute("uid");
String sPasswd = (String) request.getAttribute("passwd");

UID: <%= sUid %>
PassWD: <%= sPasswd %>

Hope this helps.


"Der Blitzableiter auf einem Kirchturm ist das denkbar stärkste
Misstrauensvotum gegen den lieben Gott."
   -- Karl Kraus

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RE: using Struts for portlet development

2004-01-27 Thread Richard Berger
One quick update - the Struts/JSTL I18N/L10N works once I put the
properties files in the right places and make the necessary changes to
web.xml and struts-config.xml.  No update yet on the validation

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Richard Berger 
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 8:56 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List; benja
Subject: RE: using Struts for portlet development

By strange coincidence, I just started integrating a Struts prototype
with my current Jetspeed prototype, so this topic is indeed interesting.
I was able to have some initial success with a hybrid of the Turbine
Actions and the Struts Actions - resolving at least one of the problems
noted below.

Some of my portlets present themselves as JSP portlets, but "pre-loaded"
with data from the server (e.g. a drop down list of stuff).  I built
those portlets as JSP portlets using "Turbine" actions (e.g.  and in the action class I collect information and
drop it into request (e.g. rundata.getRequest().setAttribute("foo", o)).
Then in my JSP page, I can reference this information and build the drop
down list.

However, that JSP page is a "vanilla Struts" page - e.g. it has an
 tag which has an action like "" - e.g. it is the same
JSP I was using in my Struts prototype.  Then, through the standard
struts-config.xml, is mapped to a Struts action class - and the
submit button on that JSP form calls that action - just as it always
did.  The only change I made to the Struts action class was to set the
forward to "/index.jsp".  

So far (after 1/2 of work) this is looking reasonably well - and it
solves the problem of the initial portlet loading correctly (the Struts
stuff doesn't come in until the user pushes the button in the portlet,
the initial rendering of the portlet is done through Turbine, so it is

Disclaimers/Weak Points:
* I haven't tested validation yet (I was using the validation framework)
* The localization I had done in Struts does not yet work in Jetspeed
* This could be a truly awful approach (we product manager types aren't
known for creating the worlds best software :) :) )


Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management
510.748.1017 (Office)
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not
necessarily those of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its
-Original Message-
From: benja [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 9:33 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: using Struts for portlet development

We are using a different approach for this.

Our application is composed of a set of modules. Each module is
developed as a Struts application without taking in account that finally
the module will be displayed inside a portlet. The main benefit of this
is that developers don't require more skills than usually (Struts, JSPs,
). Jetspeed is not in the development environment.

After developing the module, we integrate all the modules in the portal.

Internal module actions (e.g. click on a button inside the panel) are
handled by Struts. The request is processed as usually and the unique
difference is in the forward. After processing the request, instead
displaying the next page,  the control is forwarded to Jetspeed. It will
display the complete portal page.

Actions over the portal (e.g. menu) or over the portlet bar are handled
by Jetspeed. Struts is not aware of these.

Integration basically means move resources (folder with jsp's. struts
config, ...) from development to integration. We have standardized a lot
and this is done automatically. Different behavior in the development
env. and portal env. are handled by different implementations of common
classes (e.g.
the forward class performs a classic forward in development but a
forward to the portal in integration).

To do this, we did the following:
- use session to store info about the current page displayed in each
- create the forward that sets this info (write in session the next page
display) before forwarding to the portal.
- modify HTML Portlet to use this info

The weak points are:
- collaboration between portlets. One action in a portlet modifies the
rest of portlets. The model is more complex due to modules are not

That's all

- Original Message -
From: "Mikhail Garber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 3:

RE: using Struts for portlet development

2004-01-27 Thread Richard Berger
By strange coincidence, I just started integrating a Struts prototype
with my current Jetspeed prototype, so this topic is indeed interesting.
I was able to have some initial success with a hybrid of the Turbine
Actions and the Struts Actions - resolving at least one of the problems
noted below.

Some of my portlets present themselves as JSP portlets, but "pre-loaded"
with data from the server (e.g. a drop down list of stuff).  I built
those portlets as JSP portlets using "Turbine" actions (e.g.  and in the action class I collect information and
drop it into request (e.g. rundata.getRequest().setAttribute("foo", o)).
Then in my JSP page, I can reference this information and build the drop
down list.

However, that JSP page is a "vanilla Struts" page - e.g. it has an
 tag which has an action like "" - e.g. it is the same
JSP I was using in my Struts prototype.  Then, through the standard
struts-config.xml, is mapped to a Struts action class - and the
submit button on that JSP form calls that action - just as it always
did.  The only change I made to the Struts action class was to set the
forward to "/index.jsp".  

So far (after 1/2 of work) this is looking reasonably well - and it
solves the problem of the initial portlet loading correctly (the Struts
stuff doesn't come in until the user pushes the button in the portlet,
the initial rendering of the portlet is done through Turbine, so it is

Disclaimers/Weak Points:
* I haven't tested validation yet (I was using the validation framework)
* The localization I had done in Struts does not yet work in Jetspeed
* This could be a truly awful approach (we product manager types aren't
known for creating the worlds best software :) :) )


Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: benja [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 9:33 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: using Struts for portlet development

We are using a different approach for this.

Our application is composed of a set of modules. Each module is
developed as a Struts application without taking in account that finally
the module will be displayed inside a portlet. The main benefit of this
is that developers don't require more skills than usually (Struts, JSPs,
..). Jetspeed is not in the development environment.

After developing the module, we integrate all the modules in the portal.

Internal module actions (e.g. click on a button inside the panel) are
handled by Struts. The request is processed as usually and the unique
difference is in the forward. After processing the request, instead
displaying the next page,  the control is forwarded to Jetspeed. It will
display the complete portal page.

Actions over the portal (e.g. menu) or over the portlet bar are handled
by Jetspeed. Struts is not aware of these.

Integration basically means move resources (folder with jsp's. struts
config, ...) from development to integration. We have standardized a lot
and this is done automatically. Different behavior in the development
env. and portal env. are handled by different implementations of common
classes (e.g.
the forward class performs a classic forward in development but a
forward to the portal in integration).

To do this, we did the following:
- use session to store info about the current page displayed in each
- create the forward that sets this info (write in session the next page
display) before forwarding to the portal.
- modify HTML Portlet to use this info

The weak points are:
- collaboration between portlets. One action in a portlet modifies the
rest of portlets. The model is more complex due to modules are not

That's all

- Original Message -
From: "Mikhail Garber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 3:55 PM
Subject: using Struts for portlet development

> Hi all
> We use Jetspeed as the foundation of our portal. Plain vanilla 1.4.
> We decided to use Struts with JSPs for the development of new
> The basic strategy goes like that:
> All portlets are based on JSP template and use the same Turbine Action

> class.
> I extended Struts form tag and Jetspeed portletlink tag to supply
> parameter - the URI of the Struts action to run.
> The Turbine Action (in the perform method) stores the original
> URI in the request object and does RequestDispatcher forward to 
> whatever
> specified as Struts URI.
> The Struts action does whatever it

RE: MSSQL adding users

2004-01-26 Thread Richard Berger
H I thought I had an MSSQL installation here to test on, but it
is still hypersonic.  Clearly the DBMS is configured to not allow a null
user_id, so the two things that come to mind are:

A) Why is the user_id null?
B) What would happen if you went into SQL Enterprise Manager and set the
"allow nulls" to true on the USER_ID field on the TURBINE_USER table.
That would certainly "fix" this problem, although another problem might
show up down the road.

Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 5:19 AM
Subject: MSSQL adding users

When trying to add a new user to my MSSQL database, I always get the
following error:

"java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]
[SQLServer]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'USER_ID', table
'webfmp2.dbo.TURBINE_USER'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails."

 Can anyone help me?


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RE: [J1] Customization Does Not work

2004-01-23 Thread Richard Berger
Sorry I wasn't able to get back to you sooner.  I had experienced the same problem - 
and came up with the same fix (set hidden="true").  Drove me crazy for a number of 
hours - you seemed to have solved it a bit faster.

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message- 
From: Dmitry Sklyut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Fri 1/23/2004 10:21 AM 
To: Jetspeed Users List (E-mail) 
Subject: [J1] Customization Does Not work

Hi All,

I am experiencing a strange problem.

When I try to customize a portlet (click on the customize button in the
header of the portlet), customization does not take hold but appends
",Customize" to the template name.  So when I come back to the portal I get
the following error instead of the portlet:  JspViewProcessor: Could not
load a template /template/p_portlet_name.jsp,Customize

Here is my configuration:  Jetspeed 1.4.  PSML is only at the role level.

The portlet in question has the following .xreg:

Customer Dream Screen


to display



I expected on customization that a psml will get copied to a psml for the
user, but that didn't happen either.  Can someone point me to a place to
start debugging this, or a pointer to resolution?



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RE: js_pane vs. js_panename....

2004-01-23 Thread Richard Berger

Thanks much - it works perfectly now.  I was wondering whether or not I
had not set the name correctly.  Did I somehow miss this in the
customizer (which is what I used to create the new pane) or is it
something that is only available through the .xreg entry?

Thanks again,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Craig Connell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 7:53 AM
To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
Subject: RE: js_pane vs. js_panename


What you need to do is change your portlet entry to look like this:


When you use js_panename, you need to have the name as an attribute of
the portlet, just having it in the description and title is not enough.
Try this and it should work.


-Original Message-----
From: Richard Berger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 5:39 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: js_pane vs. js_panename

I have a pane with the id P-fa3f54716a-1and the name NewPage (see
the portlets entry below from the default.psml file).  In that case
shouldn't the two URLs be identical?  I find that only the first one
(with the id) is valid.  Or perhaps I am more fundamentally confused?
Could this be a bug??  (Probably just my confusion)


I am setting up the capability for a DatabaseBrowserPortlet to show more
detailed information in another pane.  I have it working, but I have to
use the id rather the name, and I was thinking the name should work.
Thanks for the help!

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management
510.748.1017 (Office)
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not
necessarily those of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its

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RE: jboss deployment question

2004-01-22 Thread Richard Berger
And the problem is solved!  The issue was with Lomboz and the way in which is started 
JBoss.  When I started JBoss with JBossIDE I noticed that no tempcastor.jar file 
was created and therefore Jetspeed did not hang.
Yong - thank you so much for your help on this!  Now I can play with my kids tonight 
rather than trying to debug this installation :).  Hopefully, they will still 
recognize me :) :).

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message- 
From: Yong Bing Khoo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thu 1/22/2004 3:03 PM 
Subject: RE: jboss deployment question

No, I am not using Lomboz or remote debugging.

I start JBoss from Eclipse using JBossIDE 1.0.2
( The latest
version is 1.2.2. After installing JBossIDE, go to Eclipse's
Windows->View->JBossIDE where you should be able to find "Server Navigator".
Configure it to point to your JBoss installation. After adding the view to
your perspective, you should be able to start JBoss from Eclipse.

Hope that works well for you. ;)

See ya,
Yong Bing

    >From: "Richard Berger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: jboss deployment question
>Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 07:44:35 -0800
>Congratulations on getting 3.2.3 working!  I didn't change my
>jboss-service.xml as my deployment is slightly different.  I have a
>jetspeed.ear directory in deploy and an exploded jetspeed.war underneath. 
>However, I think I am getting closer to the core problem - and have one
>more question for you (and others).
>1. When I start JBoss normally, Jetspeed runs fine.  The only castor jars
>are the one in my WEB-INF and that one in snmp-adapter.sar.
>2. When I start JBoss through Eclipse,  I run into the "hang" problem. 
>And, I notice that a tmpcastor.jar is created in
>jboss-3.2.3\server\default\tmp\deploy.  I believe that it is this jar that
>causes the hang.  The reason for that belief is that after that
>tmpcastor.jar is created, if I then kill JBoss in Eclipse and restart
>it normally (case 1), then Jetspeed hangs.  If I then stop JBoss, remove
>that tmpcastor.jar, restart JBoss and run Jetspeed, things work.
>So, focusing on why things work when JBoss is run normally vs. when it is
>run from within Eclipse, I come to the question as to how are you running
>JBoss from within Eclipse?  Are you using Lomboz (which is what I use) or
>some other plug-in?  Or are you using remote debugging (which I will test
>when I get back to my system tonight).
>Thanks again for all your help - hopefully we will come to a resolution
>that is helpful to others.
>Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes
>Richard Berger
>Action Technologies, Inc.
>VP, Product Management
>510.748.1017 (Office)
>510.769.0596 (Fax)
>NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not
>necessarily those of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its
>-Original Message-
>   From: Yong Bing Khoo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Sent: Wed 1/21/2004 10:11 PM
>   Cc:
>   Subject: RE: jboss deployment question
>   I got JBoss 3.2.3 running from Eclipse with Jetspeed 1.4. Hmmm .. I
>   remove castor.jar from jboss/server/default/deploy/snmp-adaptor.sar.
>   All I did was to edit the configuration for URLDeploymentScanner MBean 
>   jboss-service.xml. However, it appears that the structure has been 
>   slightly.

js_pane vs. js_panename....

2004-01-22 Thread Richard Berger
I have a pane with the id P-fa3f54716a-1and the name NewPage (see
the portlets entry below from the default.psml file).  In that case
shouldn't the two URLs be identical?  I find that only the first one
(with the id) is valid.  Or perhaps I am more fundamentally confused?
Could this be a bug??  (Probably just my confusion)


I am setting up the capability for a DatabaseBrowserPortlet to show more
detailed information in another pane.  I have it working, but I have to
use the id rather the name, and I was thinking the name should work.
Thanks for the help!

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 

RE: jboss deployment question

2004-01-22 Thread Richard Berger
Congratulations on getting 3.2.3 working!  I didn't change my jboss-service.xml as my 
deployment is slightly different.  I have a jetspeed.ear directory in deploy and an 
exploded jetspeed.war underneath.  However, I think I am getting closer to the core 
problem - and have one more question for you (and others).
1. When I start JBoss normally, Jetspeed runs fine.  The only castor jars are the one 
in my WEB-INF and that one in snmp-adapter.sar.  
2. When I start JBoss through Eclipse,  I run into the "hang" problem.  And, I notice 
that a tmpcastor.jar is created in jboss-3.2.3\server\default\tmp\deploy.  I 
believe that it is this jar that causes the hang.  The reason for that belief is that 
after that tmpcastor.jar is created, if I then kill JBoss in Eclipse and restart 
it normally (case 1), then Jetspeed hangs.  If I then stop JBoss, remove that 
tmpcastor.jar, restart JBoss and run Jetspeed, things work.
So, focusing on why things work when JBoss is run normally vs. when it is run from 
within Eclipse, I come to the question as to how are you running JBoss from within 
Eclipse?  Are you using Lomboz (which is what I use) or some other plug-in?  Or are 
you using remote debugging (which I will test when I get back to my system tonight).
Thanks again for all your help - hopefully we will come to a resolution that is 
helpful to others.

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message- 
From: Yong Bing Khoo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wed 1/21/2004 10:11 PM 
Subject: RE: jboss deployment question

I got JBoss 3.2.3 running from Eclipse with Jetspeed 1.4. Hmmm ... I didn't
remove castor.jar from jboss/server/default/deploy/snmp-adaptor.sar.

All I did was to edit the configuration for URLDeploymentScanner MBean in
jboss-service.xml. However, it appears that the structure has been changed

Go to line 393 of jboss-service.xml and append your project directory


Where bin contains your project.ear directory. My .ear directory is an
exploded application.

I do not recall modifying Jetspeed 1.4 code either.

Hope it helps. :)

Btw, are you using Jetspeed 1.4 (final)?

See ya,
Yong Bing

    >From: "Richard Berger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: jboss deployment question
>Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 21:31:47 -0800
>I had already removed the castor.jar from jboss/server/default/lib, so I
>tried the configuration where I only had the castor-0.9.3 jar in the
>WEB-INF/lib, but it still left me with the hanging problem (note I removed
>the castor.jar from the snmp-adaptor.sar as well, so the only castor.jar
>anywhere is the castor-0.9.3).  I then went back to the original
> code and it resulted in a jetspeedservices.log full of:
>2004-01-21 21:23:59,562 [DaemonThread:feeddaemon] DEBUG
>CastorRegistryService - RegistryService: Waiting for init of Registry...
>(and the service hung).
>Thanks again for your help on this - I hope your 3.2.3 is going smoothly
>(or technically, I hope that you are hitting the same problems I hit :) :)
>Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes
>Richard Berger
>Action Technologies, Inc.
>VP, Product Management
>510.748.1017 (Office)
>510.769.0596 (Fax)
>NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not
>necessarily those of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its
>-Original Message-
>   From: Yong Bing Khoo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Sent: Wed 1/21/2004 8:46 PM
>   Cc:
>   Subject: RE: jboss deployment question

RE: jboss deployment question

2004-01-21 Thread Richard Berger
I had already removed the castor.jar from jboss/server/default/lib, so I tried the 
configuration where I only had the castor-0.9.3 jar in the WEB-INF/lib, but it still 
left me with the hanging problem (note I removed the castor.jar from the 
snmp-adaptor.sar as well, so the only castor.jar anywhere is the castor-0.9.3).  I 
then went back to the original code and it resulted in a 
jetspeedservices.log full of:
2004-01-21 21:23:59,562 [DaemonThread:feeddaemon] DEBUG CastorRegistryService - 
RegistryService: Waiting for init of Registry...
(and the service hung).  
Thanks again for your help on this - I hope your 3.2.3 is going smoothly (or 
technically, I hope that you are hitting the same problems I hit :) :) ).

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message- 
From: Yong Bing Khoo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wed 1/21/2004 8:46 PM 
Subject: RE: jboss deployment question

I removed castor.jar from jboss/server/default/lib and left castor-0.9.3.jar
in Jetspeed's WEB-INF/lib directory as it is. (I am using Jetspeed 1.4.)

>There are two sources of castor jars - version 0.9.3 that comes with
>Jetspeed and a castor.jar dated 11/20/2003 that is part of the
>snmp-adapter.sar that comes with JBoss.
>Four questions:
>1. Does JBoss 3.2.0 RC4 have this snmp-adapter.sar and its related
>castor.jar?  If so, what did you do with them?  (When I remove this
>castor.jar, the snmp agent does not load correctly, although that doesn't
>matter too much to me - my problems are more basic)

Hmm ... not sure about snmp agent. I don't use it, yet. Yes, it has a
castor.jar but I can't find snmp-adapter.sar in the distribution. I removed
castor.jar from the default/lib in JBoss.

>2. How is it that your CastorRegistry service survives without the
>Unmarshaller?  Or did you change your configuration so that this registry
>services isn't needed?

Can you try leaving castor-0.9.3.jar in your Jetspeed WEB-INF and see how it

>3. There was a patch to the that was posted as a bug
>fix.  Upon reading another post, I applied that new source code into my
>system.  Did you also use that use that source code?  See:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg10348.html

No ... I don't recall applying that patch, but then it was quite some time
ago when I set up Jetspeed in JBoss.

>4. Finally, could there be a difference between 3.2.0 RC4 and 3.2.3 that
>would cause these problems?

Not sure about that. I will download 3.2.3 and try out.

>Thanks so much - this problem (unable to debug in Eclipse) has been
>resisting all attempts for over a week,

No worries! :)

I will get back to you in a sec.

Yong Bing

Hot chart ringtones and polyphonics. Go to

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RE: jboss deployment question

2004-01-21 Thread Richard Berger
Armed with this encouraging sign, I again set out to try and debug my Jetspeed app in 
Eclipse.  But no success, if there is any castor.jar file around, then it hangs (e.g. 
it just stops when trying to display the anon page).  If all the castor jars are 
removed, I get:
Horrible Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/exolab/castor/xml/Unmarshaller 
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName( 
 rethrown as A class referenced by is unavailable. Check your 
jars and classes. at
There are two sources of castor jars - version 0.9.3 that comes with Jetspeed and a 
castor.jar dated 11/20/2003 that is part of the snmp-adapter.sar that comes with 
Four questions:
1. Does JBoss 3.2.0 RC4 have this snmp-adapter.sar and its related castor.jar?  If so, 
what did you do with them?  (When I remove this castor.jar, the snmp agent does not 
load correctly, although that doesn't matter too much to me - my problems are more 
2. How is it that your CastorRegistry service survives without the Unmarshaller?  Or 
did you change your configuration so that this registry services isn't needed?
3. There was a patch to the that was posted as a bug fix.  Upon 
reading another post, I applied that new source code into my system.  Did you also use 
that use that source code?  See:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg10348.html
4. Finally, could there be a difference between 3.2.0 RC4 and 3.2.3 that would cause 
these problems?
Thanks so much - this problem (unable to debug in Eclipse) has been resisting all 
attempts for over a week,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message- 
From: Yong Bing Khoo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wed 1/21/2004 3:13 PM 
Subject: RE: jboss deployment question

I am using Eclipse to start (and debug) my Jetspeed apps deployed in JBoss
3.2.0RC4 without major problems. Yes, I had to get rid of castor.jar and
hsqldb.jar. In order to speed up development, I modified jboss-service.xml
so that JBoss looks for my .ear in the development directory instead of the
default JBoss server directory. i.e.

In jboss-service.xml:

I set up the bin output directory in Eclipse to within the WEB-INF/classes
directory in the .ear directory.

As such, I did not have to hotdeploy changed .java files. (Some changes
cannot be hot-swapped. E.g. changes in method signature.) Subsequently,
changes you make in Eclipse to your application will be automatically
detected by Eclipse.

Yong Bing

    >From: "Richard Berger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: jboss deployment question
>Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 13:17:25 -0800
>I would suggest checking whether that file (layouts/html/default.vm)
>exists in the deploy/jetspeed.ear/jetspeed.war/templates/vm directory.
>I am guessing it is no longer there.  The reason that it disappeared is
>probably due to your deployment approach.  With Jboss 3.2.3, I have been
>deploying as follows (it is probably not the best way, but it works):
>1) Case 1 - No .java changes
>A) I use the "hotdeploy" ant target - seems to work fine
>2) Case 2 - .java changes
>A) I stop the Jboss server
>B) I create a war file with the "war" ant target
>C) I delete all the files under
>D) I unwar (extract) all the files from the .war created into the above
>E) Restart Jboss
>I am sure there is a better way, but I am finding Jetspeed 1.4 a little
>flakey on Jboss 3.2.3 (at least as it relates to castor.jar and

RE: jboss deployment question

2004-01-21 Thread Richard Berger
I would suggest checking whether that file (layouts/html/default.vm)
exists in the deploy/jetspeed.ear/jetspeed.war/templates/vm directory.
I am guessing it is no longer there.  The reason that it disappeared is
probably due to your deployment approach.  With Jboss 3.2.3, I have been
deploying as follows (it is probably not the best way, but it works):

1) Case 1 - No .java changes
A) I use the "hotdeploy" ant target - seems to work fine

2) Case 2 - .java changes
A) I stop the Jboss server
B) I create a war file with the "war" ant target
C) I delete all the files under
D) I unwar (extract) all the files from the .war created into the above
E) Restart Jboss

I am sure there is a better way, but I am finding Jetspeed 1.4 a little
flakey on Jboss 3.2.3 (at least as it relates to castor.jar and
hsqldb.jar files - I still can't successfully start Jetspeed when
running Jboss inside Eclipse - and I am able to do that with no problems
using WebLogic 8.1 instead of Jboss 3.2.3).  

Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: PSW [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 9:20 AM
Subject: jboss deployment question

Hi there,

I'm new to Jetspeed and the list and couldn't find an answer to my
question in the archives.

I'm using Jetspeed 1.4 on Jboss 3.2.2 (Tomcat)4.1.

When I deploy Jetspeed and start the server, all works fine.  However,
when I redeploy, the server goes through the motions of reloading the
war (deleting tmp files and recreating them, and such), I get the
following error.

Horrible Exception:
org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException: Unable to find
resource 'layouts/html/default.vm'
rethrown as org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineException: Error rendering
Velocity template: layouts/html/default.vm: Unable to find resource

The strange thing is that I don't even have to make any changes, I only
have to 'touch jetspeed.war' and try it again after it reloads the
deployment.  I've been using Jboss for other things and I've never seen
this behavior, so, I'm hoping someone on the list might have some
thoughts on the subject.

Thanks very much.

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RE: build question---please help

2004-01-20 Thread Richard Berger
Sounds like an interesting approach (but a little bit over my head) - I am very 
interested to hear how it all turns out.  Good luck!

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message- 
From: Archana Turaga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tue 1/20/2004 9:29 AM 
Subject: RE: build question---please help

Thanks Richard. I appreciate the input (no you have not sidetracked me..:-). 
Meanwhile i found something in the jetspeed's build.xml that may help my issue.

Well this is considering that none of the jetspeed source needs any change and 
will work as it is released in the CVS. Any extra classes that are written belong to a 
custom package structure belonging to the company and these most of the times (till 
now in my experience) trurn out to be extensions of existing jetspeed classes For e.g. 
Portlet classes extend JSPPortletAction.

Considering above is the case the following can be done (based on the 
information in the jetspeed's build.xml)
1) Build jetspeed with the option war-template.
2) Explode this war to the app server webapps directory.
3) Copy the jetspeed jar and its dependent jars into the web-inf\lib directory.
4) Copy the custom portals template files to the template directories under 
the webapps/
5) Copy the custom portals jars to the web-inf\lib directory.
6) This step is something i'm currently experimenting on. I'm going to try to 
create (following the jetspeed property override-howto) and see if i can 
also embed this. If this happens and my portal works then viola i think i have 
achieved most of my goal.

If all the above steps are followed then i could do the following:
1) I can check-in the combined structure into our source control
2) Everybody else in our group can then check-in the jsps, java files to this 
3) Write make files(not ant tasks but .gmk files) to build the custom portals 
jar files and custom portal's war file.

Although jetspeed source will still be maintained as a separate entity and ant 
will be used to build the jar file needed for the custom portal. In future if there 
are any bug fixes then this source will be modified and the jar will be rebuilt and 
the custom portal's application war will have to be rebuilt to include this new jar.

I hope i'm making some sense. If anybody sees a problem with this approach or 
tried the war-template approach please please let me know. Any input is appreciated 
because that will allow me to make a sound decision on the maintainence aspect of the 

Thanks and i appreciate all the help,

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/20/04 11:16AM >>>
Not sure if this is quite the answer you were seeking, but I am doing
something similar - e.g. incorporating an existing portal application
into the Jetspeed framework.  Initially, I started by installing the
jetspeed .war file and then hacking various configuration files.  Then,
in order to take the next step of incorporating my Java code, I realized
I would need to have the source to Jetspeed and to incorporate my source
into that structure (e.g. writing new portlets in the package
org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets).  So, I downloaded the
source and created new portlets. 

To do the build, I used the Jetspeed build.xml file, but I didn't need
to make any changes in it.  I put some additional .jar files in the
appropriate lib directory and the ant tasks copy them to web-inf.  Then
to deploy my Jetspeed portal (with my portlets), I created a .war file
and then exploded it into the deployment directory (I used slightly
different locations for Jboss and WebLogic).  Then, in general, when
making additional changes I use the ant target "hotdeploy" (and then
usually have to restart the app server).

With this background, I will try to answer your specific questions:
Q1) Do i have to then look at jetspeed's(the jetspeed source) build file
to come up with my build.xml?
I believe that you can use the jetspeed's build.xml, but I believe
that you do not have to modify that build.xml. 
2) Instead of exploding the jetspeed jar to 

RE: Connecting to two databases - but with different adapters...

2004-01-20 Thread Richard Berger
Could have just been the way the mail program was wrapping the lines,
but the way it showed up on my screen was that several of the lines in
your properties file appeared to be all on one line.  Probably nothing.

I have definitely run into that same error when I was using mySQL.  I
remember solving it by fixing my file.  But everything
about your file looks fine to me.  Is your mySQL jar file in the right
place (although that would give a ClassDefNotFound type error).
Hmmm I can't think of any useful suggestions other than seeing how
far you can follow the code in the debugger.

I will send you my file for mySQL tonight (PST).

Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Louis-Philippe Brochu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 10:37 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: RE: Connecting to two databases - but with different

Thanks for the fast reply.

What do you mean by line breaks? Also, my user has correct permissions
because i can log in in mysql fine.

I found out that i can get to the page after the "failed to save" error.
When i try to run my portlet which access my other database i get the
following error:

java.lang.NullPointerException: There was no DataSourceFactory
configured for the connection mydb

It looks like something in my config file is not correct... but what?

> Here you go, trying to focus on the relevant sections.  Note: when I 
> looked at your information, there seemed to be missing line breaks, 
> but I don't know if that would cause any problems.
> # ---
> #
> #  T O R Q U E  P R O P E R T I E S
> #
> torque.database.default=default
> torque.database.default.adapter=hypersonic
> ##
> ## Using torque's old pool
> ##
> torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver 
> torque.dsfactory.default.connection.url
> jdbc:hsqldb:${webappRoot}/WEB-INF/db/jetspeed
> torque.dsfactory.default.connection.user = sa 
> torque.dsfactory.default.connection.password = 
> torque.dsfactory.default.factory=org.apache.torque.dsfactory.TorqueDat
> aS
> ourceFactory
> torque.dsfactory.default.pool.defaultMaxConnections=10
> torque.dsfactory.default.pool.maxExpiryTime=3600
> torque.dsfactory.default.pool.connectionWaitTimeout=10
> ### JMetro on WebLogic
> torque.database.jmetro.adapter=weblogic
> torque.dsfactory.jmetro.factory=org.apache.torque.dsfactory.TorqueData
> So
> urceFactory
> torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.driver
> weblogic.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver
> torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.url
> jdbc:bea:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=jmetro
> torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.user = jmetro 
> torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.password = * 
> torque.dsfactory.jmetro.pool.defaultMaxConnections=10
> torque.dsfactory.jmetro.pool.maxExpiryTime=3600
> torque.dsfactory.jmetro.pool.connectionWaitTimeout=10
> I also have a mysql version, but that is at home, so it will be while 
> before I can get to it.  Please let me know if you need that one.  
> Other things to consider - is the password correct and does that user 
> have appropriate access/permissions to the tables you are trying to
> Good luck!
> RB
> Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes
> Richard Berger
> Action Technologies, Inc.
> VP, Product Management
> 510.748.1017 (Office)
> 510.769.0596 (Fax)
> NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not 
> necessarily those of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its

> affiliates.
> -Original Message-
> From: Louis-Philippe Brochu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:14 AM
> Subject: RE: Connecting to two databases - but with different 
> adapters...
> Hi,
> Could you post your file? I still get the following 
> error at logon:
> Failed to save 
> user object
> when trying to use the default Hypersonic database with another MySql 
> database.
> Could somebody help me?
> Here is my file:
> torque.database.default=default
> torque.database.default.adapter=hypersonic
> torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver = org.hsqldb.j

RE: Connecting to two databases - but with different adapters...

2004-01-20 Thread Richard Berger
Here you go, trying to focus on the relevant sections.  Note: when I
looked at your information, there seemed to be missing line breaks, but
I don't know if that would cause any problems.

# ---
#  T O R Q U E  P R O P E R T I E S
## Using torque's old pool
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.url =
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.user = sa 
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.password = 

### JMetro on WebLogic
torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.driver =
torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.url =
torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.user = jmetro 
torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.password = *

I also have a mysql version, but that is at home, so it will be while
before I can get to it.  Please let me know if you need that one.  Other
things to consider - is the password correct and does that user have
appropriate access/permissions to the tables you are trying to access.

Good luck!

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Louis-Philippe Brochu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:14 AM
Subject: RE: Connecting to two databases - but with different


Could you post your file? I still get the following
error at logon: Failed to save user

when trying to use the default Hypersonic database with another MySql

Could somebody help me?

Here is my file:

torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver 
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.url =
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.user = sa 
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.password =

## Our test database
torque.dsfactory.mydb.connection.driver = 
torque.dsfactory.mydb.connection.url = jdbc:mysql:// 
torque.dsfactory.mydb.connection.user = root 
torque.dsfactory.mydb.connection.password = *

Louis-Philippe Brochu

-Original Message-----
From: Richard Berger
Subject: RE: Connecting to two databases - but with different
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 11:40:00 -0800


Somehow I missed your post - my apologies in the delayed response.  I
had seen those posts and couldn't quite figure out what I was doing
wrong.  However, with a pointer from Paul Mansfield the key problem was
that I was missing the "pool" properties below.


Just simple confusion on my part.  Now I am using Hypersonic for the
login and have a Database Portlet talking to SQL Server on WebLogic.

Thanks much for your response!
-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Ford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 4:14 PM
To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
Subject: RE: Connecting to two databases - but with different

Here a couple or threads regarding this issue.  Hope this helps.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ ml[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg07522.h

RE: build question---please help

2004-01-20 Thread Richard Berger
Not sure if this is quite the answer you were seeking, but I am doing
something similar - e.g. incorporating an existing portal application
into the Jetspeed framework.  Initially, I started by installing the
jetspeed .war file and then hacking various configuration files.  Then,
in order to take the next step of incorporating my Java code, I realized
I would need to have the source to Jetspeed and to incorporate my source
into that structure (e.g. writing new portlets in the package
org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets).  So, I downloaded the
source and created new portlets.  

To do the build, I used the Jetspeed build.xml file, but I didn't need
to make any changes in it.  I put some additional .jar files in the
appropriate lib directory and the ant tasks copy them to web-inf.  Then
to deploy my Jetspeed portal (with my portlets), I created a .war file
and then exploded it into the deployment directory (I used slightly
different locations for Jboss and WebLogic).  Then, in general, when
making additional changes I use the ant target "hotdeploy" (and then
usually have to restart the app server).

With this background, I will try to answer your specific questions:
Q1) Do i have to then look at jetspeed's(the jetspeed source) build file
to come up with my build.xml?
I believe that you can use the jetspeed's build.xml, but I believe
that you do not have to modify that build.xml. 
2) Instead of exploding the jetspeed jar to \web-inf\classes can i just
include this like a library jar in the web-inf\lib?
Don't know.  My approach was to incorporate my stuff into the
Jetspeed framework, rather than just trying to use jetspeed as a jar.
It would be cool if #2 was possible, but something tells me that it
won't work (disclaimer: I am real newbie at this)
3) If step 2 is valid then can i only take all the files that are
missing in the jar file from the jetspeed directory and deploy them into
the file structure of my custom portal? for e.g. the .properties files
are not present in the jar file. Can i just copy this property files
from jetspeed directory into the my own portal's space ,merge the
properties and then build my own war file?
NA, as I am assuming that #2 is false
4) What are the recommended methods of source maintainence of custom
portals? Does the jetspeed source also need to be maintained or the
binaries and property files are enough?
Great question - as you can tell, I was under the impression that
the jetspeed source needs to maintained, extended, modified, etc. - at
least if you want to have any type of custom portlets.  As you have
probably seen, you can create DBMS portlets and RSS portlets without
having to write any code (and there are probably others that are

Hope that was useful and that my lack of true understanding didn't get
in the way :) :).


Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Archana Turaga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 4:20 PM
Subject: build question---please help

 I have my own portal application with it's own library files and jsp
files. To understand jetspeed i just built the tutorial and hacked that
structure to include my portal specific information. Now i want to
create a build.xml that will work with ant to create my own portal war.
I cannot follow the tutorial build.xml because it goes in three steps
i) Deploy(this will simply replicate the jetspeed.war) ii)Start tomcat
.This will explode the war into a directory structure.
iii) Then hot deploy so that it copies all the tutorial specific
information to exploded structure under tomcat. 
Also the tutorial does not have it's own library files. I have my own
libraries that i want to use.

1) Do i have to then look at jetspeed's(the jetspeed source) build file
to come up with my build.xml?
2) Instead of exploding the jetspeed jar to \web-inf\classes can i just
include this like a library jar in the web-inf\lib?
3) If step 2 is valid then can i only take all the files that are
missing in the jar file from the jetspeed directory and deploy them into
the file structure of my custom portal? for e.g. the .properties files
are not present in the jar file. Can i just copy this property files
from jetspeed directory into the my own portal's space ,merge the
properties and then build my own war file?
4) What are the recommended methods of source maintainence of custom
portals? Does the jetspeed source also need to be maintained or the
binaries and property files are enough?

Please help me. I have been trying to figure out the best way

RE: Cone's To Do List portlet configuration problem (SOLVED)....

2004-01-19 Thread Richard Berger
It finally works - and the key was that I took a wrong path early in the process.  
Recalling my options earlier in the thread:
  a) Inserting the todolist tables into your default database   OR
  b) Setting up a (new) connection to your mySQL database and then changing the 
portlet code to use the mySQL database.

I chose path (b) and many hours of frustration.  I finally did the following:
1. Set up mySQL as the default DBMS (instead of the hypersonic)
2. In mySQL, created the necessary tables and populated them per the instructions 
(into the jetspeed database in mySQL)
3. Then added the todolist tables to the jetspeed database
4. Changed all the BasePortalTodolist* code to refer to the "default" 
database (as per the original code).
And then it worked! 

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message- 
From: karthikeyan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sun 1/18/2004 5:25 PM 
To: Jetspeed Users List 
Subject: Re: Cone's To Do List portlet configuration problem

I am also little disappointed why it is not working (jar file
downloaded) where as it is running
online elsewhere in the internet.

from Creator's Claim:

every one want to use it like this!!!

Final authority is:

M. Karthikeyan, Ph.D., Scientist
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 NationalChemical  Laboratory
 Pune - 411 008, INDIA
 Ph: +91-(0)20-5893 457  FAX: 5893 973

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RE: Why vm-templates come from /portlets/ and /portlets/html/?

2004-01-19 Thread Richard Berger
Hmmm I don't see anything obviously wrong in .xreg information
below.  Perhaps the problem lies in where you have placed the files in
your directory/package structure?

Good luck!

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 1:51 AM
Subject: AW: Why vm-templates come from /portlets/ and /portlets/html/?

Oops! Attached the wrong registry entry. Anyway there are 3 of the
portlets, with all meaning to be identically described. The adept and
amtraining are under /portlets/ and the adportlet is under
/portlets/html/. No idea why though. Ideas appreciated.

Here's the adept entry from registry:




Yep, true. Useless duplicate media-type entrys. Some sort of slip also.
Thanks for noticing.


-Ursprungliche Nachricht-
Von: Richard Berger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Friday, January 16, 2004 5:53 PM
An: Jetspeed Users List
Betreff: RE: Why vm-templates come from /portlets/ and /portlets/html/?

I am probably confused, but I couldn't help noticing that you were
discussing problems with:
But the descriptions you provided (which do appear to be identical) were

(e.g. for adportlet and amtraining).
Do we need to see the portlet-entry for adept.vm?  By any chance is it
missing a media-type entry?  (And I am not sure why your entries have
duplicate media types, but then I am newbie at this).

Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management
510.748.1017 (Office)
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not
necessarily those of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its
-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 5:24 AM
Subject: Why vm-templates come from /portlets/ and /portlets/html/?


I have a problem with vm-templates coming from different locations. In
the registry they are configured similarly:

AM Training
Schhulungsunlaslagen zum AM






but still the portal refers to them at different locations 

Why is that? Any idea what to check? I can't find any other
configurations about them. 

Help is really appreciated.
Thanks, Risto

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Jetspeed/JBoss debugging woes...can anyone help?

2004-01-18 Thread Richard Berger
My configuration is:
* Jetspeed 1.4 final
* JBoss 3.2.3
* mySQL database
* WinXP
Jetspeed starts fine when I run JBoss "normally".  I can login as turbine, create new 
portlets, no complaints.  However, I am running into problems with the todolist 
portlet, so I figured let's try and debug this.  So I try:
A) Starting JBoss from within Eclipse...
JBoss starts up, but when I try to start Jetspeed (http://localhost:8080/jetspeed), 
Jetspeed hangs.
B) Starting JBoss in "debug" mode (by uncommenting the JPDA settings in run.bat) and 
exactly the same thing happens.  (JBoss starts up without any unusual errors, but 
Jetspeed hangs).
There are no error messages in any of the logs.  The last line in the jetspeedservices 
log is:
2004-01-18 18:53:37,796 [TP-Processor4] DEBUG JetspeedRunDataService - 
JetspeedRunDataService: storing rundata [EMAIL PROTECTED] for thread: 
I am able to set a breakpoint at that location and as far as I can tell, jetspeed 
hangs in Turbine.doGet().  
Note: This is similar to other hangs I have seen on JBoss 3.2.3.  I also have applied 
the latest Castor093 patch in order to get the system working in "normal" mode.
Anyone out there able to do Jetspeed debugging through Eclipse on JBoss 3.2.3?  Many 
thanks in advance for any help!


Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
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RE: Cone's To Do List portlet configuration problem

2004-01-18 Thread Richard Berger
For what it's worth, I also tried to make this work - and I think a key is that the 
todolist portlet is using the default connection.  Thus, I think you have the choice 
a) Inserting the todolist tables into your default database   OR
b) Setting up a connection to your mySQL database and then changing the portlet code 
to use the mySQL database.
I chose (b).  I created the tables in a mySQL database (using the script that was 
provided earlier in the thread).  Then I configured the to reference 
this database with the name "todolist".  I then changed the code in four places:
This got me past errors like "Table does not exist".  Of course, I would love to 
report that it all worked in the end, but alas, I am stuck on a null pointer exception:
 at org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.createQuery(
 at org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.createQueryString(
 at org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.doSelect(
The portlet shows up, I can click on the icon to add a new entry, but that entry does 
not get added.
And I was having problems debugging this Jetspeed installation, so I haven't made any 
progress tracking down this bug.  I am running JBoss (started outside of Eclipse) and 
trying to set a breakpoint inside Eclipse - but the breakpoints aren't working.  (I 
think I have done this with WebLogic, but I am not positive).
In any case, if I get it figured out, I will post here...
Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message- 
From: karthikeyan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Fri 1/16/2004 10:16 AM 
To: Jetspeed Users List 
Subject: Re: Cone's To Do List portlet configuration problem

check this in (../todolist/
configure db location (default is db)
torque.database.createUrl = jdbc:mysql://"yourserver"/yourdatabase

"com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" instead of (I don't use

# ---
#  D A T A B A S E  S E T T I N G S
# ---
# JDBC connection settings. This is used by the JDBCToXML task that
# will create an XML database schema from JDBC metadata. These
# settings are also used by the SQL Ant task to initialize your
# Turbine system with the generated SQL.
# sameJavaName
#   If true, the JDBC task will set the javaName attribute for the
#   and columns to be the same as SQL name.
# ---

torque.database.createUrl = jdbc:mysql://localhost/db
torque.database.buildUrl = jdbc:mysql://localhost/db
torque.database.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost/db
torque.database.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
torque.database.user =root
torque.database.password = =localhost
torque.sameJavaName = false

M. Karthikeyan, Ph.D., Scientist
 _|  _|_|_|_|  _|
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 _|  _|  _|  _|_|
 _|_|_|  _|_|
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RE: Why vm-templates come from /portlets/ and /portlets/html/?

2004-01-16 Thread Richard Berger
I am probably confused, but I couldn't help noticing that you were
discussing problems with:
But the descriptions you provided (which do appear to be identical) were

(e.g. for adportlet and amtraining).
Do we need to see the portlet-entry for adept.vm?  By any chance is it
missing a media-type entry?  (And I am not sure why your entries have
duplicate media types, but then I am newbie at this).

Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 5:24 AM
Subject: Why vm-templates come from /portlets/ and /portlets/html/?


I have a problem with vm-templates coming from different locations. In
the registry they are configured similarly:

AM Training
Schhulungsunlaslagen zum AM






but still the portal refers to them at different locations 

Why is that? Any idea what to check? I can't find any other
configurations about them. 

Help is really appreciated.
Thanks, Risto

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RE: installation on WebLogic 7.2

2004-01-15 Thread Richard Berger
I have installed on WebLogic 8.1 and ran into the same problem.  The problem is with a 
property in the file, in particular:

But then I found one more piece of information - the Turbine.Properties file (located 
in WEB-INF/conf) needed to be modified as follows:


Note: I can't claim credit for figuring this out, but for some reason I am having 
trouble finding the original reference.  Oh wait, here it is:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg06421.html



Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message- 
From: Nick Faiz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thu 1/15/2004 8:00 PM 
Subject: installation on WebLogic 7.2

I'm seeing the following stacktrace when I try to deploy Jetspeed on
WebLogic 7.2. Has anyone seen anything like this before?
It deploys without a hitch on Tomcat 4.1.29 .

Thanks ...

16/01/2004 14:53:19>   <101047>
jetspeed)] WebServiceServlet: init> null/WEB-INF/conf/
(The system cannot find
the path specified)
   at Method)

Nick Faiz
B2B Developer
Corporate Express Australia Ltd.

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Fixed?: log4j: ERROR Attempted to append to closed appender [jetspeed]

2004-01-15 Thread Richard Berger
I saw a question on this in the archives but with no resolution - and I
thought I should share a possible solution.  Everything was working fine
on my portal, until I needed to integrate with our business process
management system - resulting in bringing in some additional jar files.
After that, my console was full of:
log4j: ERROR Attempted to append to closed appender [jetspeed] 
Everything seemed ok, but it was clearly ugly.  Eventually tracked the
problem down to a conflict between the log4j.rootLogger setting in the
jetspeed and that setting in the external system's
The external system had:
Jetspeed had:
log4j.rootLogger = INFO, jetspeed
Where metrolog was a RollingFileAppenderLog and jetspeed was a
Guessing that there was a conflict between these two, I simply changed
Jetspeed's to:
log4j.rootLogger = INFO, stdout
And (a) the problem went away and (b) the jetspeed.log contents were
just fine (e.g. logging to that file was not impacted).  But my console
is much cleaner :).

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 

RE: HSQL to mySQL configuration problem - ProfileException

2004-01-15 Thread Richard Berger
Admittedly, I am a newbie at this, but I did move my user database from
HSQL to SQL Server (work system) and have also been worked through
problems with mySql (home system). 

First, I believe that the answer to your FIRST QUESTION is "Yes" - as I
have moved the database users but never touched the PSML configuration.
I think the key is to get the DB configuration correct.  I was able to
populate the SQL Server database using the scripts you referenced
without quite the changes you needed, but the key thing is that if the
database tables are looking good, then you are past this stage.

The error you are seeing indicates users profiles can't be found.  Are
they in fact in the database?  (e.g. can you query the tables and see
the users).  If they are there, and the format looks right, then it
could very well be your connection to the database as specified in the files.

Is the root password on your mysql database blank?  Does the root user
have permissions on the two tables that you created? 

My best guess is that you are having connection problems, second guess
is that your tables didn't get set up quite correctly (or lack proper

Good luck!

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Dalton, Michael D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 9:05 AM
To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
Cc: Le, Vu X; Dalton, Michael D; Twadell, Daniel M (JBOSC)
Subject: HSQL to mySQL configuration problem - ProfileException 

I am having problems converting our Jetspeed 1.4 test deployment from
HSQL to mySQL - on a Win2000 server.  I've spent a week on this with no
luck.  Current configuration has lots of users already set up.  I want
to "move" the user database from HSQL to mySQL first.  After I figure
that out I will move the PSML file system over to mySQL.  The Jetspeed
docs specifically state after configuring a new database, "If you would
also like to store your PSML resources in the database, see the
instructions here".  This makes me believe I can use mySQL for the user
database and leave the PSML in the file structure.  FIRST QUESTION - Is
this true?

Anyway, here is what I have done:

- Using Jetspeed 1.4 final build (as-is war file with a couple of
patches in modules)
- Running under Tomcat 4.1.
- Configured mySQL (latest stable build 4.0.17) as a Win 2000 service.
Works OK!

- Modified per docs: 
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver =
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.url =
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.user = root
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.password =

QUESTION: Not sure about user and password above

- Installed jdbc driver class files from into Jetspeed's
WIN-INF/classes directory
(e.g., com.mysql.jdbc.Driver)

- Create empty mySQL database called "portal" - referenced in
- Copied WEB-INF/db/jetspeed.script (from HSQL) and renamed it

- Modified this populate-mysql.sql script to remove any HSQL specific
commands and references to ID_TABLE. Also needed to add ";" at end of
each line.
QUESTION: Was this a good idea? Haven't seen this documented
anywhere. Docs simply say to use the default populate-mysql script which
will set up 2 users. I've tried that too with no luck.

- Use mySQL and run the turbine-mysql.sql script.  No errors!
- Use mySQL and run the populate-mysql.sql script.  No errors!

- Restart Tomcat with no problems.
- Attempt to run Jetspeed.  See below:

- PROBLEM: Error occurs as follows:
Error processing navigation template:/html/top.vm using module:
VelocityNavigation There has been an Error! Reason:
... ...

BIG QUESTION: What am I doing wrong?  Will post "exact" steps for this
when I figure it out.

Any help would be appreciated.  


Michael Dalton
Internet Business Manager
Computing Systems Services Branch
Information Technology Directorate
Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899
(W) 321-861-2207 (F) 321-867-7133


RE: Connecting to two databases - but with different adapters...

2004-01-14 Thread Richard Berger

Somehow I missed your post - my apologies in the delayed response.  I
had seen those posts and couldn't quite figure out what I was doing
wrong.  However, with a pointer from Paul Mansfield the key problem was
that I was missing the "pool" properties below.


Just simple confusion on my part.  Now I am using Hypersonic for the
login and have a Database Portlet talking to SQL Server on WebLogic.

Thanks much for your response!

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Ford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 4:14 PM
To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
Subject: RE: Connecting to two databases - but with different

Here a couple or threads regarding this issue.  Hope this helps.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

Jeremy Ford

-Original Message-
From: Richard Berger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 4:19 PM
Subject: RE: Connecting to two databases - but with different

More information
Here is a snippet from the files that works (with just
one DBMS) and then the equivalent snippet (comments uncommented) that
# Original Hypersonic properties
#torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
#torque.dsfactory.default.connection.url =
#torque.dsfactory.default.connection.user = sa
#torque.dsfactory.default.connection.password =
# SQL Server properties
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.user = jmetro
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.password = jmetro
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver =
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.url =
# Original Hypersonic properties
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.url =
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.user = sa
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.password =
# SQL Server properties
torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.user = jmetro
torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.password = jmetro
torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.driver =
torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.url =
And when I try to login as turbine/turbine, the error I get is:
 at org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.doUpdate(
 at org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.doUpdate(
rethrown as Failed
to save user object  at
TIA for any help - I think that this must be doable
PS - Sorry if this reply gets treated as a new thread - I am not quite
sure how to add additional information to the thread

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management
510.748.1017 (Office)
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not
necessarily those of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its


RE: Jetspeed on weblogic

2004-01-14 Thread Richard Berger
I was running into these problems on Weblogic (although I tend to agree
that the messages are harmless).  Then I found a reference to a fix in
another thread:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
ml, but I thought it would help if I posted it on this thread (as I ran
into the problem yesterday and easily found this thread, but it had no

In, change:

I am still a newbie at posting to the newsgroup, so apologies if this
causes any confusion.


I'm also getting the same exceptions on Weblogic, but everything still
seems to work. 
I haven't tried every piece of functionality. I used a war deployment
with Jetspeed 
1.4b4 and Weblogic 8.1. Weblogic deployed Jetspeed into a jetspeed.war
directory and 
then seems to complain about the nomenclature, curious.
"Wakida, Reid M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hmm...interesting. I swear I tried to deploy Jetspeed in its expanded
(unwared) version but it didn't work. Anyway, I tried again, and it
Thanks for the help.

Everything seems to work although I am getting 2 errors in the console
below). Have you encountered these, and are they serious?


The first:

81966,name=jetspeed,context-path=/jetspeed)] getRealPath() called with
unsafe pa
th: ".".$UnsafeFilenameException:
s\dfc2domain\applications\jetspeed\. ends with illegal character

The second:
tion: ServletContext(id=2781966,name=jetspeed,context-path=/jetspeed)
to p
lace a non-serializable attribute:
u!-1906330588!1066409644546anon/en/html/default.psml into the session:
ibute will be lost upon redeployment. This message is logged only once

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Christophe Lombart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 10:55 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Jetspeed on weblogic

My application is running on jboss & weblogic 8.1
You have to unwar the application into the deploy weblogic dir and that 
Otherwise, getRealPAth returns null on weblogic

Wakida, Reid M. wrote:

>Has anyone been able to run Jetspeed 1.4b4 on Weblogic 8.0 (or Weblogic
>7.1)? I couldn't deploy the war file via the console. Some unknown
>was occurring. Instead, I deployed the expanded directory in the
>user_projects/domain/applications directory. 
>Upon startup, Weblogic informed me that I had to change the servlet
>declaration from 2.2 to 2.3 in the web.xml file. After fixing that,
>Weblogic attempted to deploy Jetspeed, and couldn't find the path to
> (see stack trace below). I did some
>and it has to do with the "null" prepended to the
> path. Someone encountered the same problem
>porting to JBoss
>([EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg11717.html)

>In short, Turbine is calling "javax.ServletContext.getRealPath()" when
>"javax.ServletContext.getResource()" or
>"javax.ServletContext.getResourceAsStream()" should be used. 
>Whew! Anyway, has anyone encountered this problem, and fixed it? It
>like I have to fix Turbine and rebuild the jar (or possibly move to the
>Turbine version). I'm going to continue hunting in the Turbine mailing
>lists, but I thought I might save some time if someone already fixed

>STack trace:
>(!) NOTICE: init
>(!) NOTICE: ServiceBroker: LoggingService enabled.
>(!) NOTICE: Turbine: init() failed:
>ception: Can't load file null/WEB-INF/conf/
> at
> at
> at
> at

RE: Building Jetspeed 1.4 from within Eclipse...

2004-01-13 Thread Richard Berger
Thanks very much!  The two keys seemed to be:
1. Putting the entire distribution underneath
C:\eclipse\workspace\jetspeed-1.4 (I had started with that approach, but
got confused, and then was trying to do it from c:\jetspeed-1.4).
2. Setting the src and output folders the way you suggested.

That allows me to build with the default Eclipse "build project" and Ant
works fine too.

Thanks again for your assistance!

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: Holger Dewes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 1:04 AM
To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
Subject: RE: Building Jetspeed 1.4 from within Eclipse...

> -Original Message-
> From: Richard Berger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 4:56 PM
> Subject: Building Jetspeed 1.4 from within Eclipse...
> Sorry for this basic question - I have seen the posts that say it can 
> be done - and I have kinda made it work, but I am sure I have done it 
> the wrong way - as I seem to be struggling at every step.
> There is a post that says:
> > 
> > Itz very easy. Just  import jetspeed project in Eclipse workspace 
> > and point your build/build.xml as Build file for your external ant. 
> > Also  change the build file to  copy the war  in your tomcat  
> > directory.
> > 
> > Hope this helps you.
> > 
> > ~suchi
> So I download/unzip the source to c:\jetspeed-1.4 and then try to 
> import that as a project into Eclipse.  It fails for the lack of a 
> .project file.

Yes, you can only "import" existing projects. For jetspeed, you have to
create an new project by doing "File > New > Project". Eclipse then
looks at the directory and proposes src and output directories.

src/java should be a src folder and bin/classes the output folder. This
is my .classpath:


I don't know if this way you can build with ant using Eclipse, I always
do that outside of Eclipse. But I really don't see why it shouldn't


Holger Dewes

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RE: JBoss with JetSpeed

2004-01-13 Thread Richard Berger

Wanted to post back with an alternative solution that the removal of the
castor jars.  After making some changes to try and include an additional
portlets.xreg file, I found myself back in the "jetspeed hangs" mode - where
a series of
[DaemonThread:feeddaemon] DEBUG CastorRegistryService - RegistryService:
Waiting for init of Registry...
messages appears in the jetspeedservices.log file.

So, I followed the instructions in:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg10348.html
and updated the source to the file - making sure to use
the version that was in the attachment - not the source code that showed up
in the posting.

Of course, things are never quite that simple.  That just caused jetspeed to
hang with a different error message, something along the lines of:
[TP-Processor4] DEBUG JetspeedRunDataService - JetspeedRunDataService:
storing rundata
thread: Thread[TP-Processor4,5,jboss]

So I reinstalled JBoss 3.2.3 to bring my deleted castor.jar files back,
recreated the jetspeed.ear/jetspeed.war (exploded) needed to work on JBoss
3.2.3 - and now everything is working.  Even the SNMP agent is fine now that
it has the castor.jar files back.

Perhaps this will be of use to you or someone on the list - and kudos to
Paul Egaru for finding/fixing this hanging problem.  Now my question is - am
I brave enough to take another try and creating my rbportlets.xreg file.


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Building Jetspeed 1.4 from within Eclipse...

2004-01-10 Thread Richard Berger
Sorry for this basic question - I have seen the posts that say it can be done - and I 
have kinda made it work, but I am sure I have done it the wrong way - as I seem to be 
struggling at every step. 
There is a post that says:
> Itz very easy. Just  import jetspeed project in Eclipse 
> workspace and point your build/build.xml as 
> Build file for your external ant. Also  change the build file 
> to  copy the war  in your tomcat  directory.
> Hope this helps you.
> ~suchi  
So I download/unzip the source to c:\jetspeed-1.4 and then try to import that as a 
project into Eclipse.  It fails for the lack of a .project file.  Get past that and 
the .classpath file.  But now Eclipse's compile generates 13,000 errors because the 
package that all the source files use starts with org.apache.jetspeed but the 
package structure generated by the Eclipse import looks like
I then work around this putting the .project file and the .classpath file at 
C:\jetspeed-1.4\src\java and importing just that as the project.  Now the package 
structure matches and I can get things to build in Eclipse.  But of course, I want to 
run ant.  And, there is no build directory inside my project (since I only imported 
the part under java to make the package structure match).  So I import the build files 
into my Eclipse project - but the Ant build fails immediately as it can't seem to 
locate the jars in build\lib.
So I start to think - I think I have gone in the wrong direction and that surely there 
is a simpler way.
Can anyone enlighten me as to how I should have gone about getting Jetspeed into 
Eclipse so that both the package structure works and so that ant builds?  (Or, am I 
actually on the right path, but I will have to do my Ant builds outside of Eclipse??)
Thanks so much!

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 

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RE: Connecting to two databases - but with different adapters...

2004-01-09 Thread Richard Berger
More information
Here is a snippet from the files that works (with just
one DBMS) and then the equivalent snippet (comments uncommented) that
# Original Hypersonic properties
#torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
#torque.dsfactory.default.connection.url =
#torque.dsfactory.default.connection.user = sa 
#torque.dsfactory.default.connection.password = 
# SQL Server properties
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.user = jmetro 
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.password = jmetro
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver =
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.url =
# Original Hypersonic properties
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.url =
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.user = sa 
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.password = 
# SQL Server properties
torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.user = jmetro 
torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.password = jmetro
torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.driver =
torque.dsfactory.jmetro.connection.url =
And when I try to login as turbine/turbine, the error I get is:
 at org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.doUpdate(
 at org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.doUpdate(
rethrown as Failed
to save user object 

TIA for any help - I think that this must be doable
PS - Sorry if this reply gets treated as a new thread - I am not quite
sure how to add additional information to the thread

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 

Connecting to two databases - but with different adapters...

2004-01-09 Thread Richard Berger[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg09382.h
tml>  has a nice discussion of setting up two databases that use the
same DBMS.
The problem that I have is that I wanted to leave the original
hypersonic database connection in to handle the users but add a new
connection to use with a database portlet.  When I create that second
connection, the users' login fails, as it appears that Jetspeed is
trying to use that second connection for login (even though I gave it a
new name).
So my question is - can you connect Jetspeed to two different databases
that use different adapters.
I did some testing to try and work around the problem - and it seems
like the following cause the conflict
And, it even caused the error if  is the same as
If anyone else has gotten this to work, any help would be greatly
appreciated.  If it is not supported that would be good to know as well.
Thanks so much!

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates.