[JOYnet] Xmas invitation to Changanasserry

2001-12-15 Thread Thomas Kunnath

X'mas is drawing near..
The Perfect time to get together with friends and family.
The time to let Jesus be born anew in our hearts..
Jesus Youth Changanasserry on behalf of Jesus would like to invite you
,with all your family for the Jesus Youth Family Gathering ..
You are cordially invited for the function to be held on the 22nd of
December at Assumption College Auditorium,Changanasserry from 930AM to
Come to celebrate X'mas with hundreds of old and new Jesus Youth!
Hoping to see you...

Fr George Pazhayapura(Renewal Coordinator ) &
Siju Thomas(Youth Coordinator)

Hai everyone,
Have been quite busy because of the above program.Everyone on the mailing
list who is from in and around Changanasserry Zone please take this as a
formal invitation and try to come for the program.All old and new Jesus
Youth with family are invited.please do try to   make it there on that
day.For any details  please mail  me.

lots of love in Jesus

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[JOYnet] News from UAE

2001-12-15 Thread AJA

Hello Everyone
Just a short update about the happenings in UAE.
The two day retreat at Abudhabi started today morning at 8.30 i.e. 10 AM IST.
Around 250 participants have registered for the programme.
This is the first time we are conducting a programme for more than one day.
Keep the programme in your prayers.
Regards and prayers
Abraham  Joseph
Fujairah, UAE

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2001-12-15 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (December 16).

Miguel Angel lopez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
st micheals <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
bobby bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] You have a posty!

2001-12-15 Thread cher_dza2001

Confidential! For friends only!

sheril has created a special posty, just for you, 
friends and has sent it to you on 12/15/2001 11:56 AM.

The posty will be stored for you for 14 days.
Be sure to pick it during these 14 days before it expires.
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Your ticket number is:  1215115617031771

Remember Your card must be picked up within 14 days.
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[JOYnet] The Last Straw

2001-12-15 Thread Deekshit Daniel Sebastian

send to me by a friend

The Last Straw

Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good
deeds. -- Heb. 10:24

It was another long, winter afternoon with everyone stuck in the house and the
four McDonald children were at it again -- bickering, teasing, fighting over
their toys. At times like these, Mother was almost ready to believe that her
children didn’t love each other, though she knew that wasn’t really true. All
brothers and sisters fight, of course, but lately her little lively bunch had
been particularly horrible to each other, especially Eric and Kelly, who were
just a year apart. They seemed determined to spend the whole winter making each
other miserable.

“Gimme that. It’s mine!”

“Is not, fatso! I had it first!”

Mother sighed as she listened to the latest argument coming from the living
room. With Christmas only a month away, the McDonald house seemed sadly lacking
in Christmas spirit. This was supposed to be the season of sharing and love, of
warm feelings and happy hearts. A home needed more than just pretty packages or
twinkling lights on the tree to fill it with the Christmas spirit. But how could
any mother convince her children that being kind to each other was the most
important way top get ready for Christmas.

Mother had only one idea. Years ago her grandmother had told her about an old
Christmas custom that helped people discover the real meaning of Christmas.
Perhaps it would work for her family. It was worth a try. Mother gathered her
four little rascals together and sat them down on the stairs, smallest to
tallest -- Mike, Randi, Kelly and Eric.

“How would you kids like to start a new Christmas project this year?” she asked.
“It’s like a game, but it can only be played by people who can keep a secret.
Can everyone here do that?”

“I can!” shouted Eric, wildly waving his arm in the air.

“I can keep a secret better than he can,” yelled Kelly, jumping up and waving
her arm in the air, too. If this was a contest, she wanted to make sure she beat

“I can do it!” chimed in Randi, not quite sure what was happening but not
wanting to be left out.

“Me too, me too, me too,” squealed little Mike, bouncing up and down.

“Well then here’s how the game works,” Mother explained. “This year we’re going
to surprise Baby Jesus when he comes on Christmas eve by making him the softest
bed in the world. We’re going to build a little crib for him to sleep in right
here in our house, and we’ll fill it with straw to make it comfortable. But
here’s the catch: Each piece of straw we put in the manger will represent one
kind thing we do for someone between now and Christmas. The more kind things we
do, the more straw there will be for Baby Jesus. The secret part is -- we can’t
tell anyone what good things we’re doing and who we’re doing them for.”

The children looked confused. “How will Baby Jesus know it’s his bed?” asked

“He’ll know,” said Mother. “He’ll recognize it by the love we’ve put into the
crib, by how soft it is.”

“But who will we do the kind things for?” asked Eric.

“It’s simple,” said Mother. “We’ll do them for each other. Once every week
between now and Christmas, we’ll put all of our names in this hat, mine and
Daddy’s too. Then we’ll each draw a name and do kind things for that person for
a whole week. But here’s the hard part. We can’t tell anyone whose name we’ve
drawn for that week, and we’ll each try to do as many favors as we can for our
special person without getting caught. And for every secret good thing we do,
we’ll put another piece of straw in the crib.”

“But what if I pick someone I don’t like?” frowned Kelly.

Mother thought about that for a minute. “Maybe you could use extra fat straws
for the good things you do for that person, because they might be harder to do.
But just think how much faster the fat straws will fill up our crib. Then on
Christmas eve we’ll put Baby Jesus in his little bed, and he’ll sleep that night
on a mattress made of love. I think he’d like that, don’t you?”

“Now, who will build the crib for us?” she asked.

Since Eric was the oldest, and the only one of the children allowed to use
tools, he marched off to the basement to give it a try. For the next couple of
hours loud banging and sawing noises came from the basement. Then for a long
time there were no noises at all. Finally Eric climbed back up the stairs with
the manger in his arms. “Here it is,” he grinned. “The best crib in the world!
And I did it all myself.”

For once, everyone agreed: the little manger was the best crib in the world. One
leg was an inch too short, of course, and the crib rocked a bit. But it had been
built with love -- and about a hundred bent nails -- and it would certainly last
a long time.

“Now we need some straw,” said Mother, and together they headed out to the car
to go searching for some in the nearby fields. Surprisingly, no one fought over
who was going to sit in the front seat that day as they drove around the


2001-12-15 Thread Deekshit Daniel Sebastian

this was forwarded to me by a friend -



Santa lives at the North Pole ... 

JESUS is everywhere. 


Santa rides in a sleigh ... 

JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water. 


Santa comes but once a year ... 

JESUS is an ever present help. 


Santa fills your stockings with goodies ... 

JESUS supplies all your needs. 


Santa comes down your chimney uninvited ... 

JESUS stands at your door and knocks, and then enters your heart when 



You have to wait in line to see Santa ... 

JESUS is as close as the mention of His name. 


Santa lets you sit on his lap ... 

JESUS lets you rest in His arms. 


Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or 

girl, what's your name?" ... 

JESUS knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our
address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs
are on our heads. 


Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly ... 

JESUS has a heart full of love. 


All Santa can offer is HO HO HO ... 

JESUS offers health, help and hope. 


Santa says "You better not cry" ... 

JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you." 


Santa's little helpers make toys ... 

JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and 

builds mansions. 


Santa may make you chuckle but ... 

JESUS gives you joy that is your strength. 


While Santa puts gifts under your tree ... 

JESUS became our gift and died on a tree. 


It's obvious there is really no comparison. 

We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about. 

We need to put Christ back in CHRISTmas, 

Jesus is still the reason for the season. 


Yes, Jesus is better, he is even better than Santa Claus. 


 Author Unknown 

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[JOYnet] You are requested.........?

2001-12-15 Thread sony EA

Dear Friends,

Heavy midst covered all the part of Capital City, Delhi. These days people 
can't see each other and they are afraid to come out of their houses. Also, 
a feeling of insecurity spread all the areas of Delhi, after parliament 
attack. Heavy security system and traffic controls are enabling to spread 
this message to common people.

But Jy friends in Delhi are experiencing real fire from Holy Spirit. They 
are going through prayer, planning etc.. in all night as part  preparations 
of prog. called Winter Gloria. [ Exhibition & Music prog. from 23rd to 26th 

>From 1999 onwards JY, Delhi taking initiative to co-ordinate Exhibition and 
Music prog. as part Christmas celebrations in our Cathedral Church. Last 
year it was a Mega Exhibition co-ordinate by Diocese, Delhi, and supported 
by all our JY friends.( prog. cord. by Jose Mathew) This year also Jesus 
Youth continues this mission...
because on Christmas days lot of people specially non-christens ( Sikhs & 
other religions) will come to Cathedral Church to worship our  baby Jesus.  
This will be a good opportunity to introduce Jesus to  them. This year main 
stalls are Basic Gospel, Pro-life, Church , Bible & Jesus Film.

We are remembering fruits of last Exhibitions, In 1999 my friend, Dilbet 
shared basic Gospel to a Sikh ( Sardar), named Renjit Singh. Last year we 
again met him ... now he growing in Jesus and have good contacts with us

So Dear Friends, can we join our hands with this good initiative? Can we 
give a good birth day gift (  saves one soul)  to our little Jesus? May be 
our physical presence will not be there . but pray and support and see 
that our name should be written above with angels who singing gloria.

with love & prayers


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[JOYnet] Vehicle in trouble(Please pray that it gets well fast)

2001-12-15 Thread Shobith Thomas

hi All 

I got a phone now saying that my vehicle got hung up in coimbatore. 
Please do pray that my friend Biju who was with it.He is confused 
as he doesnot know the service centers here.I cannot go because I 
have no leave.Please pray that some angel ie some mechanic whom he 
might contact will be able to get it sorted.He had gone to 
Coimbatore to get things for the Christmas celebrations here at 
Coimbatore and has to get back here at 5:30 since we  would be 
starting the decorations after the duty at 5:30.Please take it as an 
urgency and do pray for him and my vehicle.I had told him that I will
pose a request and about 700 JY will pray for this intension.

With prayers


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