[JOKES] Mdaaa... Moje i da ste go chuvali, ama are pak :)

2003-10-31 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov
1.2 .
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0F. General Protection Fault.

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[JOKES] pin code

2003-07-22 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov
Tova e ot supporta na Nexcom - iako e :)

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[JOKES] Nintendo

2002-07-10 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov

CNN.com has an interesting article 
about nintendo hiring people to offer free samples of their games.

Stephen Pellitier will wear a 15-inch flat-screen TV on his chest and a 
pack of batteries on his back. With a game console and joysticks 
dangling from his waist, he will spend his weekends inviting passers-by 
to play games.

imagine the possible pickup lines involving joysticks, buttons, and 
playing with them! The potential for being beaten on the streets is just 

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[JOKES] Carling-Frustrating

2002-06-25 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov


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[JOKES] WM-Fans Italien Frankreich Turkei.PPS

2002-06-24 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov

http://nextera.sirma.bg/WM-Fans Italien Frankreich Turkei.PPS

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[JOKES] Chek tis out, da windas 98 is da friggin' best, eh?

2002-04-01 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov

Chek tis out, da windas 98 is da friggin' best, eh?

 Dear Consumas:
 It has come ta our attention dat a coupola copies of
 the WINDOWS 98
 EDITION may have accidentally bin shipped outsida
 Broooklyn. If ya got
 one a
 you may need some help understandin' da commands.
 Da Brooklyn edition may be recognized by da unique
 openin' screen. It
   WINDAS 98, wit a background picture of Grand Army
 When you start da program, instead of da usual harpy,
 stringy music,
 hear da
 teme from da Godfadda. It is also shipped wit a
 Sopranos screen sava.
 Please also note:
 Recycle Bin is labeled Staten Island.
 My Computer is called My Friggin' Computa.
 The Inbox is referred to as Da Trunk.
 Deleted Items are referred to as Wacked, Takin Care
 Of, or Rubbed
 Control Panel is known as Da Bosses.
 Performing an illegal operation is known as
 enhancin' the family
 and will
   actually maximize da program instead of shuttin' it
 Hard Drive is referred to as Da BQE at Rush Hour.
 Instead of an error message a You ain't gonna
 friggin' believe dis
 OK...Sure ting
 Reset.Start Ova
 FindPut a contract out on
 Browse..Get a looksee
 Back...U toin
 Help(Help ain't available. Yous don't
 need no
 Stop.Knock it off
 Start.Move it!
 Settings..Here's d' Rules
 Also note dat any voice recognition software run on da
   don't recognize da letter R.
 Some programs and udder accessories dat are exclusive
 to WINDAS 98:
 TypaA word processin' program
 Solitare.Seven Card Stud
 We regret any inconvenience it may have caused if you
 received a
 copy of
 da BROOKLYN EDITION. You may return it to Microsoft
 for a replacement
 Yous got a problem wit dat?
 BILL (4 eyes) GATES
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[JOKES] Shit :))

2002-03-13 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov


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[JOKES] Oshte edin chat s Manski

2002-01-24 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov

Kato sme pochnali, ei vi edin chat s Masnki na tema Developers,
Developers) :)))


veso   1/17/02  10:27 AM ooo, chado, kak e kak :))
  Neshto gledam, release-nali ste Visual
  dot Nyet :))

_manski@ho 1/17/02  10:28 AM Mdam mai, kazaha abe ima tuk-tam bugove,
  ne mojem da otlagame poveche

  Vreme stana, det' se vika :-)

veso   1/17/02  10:29 AM daaa, vie ste izvestni s tova :)))

_manski@ho 1/17/02  10:30 AM tuk-tam razbirai mamata si traka

  Te predi mesec izloviha nekvi jestoki
  holes v cjalata ideolgija - ta pochti
ne e
  beta testvan .NETa

veso   1/17/02  10:32 AM a stiga be ! a po eweek pishat, kak iako
  testvane imalo ot vynshni firmi i
  niamalo security problems :))

_manski@ho 1/17/02  10:33 AM kura mi janko
  pishat kvoto onzi debelija maimunjak e

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[JOKES] [Fwd: Fwd: Fw: A terriffic picture WTC]

2001-10-01 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov


Here is the picture. No comment.

I'm speachless... a second later the world was already not same...
The picture was in a camera found in the ruins of the WTC.
The man on the picture is still missing...
It was the first aircraft.

Dr Alexander Shinkov
Home: Slatinska Str. bl. 46 G, fl. 87
   Sofia 1574, Bulgaria
   phone: 359 2 736740
   GSM: 087 459 538
attachment: ATT38428.jpg---End Message---

[JOKES] Eto tova e bydeshteto na civilizaciata :)))

2001-09-03 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov


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[JOKES] [Fwd: ne e istina ... :-)]

2001-06-19 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov

Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 13:44:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: Todor Todorov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Gyoteborg - Qvebek - EU
  Tova go poluchih ot priatel ot Canada vuv vruzka
  sus skoroshnite subitia v Quebec City...Malko e
 dluzhko, no e napravo ubiez, absoluten
  che shte go ozenite po dostoinstvo...
  heil friendove,
  kvo mi stana izvednazh se vdahnovih da vi
  razpravyam za boynite deystvia
  koito se razraziha pred ochite mi prez poslednite
  3 dni znachi.
  Kakto moe bi ste nauchili ot novinite, minalia
  weekend globalizaciata
  i v nashto selce Quebec City. Imashe sreshta
  navarha po pregovori za Free
  Trade Area of Americas, demek obsht pazar za
  severna i uzhna america i
  i po toya sluchay doydoha t.nar. manifestanti,
  nay-pache orda buyni anarhisti gotovi za tezhka
 s silite na reda. Tia poslednite obiknoveno
  tuka sedat bez rabota, shtoto e mnogo mirno i tiho
  u nashe selo, no za sluchaya doydoha policeyski
 podkreplenia ot cela
  canada, s palni kamioni s boepripasi, nay-veche
 himicheski, neizcherpaem
  reserv ot lakrimogenni bombi
  znachi, sigurno beha izkupili produkciata na
  voennia zavod za cela petiletka.
  vsashnost voynata beshe totalno himicheska: tia
  momcheta ot policiata
  izobshto ne pesteha salzotvornia gaz! Ot petak,
  15h08, kogato zapochna
  do nedelya vecher neprekasnato obstrelvaha,
 vsledstvie nakoeto celia grad
  potanal v gast lakrimogenen dim, i izobshto ne
 mozheshe da se izleze na
  ulicata bez protivogaz. Poradi taya prichina se
  nalozhi tutaxi da se
  $35 za protivogaz, i izobshto sichki deto
  krazhahme okolo boynite deystvia
  behme s protivogazi, kakto i reporterite,
 shofyorite na reporterski koli, i dori mirni
 ot mahalata izleznali da gledat seir! Ebati
 surrealizma znachi! A az navremeto estestveno beh
  gepil edin protivogaz ot BNA, obache otkade da
 predpolagam che shte mi tryabva protivogaz v quebec
 city da mu eba maykata... Zatova puk tozi deto go
 kupih tuk e po-avansiran, i designa mu e po-izbaran,
 amerikanska rabota. No da vi kazha, strashno ostanah
 dovolen ot predstavlenieto, zasluzhavashe
  si $35 ! Takova monumentalno show, s istinski
  garmezhi, vsichko na zhivo, i az byah na parvi red!
  Glavnite aktyori beha tia anarhistcheta ot
  Statite, taka nar. Black Bloc, dosta delovi
 Te po princip ne gi puskat
  na granitzata, obache vlyazoha prez edna indianska
 rezerva v Ontario, a
  indianskite rezervi, kadeto indiancite imat palna i
 pochti bezkontrolna
  vlast, sa myasto kadeto sichko e vazmozhno. I
 znachi tia momcheta,
  oblecheni ot glavata do petite v cherno, s hokeyni
 kaski, protivogazi,
  protektori za hokey, i tezhko vaorazheni. Az, nali
 sam neshto anthropolog (tva mi e rabotata),
   contact s tyah i uspyah da prisastvam na
  podgotovkata za boynite deystvia:
   tia pichove se byaha zdravo podgotvili s
  Molotov, a ranicite beha
   palni do otkat s shaybi za hockey, kamane,
  i sichko shto mozhe da
   meta, a nay-neveroyatnoto im prisposoblenie
  edin samodeyno
   katapult, razbiray kamakohvargachka, ot tia deto
  sa bili izpolzvani po
   na Punicheskite voyni, nali se seshtate? E tova
  beshe ebati tashaka! Kato
   setya, oshte ne moga da povyarvam che sichko
  be realnost do vchera.
   Pri vida na tazi obezpokoyavashta armia,
  policiata, postroena v platni
   redici zad edna specialno izgradena telena
  zalozhi tutaxi na
   himicheskoto orazhie: gaz do dupka! Obache
  chernite yunatzi byaha
   i za tova (imaha brezentovi rakavitzi), i
  da varnat dosta bombi v
   poleto na policiata, vsledstvie nakoeto silite
  reda sashto dadoha
   zhertvi: 23 policaya v bolnicata s dihatelni
  problemi! Az da vi priznaem
   parvia den gledah na tia bombi s leko
  no na vtoria uspyah da
   varna 2-3 gola na gendarmeriata! Kakto chesto se
  sluchvalo v moya
   experience, i tozi pat se nalozhi da vaveda
  inovatorsko nachalo: ponezhe
   celta beshe projectilite da preskochat obratno
  telenata ograda, no ne me
   kefeshe da gi baram s raka, se opitah da gi
  s dobre obrabotena v
   detskite godini tehnika na shoota padasht
  ponezhe v daskalo (6ti
   klas) mnogo igraehme na djitball, taya igra
  e kato tenis obache
   ritash edna topka s kraka i tya trebe da
  edna mrezha, koyato v
   nashto daskalo nay-chesto beshe virtualna,
  koeto matcha vinagi
   zavarshvashe s tezhka razpravia dali topkata e
  minala otgore ili otdole. I
   tia sega mladezhi ot Black Bloc-a, ne znam
  no yavno poradi
   predpostavki, ne sa yavno mnogo familiarni s
  djitball-a (yavno poveche
   zalagat na baseball-a, pak poradi kulturni
  predpostavki), i se otnesoha s
   uvazhenie kam tazi nova za teh tehnika,

[JOKES] [Fwd: Fw: Now this is real Football!]

2001-05-14 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov

- Original Message - 
From: Michelle Nenov 

Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 9:12 AM
Subject: FW: Now this is real Football!

A streaker dribbles 
the ball past Barnet goalkeeper Danny Naisbitt on May 5 during an English 
Division 3 soccer match between Barnet and Torquay United at Underhill Stadium. 
Torquay won, 3-2

[JOKES] [Fwd: Santa ...]

2000-12-11 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov

What Santa would like to say..

Dear Santa,
I wud like a kool toy space ranjur for Xmas. Iv ben a good boy
all yeer.
Dear Billy,
Nice spelling. You're on your way to being a career lawncare
specialist. How 'bout I send you a f***ing book so you can learn
to read and write?
I'm giving your older brother the space ranger, at least HE can
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl all year, and the only thing I ask for
is peace and joy in the world for everybody!
Love, Sarah
Dear Sarah,
Your parents smoked pot when they had you, didn't they?
Dear Santa,
I've written you for three years now asking for a fire truck.
Please, I really really want a fire truck this year!
Love, Joey
Dear Joey,
Let me make it up to you. While you sleep, I'm gonna torch your
house. You'll have more fire trucks than you'll know what to do
Dear Santa,
I don't know if you can do this, but for Christmas, I'd like for
my mommy and daddy to get back together. Please see what you can
Love, Teddy
Dear Teddy,
What, and ruin that hot affair your dad's still having with the
babysitter? He's banging her like a screen door in a hurricane,
son! Let me get you some nice Legos instead.
Dear Santa,
I need more Pokemon cards please! All my friends have more
Pokemon cards than me. Please see what you can do.
Love, Michelle
Dear Michelle,
It blows my f*cking mind. Kids are forcing their parents to buy
hundreds of dollars worth of these stupid cards, and none of you
snot- nosed brats are even learning to play the game. Let me get
you something more your speed, like "Snakes and Ladders."
Dear Santa,
I want a new bike, playstation, a train, some G.I. Joes, a dog,
a drum kit, a pony and a tuba.
Love, Francis
Dear Francis,
Who names their kid "Francis" nowadays?
Dear Santa,
I left milk and cookies for you under the tree, and I left
carrots for your reindeer outside the backdoor.
Love, Susan
Dear Susan,
Milk gives me the sh*ts and carrots make the deer f*rt in my
face. You want to be a kiss-a*ss? Leave me a glass of Chivas
Regal and some Toblerone.
Dear Santa,
What do you do the other 364 days of the year? Are you making
Your friend, Thomas
Dear Thomas,
All toys get made in China. I have a condo in Vegas, where I
spend most my time squeezing cocktail waitresses as*es, and
losing all my cash at the roulette table. Hey, YOU wanted to
Dear Santa,
Do you see us when we're sleeping, do you really know when we're
awake, like in the song?
Love, Jessica
Dear Jessica,
You are that gullible? Good luck in whatever you do, I'm
skipping your house.
Dear Santa, I really really want a puppy this year. Please
please please PLEASE,
That whiney begging sh*t may work with your folks, but that cr*p
don't work up here. You're getting a sweater again.
Dearest Santa,
We don't have a chimney in our house, how do you get into our
Love, Marky
Firstly, stop calling yourself "Marky," that's why you're
getting your a*s whipped at school. Secondly, you don't live in
a house, that's a low-rent apartment complex you're living in.
Thirdly, I get inside your pad just like all the burglars do,
through your bedroom window.
Sweet Dreams! Santa

[JOKES] [Fwd: FW: catching snowflakes]

2000-12-05 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov


[JOKES] Top Ten Times In History when using the F word was appropriate

2000-11-30 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov

10) "What the *%# was that?"
 - Mayor of Hiroshima

 9) "Where did all these *%#ing Indians come from?"
 - Custer

 8) "Any *%#ing idiot could understand that."
 - Einstein

 7) "It does SO *%#ing look like her!"
 - Picasso

 6) "How the *%# did you work that out?"
 - Pythagoras

 5) "You want WHAT on the *%#ing ceiling?"
 - Michelangelo

 4) "I don't suppose it's gonna *%#ing rain."
 - Joan of Arc

 3) "Scattered *%#ing showers...my ass!"
 - Noah

 2) "I need this parade like I need a *%#ing hole in my head!"
 -JFK 1)

 1) "Aw, c'mon, who the *%# is going to find out?"
 - Bill Clinton

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[JOKES] [Fwd: FW: Update]

2000-03-20 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov




[JOKES] Antonioni's Blow Up The Sequel

2000-02-23 Прати разговор Vesselin Kirov


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