Setting portlet state as Maximized in xreg or psml

2003-11-24 Thread akadyshevich

Spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to declare 
a portlet to have MAXIMIZED state by default.  I would like 
to use it as a popup selector that builds a list of choices
from a database table.  

I searched through mailing list and looked at Jetspeed source 
code - does not look like it is possible to set MAXIMIZED
state at declaration time.

Has anyone had any experience with implementing something 
like this?

Thank you in advance for your input.


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Re: Popup windows with Portlets

2003-11-11 Thread akadyshevich
We have a different popup implementation 
with hidden portlet popping up with a 
list for selection.

The difference is that after user make a 
selection, it transfers selected value via 
JavaScript to the browser windows that 
triggered the pop-up.  But there is no
implementation with communication between
portlets the way you described it.


- Original Message -
From: Kai Grossjohann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 10:28 am
Subject: Popup windows with Portlets

> "Igor, make it so that we can use popup windows with portlets!"
> "Yeth, marthther."
> I know that it is very difficult to make popup windows work with
> portlets.  But I gotta try.  The powers that be expressed their
> wishes...
> So is there any way at all for a popup window to communicate with the
> portlet?  I will need bidirectional communication.
> If it soothes you at all, I'll try to make it so that the popup
> behaves like a modal dialog, eg by telling the porlet to give 
> focus to
> the popup if there is a popup, using JavaScript.
> The idea goes like this: user clicks on icon to frob the search
> range.  The window does what windows aren't allowed to do in portal
> sites and shows two input fields to the user, start date and end
> date.  User frobs these two items, clicks okay.  The window
> disappears, and now the portlet session knows the new start/end dates.
> Hm.  In principle, one could imagine having two portlets, the search
> form portlet and the search range portlet.  The latter is normally
> minimized.  But if the user clicks on a special button in the search
> form portlet, the search range portlet is maximized (or restored, or
> something), allowing the user to enter the date.  After the user
> clicks submit, the search range portlet is minimized again, going back
> to the previous view.  The new search range is remembered in the
> portlet session.
> Would this work?
> I'd be happy about any suggestions you might have.
> Kai
> ---
> --
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Re: Please help with role based PSML usage

2003-11-07 Thread akadyshevich
Thank you for your reply, please see comments in-line.

> Make sure the following two properties are set in 
> services.Profiler.newuser.template=
Both of the above are set.

> If user_xyz has a psml page defined, you may try deleting it.  I 
> think the way the profiler works, it will pick up user-based psml 
> FIRST, and then look for role-based psml if no user psml exists.

If in = true,
when this new user logs out, new psml is created for the user
and saved on file system. This psml is cloned from role_abc with
all new unique portlet IDs generated by Jetspeed.
I delete the user psml file in psml browser in this case.

These are the steps and observed results of new user creation: 
Pre-condition: role_abc exists with role specific psml in place.
in = false.

In admin interface create new user. Keep it as disabled at the 
time of creation.

>From user browser edit user roles.  By default, Jetspeed asigns role user,
editor opens with this role selected.  Uncheck default role user, 
check role role_abc, save.

Check psml browser, there is no psml entry for new user.

Open new browser instance, login as new user. Page displayed
after user login represents correct layout for role_abc, BUT it appears 
that Jetspeed cloned psml layout defined for ROLE role_abc
as USER layout, because all URLs on the page represent 
references to portlets with new unique portlet IDs that 
represent user URLS like:
Menu Item URL:

If at this point I put in browser URL:

and refresh browser, the desired psml for ROLE role_abc is used 
to render the page and all URLs use pane and portlet IDs defined
in role_abc psml file.

I would like this behavior of loading role based psml layout to 
occur for the first page rendered for logged in user.  

Is it possible to do it?

Any suggestions/recommendations are welcome.

Thank you, 
Alex Kadyshevich

- Original Message -
From: Stuart Belden 
Date: Friday, November 7, 2003 7:39 am
Subject: Re: Please help with role based PSML usage

> Make sure the following two properties are set in 
> services.Profiler.newuser.template=
> If user_xyz has a psml page defined, you may try deleteing it.  I 
> think the way the profiler works, it will pick up user-based psml 
> FIRST, and then look for role-based psml if no user psml exists.
> Your initial form submit action doesn't get called because it's 
> calling a portlet that, at the time, doesn't exist in Jetspeed's 
> mind.  It seems counterintuitive, but I believe that's the case.
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/05/03 05:13PM >>>
> Hello,
> I know it is a pretty long post, but I really tried to 
> compress it to bare minimum.
> We would like to implement role based security and layout for our 
> portal.
> We auto generate xreg and psml files based on information
> defined in a document of a certain structure, with base Portlet
> IDs in xreg file and instance Portlet IDs in psml files
> generated based on some rule. We use instance portlet IDs
> from PSML files to construct URLs in JSP based portlets
> for form submit, etc. Majority of links reference OTHER portlets!
> The current setup:
> - user account user_xyz exists that has only one role role_abc
> - a psml file defined in WEB-INF/psml/role/role_abc/html/default.psml
> When user user_xyz logs in, the picture is:
> - rendered page with the proper layout defined in default.psml for 
> role role_abc.
> - all links of tabs and menu items reference unique (generated by 
> JetSpeed) portlet
> IDs instead of the ones that are defined in default.psml for 
> role_abc.(This is a problem for us!)
> - browser (IE) URL: http://localhost:8080/abc/portal 
> It looks like all links on the page are user URLs, not ROLE URLs.
> As example, TAB URL:
> http://localhost:8080/abc/portal/media-
> type/html/user/user_xyz/page/default.psml/js_pane/P-f8ad89196e-
> 10016 
> Menu Item URL:
> http://localhost:8080/abc/portal/media-
> type/html/user/user_xyz/page/default.psml/js_pane/P-f8ad89196e-
> 10006 
> Clicking on menu item brings properly rendered portlet with our 
> in html body that reference portlet IDs that we created and placed 
> into PSML file.
> Form submit URL that we construct looks like:
> Inst1PortletName is portlet name in our generated file 
> .../role/role_abc/html/default.psml.
> Form submit leads to page reload (without executing expected 
> action) with all URLs 
> on reloaded page being from WEB-
> INF/psml/role/role_abc/html/default.psml 
> - as we would like it to be.
> The other way to achieve loading of the main page with links as