Moje bi i drugi sa poluchili syshtoto...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 5:03 PM

Please accept my apologies. I am very sorry I offended people, when all I intended was to say that the world treats some nationalities (Canadians) better than others (Bulgarians), and that that is not fair.

Perhaps you would like to read what another Bulgarian sent me:

Dear Sharon Bigley, dear editors of Newsweek, dear friends, dear friends of friends,

I've never been a great fan of political correctness (Fahrenheit 451, probably), but even if I try to practice this way of thinking, nothing in this article ( http://www.msnbc.com/news/709438.asp?cp1=1 ) offenses me, although I am Bulgarian. I read the phrase in question many times, and I don't think it means homely+bucktoothed+balding=Bulgarian. I don't see why any one would interpret it that way.

and let me also paste in another common message I have been getting:

hey you, fuckingly stupid bbbbbeggggley, do you know
at all where bulgaria is?
I doubt so, so you'd better keep your mouth shut next
time you talk about us
I wonder who you fuck with to keep you up at work with
this lousy magazine.
Sharon Begley
Science editor
251 W. 57th St.
NY NY 10019


    From:   Ivan Terziev[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
    Sent:   Tuesday, February 26, 2002 4:01 AM
    Subject:        OBJECTION

    <<File: Ivan Nikolaev Terziev.vcf>>

    My objection is against the remark made in the Feb. 25 issue 2002
    of NEWSWEEK Magazine by Sharon Begley in her article "Our Sport Has
    Gangrene" ( http://www.msnbc.com/news/709438.asp?cp1=1),
    where she states:

    "Even fans sympathetic to Jamie and David wondered aloud whether
    they would have gotten the gold if they had been homely, bucktoothed,
    balding and Bulgarian, rather than cute, charismatic Canadians. "

    Tasteless words like these are an insult to Bulgarians as well as to
    the numerous open-minded readers of NEWSWEEK around the world. We
    demand an apology.

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