[JOYnet] Be grateful for your vital stats

2002-11-22 Thread biji

This is a good one.

A middle-aged woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital.While
on the operating table, she had a near-death experience.
Seeing God, she asked "Is my time up?"
God said, "No, you have another 43 years, 2 months, and 8 days to live."
Upon recovery, the woman decided to stay in the hospital and have a
facelift, liposuction, and a tummy tuck. She even had someone come in and
change her hair color. Since she had so much more time to live, she figured
she might as well make the most of it.
After her last operation, she was released from the hospital.
While crossing the street on her way  home she was killed by an ambulance.
Arriving in front of God, she demanded, "I thought you said I had another 40
years? Why didn't you pull me from out of the path of the ambulance?"
God replied, "I! didn't recognize you!"

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[JOYnet] Daily Bread

2002-11-22 Thread Primeson James
Concerning Fasting

"And whenever you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites,
for they disfigure their faces so as to show other that they are fasting.
Truely I tell you, they have received their reward.
But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face,
so that your fasting may be seen not by others but by your Father who is in
and your Father sho sees in secret will reward you.

Matthew 6 " 16 - 18

May God Bless You this Day and Forever

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[JOYnet] Something personal..

2002-11-22 Thread Manoj Sunny

I am writing a personal mail to joynet after a long time..

Recently I was wondering, ''When is a Jesus Youth born ?''

I found an interesting answer the other day - when a person says "I believe
because I believe".
Yes; so far I believed because of my birth in a Christian family, my
catechesis, what others told me about Jesus, because I attended a retreat,
because the Church teaches so, may be because I saw the face of Jesus in a "
Chappathi "...but now I believe because I believe.. May be all these things
could have helped me to believe ; but now I believe because I believe
(Samaritan woman) - I believe he came to earth for my salvation; I believe he
died for me and in his death and resurrection I have eternal life and this is
not a privilege meant for me alone and it is my responsibility to share this
good news of salvation with others...It goes on...I think for us Jesus Youth,
it is high time we concentrated on Jesus rather than on signs and wonders..It
is high time we stopped deliberating and asking,''Lord, am I the one...?'' or
''Is this what you want?'' and instead readily ask, ''How, Lord?  Tell me. How
should I proceed?''

I was there at Wilfred Uncle's (Father of John and Annie) funeral. It was such
a beautiful function. The whole parish was there..The Bishop and the Monsignor
who celebrated the Mass mentioned 'our Wilfred Uncle' several times...I heard
some one say ' There is no house in our parish that Wilfred Uncle  hasn't
visited..'' The Parish Priest who announced Uncle's death  that morning during
the Mass couldn't complete his sentence because of his tears..I heard
Christeen kids say "Who is going to tell us new stories now ?"..I met Uncle 14
years back in Trivandrum. He was a senior scientist in ISRO at that time..He
used to wear only white shirts.. and on that he always wore a small steel
cross even when he went to work.. A person respected by all...A very strong
supporter and animator of Jesus Youth...A person who  spread the beauty of
Jesus Youth lifestyle till the last day of his life..Yes.. We need more and
more animators like him..to guide us and to support us..I was so overwhelmed
to read Kurian Uncle's mail (Nellikkunnel) yesterday on Joynet. These are the
concerns of many of us..To keep this precious gift from the Holy Spirit - our
life style without making any compromise...We need mature animators for our
youth groups.. We have seen it through the years - where we have had strong
animators, the movement has grown steadily..

Kurian Uncle wrote " My only qualification to write this is my love for the
Jesus Youth life style" . I strongly disagree. Uncle is our animator and he is
spreading the beauty of this Jesus Youth life style may be much more than many
youth there. He is a man of prayer and absolute faith in Christ  who has
challenged many lives to a deeper commitment to Jesus not only the youth of US
but also many of us..And you can see..how beautifully he continues it.. Praise
God !

We are having a meeting with Mathew Joseph, Giju George, Bejoy, Manoj Jons,
Eddychettan ...(all our web-joynet core members) on  Sunday to pray and
discern the future of our cyber activities...Hope we will be able to form a
new core team for our web site and joynet on that day.. Please keep us in your

I have prepared a brief report of my trip to China  and the Mission
possibilities and certain projects we are planning to begin there.. Those who
are interested in knowing about it, please send a mail to me.. I will be happy
to send it to you..( I don't want to put it on Joynet for several reasons..)

I am leaving for UAE, Kuwait and Srilanka on 28th. Please keep our Middle East
gathering in your prayers - Our themes for reflection and prayer will be: -
Life style, animators, strong network for Intercession,  Mission etc..

In Union with Jesus and Mary,

Manoj Sunny, India.

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Re: [JOYnet] Seeking Jesus in Empty Grave.....

2002-11-22 Thread Prejomy Jose
Hi friends,

Really Dexon's write up is mind blowing. Since this is a beautiful ministry 
of JY we should pray and discern before pasting anything (especially 
sensational news) in Joynet. To be frank, this is the first time I prayed 
before pasting this input.

Prejomy Jose
Abu Dhabi

From: "dexon john netto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] Seeking Jesus in Empty Grave.
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 21:05:12 +0530

Dear friends.,

Its our way to pray before doing anything including
programmes,groups,meetings etc.

How many of us pray before sending mails to joynet?...

I used to pray for the persons when sending mail that they may experience
peace while reading my mail.and that make me consider him to be one I
should take care of.Today during the Communion while reaching the
Altar ,I saw the Tabernacle .I just looked in and find it empty.While
coming back after receiving Jesus, Joynet came to my mind with all the
present mails and discussions.are we seeking Jesus in the empty

Mind the thousands who are reading these mails Let them find Jesus,get
spiritual inspiration,motivated to do wonderful things,renew their spirit
and many more thingsso that our mails are worthy in Jesus` sight

"And whatever we do all should be done in Jesus name for the glory of
Abba Father"

keep in touch Love from Jesus & Dexon.


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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-11-22 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (November 23).

John Vadakekalam V <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dencil Fernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jason Roland Herbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sofia mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] He and I

2002-11-22 Thread seena George
Jesus to Gabrielle on Nov 29,1938

Corte.Chapel of Christ the King, I said,

"Take care of me, Lord."

He: "I've taken care of you to the point of dying for you. So you may
trust Me."

Jesus Loves You.

Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

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[JOYnet] Seeking Jesus in Empty Grave.....

2002-11-22 Thread dexon john netto
Dear friends.,

Its our way to pray before doing anything including
programmes,groups,meetings etc.

How many of us pray before sending mails to joynet?...

I used to pray for the persons when sending mail that they may experience
peace while reading my mail.and that make me consider him to be one I
should take care of.Today during the Communion while reaching the
Altar ,I saw the Tabernacle .I just looked in and find it empty.While
coming back after receiving Jesus, Joynet came to my mind with all the
present mails and discussions.are we seeking Jesus in the empty

Mind the thousands who are reading these mails Let them find Jesus,get
spiritual inspiration,motivated to do wonderful things,renew their spirit
and many more thingsso that our mails are worthy in Jesus` sight

"And whatever we do all should be done in Jesus name for the glory of
Abba Father"

keep in touch Love from Jesus & Dexon.


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[JOYnet] share your God Expereince.

2002-11-22 Thread Thomas Mathew
  Christmas is fast approaching. We need the Holy Spirit to celebrate the
christmas, the birth of Jesus in our lives.  Only with the Holy Spirit
anyone is able to accept Jesus as Lord and savior. I think we need to
start sharing our God expereince in the joynet. I like to share a
wonderful experince of my God in the ministry.  A few days back a couple
walked into Henderson, Auckland, New Zealand They were stressed out and
looked sad. They came to talk about their daughter who is away from the
Church and family.. I  prayed  with the couple.The Holy Spirit enabled
them to look at their lives differently. I have asked the parents to pray
to the Holy Spirit for three days before they talked to their daughter
who  has already moved out from their home and is thought to be in an
abusive relationship. On the third day they have called their daughter
and talked to her differently. The parents, especially the dad was able
to talk to the daughter with kindness and love. The parents experienced
God and communicated that God to their daughter. Usually they used to
explode over the phone. In the past, the dad wanted to be in control but
this time the dad allowed the Holy Spirit to be in command. The
daughter came back home for a visit. It is amazing how, Wednesday evening
they showed up for a charismatic healing celebration. The parents and the
daughter came. The daughter attended the whole celebration and went home
peacefully. Something which seemed to be impossible became easy by the
grace of God. Praise the Lord.The Holy Spirit made this difference in the
life of this family. Please share on the net, how the good Lord has
changed your out look on life.Fr Thomas Mathew/New Zealand./ Novemebr
22/2002 Ps. please pray for the retreat at Hamilton for the weekend. .

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Re: [JOYnet] Criticism

2002-11-22 Thread Sanju Joseph
Yes, I strongly feel that we should not criticise the
clergy as they are chosen people of God. My dad used
to advise me right from my childhood days never to get
into an argument with a priest / nun cos we have no
right on them. And if they shed a tear; God will hold
us accountable for it. 

The following thought is something which I often
contemplate on and I am happy that this brother had
also seconded it.

> Have we ever tried to look into the life of our
> priest where some leave in
> utter lonliness and despair but still strugle to
> keep their commitment to
> the church. Have we seen old priest harrowing there
> time with no one to
> share with. Inspite of all this they struggle to
> keep their commitment to
> christ and church.

Love in Jesus


 --- Vimal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello all,
> I aggry with Ms : Mary Jacobs. It is our call to
> reform church but that
> reformation does not come by criticising the church
> or giving head to
> untoward  critisism. Most of us expect high
> standards from our priest and
> ofcourse we must do so. But we always undermine the
> fact they are also human
> beings like us. What have they got that we haven't ?
> What they  lack that we
> have ? We all have equal reward in the glory of
> christ. remeber the fable of
> the farmer who employed workers at differen times of
> the day and gave them
> all the same reward.( I can't imagine sharing the
> same reward as that of
> st:paul when i'm there, this always baffles me:) ).
> Let's not undermine the fact that they are humans
> when we critisice them nor
> attribute them with super human credentials. When i
> think of fathers the
> first thing that always comes to mind is the
> sacrifice that they have made
> for the church and for the chirst in disowning a
> life long companionship.
> Have we ever tried to look into the life of our
> priest where some leave in
> utter lonliness and despair but still strugle to
> keep their commitment to
> the church. Have we seen old priest harrowing there
> time with no one to
> share with. Inspite of all this they struggle to
> keep their commitment to
> christ and church.
> And when at times they fail or seems to fail we all
> pound on them to tear
> them apart. How cruel it for us to do that. And who
> is the one who shout at
> them. The very people who enjoy all the pleasures of
> life and still in their
> greediness look out for 'greener pastures' (sorry i
> don't want to sound
> accusing). Just tink of each one of us who are
> raised and are in the family
> but still find difficult keep our holiness and
> commitment to GOD.
>  How greater must be their struggles in comparison
> with us.
> Each time we laity open our mouth to critisice the
> clergy remeber that they
> ar not likes but facing stonger struggles and are
> attacked more powerfully
> by satan 'coz he know when he gets a priest  he can
> take along with him a
> whole parish.
> So it becomes our duty to pray for them more and
> more rather than standing
> back and criticising them.
> Remember they give birth to jesus every day in holy
> mass
> Remember when they say ur sins are forgiven our sins
> are forgiven
> And Remember this is what they are called for and
> these things happen not
> 'coz of the standard of their life but by the
> anoinment from God.
> WARNING ! (I really mean this)
> Thing twice before criticising a preist the anointed
> of the mos holy ONE, ur
> r confronting god.
> This is not directed towards any individual but just
> expressing my anguish
> on this matter.
> Let's all pray that god gives us more wisdom to
> appreciate priesthood and
> love our priests.
> God bless u all
> vimal
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mary Jacobs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 9:41 PM
> Subject: Re: [JOYnet] naughty Bishop !!
> Hi Friends,
> Forgive me but I don't think we should pay much
> attention to articles such
> as these.  While it may be true that this has
> happened, it does us no good
> (nor the church for that matter) to read & dwell on
> these types of matters.
> By doing that, we are only feeding into the media's
> gross invitation to mock
> the Catholic church.  Perhaps this priest did make a
> mistake but who are we
> to judge.  This whole incident is not relevant to
> our spiritual growth or to
> our faith and morale as Catholics in any way.  I'm
> sure the powers that be
> in Rome fuelled by the wisdom of the Holy Father
> will resolve this issue and
> we need not think, worry or talk about it.
> I mean no offense to anyone but please in the
> future, let's really think
> about what we're posting. If it's not to anyone's
> benefit or advantage (in
> terms of spiritual growth) then perhaps we should
> think twice before we send
> it to everyone, especially with a title such as
> this.  Thanks for listening
> and God bless,..-Mary (Calgary, Canada

Re: [JOYnet] naughty Bishop !!

2002-11-22 Thread Suresh Kumar T. Jose
Hi all,

What Vimal and Mary shared is correct we need not spend our time and energy to
discuss others mistakes. Whether it is bishop or a neighbor we can't judge them
for what they are doing. Our Binoy might not intended to criticize anybody 
when he
forward that message. One good thing is Binoy is reading some Christian 
and getting informations, good benoy, But when you forward any mails pls 
think 2 times
because our Joynet it a very big group now we dont know it may some times
misleading some of our members.

:) then Benoy one thing where did u got that heading ???

Ok guys Christmas season, what are the plans for celebrating Christmas 
Any ideas
for e-celebration of Christmas???

Love, Suresh
Colombo, Sri Lanka

At 12:05 PM 11/22/02 +0530, you wrote:
Hello all,

I aggry with Ms : Mary Jacobs. It is our call to reform church but that
reformation does not come by criticising the church or giving head to
untoward  critisism. Most of us expect high standards from our priest and
ofcourse we must do so. But we always undermine the fact they are also human
beings like us. What have they got that we haven't ? What they  lack that we
have ? We all have equal reward in the glory of christ. remeber the fable of
the farmer who employed workers at differen times of the day and gave them
all the same reward.( I can't imagine sharing the same reward as that of
st:paul when i'm there, this always baffles me:) ).

Let's not undermine the fact that they are humans when we critisice them nor
attribute them with super human credentials. When i think of fathers the
first thing that always comes to mind is the sacrifice that they have made
for the church and for the chirst in disowning a life long companionship.
Have we ever tried to look into the life of our priest where some leave in
utter lonliness and despair but still strugle to keep their commitment to
the church. Have we seen old priest harrowing there time with no one to
share with. Inspite of all this they struggle to keep their commitment to
christ and church.

And when at times they fail or seems to fail we all pound on them to tear
them apart. How cruel it for us to do that. And who is the one who shout at
them. The very people who enjoy all the pleasures of life and still in their
greediness look out for 'greener pastures' (sorry i don't want to sound
accusing). Just tink of each one of us who are raised and are in the family
but still find difficult keep our holiness and commitment to GOD.

 How greater must be their struggles in comparison with us.

Each time we laity open our mouth to critisice the clergy remeber that they
ar not likes but facing stonger struggles and are attacked more powerfully
by satan 'coz he know when he gets a priest  he can take along with him a
whole parish.

So it becomes our duty to pray for them more and more rather than standing
back and criticising them.

Remember they give birth to jesus every day in holy mass
Remember when they say ur sins are forgiven our sins are forgiven
And Remember this is what they are called for and these things happen not
'coz of the standard of their life but by the anoinment from God.

WARNING ! (I really mean this)
Thing twice before criticising a preist the anointed of the mos holy ONE, ur
r confronting god.

This is not directed towards any individual but just expressing my anguish
on this matter.

Let's all pray that god gives us more wisdom to appreciate priesthood and
love our priests.

God bless u all

- Original Message -
From: "Mary Jacobs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] naughty Bishop !!

Hi Friends,

Forgive me but I don't think we should pay much attention to articles such
as these.  While it may be true that this has happened, it does us no good
(nor the church for that matter) to read & dwell on these types of matters.
By doing that, we are only feeding into the media's gross invitation to mock
the Catholic church.  Perhaps this priest did make a mistake but who are we
to judge.  This whole incident is not relevant to our spiritual growth or to
our faith and morale as Catholics in any way.  I'm sure the powers that be
in Rome fuelled by the wisdom of the Holy Father will resolve this issue and
we need not think, worry or talk about it.

I mean no offense to anyone but please in the future, let's really think
about what we're posting. If it's not to anyone's benefit or advantage (in
terms of spiritual growth) then perhaps we should think twice before we send
it to everyone, especially with a title such as this.  Thanks for listening
and God bless,..-Mary (Calgary, Canada)

>From: "Sangeet Binoy (REPORTER" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "mail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [JOYnet] naughty Bishop !!
>Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2002 19:00:00 +0530
>Shamed Zambian archbishop celebrating first Mass since marriage scandal
>CASAMARI, Italy  _ A Zambian

[JOYnet] TODAY`S SAINT.......

2002-11-22 Thread suma thomas
November 22, 2002 
St. Cecilia 
(3rd century) LIFE:  St.Cecilia   was   born   in  Rome,  towards   the  end  
of  the  second  century,while  Alexander  Severus  was  the  reigning  Emperor.As  a  
young  girl,  her  talent  for music  was highly  remarkable.She  was  a  patrician  
girl  but was brought  up  as   a  Christian. From  an  early  age  she   determined  
to remain  a maiden  for  the  love  of  God & she  used  to  fast, perform  
penances&charitable  works.  But  the  parents   planned  to  give  her   in  
marriage  to a  young  patrician, Valerian  by  name.In  the  evening  of  her  
wedding  day,  with  the  music   of  marriage-hymn still  ringing  in  her  ears,she  
renewed  the  vows by  which  she   had  consecrated  her  virginity to  God. And  
with  courage  she  said  to  her  husband **I  have  a  secret   to tell  u.You  must 
 know  that I have  an  angel  of  God  watching  over  me.If  u  touch  me   in  the  
way  of  marriage, he  will be  angry & u  will  suffer; a!
nd  if  u  respect  my  maidenhood  he  will  love  u  as  he  loves   me.**   
Valerian  a nobleman  requested  Cecilia  to  show  this  angel and  then  he  would 
comply  with her  request if  it  were  true. " If  u  believe  in  the  living, one 
true  God and  recieve the  water  of  baptism, then  u  will  see the  angel" was  
Cecilia`s  reply.Valerian  consented  and  she  sent  him  to  find Bishop  Urban,who  
baptised  him,when  he  returned,to  his  dismay,  found  her  standing   by  the  
side  of  an  angel. The  angel  approached  him &laid   upon  the  head  of  each, a  
chaplet   of  roses&lilies.He  was  fully  mooved &  within days  he  and  his  
brother (converted  by  Valerain`s  faith)  sealed  their  confession  with their  
martyrdom.They  were  beheaded  by Almachim, the  prefect. Cecilia  had  
the  bodies  buried and when she  was  sommened before   the  Prefect , confessed  her 
 faith..the  death  appointed  for her  was  by  suffoca!
tion  and  she  remained a  day &night immersed  in  boiling  water.She  merged  
unscathed & then  she  was  struck  with  an  axe,laid bleeding  for  three  days,  
praying  and  exhorting  all  who  visited  her..and  atlast  expired  singing  
praises  to  God. PATRONAGE:
   Albi France, composers, martyrs, music, musicians, musical instrument makers, 
archdiocese of Omaha, Nebraska, poets, singers 
"" Do  you  not  know  that  nothing  will  make  me  so  happy  as  to  die  for  
Christ?"" (St.Cecilia)
A  PRAYER  TO  Saint  Cecilia

 O holy  martyr  Cecilia, the  Lord  blessed  you  with   the  gift of  music,  
and  in  turn  u  consecrated  yourself  to  him. Bless  all musicians,  that  they  
achieve   the  full  potential of  their  gift  of  music,  using  it  to  the  glory  
of  God. Pray  also   for  all those  listen  to  the  music,  that  they  may  
appreciate the  wonders  of sound--melody  and  harmony,voice and  
instrument,syncopation  and  rhythm--   and  through music  they  may  come  to  know  
the  glorious  beauty  of  our  Creator, who  wishes  only  and  at  all  times  our  
complete  wellbeing.

   Intercede  for  those  who  make  promises  and  vows. Help  them  uphold  thier 
word  faithfully,  and  help them  seek  truth  sincerely, that  they  may  know  
whither  they  r  called and  what  God  wants  them   to  do.

 O  Saint  Cecilia,  pray  for  us.Amen.

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Re: [JOYnet] Horoscope and Holy Spirit

2002-11-22 Thread Suresh Kumar T. Jose
Dear Friends,

I was closely watching (of course reading) all mails about vasthu,
horoscope etc. From my early ages itself i never believed any of
these things... Vasthu, Time, Horoscope, stars, So many beliefs
related to this.

In our homes so many belive when you go for a journey or good
things don't look back or step back because you may not success
in that trip. there are good time/bad times to do things, While somebody
is eating  you can't say good bye and leave that family, then how to eat,
how to dress, when you start your vehicle in the morning first you have
to take vehicle little forward then only reverse other vise you might
meet with an accident, Then there are good days and bad days,
good months and bad months (in Malayalam karkidakam is not
good for wedding), good colors and bad colors, then matching of stars..
If you just look around and inside you can see so many beliefs like this
where all this came from  May be we got it from parents &
from friends Is it useful or will it make any harm for us???

From my personal experience I have few things to share with you.
if you belive all this these may become relevant  but if you dont
belive then none of this can affect your life. I never belive any of
above things, Time, place, days, months, persons, everything is
made by  Our God and he saw everything beautiful and good.
My parents believed that it is not good to step back when we
go for journey... But i made it very clear by steps back each
time I go for good things and made it clear in mind there is
nothing like that. We being Jesus youth I think we should not
spread this kind of beliefs. When we plan our wedding
(for married some other good events), or go for a journey, build
a house, we should not follow this kind of things If God is
supreme then times, days  or  stars can't do anything to harm you.
This may be difficult for some people to accept. Even in Catholic
magazines and news papers we can see horoscope these kind
of things slowly change our mentality and beliefs and its
dangerous than known evils.

One funny thing is here many of my friends can't belive that
when I told I don't know my star. My star is Christmas star and it is Jesus.

With Love, Suresh
Colombo, Sri Lanka

At 02:03 PM 11/21/02 -0800, you wrote:

Dear friends in Jesus,
As I was going through the hot discussions on faith vs
superstition(vasthusasthra,horoscope etc.,),I thought
of sharing this incident that happened to me 2 years
I was a firm believer of horoscopes 2 years ago!I
always used to read my Zodiac signs and I firmly
followed them.I was so fond of this,that I collected
many articles and books on this topic.I went one step
further and started reading palms of my friends with
my 'knowledge'.They said many things came true.Ah! I
became very popular among my friends and seniors.Then
one day,I came across a book "Blessings or curses,You
can choose" by Derek Prince,a famous Evangelist.An
incident in this book touched me deeply.
(Derek Prince was preaching in a hall,and he noticed a
sad young man among the audience.Later he went up to
the man and asked him why was he sad.The young man
said,"Everybody here receives the Holy Spirit during
praise and worship,but I don't."So Derek prayed for
him and asked him"Did you go to a fotune teller?"the
man replied"yes,but it was for fun,I didn't mean
it"Derek replied"will you commit adultery and say it
was for fun,you didn't mean it?Repent my son"the young
man repented and in the next session he was anointed
with the Holy Spirit.)
I was very moved by reading this.I used to go to
various retreats,but I always saw that everybody
around me spoke in tongues and was touched by God in
many ways but I never had any such experience..I mean
I was left very dry,untouched and I used to ask Jesus
with tears in my eyes"Why God,not me?I want to know
your Holy Spirit."Whenever anybody mentioned about
horoscope,I used to say,I don't believe in it,but just
for fun.now I knew this was no fun.There was a prayer
at the end of the book asking for forgiveness from
God.I knelt down in front of the Crucfixion icon and
started praying.When I came to a sentence"I commit
myself to destroy all objects.."I felt as if somebody
had caught my tongue.I started the prayer again and
when I came to that particular sentence,again that tie
was there.I started a 3rd time and when I reached that
sentence I began to cry.Now I knew something was
wrong.suddenly I remembered the various books and
articles I had in possession about horoscope.I got up
and immeditely took all of them out and threw them
into the dustbin.Then I started to say the prayer
again.I finished the prayer smoothly and then burst
into tears bcoz I felt as if some kind of burden was
lifted away from me...I was free of some bondage.That
night my father called me to say that my Holy
Confirmation was arranged for.(We had been trying to
have this Sacrament,but there was always some
difficulty,now it was removed).So I received my