za pochitatelite na krimki....

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 15:08:10 +0200 (CEST)
From: regijim sa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

TEL : (225) 05 95 96 93 

Dear one,    

I am MR REGIJIM SAMBA, a 22 years old gentleman and
the son of late MR KONDE SAMBA who was a famous
COCOA buyer and we are citizens of ZAMBIA ,but
residents in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, west Africa since
the past 15years. At the time my father was alive, he
operated his company under partnership with indigenes
of Cote d’Ivoire and Mali. His associates poisoned him
to claim his wealth. He was rushed to the hospital
where he secretly disclosed to me the cause of his
sickness, accusing his associates. Again, he disclosed
to me that he deposited the sum of US $ 9.000.000 
(Nine million united states of American dollars only)
in a  private bank company in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
as personal belongings. And that is the reason why his
associates want him dead. 
He advised me to source for a reliable foreign
investor to come and assist me transfer the fund to
his account strictly for investment purposes. This is
because he didn’t want his associates to raise eye
brow on this fund or kill me as well.More also, he
advised me to stay clear from his associates who will
be running after my dear life.Finally, he died in the
hospital after 2 days of admission.  So, I am
soliciting for your assistance to transfer the fund to
your account in your  country strictly for investment
As soon as you show your willingness to
assist, I shall send to you the photocopies of all the
documents that is relating to this transaction and at
the same time the contact of the bank  in ABIDJAN.
Presently my little sister is very ill and shes  no
longer schooling due to the fear
of possibly kidnapping by my late father’s associates
who are hunting for us due to this fund. My late
father advised me to offer 10% of the total sum as the
commission to anyone who assists me to transfer this
fund to his nominated account . 5% extra will be
out for any miscellaneous expenses  that should occur
in the course of this transaction. 

Moreover, as I am a lay man in investment,
you shall assist me to invest this fund in your
country, issue a letter of invitation to enable me, 
and my younger one to secure a visa to
your country immediately this fund must have
been transferred into your country.

May I strongly re-emphasis the highly confidentiality
I entrust in you as I want this transaction to
finishin 10 days time.

Thanks in anticipation. Wishing you God’s Richest
Blessing. Please call me on the telephone for more

Yours sincerely.


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