[jogja-linux] sharing printer antar ubuntu

2008-09-18 Terurut Topik teguhris
1. di kompiku sudah diinstal ubuntu dan printer laser 1115, nah 
bagaimana agar komputer lain dijaringan yang pakai windows bisa ngeprint 
ke ubuntu..?
2. juga bagaimana komputer lain yang sesama ubuntu bisa sharing printer..?

thanks atas pencerahannya


[jogja-linux] ........?

2008-09-18 Terurut Topik jake deer
proyek snilai brapa sih?
kok jd ram


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Re: [jogja-linux] ........?

2008-09-18 Terurut Topik fathir hamdi
2008/9/18 jake deer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 proyek snilai brapa sih?
 kok jd ram

Senilai kegembiraan, kepuasaan membantu teman, pengalaman dan wawasan...

mau ikutan? :)

*lah... malah jadi ikutan oot*


[jogja-linux] [OOT]IOSN-InWEnt-USM Call for Participation: International Conference on Open Source Software for Health (INCOSSH2008) Penang, Malaysia November 23 to 25, 2008

2008-09-18 Terurut Topik Francisco Sarmiento III

Apologies for cross-postings --  pls send to your colleagues


IOSN-InWEnt-USM Call for Institutional Participation: International 
Conference on Open Source Software for Health (INCOSSH2008) Penang,
Malaysia November 23 to 25, 2008

Conference URL: http://bpio.amdi.usm.edu.my/incossh2008


TARGET AUDIENCE: managers and implementers of health information systems, 
developers, programmers of health applications



September 15 - October 10 (application period)
October 10-15 (evaluation period)
October 15  (selection and notification of qualified applicants)
October 16 - November 20 (pre-conference discussions and networking)
November 22 (arrival of participants)

November 23 - 25 (conference proper)
November 25 (departure of participants)

Applications are open for institutional participants from CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, 


Everyone is requested to carefully read and understand the criteria, objectives 
and conditions prior to submission of their applications for evaluation and 


The Southeast Asian node of the International Open Source Network (IOSN 
ASEAN+3) and InWEnt Capacity Building International, Germany are sponsoring  
the participation of 20 institutions to the International
Conference on Open Source Software for Health 2008 (INCOSSH2008) organized by 
the AMDI-Universiti Sains Malaysia.

This conference brings together developers and end users of health
information systems and allows them to interact closely and exchange
their experiences with free and/or open source software, open
standards, and open content. The official conference site is here.

In 2007, IOSN together with Open Source Health Care Alliance, co-sponsored 
OSHCA's Annual Convention in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. With InWEnt's assistance, 
twenty developers from ASEAN attended the conference on the first three days 
and an intensive training session on the last day. One of the output from this 
event was the networking of technical and health domain experts which allowed 
for cross-pollination and interaction.

Several FOSS health care projects presented their applications in this 
conference and a potential collaboration on the development of an open source 
electronic health record (FreeFeathers EHR Extension) available at 
www.freefeathers.org was started.

Coming from this conference, a logical next step is to show demonstration of 
how these software actually work and get domain experts from the health sector 
to comment on how these fit or not fit their current situation. The idea is to 
let the end users discuss their concerns and requested features with the actual 
developers. This interaction has numerous benefits, to wit:

  * For the developer: an understanding of what features are important to end 
users and what major components are still lacking from their application
  * For the health workers: an understanding of the benefits of free and/of 
open source method of application development and the importance of connecting 
closely with the original developers whether or not their services will be 
  * For the e-health expert: insights on how to best implement health
information systems cost-effectively using FOSS

Various open source electronic health records abound on the Internet already 
with some of them emanating from ASEAN and EU. This conference aims to dissect 
the opportunities and obstacles to deployment of FOSS
health applications in the workplace.


For this Regional Conference, the call for participation will be sent to 
institutions with a requirement to clearly signify their commitment to 
designate their representative/participant to train other staff 
members/communities upon their return within three months (re-entry plan). This 
institutional approach assures that there is an echo seminar that is offered to 
local staff members / communities and the knowledge gained is shared to others.

During the selection process, a high score will be given to institutions which 
will be able to embed a training course on FOSS for health into their regular 
plantilla of activities and services offered. These will be expected from the 
re-entry plan they will be submitting as a requirement for application.

Though applications of institutions will be prioritized, individual FOSS 
trainers and experts are also eligible to apply.


The programme provides monitoring after the conference (through their
institution) for a sustainable implementation of follow-up activities.  The 
monitoring will be done through a special website to be created for that 


IOSN-InWEnt can sponsor 20 participants from as many institutions from
the four aforementioned countries.

[jogja-linux] [OOT] Lowongan Sipamlu2009

2008-09-18 Terurut Topik milisdad
dari milis sebelah, barangkali bermanfaat.
Dear All,

Dibutuhkan Teknisi Jaringan Komputer untuk Sipamlu 2009 diseluruh
Indonesia, saat ini dengan memanfaatkan jaringan eks konsultan ICT
BPKLN Jardiknas 2006-2007. Kami sedang melakukan rekruitment tenaga
teknisi untuk pekerjaan sipamlu 2009  kami memberikan kesempatan
kepada anda untuk bergabung menjadi teknisi di Polres, Polresta,
Polwiltabes, Poltabes( 1 Orang per polres).Adapun Polda DIY dibutuhkan
5 orang Implementator untuk 5 Polres.
Kontak person koordinator yg dapat anda hubungi untuk mendaftar adalah
Sbb :

Polda DIY (5 Polres) 
Koordinator : Agus Sugiharto,S. Pd. 
HP :08156850113
email :[EMAIL PROTECTED] com

Silahkan anda mendaftarkan diri ke koordinator Tersebut info jelas
dapat ditanyakan pada koordinator yang ditunjuk sebagai gambaran
proyek akan dimulai bulan November 2008 s,d November 2009 ( dimana
bulan Nov 08, Desember 08, Januari 09, Feb 09, maret 09, April 09, mei
09 masa kerja fulltime s/d Pemilu dilaksanakan dan entri data hasil
pemilu, sisanya s/d november 2009 perawatan)

Syarat :
1. CV dgn Pass Foto
2. Scan Ijazah Terakhir
3. Scan Sertifikat keahlian (diutamakan Networking seperti Cisco)
4. Scan Rekening Bank,
5. Bertempat tinggal di wilayah Polres tempat bertugas (wajib)

Gaji implementator kurang lebih 2 Juta/Bulan

Bls: [jogja-linux] [Agak OOT] Butuh Installer Kabel LAN

2008-09-18 Terurut Topik muhammad dzikru ismail
po aq wae tapi aq ra due perusahaan ngono kui mung biasa ngurusi warnet  

- Pesan Asli 
Kepada: jogja-linux@yahoogroups.com
Terkirim: Kamis, 18 September, 2008 10:54:31
Topik: Re: [jogja-linux] [Agak OOT] Butuh Installer Kabel LAN

Kok jd seru gini...

mksd saya tu begini..jk memang proyek ini mau dkrjakan tmn2
jogxer..saya bisa bantu mslh adminstratifnya. .

jd tmn2 tinggal mengerjakan aja..

On 9/18/08, eko cahyono [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:
 untuk rian, kl berniat kerja sama bisa kontak kami ke no 081328000518. saya
 lampirkan company profil perusahaanku

 --- On Thu, 9/18/08, ryan_oke [EMAIL PROTECTED] id.org wrote:
 From: ryan_oke [EMAIL PROTECTED] id.org
 Subject: Re: [jogja-linux] Re: [Agak OOT] Butuh Installer Kabel LAN
 To: jogja-linux@ yahoogroups. com
 Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 8:00 AM

 Terima kasih untuk semua yang telah memberikan tanggapan.

 @eko cahyono:

 Mungkin bukan menyediakan anggaran berapa, melainkan kami akan

 mengusahakan berapa kebutuhan anggarannya.


 Aku sendiri belum tahu sebaiknya pakai lelang atau penunjukan

 langsung. Belum paham mengenai prosedur beginian.

 @markus sasono:

 Calon lokasi proyeknya di Yogyakarta, Pak. Bapak kan di Jakarta.

 Terima kasih atas tawaran yang diberikan.

 @dasoen+stwn+ iyan:

 Siapa pun boleh asal administrasinya bisa memenuhi syarat.

 Sebenarnya itu begini...

 Ssst... tapi jangan bilang-bilang lho ya!

 Aku ingin mengambil alih proyek instalasi kabel yang dipegang oleh

 salah seorang dosen. Selama ini proyek tersebut tidak kelihatan

 progresnya. Padahal sudah berjalan lebih dari 1/2 tahun.

 Kata pengurus jurusan, kalau ingin mengerjakan sesuatu yang besar,

 sebaiknya memanggil orang luar saja yang profesional agar tidak

 kerepotan. Lagipula males juga kalau memasang banyak kabel sendirian.

 Rencananya sih begitu.



 http://ry.web. id | ryan.oke di gmail.com




 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Sent from Gmail for mobile | mobile.google. com

Dapatkan nama yang Anda sukai!
Sekarang Anda dapat memiliki email di @ymail.com dan @rocketmail.com.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [jogja-linux] sharing printer antar ubuntu

2008-09-18 Terurut Topik Denny Irawan
cari turboprint... itu bisa untuk share print dari windows ke linux atau linux 
ke windows..
dulu saya pernah upload ke ugm upload... 

Denny Irawan, S.Kom 
085 729 744 730

--- On Thu, 9/18/08, teguhris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: teguhris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [jogja-linux] sharing printer antar ubuntu
To: jogja-linux@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 6:05 AM


1. di kompiku sudah diinstal ubuntu dan printer laser 1115, nah 

bagaimana agar komputer lain dijaringan yang pakai windows bisa ngeprint 

ke ubuntu..?

2. juga bagaimana komputer lain yang sesama ubuntu bisa sharing printer..?

thanks atas pencerahannya





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Bls: [jogja-linux] bagaimana mendaftar domain .go.id

2008-09-18 Terurut Topik RACHMAT WAHYUDI
coba cari infonya di http://www.pandi.or.id/, biasanya kalo berhubungan dg  
domain ya ini tmpnya. pandi = pengelola nama domain internet indonesia.


--- Pada Rab, 17/9/08, paul dermawan [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: paul dermawan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: [jogja-linux] bagaimana mendaftar domain .go.id
Kepada: jogja-linux@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Rabu, 17 September, 2008, 1:19 PM

temen2 ada project nich saya sementara membuat situs kpu papua tapi 
binggung nich gimana caranya daftarkan domain .go.id surat di tujukan kepada 
siapa ya?


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Bergabunglah dengan orang-orang yang berwawasan, di di bidang Anda! Kunjungi 
Yahoo! Answers saat ini juga di http://id.answers.yahoo.com/

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