Is Jetspeed a good solution?

2003-01-28 Thread Stephen Townsend

We have determined that Jetspeed is a candidate for use as our portal. This
determination was made by:

1. It was quickly implemented and tailored for a demonstration.

2. There is a migration path to a commercial portal. JetSpeed's API was the
basis for WebSphere. Should there ever be a need for a commercial portal, a
conversion to Websphere is feasible.

3. The activity in this mailing list is indicative of possible support.

Firstly does this make senses? As well, is there anything else one should

I also wish to quickly identify any gotchas in the use of Jet Speed as
portal for a business. We are targeting Jetspeed as a possible solution for
different user groups: 100's, 1000's 10,000's of users. Where does jetspeed
top out on load, and what productions sites are actually using JetSpeed?

Also, please indicate any major plus' or minus' on the use of Jetspeed.

Thank you.


RE: Can't get Jetspeed running on JBoss

2002-11-13 Thread Stephen Townsend
I've had trouble getting Jetspeed to work with JBOss/Jetty, JBoss/Tomcat,
and Tomcat. The problem was resolved with the placement of the
activation.jar into the classpath for jetspeed.

Doing this resolved all issues. After find this I was able to even grab the
latest from cvs to build and run jetspeed successfully.

Hope this Helps.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 11:42 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: RE: Can't get Jetspeed running on JBoss


i've also posted my problem at the jboss-user mailing list and there
i've got an solution, please see:

this works really fine.

>-- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --
>Reply-To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: "Michael F. Collins, III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "'Jetspeed Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Can't get Jetspeed running on JBoss
>Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 05:59:08 -0800
>Jetspeed does not appear to like Catalina when running in an application
>server. I've never been able to get it to work and many people have
>emailed me with the same problems. The same problem exists in the Sun
>J2EE reference implementation. One person reported that he got it to
>work by disabling any security policies in effect, but I have not
>validated that independently as it was not a desirable solution for me.
>I recommend that you switch to the Jboss/Jetty combination. Jetty does
>not appear to have any of the problems present in Catalina and you
>should have no problem getting Jetspeed to run.
>-Original Message-
>Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 1:06 AM
>Subject: Can't get Jetspeed running on JBoss
>I have to run jetspeed on JBoss, but when is deploy jetspeed, i get the
>following exception:
>I've deployed with "JBoss 3.0.3-tomcat-4.1.x" and various versions of
>jetspeed (1.3.x - 1.4.x). I also read other threads regarding to my
>problem in jboss- / jetspeed- mail archives, but none of all the hints
>did really help to solve my problem. Most of jetspeed-users in this
>threads suggests to remove certain "libs from jetspeed.war, copy some to
>jboss/server/lib...". But i guess my problem isn't an library conflict.
>So, if anyone has
>jetspeed running on jboss 3.0.x, please share your knowledge to me, who
>to deploy jetspeed.
>with kind regards & many thanks
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