[JOYnet] Touching Exp in H'bad............

2002-05-05 Thread Sanad_Henry

Hi Praise the Lord,
The Lord was really touching each and every one
out there..Yesterday for the Prayer Group in one of the Nursing School out
here in H'bad.The Co-ordinator and the Core Member's were
selected...They were with great power to do Much more for Christ...They
were telling that,they would even risk their Life for the Jesus Youth
MovementThat was really Greatand InspiringThanks to all for the
Prayers..The bellow ones are the names of the Coordinator and the Core
MembersPls do pray for them,and the other Youth out here in H'bad.We are
Planning to reach out to different areas out here your prayers are very much
PLs pray 1 Our Father and 1 Hail Mary for the Youth in H'bad.

Preetha Jacob   (Co-ordinator)

(Core members)
Sr Felix
Ligy George
Justy George
Noji Paulose
Juli Thomas

With Prayers,
Sanath Henry(Kollam)
JYouth H'bad.
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Fwd: [JOYnet] LITTLE HEAVEN updates

2002-05-05 Thread JOSEPH FRANCIS

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[JOYnet] A Vocation to serve God

2002-05-05 Thread JOSEPH FRANCIS

>1. A Vocation to serve God
>Joseph C Francis

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-05-05 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (May 06).

Tony Jose Joseph Vattackuzy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] ltr from Mathachan

2002-05-05 Thread mathachan George

Hai friends

.Ps pray for my wife-Maria,s final interview for nurseing
regi. in UK.
It will be on 7th may Tuesday 11-1 pm ( Indian time 3.30-5.30 )
I request your valuable prayers.
I wish all the blessing in this woderful month of our Mother
In Jesus & Mary

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[JOYnet] abortion paper 4

2002-05-05 Thread Lina Mathew

this is the concluding section of my paper, in which I have written my 
thoughts regarding the matter.



As a proponent of the pro-choice cause regarding the woman's right to her 
life and bodily integrity, as well as the right to choose her destiny if 
burdened with an unwanted child,  it had been my view that abortions should 
not be illegalised, because when the interests of the woman and the fetus 
hang on a balance, the mother's rights should prevail.  However, in the 
course of research on this topic, there has been a paradigm shift in my view 
Some feminist writers feel that the construction of the fetus as a 
rights-holding being is due to the male fantasy of autonomy in reproduction, 
transcending the maternal body.  They feel that as the fetus is made into an 
autonomous being, the female body is erased from the picture, and becomes a 
mere container holding the rights-bearing fetus. Now the fetus is  made to 
be in need of protection from the mother, and the mother is constructed as 
both a potential threat to the innocent and a perversion of the natural1. 
They feel that the emergence of he fetal rights discourse exemplifies the 
fantasy of masculine auto-reproduction, because a woman's body increasingly 
is taken out of the reproduction equation. The female body is made an object 
of control rather than an autonomous self. In a doctor-fetus relationship, 
where the doctor ('father figure') is best placed to protect the rights of 
the fetus, this picture becomes increasingly dominant.
This argument is definitely a possibility... conceded that there most 
probably is a male hegemonical agenda behind this argument . However in the 
light of evidence that the fetus  from the point of conception is a human 
being, the researcher opines that ,this argument is possibly the only chance 
that the baby has against extermination. In that context , this argument , 
chauvinistic though it may be, might have achieved some ultimate  benefit, 
though the means (ie, the reasoning for the same), is most definitely flawed 
and to be deplored.It is definitely true that if animal rightists create 
such a great hue and cry over each animal which is ill-treated, whether a 
wild animal in a zoo or forest reserve, or a stray dog on the street, then 
definitely a human fetus, being a human being, should be granted all 
protections under international and state laws. With the population 
explosion in poverty-stricken countries like India, however, it seems to be 
a much easier way out to frame a law legalizing abortion.
Another issue which may be mentioned as a passing reference in this paper 
is the English position regarding research on fetuses. In India, the 
I.C.M.R. Code on Ethical Guidelines for Bio-Medical Research on Human 
Subjects, 2000, has been framed. However, these remain as ethical 
guidelines, non-enforceable by anyone, and the human fetus remains at the 
mercies of the medical staff and research analysts.
It is a common concern in India hat young people are becoming so callous 
that they do not think twice before going for an abortion. This is quite 
prevalent among people belonging to the higher echelons of society, who are 
the main propagators of the misuse of the MTP Act. Abortion clinics are 
sprouting  at the rate of a dime a dozen, and there is no hesitation in 
using abortion as a different form of contraception. A recent development 
that has to be viewed with the greatest concern is an advertisement by a 
doctor, published recently in one of the leading national newspapers, saying 
that if anyone wants to get an abortion, they can contact her using the 
information given in the advertisement. It is shocking that the respect for 
fetal life is now so minimal, to the extent that even doctors are 
advertising their services in this regard.
The presence of a clause in the MTP Act permitting abortion in cases of 
failure of contraception has reduced the legislation into one which is being 
violated by all and sundry. Even doctors who genuinely try not to abet 
abortion in unnecessary cases get beguiled when the woman pleads for an 
abortion by citing failure of contraception. Thinking it their duty towards 
their motherland to conform to India's policy to curb population growth due 
to our tremendous population growth, they consent to perform the abortion, 
only to find out  that the baby was a female child who was unwanted by the 
Another issue of pertinence which was discussed earlier is the practice of 
partial birth abortions, which is actually 4/5 infanticide and 1/5 abortion. 
This is  legal in the United States because President Clinton vetoed the 
bill that would have banned it - the bill that was passed by a bipartisan 
majority of the House and Senate. It is commendable to note that in India, 
such a heinous practice is impermissible due to the Explanation in s. 299, 
IPC. The permissibili

[JOYnet] Abortion Paper--Part 1

2002-05-05 Thread Lina Mathew

hello Joynetters!
I'm finally done with an undertaking inspired by the joynet debate on 
Abortion, with regard to the case pending before the Kerala High Court and 
the move in the Kerala Legislative Assembly to scrap the Medical 
Terminationof Pregnancy Act. After a long time, I'm finally done with this 
paper, which I have submitted to fulfil the requirements of the Medical Law 
and Ethics seminar course, which is part of  the  LL.M. course I'm doing at 
present. I hope that my wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ will find 
it satisfactory to their concepts, of which I had been quite sceptical. This 
is why I decided to make an investigation to find the truth. Due to size 
considerations, I shall be sending this paper in various parts.
The title of this paper is 'Abortion--When Will the Truth Set Us Free?'. I 
have added certain references to our joynet discussions on this topic. 
Particularly, I would like to thank my Jesus Youth brethren who have so 
inspired, encouraged and helped me to undertake this project, especially 
Roshni Kurien- JY Trivandrum, Mathew Joseph- joynetter Bangalore and Josun 
Jose- joynetter New Delhi. special thanks to Kripa Joy, joynetter Bangalore, 
and sister-lawschoolite, without whose vigilant efforts  i would net have 
been able to reach a coherent conclusion on this topic. And above all, glory 
be to Jesus, Who alone reveals the truth to us sinners to set us free.
Love in Christ,


Medical law or health law is that part of law which is related to the care 
of human health and

the application of other civil, administrative, penal and international law 
in relation to it.

National and international legislation, self-regulation and case law are 
importance sources

for medical law. Health law is concerned with the right to health care. In 
the treatment of

patients' rights, a distinction is to be made between social and individual 
rights Health care

embraces a full range of services covering health promotion and protection, 

prevention, diagnosis, treatment, care and rehabilitation. Social rights in 
health care relate to

the societal obligation undertaken or otherwise enforced by government and 
other public or

private bodies to make reasonable provision of health care for the whole 
population. Social

rights also relate to equal access to health care for all those living in a 
country or other

geopolitical area and the elimination of unjustified discriminatory 
barriers, whether financial,

geographical, cultural or social and psychological. In contrast, individual 
rights cover such

areas as the integrity of the person, privacy and religious convictions.

The right to health care is stated in international human rights documents, 
and is associated with the

rights to physical and mental integrity. This right is based on the 
principle of individual self-

determination. In addition to the general international human rights 
documents , the European Social

Charter, 1961 , the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine of the 
Council of Europe and the

1994 Declaration on the Promotion of Patients' Rights in Europe , issued by 
the WHO's Regional

Office for Europe. These instruments help in adopting a general standard of 
care to be suitably

adapted to the circumstances of each country.

The term 'unborn ' refers both to the already conceived entity within its 
mother's womb and to the

future hypothetical entity that is to be conceived. the fetus has been 
defined as: ' a living entity that

comes into being as the result of the fertilisation (in vivo or in vitro) of 
a human egg by a human

sperm and that develops in the alters of a woman or that is physically 
separated from a woman's

body but is unicable or surviving and developing outside the uterus . In 
this paper, the term 'unborn'

is used referring to the fetus.

Fetal life, progresses in five stages:

a. conception(the fusion of the spermatozoa with the ovum)

b. implantation ( the embedding of the fused cell in the uterine wall)

c. onset of cerebral or electrical activity

d. viability

e. delivery

The extent of the term 'unborn' covers all the above categories'.

Abortion has been an issue for centuries, which still offers much food for 
thought and

debate. In this issue we can see the interplay of social human rights to 
take care of the

health of the mother and the human fetus, and individual human rights of the 
mother and the

fetus. Religious and moralist beliefs put forth a challenging stance that 
knowingly aborting a

child is murder and hence should be punished. The opponents of this stance 
say that the

child is not a human being; hence there is no murder involved. Scientific 
evidence is used to

justify both stands. It is here that the role of law comes in. The duty of 
law is to examine

these various conflicting positions and to find an equitable solution to the 
problem of whether

a fetus can be aborted in the womb o

Re: [JOYnet] abortion project

2002-05-05 Thread dexon john netto

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[JOYnet] JY- Full timers -sharing - No. 4

2002-05-05 Thread Priya Joy

10th batch was the largest full-timer’s batch. In that batch, I happened to
notice an Ahamadabad guy Nelson. Serenity and glow on his face made him
unique from all the others. In looks and deeds, he was a matured and
disciplined person. Yes that is what Nelson is! Who spent his commitment
days at Manipal.

In Manipal, the JY activities were mainly based on professional colleges.
His main duty was to help these prayer groups to run in a smooth way. He
very much desired to form a Malayali prayer group among the parishers, since
the majorities were malayalis. The main barrier was that he doesn’t know how
to speak Malayalam. He got the parish priest to start one and keeping all
his confidence in Jesus, he went there to start a Malayalm prayer group. In
Bible its written- “ Those who seek the face of the Lord will not ashamed”
(Ps 36:5) He met a nun who was Keralite and she helped him with the prayers.
He claimed that that sister was send by Jesus himself other wise he would
have never succeeded in starting a Malayali prayer group there. Now in
Manipal that prayer group is very active.

Once Nelson had to collect some pro-life materials from Kerala for
conducting an exhibition in Manipal. Though he was ignorant of local
language, he personally comes down to Kerala. He did not even know to read
the bus boards. He was misguided by a person that materials are available in
Trichur which is at the northern side of Kerala but only later on he come to
know that is available in Kottayam that is in the southern part of Kerala.
His financial condition was that not sound. He had to economise in all
possible ways, and surrendered all his trials and tribulation to the lord to
make this exhibition success and that exhibition proved to be an out
standing one.

Nelson concluded his sharing by saying this –“ Friends, what ever you do in
word or deed do it Lord’s name, He will bestow his blessings upon you. No
doubt! You check it out and find out the difference.”

Why don’t we try?

Praise God!

Cochin/ India

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Re: [JOYnet] Prayers Worked Eh??

2002-05-05 Thread Priya Joy

Yes prayers worked!
I appreciate our JOYnetter Christopher who bought this idea. Its on March
19th my marriage fixed.
I highly recommend you all spinsters/ bachelors to recite at least a decade
of rosary for the marriage intention -for yourself & all the others.
It really works!


- Original Message -
From: "welchy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "joy net" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Chrisie boy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: y, May 03, 2002 2:59 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] Prayers Worked Eh??

> My Dear ones,  we all are struggling for the right man /woman in our life
> We have a lot of expectation from our future mate but God knows whats
> best for us .
> Lets put all our  trust in Him as we wait for our mate chosen by God .
> Here was an idea shared by a friend of mine .From today 18th of Jan till
> 19th, lets say a decade of  the rosary (or more) for the marriage
> -for yourself & all the others .
> Lets gather around his table & pray for each other ..lets expect lot from
> loving father who is crazy abt us
> Well Netters  don't get confused by the above part of the mail.Thats a
> paste of my mail sent to around
> 40 Bachelors & spinsters on my list  who have praying from   18th  Jan
> March 19th ..
> & well at the end of it we have  Good news
> Weddings bells of Priya & KKji
> Well our prayers not only reached to us in the Grp ..it extended outside
> Grp..Non Christians too !!!
> My colleagues Somali & Amit  are still figuring out on how their
> match ?
> but we knew that all
> PRAYERS WORKED  & the stars in the sky squared  up.
>  For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God,
> and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes(Deuteronomy
> 10:17:)
> Here is an awesome God whose  love reaches to all irrelevant of caste &
> religion
> He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. (Psalm
> 147:4)
> In the Holy Family of Nazareth
> Welchy f
> (mumbai )
> Well  the person who initiated this,  is another silent
Joynetter -Christopher
> from Chennai
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2002-05-05 Thread lijopaul00

Hi all
Master Builder …a very special training experience for active campus leaders ,going 
out from college campus after graduation is going  to be held on June 17-30 , 2002 at 
Aquinas Pastoral Center .Edakochi, Kerala.It will be a master training programme which 
will make one Masters in building the kingdom of god. Rosa Mistica is the  patron of 
the programme. We need your strong intercession for the programme in the form of 
BOUQUETS ( 1 heavenly father+ I holy mary+1 trinity + holy Mary filled with heavenly 
gifts , pray for master builders.). God has given me the chance to work with this 
programme team as I participated in the same programme last year.also a night vigil 
for the programme is going to be held at Emmaus, Ernakulam on26th May, 2002 . Do come 
if you are available or be with us where ever you are. You can expect more mails 
regarding same event in coming weeks.
Lijo, Muvattupuzha, Kerala
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