Re: Missing issue? - indexing

2016-03-03 Thread Rory O'Donnell


Sure, I will try to reach out to them.

If you or anyone on the list has contacts they can share with me that
would be great.


On 02/03/2016 21:54, wrote:

Message: 1
Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2016 11:05:33 -0800
From: Alex Buckley <>
To:, jigsaw-dev <>
Subject: Re: Missing issue? - indexing
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed


Could you please add Reflections and Scannotation to the Quality
Outreach effort?

The concern is not whether these tools understand the new JDK image or
the modulepath. The concern is whether these tools make assumptions
about the JDK's class loader hierarchy (Gradle was hit by this) and the
JDK classes loaded by each loader (Eclipse was hit by this).


On 3/2/2016 4:40 AM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:

Tools like Reflections [1], Scannotaions [2] and many more [3] provide
the ability to find instances of annotations on the classpath. They
also provide the ability to find subclasses of an interface. This kind
of tooling is commonly needed by Java EE. Different tools use
different approaches to gather the information, but it is definitely
something that could be captured when building a module. At the very
least, it is important to ensure that these tools continue to work.



Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Re: JOSM feedback on Java 7,8,9, including Jigsaw EA

2015-10-30 Thread Rory O'Donnell

On 30/10/2015 15:29, Vincent Privat wrote:

Following the recent inclusion of JOSM to the Quality Outreach list by 
the Adoption Group, we have compiled every single Java issue we have 
encountered, and reported when it was new, for the latest versions of 
Java, on a single page:

We will use this page to coordinate our communication efforts with 
you. Is it possible to add a link to it in the last column of the 
Quality Outreach table?
Added to the wiki, thanks for logging all these issues. I suggest you 
followup with the
relevant mailing lists to get specific feedback as you have done with 

The list currently contains 29 unresolved items and 18 resolved ones.

I won't go through all of them in this e-mail. Ideally we'd like to 
see all of them fixed in a future Java release but I will only focus 
on the most important ones.

Concerning Jigsaw:
- We have reported 3 bugs. All made it to the public JIRA: 8138878, 
8140477, 8140481. The second one is a bit problematic for our tests as 
it basically kills our Jenkins instance. I see the two other ones are 
understood/in progress. We will do more tests after we resolve the 
hanging problem.
- We'd like to know if it can be expected to see the 
package become a public JDK API, for example in We currently use it to generate a self-signed 
certificate in order to create a local https server. That's our only 
use of private JDK API.

Concerning Valhalla:
- I see some discussions about building the JDK with project Valhalla. 
Are you going to provide public Early Access builds like project Jigsaw?

Concerning the JIRA database:
- Is it possible to add the label "josm-found" to 
issues 8140481, 8139659, 8034224, 7158257, 7194099 ?
- Some issues didn't make it to the public JIRA and remained in the 
private bug database. Can we please have more information on them (why 
have they apparently been rejected)? The incident numbers 
are JI-9009025, JI-9010791, JI-9009449, JI-9008003.
- Is it expected to allow external people to have the possibility to 
subscribe to JDK issues?

I will take a look at these and come back to you.

Concerning our incoming migration from Java 7 to Java 8:
- I am concerned about three issues in Java2D/AWT on Linux. We have 
several duplicate bug reports for them: 6322854, 7172749, 8098530. Can 
we hope for a fix in a future update of Java 8?

- We had a terrible experience when trying to report a bug against 
JAXP. We detected a severe data corruption problem in StaX when 
dealing with Unicode SMP characters, so we reported it, including a 
sample Java program 100% reproducible, in January 2013 (JAXP-76 on <> JIRA). As no activity was visible on this 
JIRA instance, we tried to use the standard Java bug report, three 
times, without success, with incident numbers 2431783 
(2013-01-23), 2627098 (2013-10-28) and 9048481 (2014-11-28), without 
any answer. On 2014, November 29th we discovered by chance that the 
bug had finally been detected and fixed internally, as JDK-8058175 
(created and resolved in September 2014). We reported back to the 
public JAXP JIRA instance, again without any answer. 6 months later we 
finally got the ironic and laconic answer "Please report issues to the 
OpenJDK Bug System", which was exactly was we were trying to do for 2 
years! Can you please tell us why our bug reports were all silently 
ignored while the bug was real, and if is it still worth reporting 
bugs against JAXP? Thankfully we had far better experiences with other 
components of the JDK.

I will take a look for you and see what I can find.


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

JaCoCo feedback - Re: Project Jigsaw: Early-Access Builds available on

2015-09-18 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Evgeny,

Thanks for the feedback, glad to hear test suite is passing.

The additional size is expected during this testing/feedback period, 
builds include the JMOD files so that people can trying out the linker. 
They include the debug info files and finally bundles may not be 
compressed with the right options.

On 17/09/2015 23:34, Evgeny Mandrikov wrote:

Hi Rory,

We can't add JDK9 EA Jigsaw to our automated build matrix, because it 
doesn't cache jdk downloads and I noticed that size of distribution is 
significantly bigger than size of JDK9 EA - 500 Mb versus 100 Mb. I'm 
going to implement caching for build system, but is this increase 

During manual testing there were some issues with Maven, but seems 
that Maven team already takes care of them, and I was able to 
workaround them. So that our build and test suite passes without 

However I think that more closer look on JEPs is required to check 
potential side-effects for our users. Marc, maybe you already thought 
about this?

Best regards

On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 7:25 PM, Rory O'Donnell 
< <>> wrote:

Hi Evgeny,

Early-access builds of JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw are available for
download at <>.

The EA builds contain the latest prototype implementation of JSR
376 <>, the Java
Platform Module System,
as well as that of the JDK-specific APIs and tools described in
JEP 261 <>.

If you'd like to try out the EA builds, by far the most helpful
things you can do are:


Try to run existing applications, without change, on these
builds to see whether the module system, or the modularization
of the platform, breaks your code or identifies code that
depends upon JDK-internal APIs or other unspecified aspects of
the platform.


Experiment with the module system itself, perhaps by following
the quick start guide
<>, and
start thinking about how to migrate existing libraries and
application components to modules. We hope to publish some
specific migration tips shortly.

Please send usage questions and experience reports to the
<> list.
Specific suggestions about the design of the module system should
be sent to the JSR 376 Expert Group's comments list

For more information please seen Mark Reinhold's mail [1]



Rgds,Rory O'Donnell

Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Evgeny Mandrikov aka Godin <>

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Re: jigsaw EA feedback for Eclipse/JBoss Tools and WildFly

2015-09-11 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Thanks for the update Martin!

On 11/09/2015 08:30, Martin Malina wrote:
On 10. 9. 2015, at 15:41, Alan Bateman < 
<>> wrote:

On 10/09/2015 14:21, Rory O'Donnell wrote:
Martin - thanks for your feedback, not sure your email made it to 
the list without subscribing.

It will now, rgds Rory
On 10/09/2015 13:59, Martin Malina wrote:

I reported it here:

Thanks for forwarding. The interesting line seems to be:

13:03:04,020 ERROR [] (Controller Boot Thread) 
WFLYCTL0002: Error booting the container: 
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Class __redirected.__XMLInputFactory 
can not access a member of class (module java.xml) 
with modifiers "public", module java.xml does not export to 

So __redirected.__XMLInputFactory (WildFly?, generated?) is 
attempting to use Class.newInstance to instantiate This should fail 
with IllegalAccessException because is 
not exported. I can't tell where IllegalAccessError is coming from, 
maybe someone is catching IllegalAccessException and re-throwing it 
as an IllegalAccessError.

I assume using -XaddExports can be used to workaround this temporarily.

Hi Alan, thanks for your suggestion. But in this case it seems that 
our Eclipse tooling was at fault. Given the fact that it worked on 
command line, there must have been some difference which broke it in 
Eclipse. Rob seems to have found it and fixed it:



Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Re: jigsaw EA feedback for Eclipse/JBoss Tools and WildFly

2015-09-10 Thread Rory O'Donnell
Martin - thanks for your feedback, not sure your email made it to the 
list without subscribing.

It will now, rgds Rory
On 10/09/2015 13:59, Martin Malina wrote:


Today I tried out the early access build of jdk 1.9 with jigsaw [1]. I 
tried it with JBoss Developer Studio 9.0.0.CR1 nightly build [2] 
(based on Eclipse Mars) and while I didn't see any breakage in 
the tooling itself, I was not able to start WildFly 10 Beta2 [3] with 
this from Eclipse. It would start fine from command line.

I reported it here:

Rory O'Donnell encouraged me to share this with this list, so here you 
go :)

Note: I'm not subscribed to this mailing list, so please keep me in Cc 
if you have any questions.




Martin Malina
JBoss QA Engineer
Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
Purkynova 99
612 45 Brno, Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 532 294 265

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland