Re: [Jmol-users] delay DOCUMENTATION

2011-12-07 Thread Robert Hanson
Thanks -- done!

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Eric Martz wrote:

> Dear Bob,
> Under "delay", please include "set delayMaximumMs" under See also. Thanks!
> -Eric
> --
> Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
> This white paper is intended to serve as a reference, checklist and point
> of
> discussion for anyone considering optimizing the pricing and packaging
> model
> of a cloud services business. Read Now!
> ___
> Jmol-users mailing list

Robert M. Hanson
Professor of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Ave.
Northfield, MN 55057
phone: 507-786-3107

If nature does not answer first what we want,
it is better to take what answer we get.

-- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900
Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
This white paper is intended to serve as a reference, checklist and point of 
discussion for anyone considering optimizing the pricing and packaging model 
of a cloud services business. Read Now!
Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] delay DOCUMENTATION

2011-12-07 Thread Eric Martz
Dear Bob,

Under "delay", please include "set delayMaximumMs" under See also. Thanks!


Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
This white paper is intended to serve as a reference, checklist and point of 
discussion for anyone considering optimizing the pricing and packaging model 
of a cloud services business. Read Now!
Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] delay

2010-05-25 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Maurice

Yes, that how the "animation on" command works by default. You can change the 
Check the scripting documentation


Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] delay

2010-05-25 Thread Maurice Schroff

I made a button which enables to play the animation in the mode "palindrom"
however if i click on it there is a delay of about 2-3 sec. before the
animation starts is there a possibility to alter this? (coloured red)


Html code is following:



jmol applet animations demo




  jmolCheckBrowser("popup", "../../browsercheck", "onClick");




Animationsbeispiele zur Praesentation

  var script=" load jmol/ordner1/cyclo_animation.mol" +

  "anim mode palindrome; anim on";

  jmolApplet(500, script);






   Animation des Cyclohexans 

  jmolButton("load jmol/ordner1/cyclo_animation.mol",



jmolCheckbox("select elemNo=1; color lime;", "select *; color cpk;",
"H-Atome markieren");


atomNo=7,atomNo=10,atomNo=11,atomNo=13,atomNo=16,atomNo=18; color lime;",
"select atomNo=7,atomNo=10,atomNo=11,atomNo=13,atomNo=16,atomNo=18; color
cpk;", "equatoriale H-Atome markieren");



atomNo=14,atomNo=9,atomNo=17,atomNo=8,atomNo=12,atomNo=15; color red;",
"select atomNo=15,atomNo=14,atomNo=9,atomNo=17,atomNo=8,atomNo=12; color
cpk;", "axiale H-Atome markieren");


jmolCheckbox("select elemNo=6; color yellow;", "select *; color cpk;",
"C-Skelett markieren");


   jmolCheckbox("zoom 100;background grey;stereo
REDCYAN;", "stereo OFF; background black;","stereo");


Das zweite Beispiel der Praesentation


  var script = "load jmol/ordner1/sn2.pdb;" +

  "trace on; color trace honeydew";

  jmolButton(script, "Start");


jmolCheckbox("select atomNo=4; color yellow;", "select *; color cpk;",


  jmolLink("anim mode once; frame 1; anim on", "Einmal

  jmolLink("anim mode palindrome; anim on",

  "Wiederholt im Palindrom Modus abspielen"



  jmolLink("anim off", "Animation stoppen");

Anzeige von einzelnen frames   

  jmolButton("frame 1", "Anfang");

  jmolButton("frame next", "Naechster Frame");

  jmolButton("frame prev", "Vorhergehender Frame");

  jmolButton("frame all", "Alle Frames zeigen");


Animationen koennen mit einer Drehung versehen werden


  jmolButton("spin on","spin an");

  jmolButton("spin off", "spin aus");

Mann kann per button auch das Modell aendern



  var x = new Array()

  x[0]=["select all; spacefill off; wireframe on",

  x[1]=["select all; spacefill 30%; wireframe 40", "ball and
sticks", true ]

  x[2]=["select all; spacefill 100%; wireframe off", "CPK








Hope somebody can help me 

Best regards



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