2002-03-03 Thread mable mathew


Make a Right onto "Believeth Blvd."
Keep straight and go through the Green Light, which is
"Jesus Christ"
>From there, you must turn onto the "Bridge of
Faith,"which is over "troubled water".
When you get off the bridge, make a Right turn and
Keep Straight.
You are on the "King's Highway" - Heaven-bound.
Keep going for three miles One for the "Father", One
for the "Son", and One for the "Holy Ghost"
Then exit off onto "Grace Blvd." From there, make a
Right turn on "Gospel Lane."
Keep Straight and then make another Right on "Prayer
As you go on your way, Yield Not to the traffic on
"Temptation Ave."
Also, avoid SIN STREET because it is a DEAD END.
Pass up "Envy Drive," and "Have Avenue."
Also, pass "Hypocrisy Street," "Gossiping Lane," and
"Backbiting Blvd."
But you have to go down "Long-suffering Lane,"
"Persecution Blvd. and "Trials and Tribulations Ave."
But that's all right, because VICTORY Blvd is straight
 God Bless You and Have a Wonderful Day!!

mable mathew

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[JOYnet] Gel Candle

2002-03-03 Thread mable mathew

Praise the Lord!!

"My relative’s former secretary had a terrible thing
happen to her and her family last week, and I wanted
to share it with all of you so that you could be
warned and warn your friends and family as well. She
had a gel candle burning in her bathroom...it exploded
and caught her house on fire. The house burned down
and they lost everything. The fire Marshall told her
that this is not the first incident where a gel 
candle has exploded and caused a fire. He said that
the gel builds up a gas and often times it explodes
and sets fire to the room it is in, which is what
happened to her. The fire was so hot it melted the
smoke alarm, and they didn't discover the fire until
there was an explosion, which was her toilet blowing
up, and 
then it was too late...the entire upstairs was
engulfed in flames. Smoke damage and water damage have
destroyed what wasn't destroyed by fire Her family is
devastated. All their mementos and everything of value
and meaning are gone.

I know a lady who loves the gel candles. She had one
burning on her mantle and it caught fire just like the
message above. She was at home at the time and saw it
happen and grabbed the candle to keep
it from setting her home on fire and it came apart in
her hand. She saved her home but suffered 3rd degree
burns to her hand and 3 fingers. Please if you or
anyone you know have these candles, don't light them,
they are dangerous. 

And as if those two stories weren't enough...My good
friend’s husband was home on vacation and had a gel
candle lit on the top of the entertainment center. He
too saw the candle burst into flames. His first
instinct was to blow the candle out. Well, that didn't
work, so he blew harder. The gel from the candle
splattered and went everywhere. Everywhere included
his face. He had 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burns all
over his face. The gel doesn't cool like wax does, so
the bits that were still on his face continued to burn

And you can't wipe the stuff off; it just rolls up and
keeps burning. Please don't use gel candles.
Fortunately his scars are not noticeable now, but the
"what ifs" are tremendous. 

Please pass this along to anyone I missed. I wouldn't
want this to happen to anyone else. 

Thanks and take care! 
Mable Mathew

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[JOYnet] Need your prayers..

2002-03-03 Thread Manoj Sunny


We (Raiju Varghese and I) are leaving for a very important trip tomorrow and
we request your prayer support for this trip.
On the 4th we will leave for Jalandhar to do a presentation on 7th between
7.30 pm and 8 pm on our " National Prayer Campaign of light for World Peace" -
DIVYA JYOTHI during the CBCI ( Catholic Bishop's Conference of India) meeting.
On 8th,  we have a meeting at 6 pm in Delhi with the Evangelisation desk of
the FABC ( Federation of Asian Bishop's Council) on organising an Asian
Conference of Bishops and lay leaders in Thailand in October 2002, with the
theme " Evangelisation in the light of the Apostolic Exhortation -Ecclesia in
Asia. On 9th at 12 AM, we will join in the inauguration function and Holy Mass
of our newly bought NCO ( National Charismatic office) and in the evening we
will have another meeting with the DDST (Delhi Diocesan service team)
regarding the hosting of the National fulltimers training in English (training
for 40 days and placement in different parts of India for one year) this year
in Delhi. We will leave from there on 10th and will reach back on 12th. Please
keep us in your valuable prayers so that we may experience the guidance of the
Spirit ..

In union with Jesus and Mary,
Manoj Sunny

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[JOYnet] Divay Jyothi - A National Prayer Campaign of Light for World Peace

2002-03-03 Thread Manoj Sunny

Divya Jyothy

A National Prayer Campaign of Light for World Peace

The Flame

Presenting Divya Jyothis, a campaign of light across India. A creative
response of the Jesus Youth to the call of the Holy Father to pray for World
Peace. Across India, Divya Jyothis aims to be a symbol of reconciliation and
peace in families and communities.

This unique method of prayer is centred around the blessed candle. This candle
travels from family to family, bringing together families, neighbors and the
community, even from different faith backgrounds in an experience of prayer
and togetherness.

The Spark

The unprecedented response and grace of the 100-day preparatory prayer around
lighted candles, which covered over 21 different regions in Kerala in
preparation for Jesus Youth National Conference, is the inspiration for this
initiative. The preparatory prayer, which covered most of the regions of
Kerala, opened the hearts of young people to the beauty and power of praying
together as a community.

The Light

Starting off from a nation-wide celebration of Easter Sunday as a festival of
light, the campaign will last for a year and will conclude on Easter Sunday of

The reflections

Looking ahead, this campaign of light could lead the communities to new
avenues of understanding the power of prayer and peace.

As the campaign encourages a coming together of non-Catholics and non-
Christians too, it opens up new spheres of understanding and brotherhood.

A desire and openness towards prayer is created in communities across India.
Those outside the Church would be able to come to a clearer understanding of
the church and her mission.

With the involvement of priests, religious and elders guiding this Campaign,
Divya Jyothy will be the time of a special outpouring of the Spirit in
parishes across the country.

The details

The campaign leaders in each region will oversee the carrying of the blessed
candles to homes where specially developed one-hour prayer sessions involving
neighbors and relatives will be held. The candles could be in a home for one
day or to a maximum of one week.

The campaign co-ordinators will receive a blessed candle and they will prepare
detailed lists of homes and the time table. They will also receive a monthly
newsletter which will include specially designed prayers and the prayer
intentions of the Holy Father from the Jesus Youth National office.

Let the flame burn brighter

In this disturbed world, this campaign of light is an invitation for all
Catholic movements, social organisations, religious congregations and prayer
communities to take a step towards spreading an openness to prayer and peace
through sharing the flame in our hearts.

Let us welcome the Campaign of Light!

For Further details and Blessed candles, Please mail to

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[JOYnet] Urgent Prayer Request.......

2002-03-03 Thread ajishpothan

hello joynetter..

praise the lord

A nurse working in Kasturba Hospital ( Bhopal ) Mrs. Lancy, meet with an
road accident while she was returning to home.

She is very in critical and serious condition.  The Docter says that there
is no HOPE.and presently she in ICU.  She has got a little daughter...

So, dear prayernet warrior..do pray for her and make lord hear our prayer.

with lots of love and prayer
Bhopal( Madhya Pradesh )

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[no subject]

2002-03-03 Thread binu joseph

Jesus said: "You did not choose me but I choose you. And I
appointed you to go and bear fruit, friut that will last, so 
the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name."  (Jn


How is life getting on? Busy? Hectic!? Boring? or Amazing?

I guess many of us will feel the first three within, rather than
the fourth.  But believe me... we do not know the 
and unless we know it...there's no end  cheating our
selves and  bringing our self worth down!

Here is a chance to know the truth. Remember we decide on things
and the consequences that follow... are based on the 
we MADE...

DECIDE on it 2day,.



Cannot believe this... So come and trust your eyes...

FAITH 2002   - English retreat from March 7th to 11th 2001.

VENUE - Don Bosco Provincial House, Okhla.

TEAM   - Bro. Tony and team from Chennai.

FOR - For All who believe they are Young?

REQUIREMENTS - Your Bible, Notepad  and  Pen, Bedcover and all
that u need for personal care during those days.
Registration - 300 /-

Do revert for further clarifications. Otherwise, c yah out there
and till then. Remember  U R precious, loved and a valued gem, u
matter a LOT in the establishment of GOD's Kingdom and HE CARES 
share in all that u go thru!

Keep well and do well.

Jesus Bless

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[JOYnet] Any Ahmedabad News

2002-03-03 Thread mahesh peter

Anybody is having the news about Ahmedabad. I hope Thomaskutty & Siby will 
come up with the news. We hope all our JY friends are in Gujarat in safe 

With love & prayers,

Mahesh Peter
JY, Kuwait

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