[JOYnet] Happy Birthday - Regimol Thomas

2001-08-05 Thread mahesh peter

Hai friends,

Tommorrow will be the Happy Birthday of our JEsus Youth friend Mrs. Regimol 
Thomas , working here in Kuwait as a Nurse and her husband Mr. Thomas also 
working here in Kuwait.

She was an active JEsus Youth from Delhi.

Her mail id is [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Mahesh Peter
JY, Kuwait

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[JOYnet] joy shared from joeph satara

2001-08-05 Thread Joseph Sebastian Kariampally

Hello Brothers in Christ,

It is so nice to know that I still can get in touch with what happens in jesus youth 
trough the net.

I was happy to get the email address of my old friends Sunil and  Berly. Thanks to the 
Lord and JOYnet which He created..

If there are others who know me please do get in touch.
I am Joseph Sebastian, did my BSc. in Devagiri and where i came to know the Lord and 
then went on to do my MSW from Rajagiri. Presently i am working as a Lecturer at 
SAtara in MAharastra.. MY email Id is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do pray


in Christ


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Re: [JOYnet] Birthday of FR.THOMAS THARAYIL

2001-08-05 Thread Don Bosco

Dear Father,
Happy birtthday to you.
Praying for you
with love

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[JOYnet] Happy Birth Day Fr Thomas Tharayil

2001-08-05 Thread Thomas Mathew

Dear Fr. Thomas TharayilMany blessings on your Birth Day. We your friends
are praying for you on this Day.  God Bless you Fr Thomas Mathew

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[JOYnet] Birthday of Asha John

2001-08-05 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

Let's celebrate the birthday (August 06) of Asha John.
Please send your greetings to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

God Bless
JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Drunkenness is not a Sin?

2001-08-05 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear loving friends in Jesus,
I thank God who inspires many of us to 
share on the topic of DRUNKENNESS through His Holy Spirit. From the 
discussions going on it is clearly understood that drunkenness is a big sin. 
Those who support moderate drinking also explained the various bad aspects 
of drunkenness very well. Many of us know moderation will lead to 
addiction. There is no positive justification about this. The person who 
knows all the negative aspects of drinking, but personally supports 
/justifies it. I strongly believe these are the tactics of Satan to deviate 
the holy minds and hearts.  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, 
but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the 
darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly 
places. (Eph 6:12)
 Dear friends, Aren't we following a fifth 
gospel-- The gospel made by each of us according to our conveniences, taste 
and life style. We avoid the scriptures, which are causing us inconvenience. 
We avoid certain areas cleverly because that is entirely different from our 
social custom and status.  We are proclaiming this fifth gospel to the 
world. This is the biggest obstacle in our Christian Life. This is the 
reason millions are still away from salvation. Please keep in mind, we have 
a lot of differences in various fields (culture, language, education etc 
etc) but we have only one Bible.
  I would like to share my views on certain relevant 
areas of the ongoing discussions. A family  Domestic Church (11 Vatican 
Council) becomes reality through the holy sacrament of Marriage. The 
assimilation of three personalities, God, man and woman. A great joy for 
heaven and earth.  They are drunk, but not with wine. They stagger, but not 
with intoxicating drink (Is 29:9) In my personal opinion whoever serves the 
liquor on that day has the moral responsibility for the families suffering 
around the world through drinks. Then it is better for the church to 
announce to stop the intercessory prayers against drunkenness. If we can use 
drinks in places of celebration what is the difference between church and 
hotels/bars/clubs. Only Mr.Lukas shared his opinions, but he has not 
mentioned the reasons. In my e-mail on drunkenness, I wanted to highlight 
two things
1)  Priests and leaders teaching drunkenness is not a sin and part of 
culture--- almost everybody responded. No one came up with any comments on 
culture and its relevance to Christianity.
2)  Is it advisable to conduct programs and functions serving liquor within 
the church premises? Please share your views.
   We are talking about 'ATTITUDE'. In many families drunkenness 
is a part of life and their families are struggling ---this is part of 
attitude? Many people whom I know, most of them from Philippines has one 
partner in their native place and one in the work place, is it attitude?  In 
USA  UK parents send children to school with condoms for safety 
purposehealth caution. This is part of attitude? Teachers give 
contraceptive pills to girls in order to avoid child pregnancy, part of 
attitude? Everyone knows homosexuality is very common and acceptable in many 
catholic countries, again part of attitude. I am not trying to assert that 
we are better than others. I only want to highlight the evils very alive in 
the world. Yes we are living in a world where sin has become a part of life, 
a way of life. In the Bible we can see, Jesus is alike to mankind in 
everything except sin. No compromise on sin in any case whatsoever. We are 
called to that perfection.
 We believe the Apostolic Church is holy and perfect. This 
is our teaching. Also we are teaching the church should form the conscience 
of the world. If so we have to find answers for the following
a)  There are millions of drunkards ruining their body and soul.
b)  There are people living in poverty / facing financial problems due to 
c)  There are untold suffering in families, leading women even to the point 
of  suicide due to their spouse's drunkenness
d)  There are children born with psychological problems because of 
e)  There are cases of daughters being abused by their own dads through 
f)  There are youth indulging in immoralities due to drunkenness
g)  There are lot of political killing due to drunkenness
h)  There are so many girls remaining unmarried because of their parents 
i)  Needless to say, many people suffering from several diseases due to 
j)  There are lot of rape cases due to drunkenness
k)  There are sexual problems among partners due to drunkenness
l)  There are liquor tragedies thousands have died
m)  There are priests  leaders addicted to drinks disfiguring the face of 
the church
n)  There are 

[JOYnet] commissioning -delhi

2001-08-05 Thread sunil simon

dear jy friends,

Thanks for your prayer support,

25 youth compleated their formation and yesterday they all have been 
comisioned by archbishop vincent M concesso of delhi.

The mass was cocelebrated by jy nationl paster FR. george svd.
dr. manoj coordinator jy.usa, was present and also shered his experence with 
the participants. It was realy motivating.

The Programme was conducted in community centere at goeldakahana in delhi.
around 300 people participated 9 priest and the singing of music ministry 
was marvallous.

babychayan will go to ahamadbad today 6th july.

Special thanks to all the resource persons, and for your prayer support.

keep us in your prayers.

sunil simon

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[JOYnet] Thankyou all God Bless!!

2001-08-05 Thread Josun Jose Nellanikat

Hi friends,

Thank you so much for the avalanche of emails and goodwill that I received 
for my birthday. (about 213 greetings this morning!lol:) ) I thank the lord 
for each one of you.

Yesterday, I went to church and had my confession. After that, I sat for 
about 4 hours or so in the church just reminiscing about my past life. I 
went back to the time I could remember when I was in nursery, teenage, youth 
etc.. I was going over the different incidents both good and not so good 
that had occurred in my life all these years. In all these incidents I 
discovered that there was a common link, each experience led me to another, 
and it continued till yesterday when I was sitting in the church!! I 
realized that it was those past experiences and decisions I made that have 
brought me till where I am today. Those struggles, those pains, those joys, 
It was those meat grinding experiences that brought me closer to the Lord! 
Tears were streaming down my face as I just thanked the lord everything.

Then my mind went back to a different stratosphere! I started thinking of my 
loving parents, the sacrifice they both made for me.( my 5 younger 
siblings!) I recalled the number of times I blamed them, disobeyed them, 
hurt them. Many times I had compared my parents to those of others. 
Yesterday I thanked the lord for my parents, For the gift of life they gave 
me. If they hadnt exercised their free will, the way they did at that God 
ordained moment, Josun Jose would never have been!! (how catastrophic!!).

Ive been in the habit of making birthday resolutions and breaking them. 
This year Ive taken only one resolution. To live in obedience to my 
parents. To love them and accept them as they are. Ive challenged my self, 
that I wont succumb to the provocations I may get from them. This year I 
want to be a saint at home! Lol:).

Once again I thank each one of you dear ones, for your love and support. 
Indeed I have grown after becoming a joynetter!.(I still am growing!lol:) Do 
continue praying for me.

Jesus in me loves you all!

Josun Jose

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