Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-23 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Peter,

firstly: thank you *very* much again for your kind hints and help!

Ad Rexx and Java: the aim is to have Rexx (dynamically typed, caseless) behave 
1:1 like a compilable
and runnable Java program. Over the course of time I looked into ASM (many, 
many years ago) to add
the ability to create dynamically subclasses. In the meantime Janino is at play 
as I really needed
just the ability to create dynamically simple subclasses (again quite some time 
ago). This support
was needed to allow abstract Java methods (and Java interface classes) to be 
implemented in ooRexx.
It was also implemented such, that concrete Java classes can be subclassed at 
runtime as well
(supplying a list of Java methods that should be interceptable by Rexx methods, 
but still allow Rexx
to invoke the Java methods in superclasses).

The reflection infrastructure in the bridge has been developed over the course 
of more than 15
years. It worked until Java 1.8/8 (introduction of new static and default 
methods) unchanged for
many years. Now with Java 9 clearly the reflection part needs to be redone to 
work with Java 9 and I
take the opportunity to rewrite it altogether in a way (hoping) that the module 
related problems can
be solved via reflection only, such that I can also create stripped down 
versions of the rewritten
reflection part for Java 1.8/8 and another for Java 1.6/6 and 1.7/7. Hence my 
desire to stick to
reflection for the time being.

If that is not possible with some of the needed functionality then I would 
immediately turn to
MethodHandles and try to follow your advice.

The task of the bridge is in principle is to allow Java programs to be written 
in Rexx and when the
Rexx program executes it should execute as if it was a Java program (if that 
can be compiled and
run)! :) [The bridge allows Java to employ Rexx as a scripting language as 
well, implementing
Apache's BSF and Java's 1.6/6 javax.script.ScriptEngine and the like.]

The Java objects to work with reflectively are received by invoking Java 
methods so are out of
control of the bridge. All interactions with Java have been done using the Java 
reflection mechanism
(including with the dynamically created Java classes at runtime) since Java 1.1.

Again, thank you very much for your kind help and advice!


P.S.: Currently I have been tracing down accessing public fields in a 
superclass of a type which
package is exported from the unnamed module (Rexx reflection at this stage 
works out of the unnamed
module), but the superclass resides in a non-exported package. A Java program 
from the unnamed
module is able to access those public fields, doing the same with reflection 
has not been successful
yet. Will double-check the example and post it under a new thread (javac 9 
creates quite different
code for that Java program depending whether using the module or the classpath 
where the module
version uses MethodHandles; however both versions are able to access those 
public fields, which I
cannot access via reflection yet).

On 23.01.2018 08:10, Peter Levart wrote:
> Hi Rony,
> On 01/22/18 16:35, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> thank you *very* much also for your kind explanations and even coming up 
>> with agent code to
>> demonstrate how one could use that approach!
>> In fact I have been doing a static analysis in the past (since Java 1.1) to 
>> determine whether
>> members should be accessible to Rexx, restricting access to public members 
>> and to protected
>> inherited members, if accessing them from a dynamically created subclass.
> So you *are* loading dynamically generated subclasses. It's just that their 
> logic is implemented
> in Rexx scripting and therefore delegates invocations to Rexx runtime and 
> those invocations
> include invocations to protected methods of their superclasses.
> In that case, why don't you come up with some mechanism for dynamically 
> generated classes to hand
> over their Lookup(s) to Rexx runtime. For example, the Rexx runtime could 
> have the following
> public registration API:
> ---
> package runtime;
> import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
> import java.util.Map;
> import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
> public class LookupRegistry {
>     private static final Map registry =
>     new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
>     public static void register(MethodHandles.Lookup lookup) {
>     if (registry.putIfAbsent(lookup.lookupClass(), lookup) != null) {
>     throw new IllegalStateException(
>     "Lookup for " + lookup.lookupClass() + " is already 
> registered");
>     }
>     }
>     /* non-public */ static MethodHandles.Lookup getLookup(Class clazz) {
>     return registry.get(clazz);
>     }
> }
> ...then each Rexx dynamically generated class could include the following 
> static initialization block:
> public class GeneratedClass {
>     static {
>     runtime.LookupRegistry.register(

Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-22 Thread Peter Levart

Hi Rony,

On 01/22/18 16:35, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Hi Peter,

thank you *very* much also for your kind explanations and even coming up with 
agent code to
demonstrate how one could use that approach!

In fact I have been doing a static analysis in the past (since Java 1.1) to 
determine whether
members should be accessible to Rexx, restricting access to public members and 
to protected
inherited members, if accessing them from a dynamically created subclass.

So you *are* loading dynamically generated subclasses. It's just that 
their logic is implemented in Rexx scripting and therefore delegates 
invocations to Rexx runtime and those invocations include invocations to 
protected methods of their superclasses.

In that case, why don't you come up with some mechanism for dynamically 
generated classes to hand over their Lookup(s) to Rexx runtime. For 
example, the Rexx runtime could have the following public registration API:

package runtime;

import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

public class LookupRegistry {
    private static final Map registry =
    new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    public static void register(MethodHandles.Lookup lookup) {
    if (registry.putIfAbsent(lookup.lookupClass(), lookup) != null) {
    throw new IllegalStateException(
    "Lookup for " + lookup.lookupClass() + " is already 


    /* non-public */ static MethodHandles.Lookup getLookup(Class 
clazz) {

    return registry.get(clazz);

...then each Rexx dynamically generated class could include the 
following static initialization block:

public class GeneratedClass {
    static {

That way Rexx runtime could have access to Lookup(s) of each of it's 
dynamically generated classes as soon as they are loaded and initialized 
and can use a particular class's Lookup to lookup a MethodHandle for the 
protected methods of its superclass. It can even simulate a 
"super.method()" invocation, etc...

Regards, Peter

One thing I have to make sure is, that I keep compatible with the Java 1.6/6.0 
baseline, as there
are some deployments where the shops are still employing that environment. This 
should not really be
a problem as I am rewriting the entire reflection part and will be able to 
employ different
approaches for pre-Java 9 deplyoments, where the reflection class employed is 
dependent on the Java
runtime version.

Currently I am exploring the implications of the new Java 9 module system, 
trying to adhere to its
rules. In essence the goal is to allow reflectively everything for Rexx peers 
that a compiled Java
program allows for in the Java 9 environment. For that the reflecting class 
(currently in the
unnamed module) goes up the inheritance tree until it finds an exported class 
and analyses it

Experimenting with variations of classes residing in different modules with 
different exports, it is
possible to mix-up the relationships, what gets exported to what, and when 
should protected members
in superclasses be accessible and when not (and yes, this part should belong to 
dynamically created
subclasses, which also need adjustments to the module system).

Best regards,


On 22.01.2018 10:58, Peter Levart wrote:

Hi Rony,

On 01/18/2018 04:11 PM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

On 18.01.2018 10:58, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 17/01/2018 18:53, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:


Would you have concrete suggestions for this use-case, i.e. a framework that is 
not part of a
module, but having a need to access public types from exported packages and get 
reflective access
to objects supertype's protected members?

I think it would be better to start with public members as protected is 
complicated (and hasn't
changed with modules once you establish the class declaring the member is 

For your example, you've got a reference to a java.awt.Graphics2D object, the 
implementation type is sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D. The user is attempting to 
invoke one of the
public setRenderingHint methods that Graphics2D defines. You said in one of 
your mails that the
bridge "iterates over all its superclasses" which I take to mean that it 
recursively looks at the
superclass and interfaces to find a public class or interface that defines the 
setRenderingHint method. In the example, I expect it would skip 
sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D if it
were non public.

Can you extend this check to test if the class is in a package exported by its 
module. For the
example, sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D is in the java.desktop module and this module 
does not export
sun.java2d to everyone. Here is a code fragment to test this:

Class clazz = graphicsObj.getClass();
boolean isExportedToAll = clazz.getModule().isExported(clazz.getPackageName());

Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-22 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

On 22.01.2018 16:24, Roger Riggs wrote:
> Contributions need to be submitted using the OpenJDK infrastructure to adhere 
> to the IP requirements.
Would you have a link which OpenJFDK infrastructure to use in this case?

> The mail lists shold pass attachments that are text and patches though you 
> may need to be
> sure your mailer attaches them with the correct mime-types and/or extensions.
> Roger
> p.s.
> The current settings have pass_mime_types:
>    multipart/mixed
>    multipart/alternative
>    text/plain
>    text/x-diff
>    text/x-patch
>    message/rfc822
>    multipart/signed
Thanks for this information!



> On 1/22/2018 10:18 AM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> On 19.01.2018 15:38, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>> On 18/01/2018 15:07, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
 An attachment in the email has been found to contain executable code and 
 has been removed.

 File removed :, zip,cmd

 Dear Alan:

 tried to come up with a "cleaner" version to zip it up, however the error 
 would not occur there.
>>> The attachment was dropped too.
>> OK, next time, I will use Dropbox or the like instead.
> Sorry, only inline, attached or on

Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-22 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

On 22.01.2018 12:18, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 22/01/2018 09:58, Peter Levart wrote:
>> :
>> The 2nd problem is not trivial as you want to access a protected member on 
>> behalf of some other
>> sub-class of the member's declaring class which is not cooperating 
>> (voluntarily handing you an
>> instance of its Lookup object). This currently requires the package 
>> containing the member's
>> declaring class to be opened at least to you (the Rexx interpreter) and 
>> using the
>> member.setAccessible(true) trick or 
>> MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(declaringClass) equivalent for
>> method handles. Which is awkward because libraries packed as modules would 
>> normally not specify
>> that in their module descriptors and system modules don't either. So you are 
>> left with either
>> --add-opens command line switches or deploying a javaagent to the JVM and 
>> using it's API point
>> java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation#redefineModule to add opens to modules 
>> that way. Both
>> approaches are not elegant, but that's what is currently available, I think.
> I suspect it may be just a misunderstanding. One of Rony's mails had this 
> example:
> o=.bsf~new("mtest3.Class03A") -- create Java object, get and 
> assign proxy ooRexx object
> say "o:" o "o~myClassName:" o~myClassName -- get (static) field value in 
> "mtest1.Class01A",
> accessible via inheritance
> I read this as the Rexx script doing the equivalent of "new 
> mtest3.Class03A()", in which case
> should be no expectation that protected members are accessible to the Rexx 
> code.
Yes, you are right! There need to be a public member that is capable of 
accessing the protected ones
in this case.

Obviously I have used too many variants and mixed up the use cases, really 
sorry for the noise! :(


Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-22 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Peter,

thank you *very* much also for your kind explanations and even coming up with 
agent code to
demonstrate how one could use that approach!

In fact I have been doing a static analysis in the past (since Java 1.1) to 
determine whether
members should be accessible to Rexx, restricting access to public members and 
to protected
inherited members, if accessing them from a dynamically created subclass.

One thing I have to make sure is, that I keep compatible with the Java 1.6/6.0 
baseline, as there
are some deployments where the shops are still employing that environment. This 
should not really be
a problem as I am rewriting the entire reflection part and will be able to 
employ different
approaches for pre-Java 9 deplyoments, where the reflection class employed is 
dependent on the Java
runtime version.

Currently I am exploring the implications of the new Java 9 module system, 
trying to adhere to its
rules. In essence the goal is to allow reflectively everything for Rexx peers 
that a compiled Java
program allows for in the Java 9 environment. For that the reflecting class 
(currently in the
unnamed module) goes up the inheritance tree until it finds an exported class 
and analyses it

Experimenting with variations of classes residing in different modules with 
different exports, it is
possible to mix-up the relationships, what gets exported to what, and when 
should protected members
in superclasses be accessible and when not (and yes, this part should belong to 
dynamically created
subclasses, which also need adjustments to the module system).

Best regards,


On 22.01.2018 10:58, Peter Levart wrote:
> Hi Rony,
> On 01/18/2018 04:11 PM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> On 18.01.2018 10:58, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>> On 17/01/2018 18:53, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

 Would you have concrete suggestions for this use-case, i.e. a framework 
 that is not part of a
 module, but having a need to access public types from exported packages 
 and get reflective access
 to objects supertype's protected members?
>>> I think it would be better to start with public members as protected is 
>>> complicated (and hasn't
>>> changed with modules once you establish the class declaring the member is 
>>> accessible).
>>> For your example, you've got a reference to a java.awt.Graphics2D object, 
>>> the actual
>>> implementation type is sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D. The user is attempting to 
>>> invoke one of the
>>> public setRenderingHint methods that Graphics2D defines. You said in one of 
>>> your mails that the
>>> bridge "iterates over all its superclasses" which I take to mean that it 
>>> recursively looks at the
>>> superclass and interfaces to find a public class or interface that defines 
>>> the target
>>> setRenderingHint method. In the example, I expect it would skip 
>>> sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D if it
>>> were non public.
>>> Can you extend this check to test if the class is in a package exported by 
>>> its module. For the
>>> example, sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D is in the java.desktop module and this 
>>> module does not export
>>> sun.java2d to everyone. Here is a code fragment to test this:
>>> Class clazz = graphicsObj.getClass();
>>> boolean isExportedToAll = 
>>> clazz.getModule().isExported(clazz.getPackageName());
>>> (I'm deliberately avoiding the 2-arg isExported to keep things simple for 
>>> this discussion).
>>> If you can incorporate this check into the bridge then I suspect you'll 
>>> find most of the examples
>>> will work.
>> Yes, I understand (not being able to use methods in an unexported type's 
>> instance, hence the need to
>> find an accessible member in a superclass, which means to have a need to 
>> also access protected
>> members in the superclass) and that is actually my current approach. 
>> However, I started out with
>> reflecting Fields first and see, whether I can reflectively get access.
>> The rewritten method resolution would follow next, which would allow me to 
>> tackle that warning and
>> see whether I can get rid of it. However, before going a wrong route I would 
>> like to learn what the
>> "official" Java 9 solution would be and try to implement that.
>> ---rony
> Yes, I think you are dealing with two problems here which you have been using 
> the same solution
> for in the past.
> The 1st thing you have been doing incorrectly for Java 9, as Alan explained, 
> is the idiom:
> o.getClass().getMethod(...) and the 2nd is that you are trying to access 
> protected members on
> behalf of some other class which is a subclass of the protected member's 
> declaring class.
> The 1st problem has different solutions which are all doable in Java 9, since 
> you are dealing
> within the confines of public types, public members and exported packages. 
> One solution is to
> search for the most specific member in the inheritance hierarchy which is 
> also accessible
> (declared in public type in 

Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-22 Thread Roger Riggs


Contributions need to be submitted using the OpenJDK infrastructure to 
adhere to the IP requirements.
The mail lists shold pass attachments that are text and patches though 
you may need to be
sure your mailer attaches them with the correct mime-types and/or 


The current settings have pass_mime_types:


On 1/22/2018 10:18 AM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

On 19.01.2018 15:38, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 18/01/2018 15:07, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

An attachment in the email has been found to contain executable code and has 
been removed.

File removed :, zip,cmd

Dear Alan:

tried to come up with a "cleaner" version to zip it up, however the error would 
not occur there.

The attachment was dropped too.

OK, next time, I will use Dropbox or the like instead.

Sorry, only inline, attached or on

Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-22 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
On 19.01.2018 15:38, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 18/01/2018 15:07, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> An attachment in the email has been found to contain executable code and has 
>> been removed.
>> File removed :, zip,cmd
>> Dear Alan:
>> tried to come up with a "cleaner" version to zip it up, however the error 
>> would not occur there.
> The attachment was dropped too.
OK, next time, I will use Dropbox or the like instead.

> When you say "the error would not occur there" then do you mean it won't 
> compile? I wouldn't
> expect the test to compile with a reference to the protected member so maybe 
> the issue was that
> the code was compiled in a different way and so only found when you ran.
Looked into it and you are probably right, the class file was a few minutes 
older than the latest
version of the java file. Deleting the class file and trying to recompile 
yields the expected error
"...has protected access in Class01A..." and there is no public getter defined 
for that field in any
of the classes in the exported packages.


Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-22 Thread Peter Levart

@Potential implementer of below trick BEWARE!

While I tried to be smart by "injecting" special java agent powers into 
designated trusted class, the presented mechanism is NOT SAFE as I 
identify the class only by it's name. An attacker might create it's own 
pair of classes with same names (runtime.Opener, runtime.Opener$Holder) 
loaded in some isolated class loader and the presented agent will 
happily inject the powers into the attacker's runtime.Opener$Holder. For 
safe variant of such agent, the Opener$Holder class would have to prove 
the authenticity to the Agent 1st. The mechanism of such authentication 
will be left as an exercise to the reader...

Regards, Peter

On 01/22/2018 02:04 PM, Peter Levart wrote:

Hi Rony,

On 01/22/2018 10:58 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
The 2nd problem is not trivial as you want to access a protected 
member on behalf of some other sub-class of the member's declaring 
class which is not cooperating (voluntarily handing you an instance 
of its Lookup object). This currently requires the package containing 
the member's declaring class to be opened at least to you (the Rexx 
interpreter) and using the member.setAccessible(true) trick or 
MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(declaringClass) equivalent for method 
handles. Which is awkward because libraries packed as modules would 
normally not specify that in their module descriptors and system 
modules don't either. So you are left with either --add-opens command 
line switches or deploying a javaagent to the JVM and using it's API 
point java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation#redefineModule to add 
opens to modules that way. Both approaches are not elegant, but 
that's what is currently available, I think. 

Just one more thing... While solutions for tackling the 2nd problem 
might seem attractive to use for solving the 1st problem too, I would 
recommend not doing that. Opening all the packages of public API(s) 
might inhibit possible optimizations John Rose has been talking about. 
For reflective access to public API(s) you don't need to open the 
packages because public API(s) are in exported packages and all the 
"static" types that are needed to access them (field types, method 
return an parameter types) are also guaranteed to be part of public 
API(s) (at least good modules guarantee that). Public API(s) are 
transitively public. For public API(s) it is just a matter of finding 
the accessible member in the hierarchy where there will always be at 
least one.

For the 2nd problem, the main difficulty seems to be how to open just 
the packages that are involved in accessing the protected members on 
behalf of subclasses hoping that those packages are in minority. 
Here's one trick by using javaagent. Suppose your Rexx runtime had the 
following nonpublic class in its heart:

package runtime;

import java.util.function.BiConsumer;

class Opener {
    private static class Holder {
    static BiConsumer opener;

    static void openPackageOfTo(Class clazz, Module module) {
    Holder.opener.accept(clazz, module);

Now if you start the JVM by supplying the -javaagent:agent.jar command 
line in addition to everything else and pack the following compiled 
code into agent.jar with the following MANIFEST:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Premain-Class: agent.Agent

package agent;

import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer;
import java.lang.instrument.IllegalClassFormatException;
import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;

public class Agent {
    private static final String OPENER_BINARY_CLASS_NAME = 
    private static final String HOLDER_CLASS_NAME = 

    private static final String OPENER_FIELD_NAME = "opener";

    private static Instrumentation instrumentation;

    public static void premain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst) {
    instrumentation = inst;
    inst.addTransformer(new ClassFileTransformer() {
    public byte[] transform(Module module,
    ClassLoader loader,
    String className,
    Class classBeingRedefined,
    ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
    byte[] classfileBuffer) throws 
IllegalClassFormatException {

    // when runtime.Opener starts loading...
    if (className.equals(OPENER_BINARY_CLASS_NAME) && 
classBeingRedefined == null) {

    try {
    // ...load runtime.Opener$Holder upfront using 
the same classloader
    Class holderClass = 
Class.forName(HOLDER_CLASS_NAME, true, loader);

    // find the runtime.Opener$Holder#opener field

Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-22 Thread Peter Levart

On 01/22/2018 12:18 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 22/01/2018 09:58, Peter Levart wrote:


The 2nd problem is not trivial as you want to access a protected 
member on behalf of some other sub-class of the member's declaring 
class which is not cooperating (voluntarily handing you an instance 
of its Lookup object). This currently requires the package containing 
the member's declaring class to be opened at least to you (the Rexx 
interpreter) and using the member.setAccessible(true) trick or 
MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(declaringClass) equivalent for method 
handles. Which is awkward because libraries packed as modules would 
normally not specify that in their module descriptors and system 
modules don't either. So you are left with either --add-opens command 
line switches or deploying a javaagent to the JVM and using it's API 
point java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation#redefineModule to add 
opens to modules that way. Both approaches are not elegant, but 
that's what is currently available, I think.

I suspect it may be just a misunderstanding. One of Rony's mails had 
this example:

o=.bsf~new("mtest3.Class03A") -- create Java object, get 
and assign proxy ooRexx object
say "o:" o "o~myClassName:" o~myClassName -- get (static) field value 
in "mtest1.Class01A", accessible via inheritance

I read this as the Rexx script doing the equivalent of "new 
mtest3.Class03A()", in which case should be no expectation that 
protected members are accessible to the Rexx code.


I was asking myself the same question, yes. If Rony wants to call 
protected methods on "behalf" of subclasses, then Rexx runtime has to 
have features to subclass existing Java classes.

@Rony: So why does Rexx script want to call protected members? Is that 
because Rexx can extend existing Java classes?

Regards, Peter

Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-22 Thread Peter Levart

Hi Rony,

On 01/22/2018 10:58 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
The 2nd problem is not trivial as you want to access a protected 
member on behalf of some other sub-class of the member's declaring 
class which is not cooperating (voluntarily handing you an instance of 
its Lookup object). This currently requires the package containing the 
member's declaring class to be opened at least to you (the Rexx 
interpreter) and using the member.setAccessible(true) trick or 
MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(declaringClass) equivalent for method 
handles. Which is awkward because libraries packed as modules would 
normally not specify that in their module descriptors and system 
modules don't either. So you are left with either --add-opens command 
line switches or deploying a javaagent to the JVM and using it's API 
point java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation#redefineModule to add opens 
to modules that way. Both approaches are not elegant, but that's what 
is currently available, I think. 

Just one more thing... While solutions for tackling the 2nd problem 
might seem attractive to use for solving the 1st problem too, I would 
recommend not doing that. Opening all the packages of public API(s) 
might inhibit possible optimizations John Rose has been talking about. 
For reflective access to public API(s) you don't need to open the 
packages because public API(s) are in exported packages and all the 
"static" types that are needed to access them (field types, method 
return an parameter types) are also guaranteed to be part of public 
API(s) (at least good modules guarantee that). Public API(s) are 
transitively public. For public API(s) it is just a matter of finding 
the accessible member in the hierarchy where there will always be at 
least one.

For the 2nd problem, the main difficulty seems to be how to open just 
the packages that are involved in accessing the protected members on 
behalf of subclasses hoping that those packages are in minority. Here's 
one trick by using javaagent. Suppose your Rexx runtime had the 
following nonpublic class in its heart:

package runtime;

import java.util.function.BiConsumer;

class Opener {
    private static class Holder {
    static BiConsumer opener;

    static void openPackageOfTo(Class clazz, Module module) {
    Holder.opener.accept(clazz, module);

Now if you start the JVM by supplying the -javaagent:agent.jar command 
line in addition to everything else and pack the following compiled code 
into agent.jar with the following MANIFEST:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Premain-Class: agent.Agent

package agent;

import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer;
import java.lang.instrument.IllegalClassFormatException;
import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;

public class Agent {
    private static final String OPENER_BINARY_CLASS_NAME = 
    private static final String HOLDER_CLASS_NAME = 

    private static final String OPENER_FIELD_NAME = "opener";

    private static Instrumentation instrumentation;

    public static void premain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst) {
    instrumentation = inst;
    inst.addTransformer(new ClassFileTransformer() {
    public byte[] transform(Module module,
    ClassLoader loader,
    String className,
    Class classBeingRedefined,
    ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
    byte[] classfileBuffer) throws 
IllegalClassFormatException {

    // when runtime.Opener starts loading...
    if (className.equals(OPENER_BINARY_CLASS_NAME) && 
classBeingRedefined == null) {

    try {
    // ...load runtime.Opener$Holder upfront using 
the same classloader
    Class holderClass = 
Class.forName(HOLDER_CLASS_NAME, true, loader);

    // find the runtime.Opener$Holder#opener field
    Field openerField = 

    // and make it accessible
    // inject the BiConsumer
    openerField.set(null, (BiConsumer) Agent::openPackageOfTo);

    } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
    throw new InternalError(e);

    // perform no actual transformation
    return null;
    }, false);

    static void openPackageOfTo(Class clazz, Module module) {
    String pn = clazz.getPackageName();

Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-22 Thread Alan Bateman

On 22/01/2018 09:58, Peter Levart wrote:


The 2nd problem is not trivial as you want to access a protected 
member on behalf of some other sub-class of the member's declaring 
class which is not cooperating (voluntarily handing you an instance of 
its Lookup object). This currently requires the package containing the 
member's declaring class to be opened at least to you (the Rexx 
interpreter) and using the member.setAccessible(true) trick or 
MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(declaringClass) equivalent for method 
handles. Which is awkward because libraries packed as modules would 
normally not specify that in their module descriptors and system 
modules don't either. So you are left with either --add-opens command 
line switches or deploying a javaagent to the JVM and using it's API 
point java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation#redefineModule to add opens 
to modules that way. Both approaches are not elegant, but that's what 
is currently available, I think.

I suspect it may be just a misunderstanding. One of Rony's mails had 
this example:

o=.bsf~new("mtest3.Class03A") -- create Java object, get and 
assign proxy ooRexx object
say "o:" o "o~myClassName:" o~myClassName -- get (static) field value in 
"mtest1.Class01A", accessible via inheritance

I read this as the Rexx script doing the equivalent of "new 
mtest3.Class03A()", in which case should be no expectation that 
protected members are accessible to the Rexx code.


Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-22 Thread Peter Levart

Hi Rony,

On 01/18/2018 04:11 PM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

On 18.01.2018 10:58, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 17/01/2018 18:53, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:


Would you have concrete suggestions for this use-case, i.e. a framework that is 
not part of a
module, but having a need to access public types from exported packages and get 
reflective access
to objects supertype's protected members?

I think it would be better to start with public members as protected is 
complicated (and hasn't
changed with modules once you establish the class declaring the member is 

For your example, you've got a reference to a java.awt.Graphics2D object, the 
implementation type is sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D. The user is attempting to 
invoke one of the
public setRenderingHint methods that Graphics2D defines. You said in one of 
your mails that the
bridge "iterates over all its superclasses" which I take to mean that it 
recursively looks at the
superclass and interfaces to find a public class or interface that defines the 
setRenderingHint method. In the example, I expect it would skip 
sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D if it
were non public.

Can you extend this check to test if the class is in a package exported by its 
module. For the
example, sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D is in the java.desktop module and this module 
does not export
sun.java2d to everyone. Here is a code fragment to test this:

Class clazz = graphicsObj.getClass();
boolean isExportedToAll = clazz.getModule().isExported(clazz.getPackageName());

(I'm deliberately avoiding the 2-arg isExported to keep things simple for this 

If you can incorporate this check into the bridge then I suspect you'll find 
most of the examples
will work.

Yes, I understand (not being able to use methods in an unexported type's 
instance, hence the need to
find an accessible member in a superclass, which means to have a need to also 
access protected
members in the superclass) and that is actually my current approach. However, I 
started out with
reflecting Fields first and see, whether I can reflectively get access.

The rewritten method resolution would follow next, which would allow me to 
tackle that warning and
see whether I can get rid of it. However, before going a wrong route I would 
like to learn what the
"official" Java 9 solution would be and try to implement that.


Yes, I think you are dealing with two problems here which you have been 
using the same solution for in the past.

The 1st thing you have been doing incorrectly for Java 9, as Alan 
explained, is the idiom: o.getClass().getMethod(...) and the 2nd is that 
you are trying to access protected members on behalf of some other class 
which is a subclass of the protected member's declaring class.

The 1st problem has different solutions which are all doable in Java 9, 
since you are dealing within the confines of public types, public 
members and exported packages. One solution is to search for the most 
specific member in the inheritance hierarchy which is also accessible 
(declared in public type in exported package) which is what Alan suggests.

There might also be another elegant solution which requires some 
re-design of your Rexx interpreter.  When you deal with reference values 
in Rexx (the values that refer to objects in Java), you could track not 
only the value itself but also the "static" type of that value. A 
reference value is always obtained either by calling a constructor, 
accessing a field (either static or instance), by calling a method 
(static or instance) or by accessing an element of some array:

- calling constructor: the "static type" is the class upon which the 
constructor has been called
- accessing a field: the "static type" is the type of the field (i.e. 
- calling a method: the "static type" is the return type of the method 
(i.e. Method.getReturnType())
- accessing an element of some array: the "static type" is the array's 
"static type"'s component type (i.e. Class.getComponentType() invoked on 
array's "static type" Class).

When you take the "static" type as the starting Class when searching for 
a public member with standard Class.getMethod() or Class.getField(), you 
would then get the correct publicly accessible reflected member. With a 
caveat that this only works when there's no generics involved. If 
there's generics, the logic to compute the correct static type is more 
involved and would sometimes require passing the generic type parameters 
(when invoking constructors of generic classes or generic methods) in 
the syntax of your Rexx language. So you may or may not want to do that. 
Perhaps some library for deep resolving could be of help here (Google 
Guava has some support for that). I guess searching for the most 
specific member in the hierarchy that is also accessible is your best 
bet currently if the goal is to be syntactically backwards compatible in 
the Rexx language.

The 2nd problem is not 

Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-19 Thread Alan Bateman

On 18/01/2018 15:07, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
An attachment in the email has been found to contain executable code 
and has been removed.

File removed :, zip,cmd

Dear Alan:

tried to come up with a "cleaner" version to zip it up, however the 
error would not occur there.

The attachment was dropped too.

When you say "the error would not occur there" then do you mean it won't 
compile? I wouldn't expect the test to compile with a reference to the 
protected member so maybe the issue was that the code was compiled in a 
different way and so only found when you ran.


Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-18 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

On 18.01.2018 10:58, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 17/01/2018 18:53, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> :
>> Would you have concrete suggestions for this use-case, i.e. a framework that 
>> is not part of a
>> module, but having a need to access public types from exported packages and 
>> get reflective access
>> to objects supertype's protected members?
> I think it would be better to start with public members as protected is 
> complicated (and hasn't
> changed with modules once you establish the class declaring the member is 
> accessible).
> For your example, you've got a reference to a java.awt.Graphics2D object, the 
> actual
> implementation type is sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D. The user is attempting to 
> invoke one of the
> public setRenderingHint methods that Graphics2D defines. You said in one of 
> your mails that the
> bridge "iterates over all its superclasses" which I take to mean that it 
> recursively looks at the
> superclass and interfaces to find a public class or interface that defines 
> the target
> setRenderingHint method. In the example, I expect it would skip 
> sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D if it
> were non public.
> Can you extend this check to test if the class is in a package exported by 
> its module. For the
> example, sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D is in the java.desktop module and this 
> module does not export
> sun.java2d to everyone. Here is a code fragment to test this:
> Class clazz = graphicsObj.getClass();
> boolean isExportedToAll = 
> clazz.getModule().isExported(clazz.getPackageName());
> (I'm deliberately avoiding the 2-arg isExported to keep things simple for 
> this discussion).
> If you can incorporate this check into the bridge then I suspect you'll find 
> most of the examples
> will work.

Yes, I understand (not being able to use methods in an unexported type's 
instance, hence the need to
find an accessible member in a superclass, which means to have a need to also 
access protected
members in the superclass) and that is actually my current approach. However, I 
started out with
reflecting Fields first and see, whether I can reflectively get access.

The rewritten method resolution would follow next, which would allow me to 
tackle that warning and
see whether I can get rid of it. However, before going a wrong route I would 
like to learn what the
"official" Java 9 solution would be and try to implement that.


Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-18 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Dear Alan:

tried to come up with a "cleaner" version to zip it up, however the error would 
not occur there.


As I have to get off for today, I just zipped up yesterday's version "as is" 
that exhibits that
compile error and attach it to this e-mail.

Just unzip it, go into "java9module" (this is on Windows):

  * ./ contains the (Windows) batch files and
  o to compile all sources:
  + 1_compile.cmd
  o to compile
  + 5_compile_and_run_TestUse.cmd
  * src/ contains the sources
  * out/ contains the compiled stuff

If you prefer and can wait until next week, I will try to find out the 
differences between the
"cleaned" version (removed all Interfaces for that version) and yesterday's 
version and report back.


On 17.01.2018 20:43, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 17/01/2018 18:53, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> :
>> Not with Java 9 javac, the following Java program:
>> public class TestUse
>> {
>>     public static void main (String args[]) {
>>     mtest3.Class03A o=new mtest3.Class03A();
>>     System.out.println("o: "+o+", myClassName: "+o.myClassName);
>>     }
>> }
>> yields the error message:
>> F:\work\svn\bsf4oorexx\trunk\\testUnits\bsf4rexx\java9modules>java
>>   -cp
>> ".;F:\work\svn\bsf4oorexx\trunk;.;C:\Program Files
>> (x86)\BSF4ooRexx\bsf4ooRexx-v600-20180101-bin.jar;C:\Program Files
>> (x86)\BSF4ooRexx\jni4net.j-;C:\Program Files 
>> (x86)\BSF4ooRexx\;."
>> --module-path out --add-modules mod_A,mod_B,mod_C TestUse
>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access 
>> field
>> mtest1.Class01A.myClassName from class TestUse
>>     at TestUse.main(
> If it compiles then it should run so something isn't right here. I just tried 
> this with JDK 9 and
> JDK 10 EA builds but couldn't duplicate it (the compilation fails as expected 
> because myClassName
> has protected access in mod_A/mtest1.Class01A).
> Would you mind zipping up the sources for mod_A, mod_B, and mod_C so we can 
> duplicate this?
> -Alan

Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-18 Thread Alan Bateman

On 17/01/2018 18:53, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:


Would you have concrete suggestions for this use-case, i.e. a 
framework that is not part of a module, but having a need to access 
public types from exported packages and get reflective access to 
objects supertype's protected members?
I think it would be better to start with public members as protected is 
complicated (and hasn't changed with modules once you establish the 
class declaring the member is accessible).

For your example, you've got a reference to a java.awt.Graphics2D 
object, the actual implementation type is sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D. The 
user is attempting to invoke one of the public setRenderingHint methods 
that Graphics2D defines. You said in one of your mails that the bridge 
"iterates over all its superclasses" which I take to mean that it 
recursively looks at the superclass and interfaces to find a public 
class or interface that defines the target setRenderingHint method. In 
the example, I expect it would skip sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D if it were 
non public.

Can you extend this check to test if the class is in a package exported 
by its module. For the example, sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D is in the 
java.desktop module and this module does not export sun.java2d to 
everyone. Here is a code fragment to test this:

Class clazz = graphicsObj.getClass();
boolean isExportedToAll = 

(I'm deliberately avoiding the 2-arg isExported to keep things simple 
for this discussion).

If you can incorporate this check into the bridge then I suspect you'll 
find most of the examples will work.


Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-17 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

On 17.01.2018 14:12, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 17/01/2018 12:18, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> :
>> The reflection logic in the bridge is (simplified) as follows:
>>   * use the object's 'o' class and look up its declared methods or fields, 
>> analyze further, if
>> member is 'public', otherwise
>>   o iterate over all of its superclasses looking up in each class all 
>> declared methods or
>> fields, analyze further, if member is 'public' *or* 'protected' 
>> (looking up a superclass
>> 'protected' is regarded to be 'public' for the subclass) and, if a 
>> matching member is
>> found, carry out the operation (in this case a Field.get()) and 
>> return its value
>> This way it is assured that the users of the bridge are never able to get at 
>> private or package
>> private members (nor that they are able to invoke a protected member in the 
>> object's type itself).
> Accessibility has been significantly upgraded in Java SE 9. "public" used to 
> imply accessible to
> everyone, now we have "public to everyone", "public to friend modules" or 
> "public within a
> module".  If you want the above logic to work with modules then it will need 
> to be updated to
> handle classes in named modules. It will essentially amount to overhauling 
> the above to find the
> accessible members rather the public members (in public classes).
Would you have concrete suggestions for this use-case, i.e. a framework that is 
not part of a
module, but having a need to access public types from exported packages and get 
reflective access to
objects supertype's protected members?

This actually is an urgent need for my bridge. The BSF4ooRexx package comes 
with a wealth of samples
to show ooRexx programmers how easy it is to use Java as a huge external ooRexx 
class library. Some
of these samples in Java 9 now cause warnings, e.g. one example:

... cut ...
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by 


to method 

WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal 
reflective access
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
... cut ...

So all of a sudden the reflection does not work anymore. The reason being that 
the graphic "g"
context in javax.swing.JComponent's paintComponent (java.awt.Graphics g) is 
actually a
"sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D" object, that according to this Java 9 warning is not 
exported and will be
an error in Java 10. (I have assumed, that if I would use a reflection Method 
object from
javax.swing.JComponent (which is protected and can only be accessed by ooRexx, 
if a dynamically
created subclass of JComponent is created from which the work is done) for 
setRenderingHint() that
invoking the Method object with the Sun object would succeed.)

There are other use-cases where such warnings occur.

No user of the ooRexx-Java bridge knows anything of the new module system in 
Java 9, nor should she
have a need to know if these sample programs have worked flawlessly in the 
past. Therefore I am
seriously interested to find a solution that adheres to the Java 9 module 

> BTW: On protected members then I assume they have never been accessible to 
> the bridge, maybe the
> bridge is using setAccessible to suppress the access checks for those cases?
(Have been hoping that that need would be forgone eventually, when that 
reflection area gets
reworked, updated for this protected member case, if the object to be worked on 
stems from a
subclass to allow exactly the same thing the Java compiler has allowed for, 
this time for an
interpreted language.)

>> ---
>> The current implementation seems to do the following: it checks whether a 
>> class is from an 
>> exported package, if not it creates an exception. If the class is exported 
>> it then checks whether
>> the reflected member is public, if not it creates an exception.
>> What I would have expected is this: everything like the current 
>> implementation, but in the second
>> step, if the member is not public, check whether the object's class for 
>> which the reflection
>> takes place is a subclass of the class that is being checked and if so, 
>> allow protected members
>> to be accessed as well. Hence: in the example presented, the packages 
>> 'mtest1' and 'mtest3' are
>> exported, the class 'mtest3.Class03A' extends 'mtest2.Class02A' which 
>> extends 'mtest1.Class01A'.
>> Therefore the object of type 'mtest3.Class03A' is a subclass of 
>> 'mtest1.Class01A', hence as
>> 'mtest1' is exported all 'mtest1.Class01A' public *and* 

Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-17 Thread jeffrey kutcher
I don't have access to the full picture but wanted to throw this out there. 
Maybe it will be useful. Maybe you've already considered doing something like 
this and shot it down a long time ago. I don't know if there are show stoppers 
and I don't have the end goal in mind. However it seems like it might be a 
useful way to simplify what I've read so far. The following suggestion might 
untangle the web which appears to be growing though it may be too late to 
A closure might provide the plumbing you're looking for rather than using 
public/private/protected modifiers which seems to be gaining overloaded status. 
public/private/protected modifiers should go back to their original meaning and 
kept simple. A closure would allow classes by default, no or default 
access/authority/permission/security unless being owned by a container in which 
case would assume it's owner's access. This might eliminate the expanding 
access issues your finding and be more robust in the process, maybe even 
collapse the code. You'll have to provide an environment to accomplish this.
If a class "has a" or "is a" sub-class, the sub-class would take on the access 
of the parent class until such time as it deferred that access for more 
specific purposes. If not, any "has a" or "is a" sub-class would assume the 
role of its owner.
"has a" and "is a" sub-classes would have to reference their owner's 
environment to gain access permission otherwise no (or default) access would be 
Coming up with the right convention should prove to be elegant and introduce 
little to no overhead.
On Wednesday, January 17, 2018, 7:14:23 AM CST, Alan Bateman 
 On 17/01/2018 12:18, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
> :
> The reflection logic in the bridge is (simplified) as follows:
>  * use the object's 'o' class and look up its declared methods or
>    fields, analyze further, if member is 'public', otherwise
>      o iterate over all of its superclasses looking up in each class
>        all declared methods or fields, analyze further, if member is
>        'public' *or* 'protected' (looking up a superclass 'protected'
>        is regarded to be 'public' for the subclass) and, if a
>        matching member is found, carry out the operation (in this
>        case a Field.get()) and return its value
> This way it is assured that the users of the bridge are never able to 
> get at private or package private members (nor that they are able to 
> invoke a protected member in the object's type itself).
Accessibility has been significantly upgraded in Java SE 9. "public" 
used to imply accessible to everyone, now we have "public to everyone", 
"public to friend modules" or "public within a module". If you want the 
above logic to work with modules then it will need to be updated to 
handle classes in named modules. It will essentially amount to 
overhauling the above to find the accessible members rather the public 
members (in public classes).

BTW: On protected members then I assume they have never been accessible 
to the bridge, maybe the bridge is using setAccessible to suppress the 
access checks for those cases?

> ---
> The current implementation seems to do the following: it checks 
> whether a class is from an  exported package, if not it creates an 
> exception. If the class is exported it then checks whether the 
> reflected member is public, if not it creates an exception.
> What I would have expected is this: everything like the current 
> implementation, but in the second step, if the member is not public, 
> check whether the object's class for which the reflection takes place 
> is a subclass of the class that is being checked and if so, allow 
> protected members to be accessed as well. Hence: in the example 
> presented, the packages 'mtest1' and 'mtest3' are exported, the class 
> 'mtest3.Class03A' extends 'mtest2.Class02A' which extends 
> 'mtest1.Class01A'. Therefore the object of type 'mtest3.Class03A' is a 
> subclass of 'mtest1.Class01A', hence as 'mtest1' is exported all 
> 'mtest1.Class01A' public *and* protected members should be accessible 
> to the object of the subtype 'mtest3.Class03A' via reflection in Java 
> 9 as well.
You should find that the protected members are accessible in the 
sub-class (mtest3.Class03A in this case). They won't be accessible to 
the bridge code of course (as least not without some kind of rights 
delegation as John mentioned).


Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-17 Thread Alan Bateman

On 17/01/2018 12:18, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:


The reflection logic in the bridge is (simplified) as follows:

  * use the object's 'o' class and look up its declared methods or
fields, analyze further, if member is 'public', otherwise

  o iterate over all of its superclasses looking up in each class
all declared methods or fields, analyze further, if member is
'public' *or* 'protected' (looking up a superclass 'protected'
is regarded to be 'public' for the subclass) and, if a
matching member is found, carry out the operation (in this
case a Field.get()) and return its value

This way it is assured that the users of the bridge are never able to 
get at private or package private members (nor that they are able to 
invoke a protected member in the object's type itself).

Accessibility has been significantly upgraded in Java SE 9. "public" 
used to imply accessible to everyone, now we have "public to everyone", 
"public to friend modules" or "public within a module". If you want the 
above logic to work with modules then it will need to be updated to 
handle classes in named modules. It will essentially amount to 
overhauling the above to find the accessible members rather the public 
members (in public classes).

BTW: On protected members then I assume they have never been accessible 
to the bridge, maybe the bridge is using setAccessible to suppress the 
access checks for those cases?


The current implementation seems to do the following: it checks 
whether a class is from an  exported package, if not it creates an 
exception. If the class is exported it then checks whether the 
reflected member is public, if not it creates an exception.

What I would have expected is this: everything like the current 
implementation, but in the second step, if the member is not public, 
check whether the object's class for which the reflection takes place 
is a subclass of the class that is being checked and if so, allow 
protected members to be accessed as well. Hence: in the example 
presented, the packages 'mtest1' and 'mtest3' are exported, the class 
'mtest3.Class03A' extends 'mtest2.Class02A' which extends 
'mtest1.Class01A'. Therefore the object of type 'mtest3.Class03A' is a 
subclass of 'mtest1.Class01A', hence as 'mtest1' is exported all 
'mtest1.Class01A' public *and* protected members should be accessible 
to the object of the subtype 'mtest3.Class03A' via reflection in Java 
9 as well.
You should find that the protected members are accessible in the 
sub-class (mtest3.Class03A in this case). They won't be accessible to 
the bridge code of course (as least not without some kind of rights 
delegation as John mentioned).


Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-17 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
On 16.01.2018 20:38, John Rose wrote:
> On Jan 16, 2018, at 10:37 AM, Rony G. Flatscher  > wrote:
>> Well that is probably the core of the problem: who needs to be the subclass, 
>> the reflector or the
>> object to be reflected upon (whose inheritance tree is being walked up 
>> towards the root class, and
>> if public or protected members are found reflectively accessed)?
> Quick comment:
> With the core reflection API, the reflector's permissions
> are derived from the reflector, not the class being investigated.
> This works fine when a class reflects itself but is not so good for 
> frameworks.
> The reflection API in java.lang.invoke, though more limited, does
> support rights delegation through the Lookup object.  This means
> that your "patient" class doesn't need to do the reflection work;
> it can merely create a private lookup in itself and hand it to the
> framework, which can do the reflection on behalf of the patient.
> You can even mix the old and new mechanisms (a point I don't
> think I've seen on this thread, although I haven't read it all).
> Given a private lookup object in some patient P, a framework
> class F can create a method handle on a core reflection API
> point that is @CallerSensitive (like Class.forName, etc. etc.)
> which allows F to call that API point with the same rights as
> P, not F.
Thank you for the pointer, reading through

 it seems that
the access problem cannot be solved with that package either.

The problem at hand is the fact that the framework in question ("BSF4ooRexx", a 
bridge between
ooRexx implemented in C++ and Java) is *not* part of any class hierarchy in the 
module(s) nor
related to any specific module.

A simple example ooRexx program using a Java class that gets intertwined with 
the three test modules
mod_A (exports mtest1), mod_B (requires mod_A, exports mtest2 to mod_C), mod_C 
(exports mtest3):

o=.bsf~new("mtest3.Class03A") -- create Java object, get and 
assign proxy ooRexx object
say "o:" o "o~myClassName:" o~myClassName -- get (static) field value in 
accessible via inheritance rules

::requires BSF.CLS   -- direct interpreter to load the Java bridge

The basic logic is as follows:

  * load the class "mtest3.Class03A", reflectively get a constructor and create 
a Java object, store
it in a Java repository return the key to allow looking up the object
  * ooRexx creates an ooRexx proxy object which will forward all unknown 
messages to the bridge,
which in turn determines what is sought and uses reflection to carry out 
the desired operation
  * the second statement shows the ooRexx object name (the key into the Java 
registry) and uses the
bridge to have it look up the field named "myClassName" (there is no 
message by that name on the
ooRexx side, so the bridge is used to lookup the proxied Java object; a 
message is indicated by
the message operator '~', the tilde, where the receiver is placed left of 
it and the message
name right of it)

The reflection logic in the bridge is (simplified) as follows:

  * use the object's 'o' class and look up its declared methods or fields, 
analyze further, if
member is 'public', otherwise

  o iterate over all of its superclasses looking up in each class all 
declared methods or
fields, analyze further, if member is 'public' *or* 'protected' 
(looking up a superclass
'protected' is regarded to be 'public' for the subclass) and, if a 
matching member is found,
carry out the operation (in this case a Field.get()) and return its 

This way it is assured that the users of the bridge are never able to get at 
private or package
private members (nor that they are able to invoke a protected member in the 
object's type itself).

This logic has been working since Java 1.1 (sic!) throughout all Java versions 
using Java's
reflection infrastructure.

Java 9 currently breaks this.

Is there currently (in the current implementation) any other means to achieve 
the same, mandatory
needed functionality in Java 9 that I could use?


The current implementation seems to do the following: it checks whether a class 
is from an  exported
package, if not it creates an exception. If the class is exported it then 
checks whether the
reflected member is public, if not it creates an exception.

What I would have expected is this: everything like the current implementation, 
but in the second
step, if the member is not public, check whether the object's class for which 
the reflection takes
place is a subclass of the class that is being checked and if so, allow 
protected members to be
accessed as well. Hence: in the example presented, the packages 'mtest1' and 
'mtest3' are exported,
the class 'mtest3.Class03A' extends 'mtest2.Class02A' which extends 

Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-16 Thread John Rose
On Jan 16, 2018, at 1:08 PM, Jochen Theodorou  wrote:
> which is a big deal of a problem if the class, that is supposed to be exposed 
> to the framework is not under the control of the framework. And there is no 
> good solution (rewriting the bytecode for example is no good solution)

Yep.  We didn't solve all those problems in 9 since they are
very complicated trade-offs, and the "new kid on the block" of
enforced encapsulation is taking ground previously occupied
by the "neighborhood gang" of legitimate frameworks.  So we
need a way to give those frameworks what they need, in a way
that still make encapsulation preservable and checkable.

(My mental model for this tradeoff is, how can I AOT-compile as
much as possible, while still leaving open some legitimate hooks
for frameworks to operate?  I.e., enabling AOT and framework
intercession at the same time is what winning looks like.)

The privateLookup API will allow a framework to get full-power
"guest" status in an arbitrary uncooperative class.  At least,
that's the advertisement.  Will that help, or is there some bad
fine-print to that API?

Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-16 Thread John Rose
On Jan 16, 2018, at 10:37 AM, Rony G. Flatscher  wrote:
> Well that is probably the core of the problem: who needs to be the subclass, 
> the reflector or the
> object to be reflected upon (whose inheritance tree is being walked up 
> towards the root class, and
> if public or protected members are found reflectively accessed)?

Quick comment:

With the core reflection API, the reflector's permissions
are derived from the reflector, not the class being investigated.

This works fine when a class reflects itself but is not so good for frameworks.

The reflection API in java.lang.invoke, though more limited, does
support rights delegation through the Lookup object.  This means
that your "patient" class doesn't need to do the reflection work;
it can merely create a private lookup in itself and hand it to the
framework, which can do the reflection on behalf of the patient.

You can even mix the old and new mechanisms (a point I don't
think I've seen on this thread, although I haven't read it all).
Given a private lookup object in some patient P, a framework
class F can create a method handle on a core reflection API
point that is @CallerSensitive (like Class.forName, etc. etc.)
which allows F to call that API point with the same rights as
P, not F.

— John

Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-16 Thread Alan Bateman

On 16/01/2018 13:50, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

The excercise here is as follows:

  * there are classes in "mod_A" which get extended in "mod_B" and
once more extended in "mod_C".
  * Hence "mod_B" requires "mod_A", and "mod_C" requires "mod_B",
where "mod_B" exports to "mod_C" only
  * These are the two chains of class extensions, one
(mtest1.Class01A) defines an abstract public class with protected
members, one (mtest1.Class01B) defines a public class with public
members, hence:
  o one chain is:
  + in "mod_A" there is the class "abstract public class
mtest1.Class01A", which contains a protected static field
named "myClassName",
  + in "mod_B" there is the class "public class Class02A
extends mtest1.Class01A", has no static field named
  + in "mod_C" there is the class "publi class Class03A
extends mtest2.Class02A", has no static field named
  o another chain is:
  + in "mod_A" there is the class "abstract public class
mtest1.Class01B", which contains a protected static field
named "myClassName",

If I read the earlier text correctly then Class01B.myClassName is public.

  + in "mod_B" there is the class "public class Class02B
extends mtest1.Class01B", has no static field named
  + in "mod_C" there is the class "public class Class03B
extends mtest2.Class02B", has no static field named

Two scenarios, one works, one causes the "IllegalAccessException":

  * works: creating an instance of "mtest3.Class03B" reflectively and
then getting the value of the public static field "myClassName" in
"mtest1.Class01B", works reflectively!

I assume the caller is org.rexxla.bsf.engines.rexx.RexxReflectJava9 on 
the class path. Module mod_A exports mtest1, mtest1.Class1B is public, 
code on the class path can reflect on Class1B's public members.

  * "IllegalAccessException": creating an instance of
"mtest3.Class03A" reflectively and then getting the value of the
public static field "myClassName" in "mtest1.Class01A", causes the

I think you mean "protected static".


  o Interestingly,
  + the first error message is:
"java.lang.IllegalAccessException: class
org.rexxla.bsf.engines.rexx.RexxReflectJava9 cannot access
a member of class mtest1.Class01A (in module mod_A) with
modifiers "protected static"

This looks correct, RexxReflectJava9 is not a sub-class of 
mtest1.Class01A so it can't expect to reflect on Class01A's protected 

  + in the catch block then trying a "setAccessible(true)"
yields another "IllegalAccessException" now with the
following error message:
"java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to
make field protected static java.lang.String
mtest1.Class01A.myClassName accessible: module mod_A does
not "opens" mtest1" to unnamed module @33b37288"

The InaccessibleObjectException looks correct too.

And that is exactly the point. "mtest1.Class01A" is a superclass of 
"mtest3.Class03A". Therefore the protected members in the superclass 
"mtest1.Class01A" are public for its subclasses like "mtest3.Class03A".
Do you have an issue here? If code is added to mod_C/mtest3.Class03A to 
reflect on protected members of mod_A/mtest1.Class01A then I would 
expect it to work. Furthermore, I would expect setAccessible(true) to 
succeed on protected static members too (not instance members of course).

That said, the scenario that you've shown is code in RexxReflectJava9 
doing the reflection. It's not in a sub-class of mtest1.Class01A so it 
should not have any access to its protected members.


Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-16 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
On 16.01.2018 10:18, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 15/01/2018 20:56, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> :
>> So the question is, how can I reflectively access "mtest1.Class01A" static 
>> protected field
>> "myClassName" from "mtest3.Class03a" in Java 9?
> The scenario in your mail is complicated but if I read it correctly then I 
> would expect this code
> in mtest3.Class03A (mod_C) to work:
> Class.forName("mtest1.Class01A").getDeclaredField("myClassName").get(null);
The problem here is, that no code from any of the modules is doing the 
reflection. Rather the
reflection comes from packages on the class path, hence from the unnamed module.

> I can't tell if the code in the unnamed module extends mtest1.Class01A or 
> not. If it does then the
> same code should work, if it's not a sub-class then you should see 
> IllegalAccessException being
> thrown.
The excercise here is as follows:

  * there are classes in "mod_A" which get extended in "mod_B" and once more 
extended in "mod_C". 
  * Hence "mod_B" requires "mod_A", and "mod_C" requires "mod_B", where "mod_B" 
exports to "mod_C" only
  * These are the two chains of class extensions, one (mtest1.Class01A) defines 
an abstract public
class with protected members, one (mtest1.Class01B) defines a public class 
with public members,
  o one chain is: 
  + in "mod_A" there is the class "abstract public class 
mtest1.Class01A", which contains a
protected static field named "myClassName",
  + in "mod_B" there is the class "public class Class02A extends 
mtest1.Class01A", has no
static field named "myClassName",
  + in "mod_C" there is the class "publi class Class03A extends 
mtest2.Class02A", has no
static field named "myClassName.
  o another chain is:
  + in "mod_A" there is the class "abstract public class 
mtest1.Class01B", which contains a
protected static field named "myClassName",
  + in "mod_B" there is the class "public class Class02B extends 
mtest1.Class01B", has no
static field named "myClassName",
  + in "mod_C" there is the class "public class Class03B extends 
mtest2.Class02B", has no
static field named "myClassName.

Two scenarios, one works, one causes the "IllegalAccessException":

  * works: creating an instance of "mtest3.Class03B" reflectively and then 
getting the value of the
public static field "myClassName" in "mtest1.Class01B", works reflectively!

  * "IllegalAccessException": creating an instance of "mtest3.Class03A" 
reflectively and then
getting the value of the public static field "myClassName" in 
"mtest1.Class01A", causes the

  o Interestingly,
  + the first error message is: "java.lang.IllegalAccessException: class
org.rexxla.bsf.engines.rexx.RexxReflectJava9 cannot access a member 
of class
mtest1.Class01A (in module mod_A) with modifiers "protected static"

  + in the catch block then trying a "setAccessible(true)" yields 
"IllegalAccessException" now with the following error message:
"java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make 
field protected static
java.lang.String mtest1.Class01A.myClassName accessible: module 
mod_A does not "opens"
mtest1" to unnamed module @33b37288"

> Your traces show InaccessibleObjectException being thrown so I think you are 
> attempting to call
> setAccessible(true) to suppress the access check. You can't do on that 
> protected members when the
> package is not open for deep reflection. In the example, mod_A would need to 
> `opens mtest1` to
> allow this. 
And that is exactly the point. "mtest1.Class01A" is a superclass of 
"mtest3.Class03A". Therefore the
protected members in the superclass "mtest1.Class01A" are public for its 
subclasses like

This is a very basic and important property of the Java language.

Therefore I assume that this is a bug in the current implementation of Java 9, 
but want to know for


I asked this very question ("are protected members in superclasses regarded to 
be public for
subclasses") almost nine months ago and it was agreed that "protected" in 
superclasses become
effectively "public" for subclasses in Java 9 as well, so it was clear that 
when adjusting the
bridge to Java 9 everything would work as in the past for the users. [For the 
past 17 years I have
always adhered to these Java semantics in the Rexx/ooRexx-Java bridge, users of 
the bridge have only
been able to access public classes and public members and protected classes and 
protected members of
superclasses. There has never been a need for any deep reflection (nor "desire" 
to do so) as package
private and private members have to be respected to be "private".]


Re: Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-16 Thread Alan Bateman

On 15/01/2018 20:56, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:


So the question is, how can I reflectively access "mtest1.Class01A" static 
protected field
"myClassName" from "mtest3.Class03a" in Java 9?

The scenario in your mail is complicated but if I read it correctly then 
I would expect this code in mtest3.Class03A (mod_C) to work:


I can't tell if the code in the unnamed module extends mtest1.Class01A 
or not. If it does then the same code should work, if it's not a 
sub-class then you should see IllegalAccessException being thrown.

Your traces show InaccessibleObjectException being thrown so I think you 
are attempting to call setAccessible(true) to suppress the access check. 
You can't do on that protected members when the package is not open for 
deep reflection. In the example, mod_A would need to `opens mtest1` to 
allow this.


Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

2018-01-15 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Finally having gained enough time to start rewriting the reflection part for a 
bridge between a
scripting language (ooRexx) and Java 9.

>From past discussions on this list my view upon accessing members in 
>superclasses that are protected
in Java 9 is possible as such protected members are regarded to be public (they 
are accessible) from
their subclasses.

To test against the new module system I have created three simple modules (only 
what is relevant to
this problem is given):

  * "mod_A": defines a package "mtest1" with an abstract public class 
"Class01A" that implements an
interface "I01A", its "" reads:
    "module mod_A { exports mtest1; }"

  * "mod_B": defines a package "mtest2" with a public "Class02A" which extends 
"mtest1.Class01A" and
implements an interface "I02A" which extends "mtest1.I01A", its 
"" reads:
    "module mod_B {  requires mod_A;     exports mtest2 to mod_C;  }

  * "mod_C": defines a package "mtest2" with a public "Class03A" which extends 
its "" reads:
"module mod_C { exports mtest3; requires mod_B; }"

The code doing the reflection resides in the unnamed module for the time being 
(it eventually will
be part of a module).

Running the script code is done against the following Java settings:

-cp "%CLASSPATH%" --module-path F:\java9modules\out --add-modules 

In the first round reflecting Fields is used as a testbed. The reflection code 
at this stage is able
to successfully skip over the closed "mod_B" module and arrive at "mod_A" 
classes. However,
reflecting for "Class03A" instance is not able to access the defined 
*protected* static field
"myClassName" in the superclass "Class01A" (the String value of that static 
field is:

The debug output with the trailing stack trace for the runtime error is:

about to load class [mtest3.Class03A]
 loaded, clz~toString: [class mtest3.Class03A]
 [java.lang.Class@4973813a] package: [package mtest3] module: 
[module mod_C]
org.rexxla.bsf.engines.rexx.RexxReflectJava9@6fb0d3ed -> reflect(rru):
org.rexxla.bsf.engines.rexx.RexxReflectUtil@16f7c8c1, field values:
--->    rajo  =[org.rexxla.bsf.engines.rexx.RexxAndJava@24a35978]
    bStrict   =[false]
    beanName  =[mtest3.Class03A@1563da5]
    bean  =[mtest3.Class03A@1563da5] instanceof Class? [false]
    beanClz   =[class mtest3.Class03A]
    memberName    =[MYCLASSNAME]
    rexxArgs[]    =[[Ljava.lang.String;@df27fae], rexxArgs.length   
mtest3.Class03A@1563da5, MYCLASSNAME]
    tmpRexxArgs[] =[[Ljava.lang.String;@704921a5], 
tmpRexxArgs.length=[0]: []
    funcArgs[]    =[[Ljava.lang.Object;@727803de], funcArgs.length   
=[0]: []
    bReturnJSO    =[false]
    bTryCoercions =[true]
\\// RexxReflectJava9.reflectField: (1) in tmpClz.getSuperclass() loop:
tmpClz=[mtest2.Class02A], BEFORE isExported()
\\// RexxReflectJava9.reflectField: package of tmpClz not EXPORTED, hence 
\\// RexxReflectJava9.reflectField: now checking
\\// RexxReflectJava9.reflectField: (1) in tmpClz.getSuperclass() loop:
tmpClz=[mtest1.Class01A], BEFORE isExported()
//\\ RexxReflectJava9.reflectField: (2) in tmpClz.getSuperclass() loop:
tmpClz=[mtest1.Class01A], AFTER  isExported()
RexxReflectJava9.processField(), arrived: -> [GET_FIELD_VALUE], 
tmpField=[protected static
java.lang.String mtest1.Class01A.myClassName]: field=[MYCLASSNAME] in
RexxReflectJava9.processField(): => [GET_FIELD_VALUE]: found 
field=[MYCLASSNAME] in
oops GET-operation: tmpField "myClassName" caused exception 
class org.rexxla.bsf.engines.rexx.RexxReflectJava9 cannot access a member 
of class
mtest1.Class01A (in module mod_A) with modifiers "protected static""
java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field 
protected static
java.lang.String mtest1.Class01A.myClassName accessible: module mod_A does 
not "opens  mtest1"
to unnamed module @16022d9d
    at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Field.checkCanSetAccessible(Unknown 
    at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Field.setAccessible(Unknown Source)