Re: [JOYnet] On my marriage preparations !!!

2001-11-18 Thread Manoj Jons David

Hi All!

Giju, do have the archive of the old PL discussion we had on JOYNet, If
so please try to post it here. (Or if anyone is having it, please send it to
me or Giju) I think it answers many question. (along with many unanswered

GIJU>1. If non abortive contraceptive methods are called as artificial and
GIJU>are forbidden, then is NFP too not artificial? For a couple, the
GIJU>act is for sharing their love and if they abstain from it during the
GIJU>period with an intention of not having any offspring, why not it
GIJU>2. Is it not the intention of doing something makes it sinful or not ?
If at
GIJU>all it becomes sinful, why based on the method  whether it is
artificial or
GIJU>natural? Does it not become sinful when the couple decide not to have
GIJU>children, no matter they use NFP or any artificial (non abortive)
GIJU>(I agree abortive methods are sinful as it's murderous by nature)

I think the important point is the intention for using NFP. If you use
NFP for 'contraception' for the same reasons you are using the so-called
'artifical contraceptives', you are having 'contraceptive mentality' and its
against the teaching of the church!!
Am I right?!

Living by the 'rules' doesn't mean you are doing the right thing - but
its should be by 'rule' and 'fact'

People (experienced) say that NFP is 100% succesful. It is 100%
succesful under two conditions

1. The fertile period is identified with 100% accuracy.
2. You completely (100%) abstain from sex during the fertile period.

Gynecs generally say that NFP is not 100% safe because you might find it
difficult to satisfy the above conditions (due to many reasons) - Especially
the condition 1 for new married couple. It generally takes a few months for
a woman to properly learn to chart her fertile period. If you get a training
from a NFP trainer it would be very good (JY Prolife Ministry,- why cant you
think about this?)

What about using an "artificial" Fertility Monitor for this? Somebody please

I don't think that it will difficult to satisfy condition no.2 in a good
christian marriage! :) And my opinion is that you don't need to practice
100% safe NFP in a good chrisitan family life! We are only "Co-Creators"
along with God and no "Creators" or "Controllers"!!

Manoj Jons

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[JOYnet] Top Urgent

2001-11-18 Thread mahesh peter

Dear friends,

can you get me Manoj Sunny's mail id immediately, my mistake i deleted the 
mail id.


Mahesh PEter

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[JOYnet] On my marriage preparations !!!

2001-11-18 Thread Giju George

Hi Guys et gals !!!

I guess I should not be silent just because I am tied up with the prep for
getting married !!!
Yup I am enjoying the last week of my cheerful bachelorhood and when the
clock strikes 1 on the next Sunday afternoon I would be a married man with
my lady standing at my side !!!

It's been quite an experience to prepare for a marriage. Believe me, it's a
huge project by itself, probably much different from the kind of other
projects I do at my work. In software development you always have a deadline
that you can always break and never meet !!! But when it comes to marriage
you have a drop-deadline which cannot be relaxed even by a few hours !! So
far things are going okay as per the check list that I have and I dunno if I
have missed out something in the checklist itself. But those are the little
worries I guess.

I experience that the best preparation for marriage is a good quality prayer
time that I can find daily. I find that it's the best way to plan my prep
for the marriage. I feel that I am doing justice to my prep only when I sit
down and pray. Whenever I miss the prayers, whatever I do, I feel it's
incomplete and not to mention the confusion and frustrations that arise. I
am sure if I can make a good confession and a holy communion, my face would
get a better glow than by going to a beautician !!

In the wake of the discussions on the Prolife and Family Planning
discussions, it would be apt if I share my own experience (don't mistake me,
I have only theories with me, not any practical experience !!!) of attending
the marriage preparation course. I am sure along with me, Rose, my fiancée
is also very much confused about this topic. For us it was pretty amusing to
note the difference in the views of the two resource persons who handled the
sessions on Family Planning during the course we attended. When a priest
took the session he was talking on all good theories, urging the young
looking-forward-to-get-married pairs to plan their family only through NFP.
Any of the so called artificial methods for family planning is forbidden by
the church.

But when a married lady, a doctor that too a gynecologist, by profession,
handled the session she suggested to stay away from those artificial methods
that are of abortive nature (e.g.. Copper T method) as such methods do the
killing of life. She said we have a moral responsibility of not crowding the
planet with too many offspring; so Family Planning is an act of social
responsibility. And any method is fine as long as it does not take away a

Now I have a couple of questions.

1. If non abortive contraceptive methods are called as artificial and they
are forbidden, then is NFP too not artificial? For a couple, the conjugal
act is for sharing their love and if they abstain from it during the fertile
period with an intention of not having any offspring, why not it becomes

2. Is it not the intention of doing something makes it sinful or not ? If at
all it becomes sinful, why based on the method  whether it is artificial or
natural? Does it not become sinful when the couple decide not to have any
children, no matter they use NFP or any artificial (non abortive) method?
(I agree abortive methods are sinful as it's murderous by nature)

Please do write to me. I wish to take lessons from the experienced hands !!!

And dear pals, do not forget to pray for me and Rose.
Hey, I wish to see you guys at the wedding banquet !!

With Love and Prayers
Ps: Thanks a million to Suresh for give a spark to the JOYnet.
I can see that it's buring now, with a lot of love and joy through mails !!!

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Re: [JOYnet] Catholic Version of the HOLY BIBLE

2001-11-18 Thread Ravi Vaz

Hi Jose and Joynetters,

Please see the Site mentioned below

Also see the above mentioned site of Cathecism of the
catholic church.
teachings on various topics etc...

love and prayers

--- jose joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> Praise the Lord
> I would like to down load a catholic version of HOLY
> BIBLE to my hard disc. I would be grateful  if
> someone could please give me the web site from where
> I can find the HOLY BILBLE.
> Thanks and Regards
> Jose
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Re: [JOYnet] can anybody share their views on masturbation and oral sex as per the Catholic church

2001-11-18 Thread Ravi Vaz

Hi Monisha and Joynetters,

Any Form of Sexual Perversion be it Homosexuality or
Masturbation or other such Acts are Banned by the
Catholic Church and are a grave sin. The Sexual Act in
any form or for any reason Other than pro-creation is
Contrary to the original plan  of God.It reduces a
Holy and Pure Action to a Joke and a Bad one at

Please refer to Bensi Chackos mail to joynet on the
important topic of Contraception and also I will say
something more later..

Love and Prayers


--- Monisha Rebello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I need some info on the above topics to share it
> with one of my friend.
> Monisha
> Bombay
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[JOYnet] My comments on Rose's reply to the Contraception query...

2001-11-18 Thread Ravi Vaz

Hi Joynetters,
Natural Family Planning is the recommended method of
the Church becoz,it does not interfere with the
natural bio-rythm that God has blessed Human Beings
It is  Contraception I Agree , but not of the Body and
in the Body, rather in the Mind.. Where we as Rational
Human Beings exercise the Gift of The Holy Spirit
called Self-Control... Also if we notice, even the
unrational animals also follow this Bio -Rythm
As Christians we are called to be free from the
slavery to our Passions...
It is Difficult But not Impossible,by the Grace and
Strength of the God who is the Third Partner and the
Uniting Force in any marriage...

This method is totally free of all artificial and
external agents..
The "artificial Contraceptives " are external devices,
chemicals etc which are used ..
Regarding the Harmlessness of this method... I am
Sorry to say that artificial methods of Contra ception
are the most unsafe ones...
Things like IUD (Copper T) actually is a copper metal
wire which fits into the Fallopian tubes and prevents
formation of the eggs in the womb..Many Cases this
Device has caused tearing of the Womb,biological
reactions and in many cases a woman is left
permanently childless after that..
Also other Chemicals used as Contra ceptives prove
ineffective in preventing pregnancy and the Baby
mostly ends up born deformed or with other congenital
diseases.. and is in most cases aborted which we know
is Murder.
these same chemicals cause side effects and in many
cases totally prevents pregnancy...for life..
Condoms and other preventive devices are never safe
and can never assure u of 100% reliablity and also we
as human beings are

The NFP on the Other hand will never have these
associated  sideeffects and reactions...
Also a couple will gain enormous amount of mutual love
and respect for each other and self control. Then a
Marriage will be an actual union of Two into one Body.
where the Common Good will be preferred over
individual wants and needs.
The sexual Act itself is one of Self giving and is
meant only for pro-creation as planned by God.
He could have Just Created man and planted him on this
But He Chose us to be his "Co-creators" and has given
us this great privilege
... when we prevent the motive from being realised we
are taunting God and setting ourselves against God and
his loving plan for us..
That I Think none of us would like to do in our
wildest dreams..
Then we are reducing Something Sacred and Pure to
something ritualistic and base and may I call it a
Form of Entertainment...
Are we trying to make a Joke out of God...

Let us Think about it 
Also Please keep in your minds the beautiful thoughts
expressed by Bensi Chacko on this topic

Please mail to the Joynet with any further queries you
may have..
Do not be Shy about it...Since it is a very Critical
issue which concerns our life and the life of the
future generation.

Love and Prayers


Mumbai, India

--- rose antony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do agree that lord has told us to reproduce &
> multiply. But when he ordered that, adam & eve were
> the only human beings on earth. But I do wonder if
> that is practical in the current world situation
> where resources are minimal and there is an over
> explosion of population. It's really nice to talk
> about NFP in this modern world but isn't that too a
> kind of contraception where a man & a woman refrain
> from sex during fertility period? isn't it the same
> as any other harmless artificial contraception? In
> both the cases, I find that the reason is the same -
> "preventing conception".  As far as I've heard
> from doctors, NFP is not safe.  
> Can
> someone elaborate on this?
>   Bensi Chacko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Dear
> Friends,
> The devil is a smooth operator. His favorite devices
> are sex 
> education, contraception and mass media. Sex
> education is not dangerous 
> provided it follows the guidelines set by the Church
> on modesty and purity. 
> Oftentimes the sex education is used by Satan to
> excite a youth to lust. 
> Most of the schools in the United States and Europe
> now have incorporated 
> sex education in their curriculum. Schools teach
> artificial birth control 
> methods as prevention against contracting HIV-
> related diseases. In a 
> community college in California, this was even made
> a requirement for 
> admittance. All freshmen students were treated to a
> "live demonstration" to 
> how HIV is transmitted to both the opposite and the
> same sexes. " We are 
> only interested in your own health", the teacher
> said. "We promote safe sex 
> here in this college"
> What the youth do not realize is that to play with
> sex for 
> experimentation before marriage is fornication; with
> other partners during 
> marriage is adultery. Fornication and adultery are
> both mortal sins, which 
> will bring us to hell.
> Sex education encourages mastur

[no subject]

2001-11-18 Thread roshan mathew verghese

Well, Hi,

Here am I with a very stupid question.

what is this desert experience you all talk about?

Yours in Christ for ever,

Roshan Mathew VergheseGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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[JOYnet] Kindly lift following request in your prayer

2001-11-18 Thread ajishpothan

hello joynet warrior's,
Praise the Lord

These are the following prayer request that we received last week.  Kindly
includes them in your prayer.  As it's said that when we pray for other's.
we pray for ourself.

1) Mr. Bejoy had requested to pray for students of his college as they were
having a one and half day spiritual program on 17th and 18th November.

2) Kusumam Pavanal has requested to pray for her sister-in-law, Sanitha.

3) Mr. Shiju Cherian has requested to pray for his dad, who is not keeping
well and is having low B.P.

4) This requested by Mr. Ajith Lukose has requested to pray for his dear
Nina, as she is unable to take decision of her vocation.

5) Mr. Robin Varghese has forwarded a noble request.  He wants to join

6) George Thomas has requested to pray for his semester exams, which is
going to begin from 5th till 14 th dec.

7) Sunitha is having a desert feeling in her life. Kindly pray for her
spiritual upliftment.

8) Jaina. Jacob has requested to pray for her spiritual upliftment.

9) Miss. Reena Paul is going to appear for her 3rd semester exam of M.S.W
(Master of Social Work).

10) Mr. Thomas has requested to pray for success in his exams.

11) Miss. Beth has requested to pray for her parents, as they are getting
divorced after been married for 35-years.  At this instance we also pray
for all the family, who are getting separated because of lack in faith and
trust in our lord Jesus.

12) Wilson is suffering for sinusitis for past one and half year.  Kindly
pray the healing touch from our master healer for all those who are
suffering from sinusitis.

13) Mr. George P J is a student, appearing for +2 exams, and his exams are
going to start from Feb15.  Kindly pray for his success in exams.

14) This is a thanks-giving request from Lovely Thomas, for the blessing
and grace of god that they have been getting.

15) Joseph has requested to pray for Sruthi (6-years) for her better sight.
As we pray for Sruthi, we also pray for all other's who is having sight

16)  Shaji has requested to pray for his friend Francis, regarding his
marriage and job.

17) Shaji has requested to pray Priya as her marriage proposals are going

With lots of love and prayer
Bhopal ( Madhya Pradesh )

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2001-11-18 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (November 19).

stine augustine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Mr. Thomas & Miss Thomas

2001-11-18 Thread Smiju Joseph

God is with you.

Hi Joyneters, 
realy exciting mail from Thomas.
On the way we met a wonderfull brother & a wonderfull
sister ( don't make you face like 'air pillow', I know
you all are my brothers & sisters:)).

When?? my sister will come and join to Joynet?
SMITHAAA.. where are you?

If there are more bro & sis... please introduce
yourself. It is quite intresting.

with lots of lov & prayers
smiju joseph, abu dhabi
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[JOYnet] Thanks for to helping me to find the sword

2001-11-18 Thread Smiju Joseph

"Where is my sword?" I shouted in the dark.

"Where is my sheild?" I saw the glowing eye of my

"Where is my cross?" I am now so proud to cary it.

without my sword, without my sheild, whithout my
cross, I will never be a true christian.!!

Thankyou all very much for the prayer support.

with lots of lov & prayers
smiju joseph, abu dhabi
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[no subject]

2001-11-18 Thread Cuckoo Susan James

Hi and Hello to all JOYnetters!

I am surprised that I've actually begun to  write in JOYnet ...after so 
many failures.
I would start writing and then stop after a few sentences, very bored and 
dry. It's been like that for sooo many weeks now.
I guess I'm writing now because I badly want to be part of this fellowship 
once again.
Because when the going gets tough, the tough gets going .. with JOYnet 
:-))True, very true.
It is certainly more lively in here ...thanks to Suresh :-) (BTW, he is 
active behind the scenes too- 'pulling legs' (wasn't that it?) poking 
everybody to write).

Now...the eternal problem... what to write...
I wanted to write about our new Bible School - 'Thejas', the precious fruit 
of years of prayer.

I don't believe you remember a small notice in JOYnet from the JY BIBLE 
Well, it was nothing much...a  mobilization for a well-planned and 
well-thought out pgm.
A Jesus Youth Bible study programme. I guess the first of its kind in Kerala.
It is a one year course for people like you and me ... I guess most of us 
are beginners, no?

The Bible study actually began months back with a small group of people 
gathering together to pray and share the Word of God. They  continued to 
study characters from the Bible and Psalms etc. The meeting was held every 
week at Berly Earnest's (ex-JY All Kerala Co-ordinator and JOYneter) place. 
They were joined by a priest, Fr. Cherian Nereveetil ( an ex-full-timer and 
a very creative person . He wrote a beautiful prayer for the school, mixing 
up all the symbols of the Word...I wish I could translate that it into 
English... I'll try) Of course, they were joined by Angel, Berly and 
Annie's one-year old :-))

Meanwhile, preparations were going on for the School. Brochures, 
mobilization, literature, intercession,,

Now, after such mega preparation the programme started the  second weekend 
of November with 35 participants. Registration has been closed. It was less 
than the number expected...but ideal for the growth of the group. They'll 
be seeing each other for the next 12 months... really and truly sharing the 
Word (Jesus ) through their  enthusiasm to learn, talents, and patience to 
listen as Jesus( Word) speaks to their hearts.

You want to hear what they experienced during the weekend? :-)
I thought... and the group agrees... that writing in the JOYnet about the 
individual sessions  will be really good. What do ye think, guys?

I guess I've stopped short of making you fall asleep...He! He!
At least, I'm half-asleep:-)). Hmmm...

One more thing...
I was surprised and touched by the great number of mails I got on my Birthday.
I've been silent for so long and yet none of my unseen friends have 
forgotten me.
Thank you all for your sweet gesture of love.

Praise my darling Jesus!

Love in Jesus,

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[JOYnet] anti-abortion update.

2001-11-18 Thread Alexy Pallan

Dear Joynetters,
And today we have been to meet Mr. M.A. Baby, CPM Polit Bureu member and we 
took that opportunity to discuss with him about pro-life.  We had a 
discussion for ½ an hour and we couldn’t finish the discussion, so he had 
asked us to come and meet him on Wednesday the 21st of this month at 2 pm.  
We had met our Chief Minister’s wife Mrs. Elizabeth and we had discussed on 
this same subject, pro-life for 1 ½ hr. and she promised us she will keep in 
prayers and help us as much she can.  So kindly pray for the whole project 
and especially for Wednesdays meeting.
Love & Prayers
Alexy Pallan, Shiney Alexy & Sunny Kattookaran

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Re: [JOYnet] The new one

2001-11-18 Thread Thomas Kunnath

Hallo everyone,
My exams are over.Thank you to all the people who prayed for me and
especially to the people who personally mailed me and told me they were
praying for me.Those mails  made me feel supported and  I guess thats
is all about.
Now I will contribute /share more but there is only one problem
Now i cant share as freely as before because someone who knows me very
well is now part of JOYNET.
I am sure i am the only one in JOYNET who does not welcome her.
Everyone must be thinking who is this person.

She has been telling me for long time now to get her part of the mailing
list but because of my eternal procrastination and forgetfulness  i was
not able to,now she's joined herself and has made it a point not to
she's MY  sister.
So Rosemary Thomas from Goa is my sister.
So there ,now that i've told the world your r my sister i am happy.
I grudgingly wellcome  you!

Love to all in Jesus


Rosemary Thomas wrote:

>  Hello everybody,
>  I got some mail asking where I am from. I'm basically from Changanaserry. I did my 
>B.Sc in B'lore and I'm now in Goa because this is the place I got thru' in after 
>writing the test. And yes! It is a cool place to be!
>  I was part of the National Campus Meet in B'lore when I was there and know alot of 
>the JY there. That's very basically about me now.
>  Bye, Rosemary.
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