Sometimes jetspeed is causing me pain - a sign for a good program :)

I am wondering what is this: I tried to extend the Jetspeed User, but
this did not work so far. I tried switching back to the "normal"
settings, thus I changed TR.prop file to the default settings, set back
my database to the old form, and switched back the entries for the
UserUpdateAction files. Nevertheless Jetspeed seems screwed :( 
When I try to edit/remove a user the UserForm screen would appear with
empty textfields, so no user object seems to be here, as well as the
mode (update/delete) cannot be retrieved - the $user and $mode variables
are null...However, the passed url seems correct. 
What might be causing that? 
And (even more important) what to do?

Has anybody out there extended a user by his own? 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With best regards

Markus Strauß
Krusche Lagertechnik AG
Schrannenplatz 6
85435 Erding
Tel.: 08122/18796-21
Fax.: 08122/18796-50

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