Re: Issue trying to use CORBA classes from javac

2016-06-08 Thread Alan Bateman

On 08/06/2016 10:16, Michael Musgrove wrote:

I have followed your (and Andrew's) advice and patched the java.corba 
module and updated my maven poms to use the patch and made good 
progress as a result, so thanks for your help here.

I do have another potential blocker: this time I (or rather the sun 
orb) need access to the inner class:


which has been removed from the jdk.unsupported module. I am unable to 
use the ReflectionFactory.getReflectionFactory() workaround suggested 
elsewhere because this usage is coming from the sun orb:

The Bridge code in the JDK ORB was changed some time ago to replace this 
usage. Is the "sun orb" code that you are using from an older JDK version?


Re: Issue trying to use CORBA classes from javac

2016-05-23 Thread Alan Bateman

On 23/05/2016 15:52, Andrew Dinn wrote:


Thanks to you and Sanders for the advice. The relevant packages now appear.

Could you explain how the disabled status of this module is arrived at
in the final build? Is it excluded from the standard visible set by
virtue of being listed in UPGRADEABLE_MODULES? I couldn't find anywhere
else where any different treatment might be applied.
The section entitled "Root modules" in JEP 261 is the section to read. 
It's essentially that the rather than is resolved by 
default when compiling code in the unnamed module or running and the 
initial class is loaded from the class path.

Hmm, perhaps -XaddExports requires a check to see that it does not add
any exports unless the module has also been added.
javac and java behave slightly differently for this case, it's something 
we need to fix.


However, we do interoperate with 2 other orbs and in those cases we 
currently provide the relevant CORBA classes via the classpath using 
-Xbootclasspath:p (which I have explained is no longer going to work). 
I think that this command line option was adopted merely in order to 
pre-empt the SE Corba classes in rt.jar. So, I am hoping that if we 
omit -addmod java.corba and add the alternatrive ORB jar to the system 
classpath then we will actually be safe. If you have reason to believe 
otherwise please let me know. Meanwhile, I'll get back to you if and 
when this turns into a packed lunch problem. Thanks for the help.
If you have complete replacement/upgrade for the java.corba module then 
you can deploy on it on the class path and it should work. Alternatively 
you can deploy it on the upgrade module path to upgrade/override the 
module in the JDK (`-upgrademodulepath mycorba.jar -addmods java.corba`).

On the other hand, if you adding to the JDK java.corba module then 
you'll need to use -Xpatch to augment or override what is in the JDK 
(`-Xpatch:java.corba=mycorbapatch.jar -addmods java.corba`).


Re: Issue trying to use CORBA classes from javac

2016-05-23 Thread Andrew Dinn
Hi Alan,

On 23/05/16 14:27, Alan Bateman wrote:
> As Sander said, compiling with `-addmods java.corba` will ensure that
> the java.corba module is resolved.

Thanks to you and Sanders for the advice. The relevant packages now appear.

Could you explain how the disabled status of this module is arrived at
in the final build? Is it excluded from the standard visible set by
virtue of being listed in UPGRADEABLE_MODULES? I couldn't find anywhere
else where any different treatment might be applied.

> That said, I'm puzzled as to why -XaddExports makes a difference here,
> also by some of the types mentioned in the compilation messages as they
> aren't types in the JDK java.corba module.

Hmm, perhaps -XaddExports requires a check to see that it does not add
any exports unless the module has also been added.

> It would help if you or Michael could summarize what org.omg.** classes
> are in the environment. We've had problems off-list with another app
> server in this area too. In that case, it was augmenting the CORBA
> version in the JDK with additional classes as part of adding support for
> OMG APIs that the JDK version doesn't support. I don't know if we've got
> something similar here. If so, then bring a packed lunch as it will be a
> long day :-)

Mike is currently checking this -- his tweaking of the maven poms during
testing may actually be responsible for some of the problems you
noticed. So, he is checking that before he can be sure that this
resolves the problems using the SE-provided orb. Essentially, for this
build, where we are using the SE ORB, there should be no other
org.omg.** classes in the env.

However, we do interoperate with 2 other orbs and in those cases we
currently provide the relevant CORBA classes via the classpath using
-Xbootclasspath:p (which I have explained is no longer going to work). I
think that this command line option was adopted merely in order to
pre-empt the SE Corba classes in rt.jar. So, I am hoping that if we omit
-addmod java.corba and add the alternatrive ORB jar to the system
classpath then we will actually be safe. If you have reason to believe
otherwise please let me know. Meanwhile, I'll get back to you if and
when this turns into a packed lunch problem. Thanks for the help.


Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
Registered in England and Wales under Company Registration No. 03798903
Directors: Michael Cunningham, Michael ("Mike") O'Neill, Eric Shander

Re: Issue trying to use CORBA classes from javac

2016-05-23 Thread Alan Bateman

On 23/05/2016 13:51, Andrew Dinn wrote:

Hi All,

Red Hat's Transactions developers are having problems compiling their
Corba-based code using the latest early access release of JDK9
(9-ea-b119). When the maven compiler plugin executes javac the compile
fails because various corba packages are not visible. These are /not/
classes belonging to concealed packages.

Some of the relevant error messages are shown in the first listing
following my sig.

Indeed, what is more strange is that we found that we could remedy the
first of these errors by adding an explicit addExports for the relevant
package to the javac arguments configured in the maven pom:


The second listing shows the difference this makes. Note that package
org.omg.CORBA is now recognised.

No doubt the same sort of fix would apply to remove the other errors but
I don't understand why the use of addExports is necessary. When I run
jmod describe on the java.corba module it tells me that org.omg.CORBA
etc are already exported. So, java.corba does not seem to be a special
sort of package different to all the others in the jmod dir.

Is there some hidden switch which disables exports for this module? If
so then is there a switch (equally as well hidden :-) which allows me to
re-instate them? If not then does anyone have any idea why are we seeing
these missing package errors?

n.b. please keep Mike Musgrove in the cc for any replies as he is not
subscribed to this list.

As Sander said, compiling with `-addmods java.corba` will ensure that 
the java.corba module is resolved.

That said, I'm puzzled as to why -XaddExports makes a difference here, 
also by some of the types mentioned in the compilation messages as they 
aren't types in the JDK java.corba module.

It would help if you or Michael could summarize what org.omg.** classes 
are in the environment. We've had problems off-list with another app 
server in this area too. In that case, it was augmenting the CORBA 
version in the JDK with additional classes as part of adding support for 
OMG APIs that the JDK version doesn't support. I don't know if we've got 
something similar here. If so, then bring a packed lunch as it will be a 
long day :-)


Re: Issue trying to use CORBA classes from javac

2016-05-23 Thread Sander Mak
Hi Andrew, Michael,

It's come up several times recently on this list, but this should clear up the 

In short: use `-addmods java.corba` when compiling as of 9-ea-b119.


On 23 May 2016, at 14:51, Andrew Dinn 
> wrote:

Hi All,

Red Hat's Transactions developers are having problems compiling their
Corba-based code using the latest early access release of JDK9
(9-ea-b119). When the maven compiler plugin executes javac the compile
fails because various corba packages are not visible. These are /not/
classes belonging to concealed packages.

Some of the relevant error messages are shown in the first listing
following my sig.

Indeed, what is more strange is that we found that we could remedy the
first of these errors by adding an explicit addExports for the relevant
package to the javac arguments configured in the maven pom:


The second listing shows the difference this makes. Note that package
org.omg.CORBA is now recognised.

No doubt the same sort of fix would apply to remove the other errors but
I don't understand why the use of addExports is necessary. When I run
jmod describe on the java.corba module it tells me that org.omg.CORBA
etc are already exported. So, java.corba does not seem to be a special
sort of package different to all the others in the jmod dir.

Is there some hidden switch which disables exports for this module? If
so then is there a switch (equally as well hidden :-) which allows me to
re-instate them? If not then does anyone have any idea why are we seeing
these missing package errors?

n.b. please keep Mike Musgrove in the cc for any replies as he is not
subscribed to this list.


Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
Registered in England and Wales under Company Registration No. 03798903
Directors: Michael Cunningham, Michael ("Mike") O'Neill, Eric Shander

Errors with no compiler X args:

[INFO] -
package org.omg.CORBA does not exist
package org.omg.CORBA does not exist
package org.omg.PortableServer does not exist
package org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage does not exist
package org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage does not exist

. . .

Errors after using -XaddExports:java.corba/org.omg.CORBA=ALL-UNNAMED

[INFO] -
package org.omg.PortableServer does not exist
package org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage does not exist
package org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage does not exist
package org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage does not exist
org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName is not visible because package
org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage is not visible

Issue trying to use CORBA classes from javac

2016-05-23 Thread Andrew Dinn
Hi All,

Red Hat's Transactions developers are having problems compiling their
Corba-based code using the latest early access release of JDK9
(9-ea-b119). When the maven compiler plugin executes javac the compile
fails because various corba packages are not visible. These are /not/
classes belonging to concealed packages.

Some of the relevant error messages are shown in the first listing
following my sig.

Indeed, what is more strange is that we found that we could remedy the
first of these errors by adding an explicit addExports for the relevant
package to the javac arguments configured in the maven pom:


The second listing shows the difference this makes. Note that package
org.omg.CORBA is now recognised.

No doubt the same sort of fix would apply to remove the other errors but
I don't understand why the use of addExports is necessary. When I run
jmod describe on the java.corba module it tells me that org.omg.CORBA
etc are already exported. So, java.corba does not seem to be a special
sort of package different to all the others in the jmod dir.

Is there some hidden switch which disables exports for this module? If
so then is there a switch (equally as well hidden :-) which allows me to
re-instate them? If not then does anyone have any idea why are we seeing
these missing package errors?

n.b. please keep Mike Musgrove in the cc for any replies as he is not
subscribed to this list.


Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
Registered in England and Wales under Company Registration No. 03798903
Directors: Michael Cunningham, Michael ("Mike") O'Neill, Eric Shander

Errors with no compiler X args:

[INFO] -
package org.omg.CORBA does not exist
package org.omg.CORBA does not exist
package org.omg.PortableServer does not exist
package org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage does not exist
package org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage does not exist

. . .

Errors after using -XaddExports:java.corba/org.omg.CORBA=ALL-UNNAMED

[INFO] -
package org.omg.PortableServer does not exist
package org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage does not exist
package org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage does not exist
package org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage does not exist
org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName is not visible because package
org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage is not visible
package org.omg.PortableServer does not exist
package org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage does not exist