[JOYnet] Fwd: Prayer to take Authority

2001-12-27 Thread JOSEPH FRANCIS

>From: Joseph Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Prayer to take Authority
>Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 11:33:38 +0400

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[JOYnet] Prayer request from Sijo Mooken

2001-12-27 Thread Shobith Thomas

Hi friends

Prayer request from Sijo Mooken

Please pray for the father of Sijo Mooken.I had called Sijo yesterday and he asked me 
to put a request to pray for his father who is very weak.Sijo is going to get married 
on this Sunday and had asked me pray for that too.I had send this mail to prayernet 
but it bounced back.It would be helpful if somebody can forward this to 

With prayerful wishes in the name of Jesus Mary and Joseph 


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[JOYnet] The Godly Quality of Generosity

2001-12-27 Thread biji james

Dear Friends,
“He who bestows his goods upon the poor, shall have as
much again, and ten times more.”
-John Bunyan 

The Godly Quality of Generosity

Proverbs 11:24-25 
There is one who scatters, and yet increases all the
more, And there is one who withholds what is justly
due, and yet it results only in want.
The generous man will be prosperous, And he who 
waters will himself be watered.

There is a funny story about a frustrated mother and a
fidgety seven-year old girl in church one Sunday
morning. The child was extremely bored halfway through
the sermon, and was causing her mother a great deal of
stress. Finally, the girl looked up and exclaimed,
“Mommy, if we just give him the money now, will he let
us go home?!?” 

We smirk, because we know in our hearts that the most
painful honesty usually comes out of the mouths of
children. Is this how we view giving? Sometimes, it is
as though we think of our ministry giving as actually
paying dues to the church! This is not how God intends
us to view the act of giving. Consider the poor widow
in Mark 12. After stepping up and contributing only
two small coins totaling one cent, Jesus proclaimed
that this one woman had given more than anyone else
because she had nothing, yet still contributed. 

Christians should never give out of obligation, but
instead in an attitude of joy and worship (2
Corinthians 9:7). By giving, we can bless others just
as we ourselves have been blessed (Matthew 10:8). 

We have many wonderful opportunities every day to
demonstrate God’s love to others. Does our giving
reflect the grace and blessings that God has bestowed
upon us? 

Pray today for God to bless you with the heart of a

Copyright © 2000, IN TOUCH Magazine. In Touch
Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

Your's in Jesus,
Biji James,
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[JOYnet] John said " This Christmas I didnt drink"

2001-12-27 Thread Thomas Mathew

John said “this Christmas I didn’t drink”

 Yesterday in the evening, John (not the real name) came to meet with me.
John is a white, professional, married to his beautiful wife and they
have four children. John is laid off from job for the past two years due
to drinking habit. John shared about the past Christmas and it’s
relevance in his life. "This Christmas was a unique one for me"

I got curious and listened to his sharing " For the first time in years I
was with my wife and children, and that was a peaceful Christmas".

John continued and said " I didn’t drink this time " and I praised God,
knowing him to be a recovering alcoholic. I know it is only God who could
deliver alcoholics from bondage.


John was depressed

 More revelations came as we talked  " I got jobless because of my
drinking habit and it is two years since I am out of job. I am always
depressed because of alcohol.”  I remember how his wife narrated him to
be sleepy and without any drive for work. John stayed home and fought
whenever he was irritated, being under the influence. He developed a mean
attitude and character “ Father my John was never this way” I remember
his wife, Sarah (fictitious name) sharing with me sometime back. 

God doesn’t leave any stone unturned

 John said to me yesterday, confirming his wife’s sharing. “All these
years I had been praying so that I stop drinking”.  There were many ill
effects of alcoholism. I have heard him say that he prayed for
deliverance from alcoholism and related ill effects. John continued
sharing, “I had been away from my God and family. I have wasted money on
wine and women. There is no commandment of God that I didn’t break. Thank
God we didn’t divorce.

(He took a deep breath).” 

 Miracle on Christmas Eve

 John’s voice was broken. He continued sharing the miraculous encounter
with God. “I went to the liquor store a couple of times and there was no
money even in my credit card. On Christmas Eve, I was at the parking lot
of a Super market to buy a bottle of liquor. I ran out of money. I know
my wife won’t give any money. I sat down in the cold and felt humiliated.
I didn’t have money to pump gas for my car. So I walked from home, in the
cold. I thought I am worthless. Many thoughts flashed my m! ind”. It is
uncommon for a white man to cry in someone’s presence.  It is less manly
for a man to shed tears in the American culture, as far as I understand.
I think this is a cultural trait and I respect that. But John cried. He
continued.“ I sat down and shed tears in that public place. I am sure
some of the shoppers have said, “He is drunk”. I prayed to God asking for
a different Christmas. “My God was patient with me.” and this statement
reminded me of Nehemiah.

“ You are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and
abounding in love” (Nehemiah 9:17). God is compassionate and Patient with
us sinners. I think this John was in turn patient with God. God guided
him through strange paths.  Thank God he didn’t commit suicide.

“I thought there is no reason to live” I remembered his sharing at one
point. St. James exhorts the faithful about the need to be patient with
God “Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord is coming” (James 5:7)

 John’s encounter with God

John continued sharing the powerful miracle in his life, his encounter
with God, God talking to him. John said to me“ Father I have heard a
voice from my heart. I could not believe God talking to me a sinner. Is
it possible that God talked to me a sinner? There is no commandment of
God that I haven’t broken”.

“Tell me more about that” I encouraged him.

John kept sharing. “ I have heard someone whispering to me. Stop
drinking. I am leading you. I couldn’t control my tears”. This reminded
me of God conversing with the Pro! phet Elijah through whispers. “Lord
was not in the fire. After the fire there as the soft whisper of a voice.
When Elijah heard it. He covered his face with his

Cloak. A voice said to him.” (1kings.1912 and 13.) 

John continued sharing how painful that was for him to go home on
Christmas Eve without drinking. “ Thank God. God made me poor to change
my lifestyle”. I praised and thanked God with John. I personally thanked
and praised God for listening to my prayers. I have prayed for him for a
while. For a long time, I wanted to hear from John what I have heard from
him yesterday.

This morning I met John and he seemed different, confident and I could
see different grace on his face.

 Never late to turn to God.

 The experience of John tells me that it is never too late to return to
God.  “God is forgiving, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and
abounding in love,” (Nehemiah 9:17) we read in the Book of Isaiah about
the forgiving attitude of God. “You are stained red with sin, but I will
wash you as clean as snow. Although your stains are deep red, you will be
as white as wool” (Isaiah 1.18-19). I think, we shouldn’t be ashamed to
return to God. Everyone is welcome

[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2001-12-27 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (December 28).

naveen lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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2001-12-27 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Loving Friends all over,
   Hope you all ahd a very blessed and spirit filled Christmas. Let us continue to 
grow in that spirit.
I like to request your valuable prayers for the annual year end (evaluation and 
planning) program for the Jesus Youth of America. The first line leadership (mostly in 
the North East region) will come together for prayer, reflection, evaluation, 
discernment, planning etc. from the 28th evening to 30th evening. Certain very serious 
decisions are to be made and strategies to be formed. So I request you all to keep 
this program in your prayers from now on till it is over. May God bless you all.
With Love and Prayers,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
Teaneck,NJ,USAhose participating. It shows the lack of seriousness and priority that 
we give to our call. It was announced so early that, had we tried, we all could 
attend. Please think: am I not attending this program for a real serious reason, or 
could I make it if I sacrifice a little. Think before the Lord and decide. Time is not 
over. You could still walk in.
   To all; please pray for this formation program, which is going to be a very 
serious one in the light of the future of JY of America. Especially all those not 
attending, should make a special effort to dedicate at least one hour in serious 
prayer for the program at any time and place convenient for you.
The program will be in Hershey (Dr.Manoj's residence). We will be prayerfully 
discussing and trying to discern the will of God for us as a fellowship for the next 
year, and the years to come. So please take it serious and pray earnestly. All those 
who can and feel called by the Lord, please try to make it even though at the last 
moment. OK
With Love and Prayers,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
Teaneck, NJ,USA

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[JOYnet] Prayer Request from Angela

2001-12-27 Thread Manoj Jons David

This is a request from Angela Maria (B.Tech student - Cochin Unviersity,
Professionals ministry)

Her father had a heart attack last month. They found yesterday that he has
three blocks (of which 2 of 80%) in his heart. They are going for angioplasty
tommorrow. There are some other complications also. He is at Amritha Hospital,
Ernakulam. Please keep him in your prayers.

Manoj Jons

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[JOYnet] Prayers needed

2001-12-27 Thread Josh Folks

Hello Everyone
Hope all of you had a great Christmas. We too had a good Christmas here in
Fujairah. This time around I need your prayer support for a good friend of
His name is Raiju and he will be undergoing a kidney transplant. He
is an engineer who works here in Fujairah, married and with one son. The
operation is at Appollo Hospital in Chennai and the donor of kidney is his
mother. The operation will be either on 28th i.e tomorrow or on 2nd.
thankyou for your prayer support.

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[no subject]

2001-12-27 Thread jojo

Hope u all had a nice christmas time.
and thanx for all ur prayers, my wife Minna reached here on family visa
pls pray for us to lead a happy and joyful family life
with prayers and love,
Jojo Puchamkulam

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Re : [JOYnet] Miracles of the Lord.

2001-12-27 Thread Shobith Thomas

Hi All

Thanks alfred for the sharing.I had some experiences this week

Yesterday I had asked all of u to pray for my sister
(JOYnet] An Open Heart and a Free Mind for Baby Jesus)
Yesterday I had gone to my house and called my sister up and 
I could not comprehend the way my lord had worked out.
She was telling me that she was Okay and was so thankful
to have a brother like me.Priase the Lord.He had worked
a miracle.

Last sunday after the mass me and my sister were about to leave 
rain started and I was afraid that I would not be able to take her out 
A week full of mirculous happening.All the while I was having a 
prayer in mind and asked lord to stop the rain.  But after a while
I started thanking the Lord and the rain subsided.When ever a drizzle
occurs I tell him "Jesus You Know Us.I Praise You for the Rain and let
your holy will be done" and the rain will subside.

Another thing Jesus did for me was the miraculous saving from two 
accidents.I was riding on my vehicle with my sister on one occasion 
and a dog was about to run across when an Angel of our Abba father 
turned him down and on another occasion I was all alone.In the case
I fell and not even a small bruise occured to me.

On monday i had gone to the HDFC bank to get cash.But somehow I could not get it and 
my card also got in the ATM machine and tension started.I was having a doubt whether 
the cash had already been billed from my account.All the day i was doubtful about 
it.Then in the evening I got my card back from  the bank and asked the lord to take 
care of the amount as I received an assurance from the Lord.Next day when I checked 
the expected amount was there

With Love and prayers in the name of Jesus Mary and Joseph 


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