Hello all,

This is probably just For Your Information (not asking for any fixes from Bob).

The problems I'm reporting here appear to be specific to the Java applet in OS X Firefox only. These problems are not seen in JSmol/HTML5 in OS X, *not in Windows 7* nor (except for wheel binding) in OS X Safari or Chrome.

I am testing 14.3.16_2015.*08.21* at

1. Some default mouse bindings (see 'bind' in the docs) appear to be gone in the Java Applet only. For example, these work in HTML5 but not in the Java applet:

SHIFT+LEFT+drag _rotateZorZoom (fails in Firefox 40.0.2, works in Safari, Chrome)
   WHEEL _wheelZoom (fails in Firefox, Safari, Chrome)

Some bindings still work in Firefox:
   LEFT+drag _slideZoom (right edge of window)
   LEFT+click _pickAtom
   LEFT +double +click _setMeasure

2. The following bind command works in HTML5 but not in the Java applet:

slab on
slab 55
depth 45
bind "ALT+SHIFT+LEFT+drag" _slabAndDepth (fails in Firefox 40.0.2; works in Safari, Chrome)

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