2001-08-03 Прати разговор Martin Marinov


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[JOKES] Soft War:)

2001-07-05 Прати разговор Martin Marinov


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[JOKES] Za kakvo stavat studentite specialnost matematika ot FMI...:)

2001-06-28 Прати разговор Martin Marinov

??? ??  ???, ?  ??? ?
??? ?? ??  ? ? ?? ? ??? ???
??? ? ?? ?.  ??? ??? ?
?? ?? ? ??? ? ? ??? ?,
 ?, ?,

??, ??? ? ?.

Ako ne vqrvate, proverte tuk...:)


* PLEASE do not post offensive jokes
* List info and instructions are available at 

[JOKES] sorry - tova e pravilnoto url za rezervacii za pochivkata:)))

2001-06-28 Прати разговор Martin Marinov


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[JOKES] are na pochivka v kosmosa...:)

2001-06-28 Прати разговор Martin Marinov


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Re: [JOKES] Invest in Bulgaria!

2001-06-21 Прати разговор Martin Marinov

i poradi tova vchera izpratih pismo na 
tq mi otgovori che se izvinqva i shtqlo da byde 

  - Original Message - 
  To: Jokes 
  Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 1:57 
  Subject: RE: [JOKES] Invest in 
  Hubawo e che ni se kefqt, ama slednoto pokazwa pylno 
  nepoznawane na istoriqta:"The small country (Bulgaria - b.a.) located 
  near Romania with access to the Black Seahas a tradition of high-tech 
  skills dating back to when it was part of the Soviet 
  >-Original Message->From: Boris Vidolov 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]>Sent: 
  20 June 2001 12:12>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [JOKES] 
  Invest in Bulgaria!>>>http://www.suntimes.com/output/applegate/cst-fin-col19.html>>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=>* 
  PLEASE do not post offensive jokes>* List info and instructions are 
  available at>http://harbinger.sirma.bg/lists/jokes.html>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=> 

[JOKES] Fw: interesting article

2001-06-12 Прати разговор Martin Marinov

- Original Message - 
From: Peter 
To: Martin 
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 9:36 AM
Subject: interesting article


Sun Microsystems Sues Island of JavaTM
Mountain View, CA -- Sun Microsystems today filed a trademark infringement 
against the island of JavaTM over the use of Sun's JavaTM 
Responding to criticism that the island has been called JavaTM for 
centuries, Sun lawyer Frank Cheatham said "Yeah, and in all that time they never 
filed for a trademark. They deserve to lose the name."
Rather than pay the licensing fee, the island decided to change its name. 
They originally voted to change it to Visu Albasic, but an angry telegram from 
Redmond, Washington convinced them otherwise. The country finally settled on a 
symbol for a name -- a neatly-coloured coffee cup which still evokes the idea of 
java. Since most newspapers and magazines will not be able to print the name of 
the island, it will hereafter be referred to in print as "The Island Formerly 
Known As JavaTM".
The Island Formerly Known As JavaTM bills itself as a 
cross-landmass island, but so far has only been implemented in production on the 
Malay Archipelago. Africa is been rumoured to have implemented it on Madagascar, 
but it is still in alpha testing.
Lawyers from Sun would also like to locate the owners of the huge fiery ball 
at the centre of the solar system. They have some legal papers for 

[JOKES] Fw: UNIX Commands.htm

2001-06-12 Прати разговор Martin Marinov
Title: UNIX Commands

- Original Message - 
From: Peter 
To: Martin 
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 9:52 AM
Subject: Fw: UNIX Commands.htm


UNIX Commands 
% cat "food in cans"cat: can't open food in cans 
% nice man womanNo manual entry for woman. 
% rm Godrm: God nonexistent 
% ar t Godar: God does not exist 
% ar r Godar: creating God 
% "How would you rate Major's incompetence?Unmatched ". 
% Unmatched ".Unmatched ". 
% [Where is Squiffy?Missing ]. 
% \316 How did the sex change operation go? \316Modifier 
% If I had a ( for every groaner from Squiffy, what would I 
have?Too many ('s. 
% make loveMake: Don't know how to make love. Stop. 
% sleep with mebad character 
% got a light?No match. 
% man: why did you get a divorce?man:: Too many arguments. 

% !:say, what is saccharine?Bad substitute. 
% %blow%blow: No such job. 
% \(-(-: Command not found. 
$ PATH=pretending! /usr/ucb/which senseno sense in 
$ drink bottle; openerbottle: cannot openopener: not 
$ mkdir matter; cat mattermatter: cannot create 
Based on an unoriginal earwig forwarded by G.M. Madders, 
February 1997. 

[ Computing 
Index | Humour Index ] 

OXymoron Humour Archive, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[JOKES] Proveru dokolko si gay:))

2001-06-01 Прати разговор Martin Marinov


[JOKES] noshten jivot...

2001-05-10 Прати разговор Martin Marinov

Abe ne znam - tova ima samo edna razlika s men - da ne bi da ne znam kvo 
pravq noshtem?!:))

[JOKES] kongfu:)

2001-04-20 Прати разговор Martin Marinov


[JOKES] egati syrvera:)))

2001-04-10 Прати разговор Martin Marinov


[JOKES] Aide na noviq izpit na KAT:))

2001-04-06 Прати разговор Martin Marinov


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[JOKES] Shto horata mrazeli M$...?!??! :))

2001-03-12 Прати разговор Martin Marinov


  - Original Message - 
  Stefan Dimov 
  To: Jokes 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 7:43 
  Subject: [JOKES] Linux
  Imashe edin joke: Snimka na madama s pingvinche i 
  pisheshe: Software is like sex: it's better when 
  it's free"
  ili neshto podobno. Molia niakoi ako ia ima da mi 
  ia prati,
  please. 10x predvaritelno

[JOKES] Ha da vidim kak se hakva po sveta...:)

2001-03-08 Прати разговор Martin Marinov

DVD hack in 7 Perl 

  Two MIT programmers have produced a DVD decryption program 
  using only seven lines of Perl code. Their "qrpff" program does the same thing 
  that the DeCSS utility does. Eight movie studios sued and forced 2600 Magazine 
  to remove the DeCSS source code from its Website. The new hack is small enough 
  to include in an e-mail sig files. One of the two writers said, "I 
  think there's some value in demonstrating how simple these things really are 
  and how preposterous it is to try to restrict their distribution." The 
  source article is at wired.com. 

[JOKES] You vs. Gates

2001-02-08 Прати разговор Martin Marinov

Ya da vidim kvo e izmislil Bili-to pak:))

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Re: [JOKES] Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 17:04:15 +0200

2000-12-15 Прати разговор Martin Marinov

ako ne si prochel, v pravilata na lista JOKES e napisano:
"* PLEASE do not post offensive jokes"
Taka che ako obichash za v bydeshte se vyzdyrjai da pushkash 
politicheski (v sluchaq futbolni) shegi, koito mogat da zasegnat nqkogo po 
Ne che mi puka tolkova, no az moga da pusna nqkolko shegi za levskari, 
snimki i t.n i shte stane edna kato se ima predvid che v Sirma ima 
privyrjeneci i na dvata otbora (i na drugi otbori) - prosto shte pochnem da 
se psuvame tuka, koeto mai ne vliza v celite na tozi list
Taka che spored men ne e mnogo korektno da se puskat podobni neshta v 

  - Original Message - 
  Krum Kolev 
  To: jokes 
  Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 5:04 
  Subject: [JOKES] Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 
  17:04:15 +0200

[JOKES] MathLib

2000-11-14 Прати разговор Martin Marinov

Chesto mi se sluchva da svalqm ot iNet razni math libs, i obshto vzeto 
mislq che v tqh ima kakvo da se vidi ot chisto prakticheska gledna 
tochka, no eto na kakvo se natyknah na skoro:
(za kratkost sym slojil declaraciite i implementaciqta na edno mqsto)

typedef struct vector_3d_typ
   float x, y, z;
} point_3d,vector_3d,*point_3d_ptr,*vector_3d_ptr;

// returns the magnitude of a vector
float vec_magnitude(vector_3d v)
   float temp = v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z;

   if(temp >= 0)
   return (float)sqrt(temp);
   return (float)sqrt(-temp);


// normalize a vector (magnitude == 1)  
void vec_normalize(vector_3d *v)

   float temp = v->x*v->x + v->y*v->y + v->z*v->z;
   float magnitude = sqrt(v->x * v->x + v->y * v->y + v->z * v->z);

   if(temp >= 0)
   magnitude = sqrt(temp);
   magnitude = sqrt(-temp);

   v->x = v->x / magnitude;
   v->y = v->y / magnitude;
   v->z = v->z / magnitude;
// computes the dot product between u and v  
float vec_dot_product(vector_3d u, vector_3d v)
   return( (u.x * v.x) + (u.y + v.y) + (u.z + v.z));

// computes the distance between a and b
float vec_distance(point_3d a, point_3d b)
   float dx, dy, dz;
   float temp;

   dx = b.x-a.x;
   dy = b.y-a.y;
   dz = b.z-a.z;

   temp = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;

   if(temp >= 0)
   return (sqrt(temp));
   return sqrt(-temp);


dano ne rabotim nqkoga s programist, pishesht tolkova "korekten" i 
"efektiven" code:))

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