Tomcat Performance

2003-04-01 Thread Sangam Dash

I have 3-4 folders inside one tomcat 4.1 webapps folder for my 3-4 portals.
Sometimes tomcat gives out of memory exception.
Sometimes it gives some exception like premature end of file.
Do you know what to do for performance improvement of jetspeed under tomcat?
Do you know is there any open source tools that give help in tuning the 
jetspeed and tomcat?
Please help
sangam dash

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Admin Main Menu

2003-04-01 Thread Sangam Dash
Hi Jetspeed Guys,

I have a small problem on my side but i dont know where exactly is the 
One of my portal was working.
So i copied it to make a new portal.
The new portal is working also after some changes to the default.psml 
files when i login as admin it doesnt go to the Admin main menu page 
that is where all the links to Content and Security and Admin functions 
are there.
So i can login as Admin but cant modify anything to my portal like 
adding users changing the look and feel of the portal.
so i have to do evrything manually not using the Admin functions.
does anybody know where something went wrong and how can i fix it?
thanks a lot for your help
Sangam Dash

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Re: Space between menu and sub menu

2003-03-18 Thread Sangam Dash
thanks a lot guys...
the menu size is changing but i think i need to create my own controls 
now as the menu titles varies a lot depending on the text so i think i 
need to use diff controls to get the space part going...
could u please guide me how to create new controls?
should i just go ahead and create new vm files and put them in the 
registry or something else..
sangam dash

Weaver, Scott wrote:

Also remember, 

You can create your own custom controls and controllers to use in addition to the default ones supplied by jetspeed.  That way you won't have to worry about your changes getting overwritten when you upgrade jetspeed versions.



-Original Message-
From: Pierre Henry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 8:45 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: RE: Space between menu and sub menu
Hi Sangam !

To correct this you shouldn't modify any class, but the file
I tried to add width=100% to the table defined at line 13 in this file :

This make the left menu expand in the previous space. This can be too much
on some screen resolution. Find where the width of the table is defined
to look for "20%"), and try to replace it by a fixed width (in pixels).
Hope this helps.



-Original Message-----
From: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: lundi, 17. mars 2003 20:28
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Space between menu and sub menu
Hi everybody,

I have a page where i have a Menu which contains 3-4 menu items in it.
When somebody clicks on the Menu items another menu pane comes by the
side of the main menu with some other menu items.
i hope you got the page.
Evrything works fine but on the page there is a space between
two menu
panes and when the second menu opens up by the side of the first menu
there is a space in between the two menus.
Has anybody faced this problem before.
Do you know which java class i have to modify to solve this problem.
Sometimes depending on the menu pane title length the space
Need some help...

Sangam Dash

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Space between menu and sub menu

2003-03-17 Thread Sangam Dash
Hi everybody,

I have a page where i have a Menu which contains 3-4 menu items in it.
When somebody clicks on the Menu items another menu pane comes by the 
side of the main menu with some other menu items.
i hope you got the page.
Evrything works fine but on the page there is a space between two menu 
panes and when the second menu opens up by the side of the first menu 
there is a space in between the two menus.
Has anybody faced this problem before.
Do you know which java class i have to modify to solve this problem.
Sometimes depending on the menu pane title length the space disappears.

Need some help...

Sangam Dash

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Re: How to get information about the user out of Jetspeed.

2003-03-04 Thread Sangam Dash
Vijay K wrote:

Did you try getting rundata like below

JetspeedRunData data = (JetspeedRunData)request.getAttribute ("rundata");
JetspeedUser user = (JetspeedUser)data.getUser ()
--- Jamie Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have the same question.  

I am using JSPs/Servlets from within an IFramePortlet
and I would like to get access to the Jetspeed or
Turbine User information.  I tried to get a RunData
from the RunDataFactory, but got a null RunData.
Do I have to convert my JSP/Servlet app to a JSP
Portlet?  I would prefer to avoid this additional
work, or is it really that much more work?


--- AGM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


How are you ?

I installed jetspeed 1.4b1, tomcat-3.3.1 in RedHat
7.3. After to authenticate the users, I to print
information about the user with:

I want to write UserName to disk from it portlet.
type of portlet is IFramePortlet.
How I can to do it ?

I can to write to disk to using jsp:bean, but from
Thanks in advance

Best regards,



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i tried this one but the rundata which is coming is as null.
even if i login using a username it comes as null.
please help
sangam dash

How can i share common files and portlets between two jetspeed portals?

2003-01-29 Thread Sangam Dash

I need some guidelines as to how can i share the common portlets and jsp 
and html files between two jetspeed portals as their jetspeed_home 
folders are different.
Please help me
sangam dash

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Jetspeed Resources

2003-01-28 Thread Sangam Dash

Can i access the portlet classes from a directory that is not inside 
I have a folder outside tomcat_home which contains all the jsp and html 
files and the other portlet classes.
I want to specify that folder name so that a lot of different portal 
directory can access some common files and portlets..
I cant find the exact place where shud i change the path information.
Or can i place the common files at the top of tomcat_home/webapps so 
that every folder inside webapps like jetspeed can access those common 
Can it be done?
Please help me out...
sangam dash

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Re: Does Anybody knows how to create submenus?

2003-01-16 Thread Sangam Dash
Stuart Belden wrote:

I'm unclear as to what you mean by submenus.  The second level of Tabs underneath the main level?  

To do that first all you need do is define the default psml to have a tab pane layout.  Any PSML the default links to should have its layout set to Tab Pane as well.  That should do it.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/15/03 04:42PM >>>


I need some help please...
I tried some stuff to do for sub-menus.. but doesnt work properly..
Has anybody worked on it to create sub-menus..?
please reply to this one guys..
sangam dash

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thanks a lot for the answer
yeah got it
but i did it with menu panes
what i did is had a menu pane then when somebody clicks on it, it opens 
with a new menupane
then when somebody clicks on the second menu pane it will come with a 
is there any other way to do it?
sangam dash

Does Anybody knows how to create submenus?

2003-01-15 Thread Sangam Dash

I need some help please...
I tried some stuff to do for sub-menus.. but doesnt work properly..
Has anybody worked on it to create sub-menus..?
please reply to this one guys..
sangam dash

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Can i have another user like anon?

2003-01-14 Thread Sangam Dash

I need another user like anon.
I need to have a link for the user to go to that page when he clicks on 
that link he will see the other default user's page..
Is that possible?
How to do that?>
Shoud i just copy the anon user folder and rename it?
Then how can place a link to go that user's page?
Thanks a lot
Sangam Dash

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Opening a page inside a portlet from a link

2003-01-14 Thread Sangam Dash

Wish you all a very happy new year 2003.

I have a small question i would appreciate if somebody could point me in 
the right direction.
I have two portlets in the same page.
I want to populate some dynamic contents in the second portlet based on 
different links in the first portlet.
Like frames...
Has anyone ever worked on this kind ?
Could u please help me out...
Sangam Dash

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How to change the default Skin?

2003-01-07 Thread Sangam Dash

I added a new skin-entry in the skins.xreg file.
I need to make this entry as the default one.
Please help me out as to how to do this in a single step?
Now i am logging in as admin and changing the skin everywhere to the new 
skin-entry name replacing the default skin.

Please help me out.

Sangam Dash

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Build jportal.jar

2002-12-18 Thread Sangam Dash

I am just starting the jportal tutorial.
I downloaded the jportal.jar file.
Build the by ant tutorial-1 and then it created a war file i put that 
war file in the tomcat webapps folder.
Are there any other step to do?
It says the page cannot be displayed when i try to access 
i am on windows 2000, using tomcat 4.0.6 and java 1.4
the other jetspeed and my own website portal works fine.
Sangam Dash

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Re: Event Handling in JSPPortlet

2002-12-18 Thread Sangam Dash
Mark Orciuch wrote:

I assume that you have public void statusChange(RunData rundata, Portlet
portlet) defined in your action. I would also rename the method to
doStatusChange (eventSubmit_doStatusChange).

Also, I'm not sure about that onclick event. Try it without it.

Best regards,

Mark Orciuch - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java


-Original Message-
From: Javed Mahmud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 11:53 PM
Subject: Event Handling in JSPPortlet

Hello All,
I have a jsp page with Form Entry as


name="eventSubmit_statusChange" value="Edit"/>      
Your Details

It fails to call the statusChange Method defined in
portlets.UserDetailAction class. It bypasses to get the buid normal
context method.

Any clues??

Thanks Javed

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i had the same problem yesterday, evenif the method name was doStatusChange
dont know why
may be try using velocity templates and action classes
jsp doesnt work properly in jetspeed
sangam dash

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Re: Database?

2002-12-17 Thread Sangam Dash
Sangam Dash wrote:

Sangam Dash wrote:

Stuart Belden wrote:

If you are planning to deploy jetspeed I'd suggest moving to another 
db;  Postgres, MySQL, whatever... I assume you can do a dump of the 
table structure and data of Hypersonic into any other db.  I've 
never used Hypersonic, so I know nothing about it.

The new jetspeed tutorial has a nice section on using the existing 
database browser portlet.  That portlet may or may not fit your 

I do db access like this:  A velocity template submits to a java 
class which uses a session bean to do all the db work. Search the 
archive on setting up Jetspeed to work with another database; there 
is a lot of info in regards to that.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/17/02 01:03PM >>>

When i created the table do i need to dump it so that it will go to 
the jetspeed.script file inside WEB-INF/db folder?
or where shud it be?
Sangam Dash wrote:



I am able to create a table inside the hypersonic database.
Now i need to access the table from a portlet and insert some data 
into it.
What is the best way to do it?
Are there already available portlets for database transactions?
Or should i create my create own jsp file which will be inside the 
portlet and will access the database through a java class ?

Thanks for all the help
Sangam Dash
Stuart Belden wrote:


What database are you using?  Hypersonic?  MySQL?  DB2?  Sybase?

You can add the tables by hand, or I image Turbine has a class 
somewhere that will let you execute arbitrary sql. I use EJBs to 
read/write from the db in most cases unless I'm doing a quick 
dirty read of some table.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/16/02 06:46PM >>>


I am a new user to use the jetspeed database. I am not sure how to 
use that.
Can i create tables in that database?
then how?
I have a portlet that will write something to the database?
What is the best way to do that?
Please suggest...
sangam dash

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if i have crated a new table do i need to create a new object ?
cant i directly access the connection and execute a query to insert 
data into that table?>
which is the class to get the connection for jetspeed?
sangam dash

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i cant find my logs still dont know where they go..

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sorry about that
will take care next time
sangam dash

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Re: Database?

2002-12-17 Thread Sangam Dash
Sangam Dash wrote:

Stuart Belden wrote:

If you are planning to deploy jetspeed I'd suggest moving to another 
db;  Postgres, MySQL, whatever... 
I assume you can do a dump of the table structure and data of 
Hypersonic into any other db.  I've never used Hypersonic, so I know 
nothing about it.

The new jetspeed tutorial has a nice section on using the existing 
database browser portlet.  That portlet may or may not fit your 

I do db access like this:  A velocity template submits to a java 
class which uses a session bean to do all the db work. 
Search the archive on setting up Jetspeed to work with another 
database; there is a lot of info in regards to that.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/17/02 01:03PM >>>

When i created the table do i need to dump it so that it will go to 
the jetspeed.script file inside WEB-INF/db folder?
or where shud it be?
Sangam Dash wrote:



I am able to create a table inside the hypersonic database.
Now i need to access the table from a portlet and insert some data 
into it.
What is the best way to do it?
Are there already available portlets for database transactions?
Or should i create my create own jsp file which will be inside the 
portlet and will access the database through a java class ?

Thanks for all the help
Sangam Dash
Stuart Belden wrote:


What database are you using?  Hypersonic?  MySQL?  DB2?  Sybase?

You can add the tables by hand, or I image Turbine has a class 
somewhere that will let you execute arbitrary sql. I use EJBs to 
read/write from the db in most cases unless I'm doing a quick dirty 
read of some table.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/16/02 06:46PM >>>


I am a new user to use the jetspeed database. I am not sure how to 
use that.
Can i create tables in that database?
then how?
I have a portlet that will write something to the database?
What is the best way to do that?
Please suggest...
sangam dash

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if i have crated a new table do i need to create a new object ?
cant i directly access the connection and execute a query to insert 
data into that table?>
which is the class to get the connection for jetspeed?
sangam dash

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i cant find my logs still dont know where they go..

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Re: Database?

2002-12-17 Thread Sangam Dash
Sangam Dash wrote:

Stuart Belden wrote:

If you are planning to deploy jetspeed I'd suggest moving to another 
db;  Postgres, MySQL, whatever... 
I assume you can do a dump of the table structure and data of 
Hypersonic into any other db.  I've never used Hypersonic, so I know 
nothing about it.

The new jetspeed tutorial has a nice section on using the existing 
database browser portlet.  That portlet may or may not fit your 

I do db access like this:  A velocity template submits to a java 
class which uses a session bean to do all the db work. 
Search the archive on setting up Jetspeed to work with another 
database; there is a lot of info in regards to that.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/17/02 01:03PM >>>

When i created the table do i need to dump it so that it will go to 
the jetspeed.script file inside WEB-INF/db folder?
or where shud it be?
Sangam Dash wrote:



I am able to create a table inside the hypersonic database.
Now i need to access the table from a portlet and insert some data 
into it.
What is the best way to do it?
Are there already available portlets for database transactions?
Or should i create my create own jsp file which will be inside the 
portlet and will access the database through a java class ?

Thanks for all the help
Sangam Dash
Stuart Belden wrote:


What database are you using?  Hypersonic?  MySQL?  DB2?  Sybase?

You can add the tables by hand, or I image Turbine has a class 
somewhere that will let you execute arbitrary sql. I use EJBs to 
read/write from the db in most cases unless I'm doing a quick dirty 
read of some table.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/16/02 06:46PM >>>


I am a new user to use the jetspeed database. I am not sure how to 
use that.
Can i create tables in that database?
then how?
I have a portlet that will write something to the database?
What is the best way to do that?
Please suggest...
sangam dash

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if i have crated a new table do i need to create a new object ?
cant i directly access the connection and execute a query to insert 
data into that table?>
which is the class to get the connection for jetspeed?
sangam dash

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i did what i could do for this database thing
i need some help to finish this one
what i did
<%@ page language="java"
<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/templates/jsp/tld/template.tld' 
prefix='jetspeed' %>
<%String jspeid = (String) request.getAttribute("js_peid");

Please Enter your email address to subscribe to our Newsletters


this is the jsp file i have created
put it inside the registry

   parent="JSP" application="false">
   Subscription JSP
   Subscription JSP Portlet
  cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
then created a java class extending JspPortletAction which has a method 
doInsert(rundata, portlet)
the jsp page with the text field and the button shows up in the portlet
when i enter something and press enter it doesnt do anything
the log debug messages doesnt show anywhere in the log files?
do i need to go for Velocity or how shud i do this
its really confusing
are the jsp templates are not working properly in the jetspeed1.4b2?
please help me
sangam dash

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Re: Hi need some help

2002-12-17 Thread Sangam Dash
Joe Barefoot wrote:

org.apache.turbine.util.Log logs to the server log, as far as I know.  Import it and use:




-Original Message-
From: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 3:29 PM
To: David Sean Taylor; Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Hi need some help

David Sean Taylor wrote:


David Sean Taylor
+01 (707) 773 4646


-Original Message-
From: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 12:50 PM
To: David Sean Taylor
Subject: Re: Hi David need some help

just one more question
the examples use existing tables
how to use a new table that i just created and insert data 

into that?

in the coffees-form.vm file you are using coffee.CoffeeName or
what is coffee in here?
where do you define that?


Again thats covered in the tutorial.

From the tutorial, see coffees-schema.xml to see how the 

database was

created and the OM classes generated by Torque.
Also see the ant tasks which generate the OM.



i did crate a table a jsp action class and a jsp template to 
enter the 
email to the table
but i have a silly question again
i had some system.out.println() statements inside the class
where does it print those?
i could not find them
is there any other way to check whether its going to the 
class's method 
that i call from the jsp portlet?
is there any other way to debug?
please help
sangam dash

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where it goes to jetspeed.log file or tomcat log files?

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Re: Hi need some help

2002-12-17 Thread Sangam Dash
David Sean Taylor wrote:

David Sean Taylor
+01 (707) 773 4646


-Original Message-
From: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 12:50 PM
To: David Sean Taylor
Subject: Re: Hi David need some help

just one more question
the examples use existing tables
how to use a new table that i just created and insert data into that?
in the coffees-form.vm file you are using coffee.CoffeeName or
what is coffee in here?
where do you define that?

Again thats covered in the tutorial.

From the tutorial, see coffees-schema.xml to see how the database was

created and the OM classes generated by Torque.
Also see the ant tasks which generate the OM.



i did crate a table a jsp action class and a jsp template to enter the 
email to the table
but i have a silly question again
i had some system.out.println() statements inside the class
where does it print those?
i could not find them
is there any other way to check whether its going to the class's method 
that i call from the jsp portlet?
is there any other way to debug?
please help
sangam dash

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Re: Database?

2002-12-17 Thread Sangam Dash
Stuart Belden wrote:

If you are planning to deploy jetspeed I'd suggest moving to another db;  Postgres, MySQL, whatever...  

I assume you can do a dump of the table structure and data of Hypersonic into any other db.  I've never used Hypersonic, so I know nothing about it.

The new jetspeed tutorial has a nice section on using the existing database browser portlet.  That portlet may or may not fit your needs.

I do db access like this:  A velocity template submits to a java class which uses a session bean to do all the db work.  

Search the archive on setting up Jetspeed to work with another database; there is a lot of info in regards to that.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/17/02 01:03PM >>>

When i created the table do i need to dump it so that it will go to the 
jetspeed.script file inside WEB-INF/db folder?
or where shud it be?
Sangam Dash wrote:



I am able to create a table inside the hypersonic database.
Now i need to access the table from a portlet and insert some data 
into it.
What is the best way to do it?
Are there already available portlets for database transactions?
Or should i create my create own jsp file which will be inside the 
portlet and will access the database through a java class ?

Thanks for all the help
Sangam Dash
Stuart Belden wrote:


What database are you using?  Hypersonic?  MySQL?  DB2?  Sybase?

You can add the tables by hand, or I image Turbine has a class 
somewhere that will let you execute arbitrary sql. 
I use EJBs to read/write from the db in most cases unless I'm doing a 
quick dirty read of some table.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/16/02 06:46PM >>>


I am a new user to use the jetspeed database. I am not sure how to 
use that.
Can i create tables in that database?
then how?
I have a portlet that will write something to the database?
What is the best way to do that?
Please suggest...
sangam dash

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if i have crated a new table do i need to create a new object ?
cant i directly access the connection and execute a query to insert data 
into that table?>
which is the class to get the connection for jetspeed?
sangam dash

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Re: Database?

2002-12-17 Thread Sangam Dash
I created the table and also found there is a DatabaseBrowserTest 
portlet for accessing database?
But can i use the same to insert data into database?
please help me out.
i am also finding my way out digging more into jetspeed.
i think jetspeed is pretty cool to work with..
i getting almost everything done for my portal site with jetspeed 
without even writing my own classess,
just by small cosmetic changes to the jetspeed files.

thanks a lot for the effort and help
sangam dash

Sangam Dash wrote:

When i created the table do i need to dump it so that it will go to 
the jetspeed.script file inside WEB-INF/db folder?
or where shud it be?
Sangam Dash wrote:


I am able to create a table inside the hypersonic database.
Now i need to access the table from a portlet and insert some data 
into it.
What is the best way to do it?
Are there already available portlets for database transactions?
Or should i create my create own jsp file which will be inside the 
portlet and will access the database through a java class ?

Thanks for all the help
Sangam Dash
Stuart Belden wrote:

What database are you using?  Hypersonic?  MySQL?  DB2?  Sybase?

You can add the tables by hand, or I image Turbine has a class 
somewhere that will let you execute arbitrary sql. I use EJBs to 
read/write from the db in most cases unless I'm doing a quick dirty 
read of some table.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/16/02 06:46PM >>>


I am a new user to use the jetspeed database. I am not sure how to 
use that.
Can i create tables in that database?
then how?
I have a portlet that will write something to the database?
What is the best way to do that?
Please suggest...
sangam dash

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Re: Database?

2002-12-17 Thread Sangam Dash
When i created the table do i need to dump it so that it will go to the 
jetspeed.script file inside WEB-INF/db folder?
or where shud it be?
Sangam Dash wrote:


I am able to create a table inside the hypersonic database.
Now i need to access the table from a portlet and insert some data 
into it.
What is the best way to do it?
Are there already available portlets for database transactions?
Or should i create my create own jsp file which will be inside the 
portlet and will access the database through a java class ?

Thanks for all the help
Sangam Dash
Stuart Belden wrote:

What database are you using?  Hypersonic?  MySQL?  DB2?  Sybase?

You can add the tables by hand, or I image Turbine has a class 
somewhere that will let you execute arbitrary sql. 
I use EJBs to read/write from the db in most cases unless I'm doing a 
quick dirty read of some table.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/16/02 06:46PM >>>


I am a new user to use the jetspeed database. I am not sure how to 
use that.
Can i create tables in that database?
then how?
I have a portlet that will write something to the database?
What is the best way to do that?
Please suggest...
sangam dash

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Re: Database?

2002-12-17 Thread Sangam Dash

I am able to create a table inside the hypersonic database.
Now i need to access the table from a portlet and insert some data into it.
What is the best way to do it?
Are there already available portlets for database transactions?
Or should i create my create own jsp file which will be inside the 
portlet and will access the database through a java class ?

Thanks for all the help
Sangam Dash
Stuart Belden wrote:

What database are you using?  Hypersonic?  MySQL?  DB2?  Sybase?

You can add the tables by hand, or I image Turbine has a class somewhere that will let you execute arbitrary sql.  

I use EJBs to read/write from the db in most cases unless I'm doing a quick dirty read of some table.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/16/02 06:46PM >>>


I am a new user to use the jetspeed database. I am not sure how to use that.
Can i create tables in that database?
then how?
I have a portlet that will write something to the database?
What is the best way to do that?
Please suggest...
sangam dash

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Re: Database?

2002-12-17 Thread Sangam Dash

thanks for the help/..
i have not setup anything for database yet just got jetspeed running and 
some cosmetic changes.
so using hypersonic database.
is it better to switch to another database like postgres?
then do i need to run scripts to populate the database?
i have created new users too after i installed jetspeed so if i move to 
the new database will they be lost? or they will be inside some script?
i have a portlet which takes user's email address and add it to the 
i dont know how to create a table inside the hypersonic database..
sangam dash
Stuart Belden wrote:

What database are you using?  Hypersonic?  MySQL?  DB2?  Sybase?

You can add the tables by hand, or I image Turbine has a class somewhere that will let you execute arbitrary sql.  

I use EJBs to read/write from the db in most cases unless I'm doing a quick dirty read of some table.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/16/02 06:46PM >>>


I am a new user to use the jetspeed database. I am not sure how to use that.
Can i create tables in that database?
then how?
I have a portlet that will write something to the database?
What is the best way to do that?
Please suggest...
sangam dash

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2002-12-17 Thread Sangam Dash

Please help me out.
These days i am not getting any help from u guys. what's up
Is everybody busy?
Anyway please try to help me out taking some of your time as i am new to 
Here is my question...

I am a new user to use the jetspeed database. I am not sure how to use 
Can i create tables in that database?
then how? using java? or any other tools to access the jetspeed database?
I have a portlet that will write something to the database?
What is the best way to do that?
Please suggest...
sangam dash

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2002-12-16 Thread Sangam Dash

I am a new user to use the jetspeed database. I am not sure how to use that.
Can i create tables in that database?
then how?
I have a portlet that will write something to the database?
What is the best way to do that?
Please suggest...
sangam dash

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Maximize actoin for anon?

2002-12-16 Thread Sangam Dash

I want to give maximize and minimize controls to the anon user?
Does anybody know how to do that?
So that when the user is not logged in they can maximize and minimize 
the portlets on my pages.
If i go to the psml browser and changes the permission for the anon user 
group that is guest it doesnt show up.
If i change the parameter value of
services.JetspeedSecurity.actions.anon.disable=true to false in the file the portlets comesup with all the 
controls or actions like maximize minimize and customize and delete 
Do i need to change any java source file?>
If yes then does anybody know which java file i have to change to set 
default action controls?

Thanks a lot
sangam dash

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2002-12-16 Thread Sangam Dash

Anybody know any good network security news site so that i can replace 
the BBC news site portlet with that?
Or anyother default securtiy news portlet is already there in jetspeed?
Please help
sangam dash

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Re: How to use my own .xls file?

2002-12-12 Thread Sangam Dash
Glen Carl wrote:

What portlet are you trying to run? Are you really trying to create 
your own portlet that transforms xml/xsl, or are you trying to use a 
portlet like XSL Portlet to render the transform?

For XSL portlet your you xreg classname would be
Look at portlets.xreg, and demo-portlets.xreg for examples.

Hope this helps.

Richard Bourner wrote:

So isn't there a way to use my own .xml and .xsl without using my own
Portlet class?
For now it keeps searching to NewRSSPortlet which I don't want to.
If I don't have any MyPortlet how to avoid 
using the
RSS one?


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I think the ProxyPortlet by default has a takes a lot of width and height?
Can i limit that by width or height parameter values?
sangam dash

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Access Control

2002-12-12 Thread Sangam Dash

When a user logs in to jetspeed he can customize any portlets he wants to.
Can i limit the users' customization ability to customize only some of 
the portlets once he logs in.
So that he cant even change the positions of other main portlets of our site
He can just add other portlets of his choice but cant temper with our 
Is it possible thru the security-role element in the xreg file?
I will appreciate any suggestions.
Sangam Dash

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Re: How to use my own .xls file?

2002-12-12 Thread Sangam Dash
Glen Carl wrote:

If you have a better example then the BBC reference, then we could 
make your xml/xsl the example pages. We have some cool xml/xsl apps, 
but I have not secured permission to share the links to them.

I got it
its working
now i will use my own xml file and xsl files and lets see how it works
sangam dash

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Hello all,

I got my xml and xsl files to be working
thanks to the Proxy.jar files
its all working
the Iframe one is only working the other one is not
i dont know whats wrong with the other one
anybody wants their webpages to link to amazon book store can do with 
this what i did
just go to and go to webservices part they have all the links 
to get the custom xml files with a url with all kind of search strings
and then give that url in place of the xml file url
then give your own stylesheet or xsl file name which will parse the xml 
content from the amazon site and put it inside your Iframe portlet
i got it working
thanks a lot
if you have any questions feel free to ask me
sangam dash

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Re: How to use my own .xls file?

2002-12-12 Thread Sangam Dash
Richard Bourner wrote:


I suppose you can put the .xml and .xsl files where you want as long as you
them appropriately in the corresponding .xreg file.



only one xreg file is there in the jar
and the rss.xsl file where shud i copy it?
in the WEB-INF/classess/xsl folder or jetspeed/rss folder?
what about the
where should i give my xml file's url?
where shud i place my xsl file?
please help me
i am trying to run the proxy jar file that you sent me
sangam dash


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I got it
its working
now i will use my own xml file and xsl files and lets see how it works
sangam dash

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Re: How to use my own .xls file?

2002-12-12 Thread Sangam Dash
Richard Bourner wrote:


I suppose you can put the .xml and .xsl files where you want as long as you
them appropriately in the corresponding .xreg file.



only one xreg file is there in the jar
and the rss.xsl file where shud i copy it?
in the WEB-INF/classess/xsl folder or jetspeed/rss folder?
what about the
where should i give my xml file's url?
where shud i place my xsl file?
please help me
i am trying to run the proxy jar file that you sent me
sangam dash


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In your jar file the xreg file points to some rss.xsl file in but the rss.xsl file is inside 
WEB-INF/xsl folder.
i am a bit confused in that
I tried both the portlets it seems to be working but it prints junk 
messages like this as in the attached file BBC IFramed and 

BBC IFramed and Proxied?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> Updated every 
minute of every 
Thursday, 12 December, 2002, 23:30 GMT Copyright: (C) British 
Denmark's prime minister makes a dramatic plea for compromise by 
candidate countries to ensure the EU's historic expansion. 
Washington says it will not be pressured into dialogue with North Korea 
after Pyongyang decides to reactivate a nuclear power programme. Two 
soldiers die in an attack in Hebron, close to where 12 other members of 
the security forces were killed in an ambush last month. Thousands 
of men turn up at a barracks hoping to join the Ivorian army, as rebels 
suspend their participation in peace talks. The oil cartel 
agrees to scale back the amount of oil it pumps into the global 
marketplace in order to shore up prices. 

BBC In a WebBrowserPortletreset ?xml version="1.0" 
Updated every minute of every 
Thursday, 12 December, 2002, 23:27 GMTCopyright: (C) British 
Denmark's prime minister makes a dramatic plea for compromise by 
candidate countries to ensure the EU's historic expansion. 
Washington says it will not be pressured into dialogue with North Korea 
after Pyongyang decides to reactivate a nuclear power programme. Two 
soldiers die in an attack in Hebron, close to where 12 other members of 
the security forces were killed in an ambush last month. Thousands 
of men turn up at a barracks hoping to join the Ivorian army, as rebels 
suspend their participation in peace talks. The oil cartel 
agrees to scale back the amount of oil it pumps into the global 
marketplace in order to shore up prices.

Is this correct? or it doesnt find the rss.xsl file thats why its 
printing like this?>

BBC IFramed and Proxied.doc
Description: Binary data
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Re: How to use my own .xls file?

2002-12-12 Thread Sangam Dash
Glen Carl wrote:

> do we need to give the class name also?
> then what is the class name?
> For class, just use the IframeProxyPortlet or WebBrowserPortlet 
class. > See the example xreg files that were included in the jar.

or we need only two things like the xsl file name and the url of the 
xml file?
Just need to reference the xsl url and the xml url.

what is the other attached file? Part 1.3?

Ignore Part 1.3, is just the jetspeed email list signatures. Like the 
ones below.

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only one xreg file is there in the jar
and the rss.xsl file where shud i copy it?
in the WEB-INF/classess/xsl folder or jetspeed/rss folder?
what about the
where should i give my xml file's url?
where shud i place my xsl file?
please help me
i am trying to run the proxy jar file that you sent me
sangam dash

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Re: How to use my own .xls file?

2002-12-12 Thread Sangam Dash
Glen Carl wrote:

For the proxy portlets, we have not yet built in file read support. 
Only, http access, so place the xsl file in a http readable location, 
and reference by something like"; 

Attached is a jar containing some Proxy portlets that transform 
xml/xsl. Give them a try. We are trying to make them more generic for 
the good of the Jetspeed Community. We are also working on 
improvements, and new features to these portlets. They are hybrids of 
the XSL, Iframe and WebSurfRewriter portlets. The documentations for 
installation are in the Jar.


Richard Bourner wrote:

do you happen to have any example of a XSL tranformation that
you can send me?

I can't see my XML file when using 
as you mentioned ealier.

Basically I have:

in my Registry file:


a XML file (/WEB-INF/xml/data.xml):


a DTD file (/WEB-INF/dtd/mydtd.dtd)

a XLS file (/WEB-INF/xsl/convert.xsl)

Any idea?


> Sangam Dash wrote:


I have an xml file that is coming from some URL.
I have my own XSL file to convert it and show it inside a portlet.
Anybody know how to do this?
sangam dash

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what is the other attached file? Part 1.3?

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Re: How to use my own .xls file?

2002-12-12 Thread Sangam Dash
Glen Carl wrote:

For the proxy portlets, we have not yet built in file read support. 
Only, http access, so place the xsl file in a http readable location, 
and reference by something like"; 

Attached is a jar containing some Proxy portlets that transform 
xml/xsl. Give them a try. We are trying to make them more generic for 
the good of the Jetspeed Community. We are also working on 
improvements, and new features to these portlets. They are hybrids of 
the XSL, Iframe and WebSurfRewriter portlets. The documentations for 
installation are in the Jar.


Richard Bourner wrote:

do you happen to have any example of a XSL tranformation that
you can send me?

I can't see my XML file when using 
as you mentioned ealier.

Basically I have:

in my Registry file:


a XML file (/WEB-INF/xml/data.xml):


a DTD file (/WEB-INF/dtd/mydtd.dtd)

a XLS file (/WEB-INF/xsl/convert.xsl)

Any idea?


> Sangam Dash wrote:


I have an xml file that is coming from some URL.
I have my own XSL file to convert it and show it inside a portlet.
Anybody know how to do this?
sangam dash

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do we need to give the class name also?
then what is the class name?
or we need only two things like the xsl file name and the url of the xml 
please help
sangam dash

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How to link one portlet to another portlet?

2002-12-12 Thread Sangam Dash

Can i link one portlet to another so that if i have a link when the user 
clicks on the link it will open up another portlet so that user doesnt 
leave the same page but can see the other portlet in the same space?
Is it possible?
Could u guys please guide me ?
sangam dash

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Re: How to use my own .xls file?

2002-12-12 Thread Sangam Dash
Richard Bourner wrote:

do you happen to have any example of a XSL tranformation that
you can send me?

I can't see my XML file when using 
as you mentioned ealier.

Basically I have:

in my Registry file:


a XML file (/WEB-INF/xml/data.xml):

a DTD file (/WEB-INF/dtd/mydtd.dtd)

a XLS file (/WEB-INF/xsl/convert.xsl)

Any idea?


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I have an xml file that is coming from some URL.
I have my own XSL file to convert it and show it inside a portlet.
Anybody know how to do this?
sangam dash

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XML Parsing

2002-12-12 Thread Sangam Dash

I have a XML file that is coming from website having some 
information in it.
I want to parse it and show it inside a portlet.
Does anybody know how to do that using any available portlets in Jetspeed?
Sangam Dash

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Access other website in a portlet?

2002-12-12 Thread Sangam Dash
Does anybody know how to access amazon web services from a portlet?
or how to link a portlet to access any other websites' news stuff or 
some valuable information to show inside a portlet in personal website?
sangam dash

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Re: Moving from b1 to b2

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
David Sean Taylor wrote:


-Original Message-
From: Werner Punz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 8:45 AM
Subject: Moving from b1 to b2

Hi has anyone already successfully moved an existing project from b1 to


There are three issues that I know of.

1. new column on TURBINE_USER table:


2. Torque upgrade. See

3. if you're using the Hypersonic SQL db, the primary key id columns have
been changed to auto-increment

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I got it working

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Java Source

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash

I am all set with jetspeed and some custom changes for my website
Thanks for all your help
Now i am trying to create more custom classes inside java for jetspeed
does somebody know how to create custom controllers and custom controls
does anybody know which java files handles issues like login logout and 
then control permissions for a user?
Sangam Dash

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Re: Problems with jetspeed 1.4-b2

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
Bill Weir wrote:


I had this a couple times. Although I don't understand what the problem is,
or why my solution helped, I did the following:

1. do a
2. do a
3. wait a moment (ie be patient)
4. Check to see if jetspeed.war is untarred to directory jetspeed. If so,
check to see what's in jetspeed/WEB-INF. On a couple occasions I found only
a conf directory in there with a couple of files. Clearly you also need
lib/*, and so on. Each time I fixed this by touching jetspeed.war so it's
more recent than the jetspeed directory, then doing a and

Why the war doesn't completely "jar xv" is what I don't understand.



-Original Message-
From: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 1:52 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Problems with jetspeed 1.4-b2

i built the jetspeed 1.4-b2 from source code
then i copied the jetspeed.war file to tomcat/webapps directory
but when i tried to access http://localhost:8080/jetspeed it gives me
page cant be found
somebody knows whats going on?
i am using tomcat 4.0.6
and jdk1.4
sangam dash

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jetspeed 1.4-b2 is working and its working on tomcat 4.0.6

sangam dash

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2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
i successfully access jetspeed 1.4b2
but a lot of times i am getting this exception
though it doesnt affect the flow of the pages but still dont understand 
why this happens?

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current state = FLUSHED, new state = 

   at java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder.encode(
   at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.close(
org.apache.catalina.connector.ResponseBase.finishResponse(Unknown Sou
known Source)
org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpProcessor.process(Unknown Sour
please help me
sangam dash

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Problems with jetspeed 1.4-b2

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
i built the jetspeed 1.4-b2 from source code
then i copied the jetspeed.war file to tomcat/webapps directory
but when i tried to access http://localhost:8080/jetspeed it gives me 
page cant be found
somebody knows whats going on?
i am using tomcat 4.0.6
and jdk1.4
sangam dash

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Re: Build Source Code

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
Glen Carl wrote:

Once you have ant installed.
Change directory to jakarta-jetspeed/build
Execute: ant war
The jetspeeed.war will be found in jakarta-jetspeed/bin

The jakarta-jetspeed directory is the root level directory after you 


Sangam Dash wrote:

do you know any good tutorial on ant or how to build jetspeed source 
on ant?

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I need to change something in the properties files like which is inside the jetspeed-1.4b1.jar file?
so if i change it and build the source using ant then i can just use the 
newly created jar file?
or how doesit work?
or everytime i change something i need to use the newly created war file?
sangam dash

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Re: Build Source Code

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
Glen Carl wrote:

Once you have ant installed.
Change directory to jakarta-jetspeed/build
Execute: ant war
The jetspeeed.war will be found in jakarta-jetspeed/bin

The jakarta-jetspeed directory is the root level directory after you 


Sangam Dash wrote:

do you know any good tutorial on ant or how to build jetspeed source 
on ant?

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when i build it using ant it crated a jar file in the bin folder.
is that what i need to use for the changes i made to the source code or 
the properties file?

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Re: Build Source Code

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
Glen Carl wrote:

Once you have ant installed.
Change directory to jakarta-jetspeed/build
Execute: ant war
The jetspeeed.war will be found in jakarta-jetspeed/bin

The jakarta-jetspeed directory is the root level directory after you 


Sangam Dash wrote:

do you know any good tutorial on ant or how to build jetspeed source 
on ant?

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i build the jetspeed successfully..
thanks a lot for the help
i did only ant without war
what difference does it make?

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Re: Build Source Code

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
Glen Carl wrote:

Once you have ant installed.
Change directory to jakarta-jetspeed/build
Execute: ant war
The jetspeeed.war will be found in jakarta-jetspeed/bin

The jakarta-jetspeed directory is the root level directory after you 


Sangam Dash wrote:

do you know any good tutorial on ant or how to build jetspeed source 
on ant?

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I got it
so everytime i need some change in the source code i need to build it 
using ant and replace the war file?
but i need only the jetspeed.jar file?
so for that what do i need to do?

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Re: Build Source Code

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
Glen Carl wrote:

Once you have ant installed.
Change directory to jakarta-jetspeed/build
Execute: ant war
The jetspeeed.war will be found in jakarta-jetspeed/bin

The jakarta-jetspeed directory is the root level directory after you 


Sangam Dash wrote:

do you know any good tutorial on ant or how to build jetspeed source 
on ant?

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I downloaded this file jetspeed-1.4b1-release-src
should i build from this ?
i have already installed ant on my machine
if i build it from here where the jetspeed-1.4b1.jar file will go so 
that i can use this jar file instead of the binary distributed jar file?
sangam dash

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Re: Customization of Login Screen, Messages

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
Jeffrey Castro wrote:

I'm a newbie to Jetspeed, I downloaded the CHEF demo which is based on Jetspeed. I would like to know how can I change Create New User form, since I saw the login.vm file and there are some things that to me are not quite understandable in terms of velocity. Can you point me in the right direction?


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if you dont know velocity you need to learn it
otherwise you can use jsp to change the pages
the default template jetspeed uses is vm i.e. velocity
you can change it by setting the
in the file
then you can use jsp to change anything you want
jsp is easier for me
but in the 1.4b1 all the functionality doesnt work for jsp
so be careful
sangam dash

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Re: Build Source Code

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
Glen Carl wrote:

Ant works great on Windows 2000. Learn ant, you will be much happier :-)

Sangam Dash wrote:


I want to change something in the jetspeed source code for my own 
I have installed eclipse now.
will that do?
or i need ant to do it?
is there any docs how to build the source?
or i need to check out from CVS?
i am on windows 2000 so i avoid using ant
please help me
sangam dash

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do you know any good tutorial on ant or how to build jetspeed source on ant?

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Build Source Code

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
can i build the source code and export it as a jar file instead of using 
the jetspeed-1.4b1.jar that comes with the binary?
could anybody tell me how to do it from the source?
sangam dash

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Build Source Code

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash

I want to change something in the jetspeed source code for my own use
I have installed eclipse now.
will that do?
or i need ant to do it?
is there any docs how to build the source?
or i need to check out from CVS?
i am on windows 2000 so i avoid using ant
please help me
sangam dash

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Re: Migrating from 1.4b1 to 1.4b2 : if you have trouble with olddatabase (users/profiles)

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
Aurélien Pernoud wrote:

- Original Message -
From: "David Sean Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In 1.4b1, Hypersonic used the ID_TABLE to gen new ids.
In 1.4b2, it uses the native method to gen new ids to be consistent with


databases supported by jetspeed.
Hypersonic's native method is to use an auto-increment column.

Unfortunately I don't have a good solution (yet).
You will need to reseed Hypersonic's id generator to be of a higher value
than the ids that are already in your system.
I haven't figured out a way to do this short of writing Java code.

For a quick fix, change your security-schema.xml back to using the


add the new column, and regenerate.
You must then add the new column to your hypersonic database in production
by edition jetspeed.script.

Finally, I don't think that the default Hypersonic DB is a good choice for


production system.
It basically persists SQL statements to a text file, and stores the db in
memory during runtime.
Have you looked at MySQL?

Oups, forgot to tell, I'm using Oracle... And I have the exception when
creating new user, but it worked fine to get old users profile, by altering
the existing turbine_user table and adding the "CHANGED_DATE" column

Did I did something wrong ? Did you succesfully migrate your existing
users/psml from 1.4b1 to 1.4b2 ?

Cause under Oracle I also had the ID_TABLE in 1.4b1, and it seemed to be

PS : sorry for the double mail, fucking outlook express at home didn't like
the "reply" button !

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do i need tomcat 4.1.11 and jdk1.4 for jetspeed 1.4b2?
i tried it doesnt work with tomcat 4.0.6

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Re: Anybody knows?

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
Carlos Orrego wrote:

I do not know if this is what you want, but yu could login programatically this way, it is pretty simple actually:

So basically you would have a link like this already build, when click it will login and take you to this users site. That's it.
hopefully it will help you

carlos orrego

-Original Message-
From: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 3:14 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Anybody knows?

Mark Orciuch wrote:


Fixed in 1.4b2.

Best regards,

Mark C. Orciuch
Next Generation Solutions, Ltd.


-Original Message-
From: Pierre Henry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 1:22 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: RE: Anybody knows?

Just to say, my maximize button also doesn't work when I use jsp
It does nothing or sometimes it causes a strange behavior : all
the buttons
(max, min, cust) on the page disappear...

I'm using 1.4b1



-Original Message-
From: Joe Barefoot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: lundi, 9. décembre 2002 19:51
To: Jetspeed Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Anybody knows?

Hi Sangam,

I don't know why your maximize button doesn't work with JSP
templates, but if you want to have a link to log someone in
as a default user, you can try the code below, this is how I
log in a default user when necessary:

// Use the code below in either a servlet or JSP to log in a
user to Jetspeed.  Make your link point to the servlet
// or JSP.

// you'll need these imports:
import org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader;
import org.apache.turbine.util.RunData;
import org.apache.turbine.util.RunDataFactory;

String username = // however you want to get a username
(request parameter, hard-coded, config file, whatever)
String password = // however you want to get a password

// request = HttpServletRequest
// response = HttpServletResponse
// config = ServletConfig
RunData runData = RunDataFactory.getRunData(request,
response, config);

// Log out the user first in case they are logged in under a
different user name:
ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLogoutUser" );

runData.getParameters ().setString ( "username", username );
runData.getParameters ().setString ( "password", password );
User user = runData.getUser();

// verify that the user is logged out before logging them in
if(user ==  null ||  !user.hasLoggedIn() )
  // Execute the login action.
  ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLoginUser" );

// redirect to the Jetspeed portal servlet
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/portal");



-Original Message-
From: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 10:42 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Anybody knows?


Does anybody know where the submit button Login points to if
you use vm
I mean i want to place a link on the default page when the
user clicks
on it the user should automatically be logged in and can see
a default page?

Is it possible?
PLease help me
when i am using vm as the default template service i am


confused with


the flow ?
sangam dash

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Can i login a user programatically using ( i mean when he clicks on a
link then he will directly be logged in to the system in this release?)
When i tried to that using a jsp page where the code was

// you'll need these imports:
import org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader;
import org.apache.turbine.util.RunData;
import org.apache.turbine.util.RunDataFactory;

String username = // however you want to get a username
(request parameter, hard-coded, config file, whatever)
String password = // however you want to get a password

// request = HttpServletRequest
// response = HttpServletResponse
// config = ServletConfig
RunData runData = RunDataFactory.getRunData(request,
response, config);

// Log out the user first in case they are logged in under a
different user name:
ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLogoutUser" );

runData.getParameters ().setString ( "username", username );
runData.getParameters ().setString ( "password", password );
User user

Re: Thanks

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
Jeffrey Owens wrote:

I've downloaded the source, built and done some initial configuration and everything looks great. It was quick and easy. The new tutorial is awesome, I've been messing around with Jetspeed for 6 months and already learned some of the lessons in that document, but there is a lot for me to learn there also. I just wanted to thank David, Raphael, Mark and any others who contributed for their hard work, it is very much appreciated.

Jeffrey Owens

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How can i download jetspeed source and build it and change some of the 
source code for my own use?
when i download the source and try to create a project in visual age it 
gives all compilation errors?
do you know what all jar files does it need to compile properly>
sangam dash

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Re: Anybody knows?

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
Mark Orciuch wrote:

Fixed in 1.4b2.

Best regards,

Mark C. Orciuch
Next Generation Solutions, Ltd.


-Original Message-
From: Pierre Henry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 1:22 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: RE: Anybody knows?

Just to say, my maximize button also doesn't work when I use jsp
It does nothing or sometimes it causes a strange behavior : all
the buttons
(max, min, cust) on the page disappear...

I'm using 1.4b1



-Original Message-
From: Joe Barefoot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: lundi, 9. décembre 2002 19:51
To: Jetspeed Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Anybody knows?

Hi Sangam,

I don't know why your maximize button doesn't work with JSP
templates, but if you want to have a link to log someone in
as a default user, you can try the code below, this is how I
log in a default user when necessary:

// Use the code below in either a servlet or JSP to log in a
user to Jetspeed.  Make your link point to the servlet
// or JSP.

// you'll need these imports:
import org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader;
import org.apache.turbine.util.RunData;
import org.apache.turbine.util.RunDataFactory;

String username = // however you want to get a username
(request parameter, hard-coded, config file, whatever)
String password = // however you want to get a password

// request = HttpServletRequest
// response = HttpServletResponse
// config = ServletConfig
RunData runData = RunDataFactory.getRunData(request,
response, config);

// Log out the user first in case they are logged in under a
different user name:
ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLogoutUser" );

runData.getParameters ().setString ( "username", username );
runData.getParameters ().setString ( "password", password );
User user = runData.getUser();

// verify that the user is logged out before logging them in
if(user ==  null ||  !user.hasLoggedIn() )
   // Execute the login action.
   ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLoginUser" );

// redirect to the Jetspeed portal servlet
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/portal");



-Original Message-
From: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 10:42 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Anybody knows?


Does anybody know where the submit button Login points to if
you use vm
I mean i want to place a link on the default page when the
user clicks
on it the user should automatically be logged in and can see
a default page?

Is it possible?
PLease help me
when i am using vm as the default template service i am

confused with

the flow ?
sangam dash

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Can i login a user programatically using ( i mean when he clicks on a 
link then he will directly be logged in to the system in this release?)
When i tried to that using a jsp page where the code was

// you'll need these imports:
import org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader;
import org.apache.turbine.util.RunData;
import org.apache.turbine.util.RunDataFactory;

String username = // however you want to get a username
(request parameter, hard-coded, config file, whatever)
String password = // however you want to get a password

// request = HttpServletRequest
// response = HttpServletResponse
// config = ServletConfig
RunData runData = RunDataFactory.getRunData(request,
response, config);

// Log out the user first in case they are logged in under a
different user name:
ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLogoutUser" );

runData.getParameters ().setString ( "username", username );
runData.getParameters ().setString ( "password", password );
User user = runData.getUser();

// verify that the user is logged out before logging them in
if(user ==  null ||  !user.hasLoggedIn() )
   // Execute the login action.
   ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLoginUser" );

// redirect to the Jetspeed portal servlet
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/portal");

it was not logging in the user...
Please help me out
sangam dash

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Re: log in user programmatically (was Anybody Knows?)

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
Luta, Raphael (VUN) wrote:

Why not simply write a custom SessionValidator that logs in as "anon"/"anon"
is use is not authenticated and has not given any login/password ?

Check Turbine documentation on how to use the SessionValidator and 
AccessController classes.


-Message d'origine-
De : Joe Barefoot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : mardi 10 décembre 2002 03:14
À : Jetspeed Users List (E-mail)
Cc : Sangam Dash
Objet : log in user programmatically (was Anybody Knows?)

I don't know what's wrong either, Sangam, it works fine for 
me...has anyone else tried programmatically logging in a user 
using a JSP/Servlet?

FYI, this is what he's trying to do (I do this with Jetspeed 
integrated into our web app., and it works, but doesn't for 
Sangam for some reason...could be some sort of 
session-related issue?):

Jetspeed layout page has link -> JSP/Servlet (logs in user) 
-> Jetspeed home page (for user just logged-in)


Thanks a lot for the help
now clients and partners and other users can login
but once they login how to control them so that they cant add new 
portlets to the pages as these are for the general clients 

not for a 

particular client
do you know how to do that?
sangam dash





in the login.jsp if i use your code
both the time it gives me username and password as anon anon
i dont know whats wrong
if you can think of something please let me know
sangam dash


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hi Luta

Could u explain a bit more how to use this?
I am in definite need for any help
where is the documentation
sangam dash

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Re: Anybody knows?

2002-12-11 Thread Sangam Dash
Pierre Henry wrote:

Just to say, my maximize button also doesn't work when I use jsp templates.
It does nothing or sometimes it causes a strange behavior : all the buttons
(max, min, cust) on the page disappear...

I'm using 1.4b1



-Original Message-
From: Joe Barefoot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: lundi, 9. décembre 2002 19:51
To: Jetspeed Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Anybody knows?

Hi Sangam,

I don't know why your maximize button doesn't work with JSP 
templates, but if you want to have a link to log someone in 
as a default user, you can try the code below, this is how I 
log in a default user when necessary:

// Use the code below in either a servlet or JSP to log in a 
user to Jetspeed.  Make your link point to the servlet
// or JSP.

// you'll need these imports:
import org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader;
import org.apache.turbine.util.RunData;
import org.apache.turbine.util.RunDataFactory;

String username = // however you want to get a username 
(request parameter, hard-coded, config file, whatever)
String password = // however you want to get a password

// request = HttpServletRequest
// response = HttpServletResponse
// config = ServletConfig
RunData runData = RunDataFactory.getRunData(request, 
response, config);

// Log out the user first in case they are logged in under a 
different user name:
ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLogoutUser" );

runData.getParameters ().setString ( "username", username );
runData.getParameters ().setString ( "password", password );
User user = runData.getUser();
// verify that the user is logged out before logging them in 		
if(user ==  null ||  !user.hasLoggedIn() )
   // Execute the login action.
   ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLoginUser" );

// redirect to the Jetspeed portal servlet
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/portal");



-Original Message-
From: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 10:42 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Anybody knows?


Does anybody know where the submit button Login points to if 
you use vm 
I mean i want to place a link on the default page when the 
user clicks 
on it the user should automatically be logged in and can see 
a default page?

Is it possible?
PLease help me
when i am using vm as the default template service i am 

confused with 

the flow ?
sangam dash

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the same thing here though

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Re: JSP as an action parameter

2002-12-09 Thread Sangam Dash
Javed Mahmud wrote:

Thanks Joe!
Is there any tutorial or documentation that can exactly explain how the
IFramePortlet works. I mean How is it different from JSP and Velocity
Portlets and the features you have mentioned how can they be utilized.



You can use an IFramePortlet if you want.  Then everything within it is
a separate request, refreshes separately.  You are free to submit forms
and handle that form submission however you like.  You may have an issue
with extra scroll-bars around your iframe though.



-Original Message-
From: Javed Mahmud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 4:56 PM
Subject: JSP as an action parameter

Hello all,
I have a question whether a JSP page can act as an action.
I have seen that action has to be mentioned in the tr.p file as
module.package. In my limited knowledge JSP cannot act as
action. Correct
me if I am wrong.
If this is right then what is the way out to use jsp.

Thank You

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You can try this one
   parent="IFramePortlet" application="false">
   Jetspeed Framed
   Navigate SomeSite within an IFRAME
   value=""; hidden="false"
   cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
and in the psml file just put the name JetspeedFramed
it will show up in the page

sangam dash

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Re: Anybody knows?

2002-12-09 Thread Sangam Dash
Sangam Dash wrote:

Sangam Dash wrote:

Joe Barefoot wrote:

For starters, print out the user name again after the login action 
(see below).  Also, you could try using the static methods in to log in 
instead, which may work better than the code below (have never tried 
it though):
JetspeedAuthentication.login(username, password);

<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/templates/jsp/tld/template.tld' 
prefix='jetspeed' %>

<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.*" %>
<%@ page import = 
"" %>
<%@ page import = "" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.RunDataFactory" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.RunData" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader" %>
String username = "turbine";

String password = "turbine";
RunData runData = RunDataFactory.getRunData(request, response, config);

ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLogoutUser" );

runData.getParameters ().setString ( "username", username );
runData.getParameters ().setString ( "password", password );
User user = runData.getUser();
// verify that the user is logged out before logging them in
System.out.println("The user name before login attempt is 

if(user ==  null ||  !user.hasLoggedIn() )
// Execute the login action.
ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLoginUser" );

System.out.println("The user name after login attempt is 

// redirect to the Jetspeed portal servlet
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/portal");


-Original Message-
From: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 4:00 PM
To: Joe Barefoot; Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Anybody knows?

Joe Barefoot wrote:


Shouldn't matter where the login.jsp file is

After clicking the link, does the link at the top right of 

the page say "Edit account:anon"? In other words, are you sure it's 
the anon user that's logged in?  If it is, it means that the login 
must be failing for some reason.  Check the log files not just for 
errors, but to see if Jetspeed is denying the login request, or 
ignoring it entirely.

Are you sure that the user/password are properly created in 

Jetspeed's database?

Try adding some debugging statements before and after the 

login action in your JSP:

User user = runData.getUser();
System.out.println("Jetspeed user:  " + user.getUserName());
System.out.println("user password:  " + user.getPassword();

This should tell you whether the user is getting logged in 

correctly or not.

If you still can't get this to work, you may have to ask if 

anyone else does this a different way, as this works in our 



thanks for the help
i am using vm as the template
what i did is crated a Login.jsp file with the code you sent me.
put that file in the jetspeed root folder.
crated a link href="Login.jsp" on the default page.
i am hard coding the username and password in the Login.jsp file.
so when i click on the link it goes to Login.jsp but shows up the 
default page for the user anon
there is a user folder also
and in think it automatically copies the psml file from the   

anon user  

should the login.jsp file be in some other folder or should it be 
in the vm template folder?
there is no error in the log files.
please help me



Login.jsp file has this code
but when i print the user name it prints anon everytime
is something wrong with the code?
please help me out
<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/templates/jsp/tld/template.tld' 
prefix='jetspeed' %>

<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.*" %>
<%@ page import = 
"" %>
<%@ page import = "" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.RunDataFactory" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.RunData" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader" %>
String username = "turbine";

String password = "turbine";
RunData runData = RunDataFactory.getRunData(request, response, 

ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLogoutUser" );

runData.getParameters ().setString ( "username", username );
runData.getParameters ().setString ( "password", password );
User user = runData.getUser();
// verify 

Re: Anybody knows?

2002-12-09 Thread Sangam Dash
Sangam Dash wrote:

Joe Barefoot wrote:

For starters, print out the user name again after the login action 
(see below).  Also, you could try using the static methods in to log in 
instead, which may work better than the code below (have never tried 
it though):
JetspeedAuthentication.login(username, password);

<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/templates/jsp/tld/template.tld' 
prefix='jetspeed' %>

<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.*" %>
<%@ page import = 
"" %>
<%@ page import = "" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.RunDataFactory" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.RunData" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader" %>
String username = "turbine";

String password = "turbine";
RunData runData = RunDataFactory.getRunData(request, response, config);

ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLogoutUser" );

runData.getParameters ().setString ( "username", username );
runData.getParameters ().setString ( "password", password );
User user = runData.getUser();
// verify that the user is logged out before logging them in
System.out.println("The user name before login attempt is 

if(user ==  null ||  !user.hasLoggedIn() )
// Execute the login action.
ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLoginUser" );

System.out.println("The user name after login attempt is 

// redirect to the Jetspeed portal servlet
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/portal");


-Original Message-
From: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 4:00 PM
To: Joe Barefoot; Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Anybody knows?

Joe Barefoot wrote:


Shouldn't matter where the login.jsp file is

After clicking the link, does the link at the top right of 

the page say "Edit account:anon"? In other words, are you sure it's 
the anon user that's logged in?  If it is, it means that the login 
must be failing for some reason.  Check the log files not just for 
errors, but to see if Jetspeed is denying the login request, or 
ignoring it entirely.

Are you sure that the user/password are properly created in 

Jetspeed's database?

Try adding some debugging statements before and after the 

login action in your JSP:

User user = runData.getUser();
System.out.println("Jetspeed user:  " + user.getUserName());
System.out.println("user password:  " + user.getPassword();

This should tell you whether the user is getting logged in 

correctly or not.

If you still can't get this to work, you may have to ask if 

anyone else does this a different way, as this works in our 


thanks for the help
i am using vm as the template
what i did is crated a Login.jsp file with the code you sent me.
put that file in the jetspeed root folder.
crated a link href="Login.jsp" on the default page.
i am hard coding the username and password in the Login.jsp file.
so when i click on the link it goes to Login.jsp but shows up the 
default page for the user anon
there is a user folder also
and in think it automatically copies the psml file from the   

anon user   

should the login.jsp file be in some other folder or should it be 
in the vm template folder?
there is no error in the log files.
please help me



Login.jsp file has this code
but when i print the user name it prints anon everytime
is something wrong with the code?
please help me out
<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/templates/jsp/tld/template.tld' 
prefix='jetspeed' %>

<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.*" %>
<%@ page import = 
"" %>
<%@ page import = "" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.RunDataFactory" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.RunData" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader" %>
String username = "turbine";

String password = "turbine";
RunData runData = RunDataFactory.getRunData(request, response, config);

ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLogoutUser" );

runData.getParameters ().setString ( "username", username );
runData.getParameters ().setString ( "password", password );
User user = runData.getUser();
// verify that the user is logged o

Re: Anybody knows?

2002-12-09 Thread Sangam Dash
Joe Barefoot wrote:

For starters, print out the user name again after the login action (see below).  Also, you could try using the static methods in to log in instead, which may work better than the code below (have never tried it though): 

JetspeedAuthentication.login(username, password);

<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/templates/jsp/tld/template.tld' 
prefix='jetspeed' %>

<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.*" %>
<%@ page import = 
"" %>
<%@ page import = "" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.RunDataFactory" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.RunData" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader" %>
String username = "turbine";

String password = "turbine";
RunData runData = RunDataFactory.getRunData(request, response, config);

ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLogoutUser" );

runData.getParameters ().setString ( "username", username );
runData.getParameters ().setString ( "password", password );
User user = runData.getUser();
// verify that the user is logged out before logging them in
System.out.println("The user name before login attempt is :"+user.getUserName());

if(user ==  null ||  !user.hasLoggedIn() )
// Execute the login action.
ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLoginUser" );

System.out.println("The user name after login attempt is :"+user.getUserName());

// redirect to the Jetspeed portal servlet
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/portal");


-Original Message-
From: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 4:00 PM
To: Joe Barefoot; Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Anybody knows?

Joe Barefoot wrote:


Shouldn't matter where the login.jsp file is

After clicking the link, does the link at the top right of 

the page say "Edit account:anon"? In other words, are you 
sure it's the anon user that's logged in?  If it is, it means 
that the login must be failing for some reason.  Check the 
log files not just for errors, but to see if Jetspeed is 
denying the login request, or ignoring it entirely.

Are you sure that the user/password are properly created in 

Jetspeed's database?

Try adding some debugging statements before and after the 

login action in your JSP:

User user = runData.getUser();
System.out.println("Jetspeed user:  " + user.getUserName());
System.out.println("user password:  " + user.getPassword();

This should tell you whether the user is getting logged in 

correctly or not.

If you still can't get this to work, you may have to ask if 

anyone else does this a different way, as this works in our 



thanks for the help
i am using vm as the template
what i did is crated a Login.jsp file with the code you sent me.
put that file in the jetspeed root folder.
crated a link href="Login.jsp" on the default page.
i am hard coding the username and password in the Login.jsp file.
so when i click on the link it goes to Login.jsp but shows up the 
default page for the user anon
there is a user folder also
and in think it automatically copies the psml file from the 

anon user 

should the login.jsp file be in some other folder or should 
it be in the 
vm template folder?
there is no error in the log files.
please help me





Login.jsp file has this code
but when i print the user name it prints anon everytime
is something wrong with the code?
please help me out
<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/templates/jsp/tld/template.tld' 
prefix='jetspeed' %>

<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.*" %>
<%@ page import = 
"" %>
<%@ page import = "" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.RunDataFactory" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.RunData" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader" %>
String username = "turbine";

String password = "turbine";
RunData runData = RunDataFactory.getRunData(request, 
response, config);

ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLogoutUser" );

runData.getParameters ().setString ( "username", username );
runData.getParameters ().setString ( "password", password );
User user = runData.getUser();
// verify that the user is log

Re: Anybody knows?

2002-12-09 Thread Sangam Dash
Joe Barefoot wrote:

Shouldn't matter where the login.jsp file is

After clicking the link, does the link at the top right of the page say "Edit account:anon"? In other words, are you sure it's the anon user that's logged in?  If it is, it means that the login must be failing for some reason.  Check the log files not just for errors, but to see if Jetspeed is denying the login request, or ignoring it entirely.

Are you sure that the user/password are properly created in Jetspeed's database?

Try adding some debugging statements before and after the login action in your JSP:

User user = runData.getUser();
System.out.println("Jetspeed user:  " + user.getUserName());
System.out.println("user password:  " + user.getPassword();

This should tell you whether the user is getting logged in correctly or not.

If you still can't get this to work, you may have to ask if anyone else does this a different way, as this works in our application...



thanks for the help
i am using vm as the template
what i did is crated a Login.jsp file with the code you sent me.
put that file in the jetspeed root folder.
crated a link href="Login.jsp" on the default page.
i am hard coding the username and password in the Login.jsp file.
so when i click on the link it goes to Login.jsp but shows up the 
default page for the user anon
there is a user folder also
and in think it automatically copies the psml file from the anon user 
should the login.jsp file be in some other folder or should 
it be in the 
vm template folder?
there is no error in the log files.
please help me




Login.jsp file has this code
but when i print the user name it prints anon everytime
is something wrong with the code?
please help me out
<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/templates/jsp/tld/template.tld' 
prefix='jetspeed' %>

<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.*" %>
<%@ page import = 
"" %>
<%@ page import = "" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.RunDataFactory" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.util.RunData" %>
<%@ page import = "org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader" %>
String username = "turbine";

String password = "turbine";
RunData runData = RunDataFactory.getRunData(request, response, config);

ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLogoutUser" );

runData.getParameters ().setString ( "username", username );
runData.getParameters ().setString ( "password", password );
User user = runData.getUser();
// verify that the user is logged out before logging them in
System.out.println("The user name is :"+user.getUserName());
if(user ==  null ||  !user.hasLoggedIn() )
// Execute the login action.
ActionLoader.getInstance ().exec( runData, "JLoginUser" );
// redirect to the Jetspeed portal servlet
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/portal");

sangam dash

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Anybody knows?

2002-12-09 Thread Sangam Dash

Does anybody know where the submit button Login points to if you use vm 
I mean i want to place a link on the default page when the user clicks 
on it the user should automatically be logged in and can see a default page?

Is it possible?
PLease help me
when i am using vm as the default template service i am confused with 
the flow ?
sangam dash

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Re: Customize portlets for anon user?

2002-12-09 Thread Sangam Dash
Joe Barefoot wrote:


Figured out your problem (I think):

Locate your file, should be in WEB-INF/conf:

Set the following property to * to give anonymous users all permissions.  Or, to give specific ones, the possible permissions are: view, customize, minimize, maximize, close, info, detach.  I assume you use comma-delimited string to specify multiple, never tried it:

This should give you the ability to customize portlets as anon user.

Then set this other property to false:

This should give you the action icons for each portlet.

Note that anyone who doesn't have a user name is an anon user, so customization changes will be applied for all non-registered users.


P.S.  This info (and more) can be found at:


-Original Message-
From: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 12:27 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Customize portlets for anon user?

Jim Arnott wrote:



Can i customize the portlets for the anon user?
Are there any settings that i have to set for this one?



Sure, just login as anon and customize away.

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when i login as anon and try to customize the portlets it 
says you dont 
have permission to see this portlet? how can i change the permission?
The other question i have is how can show the minimize and maximnize 
buttons on the top right hand corner of the portlet so that the users 
can maximize or minimize the portlets without logging in?

sangam dash

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Thanks a lot
before i tried it but i cant specify only maximize and minimize actions 
to the user, as when i do this 


it shows customize action also which i dont want.
i want the user only to maximize or minimize the portlets.
so thats the other problem
if i dont do this one


and only use

services.JetspeedSecurity.permission.default.anonymous=maximize, minimize 
it doesnt work

anyway thanks a lot for the help
can you help with someother things?

here is the thing that i want to do

I need some urgent help here.

I am using jetspeed to build my own website.

I am using vm as default template as if i use jsp the portlets dont get 
maximized. anybody know the reason for this?

Anyway vm works fine for me.

I have a default page for the anon user which comes fine.

I need to place a link on the default page by the side of the login say 
client., when the user clicks on this link he should go to another 
default page and see the cleint stuff there.

so when he clicks on this link he should be logged in to system say as a 
default client and see the genreral client stuff in there.

So how should i create another default client user?

The link should point to where?>

and how can i login the derfault client to the system once he clicks on 
the client link?

I find velocity very difficult to follow as i am used to jsp?

can this things be done using jsp as the default template?

please help me out

thannks for all of your's help

sangam dash

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Hi can crate another default user?

2002-12-09 Thread Sangam Dash

I need some urgent help here.
I am using jetspeed to build my own website.
I am using vm as default template as if i use jsp the portlets dont get 
maximized. anybody know the reason for this?
Anyway vm works fine for me.
I have a default page for the anon user which comes fine.
I need to place a link on the default page by the side of the login say 
client., when the user clicks on this link he should go to another 
default page and see the cleint stuff there.
so when he clicks on this link he should be logged in to system say as a 
default client and see the genreral client stuff in there.
So how should i create another default client user?
The link should point to where?>
and how can i login the derfault client to the system once he clicks on 
the client link?
I find velocity very difficult to follow as i am used to jsp?
can this things be done using jsp as the default template?
please help me out
thannks for all of your's help

sangam dash

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Re: Customize portlets for anon user?

2002-12-06 Thread Sangam Dash
Jim Arnott wrote:


Can i customize the portlets for the anon user?
Are there any settings that i have to set for this one?


Sure, just login as anon and customize away.

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when i login as anon and try to customize the portlets it says you dont 
have permission to see this portlet? how can i change the permission?
The other question i have is how can show the minimize and maximnize 
buttons on the top right hand corner of the portlet so that the users 
can maximize or minimize the portlets without logging in?

sangam dash

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Customize portlets for anon user?

2002-12-06 Thread Sangam Dash

Can i customize the portlets for the anon user?
Are there any settings that i have to set for this one?

sangam dash

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Can i create some more guest users?

2002-12-05 Thread Sangam Dash

I have been using jetspeed since last one month.
I get a lot of help from u guys so very thankful to you.
This time i need something like this
Please help me out...
I want to create some default users like anon which i did after logging 
in aas Admin.
But i need to put a link on my default home page for user anon so that 
the other users like clients or partners when click on that link will go 
to their default pages, but without logging in.
I did create clients and partners as guest users so that they dont need 
logging in to the system.
But i dont understand how should i link them to their default pages?
like the index.jsp page is the default page for the user anon the same 
way i need to link the user clients to the client.jsp and partners to 
partners.jsp page.
Can i do that someway you guys know?
Please help me out
Thanks a lot for all your help.
sangam dash

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Re: Maximize IFramePortlet

2002-12-05 Thread Sangam Dash

I have been using jetspeed since last one month.
I get a lot of help from u guys so very thankful to you.
This time i need something like this
Please help me out...
I want to create some default users like anon which i did after logging 
in aas Admin.
But i need to put a link on my default home page for user anon so that 
the other users like clients or partners when click on that link will go 
to their default pages, but without logging in.
I did create clients and partners as guest users so that they dont need 
logging in to the system.
But i dont understand how should i link them to their default pages?
like the index.jsp page is the default page for the user anon the same 
way i need to link the user clients to the client.jsp and partners to 
partners.jsp page.
Can i do that someway you guys know?
Please help me out
Thanks a lot for all your help.
sangam dash

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Re: Maximize IFramePortlet

2002-12-05 Thread Sangam Dash
Joe Barefoot wrote:

There are extra parameters for this, that you include in the registry entry for your portlet.  Note that the html  tag which is generated accepts percentage (of the available area) values for the width, but not for the height.  The height must be specifed in pixel values or omitted entirely.  I'm not sure what the default height is if it is omitted as a parameter.

FYI, a height of 500 is about half the screen on most screen resolutions.


-Original Message-
From: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 3:39 PM
To: jetspeed-user-digest-help; Jetspeed Users List; jetspeed-dev-help
Subject: Maximize IFramePortlet


Is there anyway that i can maximize the IFramePortlets for 
the anon user 
as we can do for the turbine user?

Please tell me how to that?

I am also confused with the rss files.
What are those files and why they are used?

THanks for the help i have started on jetspeed last month and 
has made a 
lot of progress till now so happy with this user group thanks for 

Sangam Dash

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I have added some IFramePortlets on for the default anon user which 
shows up in my home page.
When i do the same thing for the turbine user those portlets have 
minimize maximize and customize buttons on the top right hand corner of 
the portlet but i cant see the same buttons for the anon user's page?
Are there any  parametrs i have to specify in somewhere?
sangam dash

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Re: Maximize IFramePortlet

2002-12-05 Thread Sangam Dash
Joe Barefoot wrote:

There are extra parameters for this, that you include in the registry entry for your portlet.  Note that the html  tag which is generated accepts percentage (of the available area) values for the width, but not for the height.  The height must be specifed in pixel values or omitted entirely.  I'm not sure what the default height is if it is omitted as a parameter.

FYI, a height of 500 is about half the screen on most screen resolutions.


-Original Message-
From: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 3:39 PM
To: jetspeed-user-digest-help; Jetspeed Users List; jetspeed-dev-help
Subject: Maximize IFramePortlet


Is there anyway that i can maximize the IFramePortlets for 
the anon user 
as we can do for the turbine user?

Please tell me how to that?

I am also confused with the rss files.
What are those files and why they are used?

THanks for the help i have started on jetspeed last month and 
has made a 
lot of progress till now so happy with this user group thanks for 

Sangam Dash

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To unsubscribe, e-mail:   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Actually on the default user's page the icons like customize and 
maximize or minimize doesnot come on the top right corner of the 
So can it be done only including these parameters?
And also if you maximize the portlets will the frame size become fit to 
the window?
sangam dash

Maximize IFramePortlet

2002-12-05 Thread Sangam Dash

Is there anyway that i can maximize the IFramePortlets for the anon user 
as we can do for the turbine user?

Please tell me how to that?

I am also confused with the rss files.
What are those files and why they are used?

THanks for the help i have started on jetspeed last month and has made a 
lot of progress till now so happy with this user group thanks for 

Sangam Dash

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Hi Can I maximize the IFrame portlets on the main user page?

2002-12-05 Thread Sangam Dash

Can i maximize the IFramePortlets on the default anon user's page?
And for the IFramePrtlets can i change the size of the portlet when i
maximize the portlet.

Please help me out.

Sangam Dash

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Change the size of the IFramePortlet?

2002-12-02 Thread Sangam Dash

How to change the size of the IFramePortlet?

sangam dash

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Can I have a different Controller?

2002-12-02 Thread Sangam Dash

Can i have a Grid Bag Layout of thing while arranging the portlets on a

What are all the controllers available right now in jetspeed except
OneColumn TwoColumns ThreeColumns and CardPortletController?
Can i have the same way a GridBag Layout sort of controller?
so that i can have a row first and then below it two columns?

sangam dash

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New User Please Help me

2002-11-27 Thread Sangam Dash

I have just started using jetsped i could able to add my website pages as
default portlets but now i need something more...

1.Once somebody logs in i need to show yahoo as a portlet so that the user
can login to yahoo but the page should run inside the portlet or when he
maximizes the portlet he can see his yahoo mails or yahoo personal folders
inside the same portlet or same window.
Is it possible ?
Please tell me how to start for that?

2. Is it possible that i can change the content of any portlet dynamically?
I mean the user can add some website URL and when he comes again to see it
the URLs show up in the portlet space.
Please help me out
sangam dash

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Re: New to this group please help me

2002-11-19 Thread Sangam Dash
Thanks a lot Steve.
All the best for your job search.
i have few questions too, please take your own time to answer these
what i did was copied the jetspeed folder under webapps with a different
name say mywebsite.
then i changed the logo.gif file
then where shud i put all my html files?
what exactly shud i change in the psml files?
please help me out whenever u have time.
thanks a lot
sangam dash
- Original Message -
From: "Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: New to this group please help me

> Depending on the corporate website, this is difficult to answer in one
> email - especially since your strategy greatly agrees on the current
> layout. I have converted a couple of websites to the Jetspeed
> framework. Its been a few months, but I do not believe Jetspeed
> has changed in that time to affect my procedure.
> The first thing I usually do is modify the page template to match the
> existing layout of the company site. This helps you to imagine what
> the site is going to look like.
> Next, create the psml's for the portlets. For each page from your
> original website, create a HTMLportlet.
> Now, use Jetspeed's customization functions to setup the menus and
> pages. Does the layout use the traditional
> layout of a menu across the top of the page to different "areas", then
> a different menu down the left depending on the area entered?
> If so, I would setup a tab pane where each selection is your "area"
> menu for the top of the page. Under each tab, add another tab pane
> which has your left menu choices for a given area.  Finally, to each
> of the second tabs, add a single html portlet which contains the page
> you want to display. When all is done, change each of the 2nd-level
> tabs into a menu tab. can be tricky because there is - or there was -
> a bug where once you added a portlet to a 2nd-level tab, you could
> not modify any tabs that followed it.
> If you have any questions, ask and I will help as best I can. I am quite
> busy these days looking for a job, so I will do my best to help
> when I can.
> Steve Belt
> - Original Message -
> From: "Sangam Dash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 4:38 PM
> Subject: New to this group please help me
> > Hi
> >
> > I am a new user just trying to use Jetspeed to develop a portal for my
> > company.
> > We already have a website, which needs to be changed to a portal so that
> we
> > can have different portlets for our clients and partners.
> > I dont know how to start out with.
> > Should i copy the existing html files in some directory or should i have
> to
> > convert every html files to reflect portal framework.
> > I was thinking to copy the whole website folder to some place in tomcat
> > jetspeed folder and then use the portlet development framework to add
> > portlets to my portal.
> > I am really confused to start out with it.
> > Please help me out.
> > Thanks
> > sangam dash
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "David Sean Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 9:27 AM
> > Subject: RE: Jetspeed and OpenLDAP
> >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: Heine, Christian (Extern) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > > Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 12:50 AM
> > > > To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
> > > > Subject: Jetspeed and OpenLDAP
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Hi all,
> > > >
> > > > perhaps my question looks like realy similar, but i've searched
> > > > the mailing
> > > > list and dosn't found any usefull solution.
> > > >
> > > > I must implements for my organisation a Jetspeed Portal. The
> > > > implementation
> > > > of Jetspeed works fine (V1.4.1). Now i should combine Jetspeed with
> > > > LDAP-Server, prefered OpenLDAP,
> > > > my question is how can i combine Jetspeed with OpenLDAP?
> > > >
> > > > I know that someone have solved that problem, but i haven't found
> > > > usefull HowTo or examples to do it. It is realy importand for me
> > > > to know how
> > > > i could realize that, thx for any help.
> > > >
> >

Re: Display error with AggregatePortlet

2002-11-19 Thread Sangam Dash
Hi I am very new to this group...please help me out.
How to crate a new portal using jetspeed so that the default page will show
up as my own page.
sangam dash

- Original Message -
From: "Luc Dewavrin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 5:57 AM
Subject: Display error with AggregatePortlet

> Hi,
>i am using Aggregate portlets in most of my portal
> pages and i get a display error when i click on
> portlet action => the tab ( with panes links)
> disappears.
> The URL of portlet actions are constructed with the
> following pattern:
> http:/// context>/portal/group/Public/media-type/html/page/ Pane>/js_peid/?action=
>  is for example controls.Maximize
> Actually, i use an aggregate portlet to have some
> ( one for each pane) commons to multiple users. When
> theses PSML are changed by a webmaster, the changes
> are reflected to all users.
> Is the display bug( with aggregate portlets) a known
> issue? Should i not use any aggregate portlet? If so,
> do you have any replacements?
> Thanks,
> Luc
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New to this group please help me

2002-11-19 Thread Sangam Dash

I am a new user just trying to use Jetspeed to develop a portal for my
We already have a website, which needs to be changed to a portal so that we
can have different portlets for our clients and partners.
I dont know how to start out with.
Should i copy the existing html files in some directory or should i have to
convert every html files to reflect portal framework.
I was thinking to copy the whole website folder to some place in tomcat or
jetspeed folder and then use the portlet development framework to add
portlets to my portal.
I am really confused to start out with it.
Please help me out.
sangam dash

- Original Message -
From: "David Sean Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 9:27 AM
Subject: RE: Jetspeed and OpenLDAP

> > -Original Message-
> > From: Heine, Christian (Extern) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 12:50 AM
> > To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
> > Subject: Jetspeed and OpenLDAP
> >
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > perhaps my question looks like realy similar, but i've searched
> > the mailing
> > list and dosn't found any usefull solution.
> >
> > I must implements for my organisation a Jetspeed Portal. The
> > implementation
> > of Jetspeed works fine (V1.4.1). Now i should combine Jetspeed with a
> > LDAP-Server, prefered OpenLDAP,
> > my question is how can i combine Jetspeed with OpenLDAP?
> >
> > I know that someone have solved that problem, but i haven't found any
> > usefull HowTo or examples to do it. It is realy importand for me
> > to know how
> > i could realize that, thx for any help.
> >
> Hi Christian,
> There are several of us working on cleaning up the LDAP implementation in
> Jetspeed cvs.
> I just received a patch and documentation from Suhail for configuration
> Jetspeed LDAP Security Service with OpenLDAP.
> Hope to get it reviewed and checked in over the next day or two.
> David
> --
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