Re: using jetspeed with ejb

2003-01-28 Thread Stuart Belden
We call Jetspeed APIs from EJBs with no problem.  I don't know about the existence of 
a jaas login module.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/27/03 11:39AM >>>
I'd like to know if it is possible to call jetspeed APIs from an EJB to 
check authentication or authorization. if this is not possible, which is 
the way I should authenticate or authorize an user on EJB container? Is 
there a jaas login module or something like that?


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using jetspeed with ejb

2003-01-27 Thread Vittorio Fuccella
I'd like to know if it is possible to call jetspeed APIs from an EJB to 
check authentication or authorization. if this is not possible, which is 
the way I should authenticate or authorize an user on EJB container? Is 
there a jaas login module or something like that?


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