[JOKES] olimpic games

2003-07-10 Прати разговор mim



2003-07-10 Прати разговор Hursev



2003-07-10 Прати разговор Hursev


10  2003 , 15:08; :   

.  -  10   6  -  
, .   
,   , -  

. ,  
.   ,
  )   , 

 15-   30

[JOKES] some laughing :))

2003-07-10 Прати разговор petia nikolova

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* PLEASE do not post offensive jokes
* message size limit is 150 KB
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[JOKES] monthly reminder

2003-07-10 Прати разговор root
*  Automatic unsubscription is available at:
*  http://www.peak.org/cgi-bin/majordomo?jokes:harbinger.sirma.bg
* send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* PLEASE do not post offensive jokes
* message size limit is 150 KB
* List info and instructions are available at 
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